MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY '20, 1!)0!). SUGAR, WHITE and OREGON PINE m.' LUMB H FIR LTH and CEDAR SHINGLES Acme Cement Plaster & Portland Cement RUBBEROID ROOFING, BRICK, LIME, DEADENING FELT and BUILDING PAPER. Whatever you want we want to give you. Satisfaction is our motto and we want your business BIG PHACTS FROM PHOENIX. Kcv. W. Theodore .M.-itlnrk mid Rev. Di'.vis lire euiiduetiut,' !i scries of revival meeting Jiere ut I li 1 tiibernnHe. liev. Mutlo.di, who held ;i revival hero Inst year, is Ilie preacher, while .Mr. Davis is the singer. Mr. Davis is a vocal music instructor of i:lulity, he having I tee 1 1 instructor at Hiiyene for two years. Charles Olson has subdivided his place west of the depot ami is selling it off in fivencrc tracts. Miss .losie Calhoun was n Med ford visitor Thursday, as was also Rev. Mat lock, Fred Furry and many others. Owetn Duiilap spent one day this week in Med ford looking r.fter businness in terstw. ! Mrsh. .lames Allen of South Phoenix spent Wednesday in Medford shopping, j Our merchant, Andrew lloarn, was also I a Medford business visitor one day this week. j Arthur S. Furry. Klmer (i. Coleman and wife were in Medford on business, t he latter visit i tig Jacksonville, Will Ferns of Ferns Valley made a business call in .l.icksonville Friday to pay his taxes, an he says. Maybe it was for that ami ni:iybe it wasn't. A few dayH will tell. M r. Swinger of Ashland was down to his ranch across the creek east of (own on Monday. Messrs. Allen, (ieorge and Charles W. "Roberts spent last Friday, the 1i!th. in Medford to take p:;rt in the Lincoln exercises. f Ieorge Allen played the same fife and drum they played and followed the Stars and Stripes in the civil war. PAYS $1 09.05 FOR JUST ONE CHICKEN VAXCOFVKK, Wash., Feb. 2 For killing a spring chicken, worth about 15 cents, M. C Clurlesebnis is under sentence, to pay a fine of 5 ami costs, making n total of 10l.!5 by Judge W. V. McCredie of the superior court. Last fall Charlebois, while walking across his farm, noticed that chickens owned bv Fdward NMrvin. a neighbor. were scratching up his crops. Irritated at the sight of the fowls. Charlebois se cured n gun and shot one chicken. Mc Irvin had his neighbor arrested and tried. The court fined Charlebois 1 and $fl costs. Charlebois refused to pay, and appealed hin ease t t ho su perior court, but. lost his suit. Charlebois threatens to appeal the en so to the supreme court. rlx-Mnyor K. M. Green defended Charlebois. SMUGGLED CHINESE STARVE AND FREEZE NEW YORK, Feb. it. Seven Chi nese are in the custody of the immigra tion inspectors at Morristown. where the sheriff is awaiting word from A sistaut United States Attorney General Fields. The Chinese were discovered half starved and n-aily frozen, in a box enr, which had cone from Canada under seal and labeled "merchandise.-' Tho Mongolians declared they were rdaeed in the car by a i lan to whom they paid $"J.5 apiec' They were told .1..... ...i.i i.n ...nif-i at sunnniT, ' at tuinnn. With this clue the government offi eials have begun an investigation. "SALOME" DANCE MAKES HOWDY DO IN MEXICO OAXACA. Mex.. Feb. 2". Th' lome" dance has reached M'Xtc winding, sensuous steps of the fa-n.-u- dance are being presented at a im'.n theater bv a pretty little American ac tress and the performance has created al! kinds of a row. Some of the C"' people thought it wr.s awful, others -lid not. nnd so loud gr-w the rumpu that the citv council held special rion a d.iv or two aim and ad.iourne d Ml to tho theater to witness in it ffieial capacity ns c L.n of the public mor als this much talk of dance. AtTei -w...-;..rr dm norformaiice ti. citv latn ers once more met. r.wi " " u'"-' of one vote it was decided to allow the performance to continue. HIGH HEELED SHOES AT WEARER'S RISK MOW YORK, Feb. 2i. High heels adorn women 's shoes at the wearers' risk,( according to a precedent estab lished in the court at .Newark, X. J. Two women appealed to the court for damages charging they had been thrown to the ground by the sudden starting of a streetcar which started before they liad cleared it on leaving it. Kinployes of the street ear eompr.ny testified that the plaintiffs were wearing high heeled shoes at the time of the accident, and the court disufissed the suits, holding that such shoes it ut ed contributory negligence. FIVE WARRANTS FOR ALLEGED BUNKO MAN I,()S AM ! IXF.S. CaL Feb. 2K Five warrants f ir l.yman K. Jones, head nf the Jones & Ryder I-:; ml company, are in the hands of officers, but no trace of t lie missing man has been found. Join s is accused of defrauding clients out of various sums of money. The last warrant charges that he secured ifuoon on the representation that he held a. mortgage on certain property. K. S. Todd, the complaining witness, leclnred todav that he afterward discovered Jones had lit interest of any kind in Hie laud. BOYS ARE BOYS, THOUGH MARRIED SAI.FM, Or., Feb. 20. Boys won't become men this vear. The house has put the lid on Senator Sinno'.t s bill providing that bovs and girls who a- married according to law should be considered as having reached their ma jority. Dimick explained that the pur nose of the bill wes to allow married boys to transfer real property, but the house killed it. NOTED VIRGINIAN WOMAN IS DEAD WASHINGTON", Feb. -i'. Miss Fm i!v Virginia Mason of a famous Vir- familv. who wmi fame during the ivil war as a nurse ot conte'lerate j.ddiers at Libby prison, died last, night in this city, aged i4 years. Stephen Thompson M:oon. first governor elect ed in Michigan, was her brother, and her father was l!en"ral John Thomp- , M-w,.,! first territorial governor of that state. After the war h; wrote the first life of General Robert K. Lee, .ho was her intimate friend. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake the Cause of Your Troub lea A Medford Citizen Shows How to Cure Them. Manv peojile never suspect their kid evs. If suffering from a lame, weak or nehing back, they think that it is onlv a muscular weikness; when urin arv trouble sets in they think it will non correct itself. And po it is with the nther symptoms nf kidney nisor- ,er:. That i jnt where the Hanger, lie. You mint ear- these troubles or; thev mav lea l to diabetes or Bright V disease. The best remedy to use tsj i ,-, -i .I v Kidnev Pills. It cures all ills , " :ir' ,iUH", .' :ik or diseased , kidnev. Medford people u-;uij i" : manent, cures. t M. Diden nf .Mel!oni, "r.. mn. " r received very gratifying results from of Dean's Kidnev I'ilN. I snf- 'Sa-!ferd frotn what doctors called rheuma Theltism eaed from an excew of uric acid n,v My kidneys were out d' nd the tr' dd- serve.l to run health. I could not lin''ig dizzy and was v lien rvrtn '9 Kid Miv attention, nnd I down ie L'C';'"'''-', -(nop Witiinllt be feeling ni-eerrtbb li- v I'll!" came t procured a h :,t Hnliin5 dmg vor-. i .l. T n.-,nti noed I was BTid wa entirely free from th com plaint nle by all dealers. Price 50 cent? MUburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.. nol- For Foptei aL'ent' for the l intel stares. Kemeinber tho name tiike no other. 2S" ponn s nnl 49 Recorder. PINES LUMBER CO. MAY REVEAL SECRETS j THAT ROOSEVELT GUARDS WASHINGTON', eb. 20. President Roosevelt's request that tho itemized statement of expenditures made from the war deficiency fund of 1SD0 be considered confidential niny be ignored by the senate. The document has been xaniined by senators, who say they are not impressed with the importance of concealing tho informat ion it con tains. The reason given by President Roose velt for the request was that the war fund had been used to send military agents into foreign countries to gather material for the secret use of this gov ern men t. While I his is true, certain senators have declared that the report so hides the details that the publica tion of the report could not result in any diplomatic estrangements. The resolution bringing the statement to t he senate was introduced by Mr. Fo raker, after he learned that the de tectives used in working on the Drowns ville ease had been paid from the war deficiency fund. It is declared by sen ators who have examined the treasury statement that the information sent in shows that several ' ' junkets" were paid for from thin fund. WOMAIN TRAILED AND ATTACKED BY THIEF OAKLAND, Feb. 2ft. Kdwin Car mody, a hod carrier, is under arrest charged with having attacked Mrs. K. I-'. Morgan, wife of a ship's officer, on the Clay street wharf, lie followed her from a store up town. Her screams brought her husband from the steamer .Teannette, where the couple live, but he was held back by the thug's revolv er. A man grappled with the thief, but he succeeded in making his escape and was not captured until 15 minutes later by Policeman llolmberg. CANTON, O., Feb. in. C. W. Mar lin, civil engineer and farmer, made a flight of 25(1 feet at a height of six feet in his aeroplane this morning. The initial power is furimhed by a horse at tached to a rope and pulleys. Liverpool I km a library uf 'JRiUio:) volumes. The iiuij,!;t of books t.i!; u home during the last year was MX, while 1.410. Nt were u-ed for ivf erenee in the library. In other words, vach bouk was on ilie average ustd ten thiieH. An artillery lieutenant In Kraguyo vutrt, Sorvia. lias been seliteiieed t twenty-one days' hnpi Isnnmeiit f r .onipellliig a recruit to undergo tin most cruel lhdl'nity In Servian eyes. This i-oiiHlNied In milking blm slinve nls mustaehe. Women of China are suld to be keen ty anxious to have n vol. a In public iffuirs. uml ji movement 1h afoot union" the dai? , liters of the orient to establl. !i tb-;nselves on a level with their mc:i folk as fur as nodal and politl-al nf 'airs are coti erned. There are at present n duty in the main thornu-hfares if I'arls tweniy jtie polieenieti who sp;-ak I'.nu'li di. nln who speak Ceriliuu imd si v. lio spe-i . niii.Hi. ami 1 their iisefllitiess ins iieeti (,.,1M,nst rat ed Cat t!i t'ifit the pre feet of p W -e has derided to add t their number as opportunity may irlse The distaii-e around the w-.r!d vi the Transsibei iati ni.d our own ir-ms .-uutlnentai railway lines Is sli..n to be 17:t:T mile. The sailni'.: dStaie-e around the world from V'W V -i U vl.i Kln-' Manill. Cilllll. Hie HawHlhni Islands and Fanau. to New York airain "uuld b -Itlinl miles. The first t uiiih I under a river ever eoiislruvi.-d 1" Kran-e has Ju-t been eompled Id I rl - It rut.s under the Nellie from the Flaeo de la Comorde b. thevhaud.erof dep i:!.- and It U P' of the hv M-fr.p M'an m.h.-v l!..e. vlil.- 1,e op--, 1 pr...:u.ij o m fr Mo;.t r: r: u'mrte I" the l-orte ! V.-r-nllls. i WIFE OF COBBLER INHERITS FORTUNE KVKKKTT, Wash., Feb. "0. Mary J. King, one of tho fivo hedrs to an es tate in Texas valued at more than $1, (KiO.tMhi, is making arrangements to tie part for Ilie southwest to claim her share. Mrs. King, who is the wife of a poor cobbler at Mukilteo, was located through the medium of a newspaper item. The estate was left by John I'M uioiisoii, an uncle of Mrs. King. AGED MAN FINDS HIS YOUNG WIFE CRUEL OAKLAND. Feb. 'JO. Ferdinand Franeeschinelli, a cement worker, aged 7'), today was divorced from Matilda l-'raaeesehinelli, who was but .'17 years old, but. who weighed L'HO pounds. Kram-esehinrlli stated that for IS mouths he had been compelled to live in a barn. His wile lately also hrokc bin shoulder. An afl'inilv in the form a baker was aNo added to the sum his wife's extreme crindtv. RKMOM'TIOX. A resolution changing the name South Walnut street bark to its original name (Tripp st reet) as a.t present recorded on the count v records: He it Kesolved, Hy the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, the mayor concurring, that tho name of the street located in Mast Medford and ow known as South Walnut be and is herebv re-named its original name I'ripp street as it stands of record at the eounty seat, when said street was bdieated to the city of Medford, Ore- goa, and placed on file with the county order. The foregoing resolution was passed bv the citv council of the city of Mod- ford, (iregon. this Itith day of February, l!H'!, by the following vote, to wit : Welch aye. Merrick aye, limerick aye. Wort man aye, Kifert aye, and !emmer ave. ' Ann roved February Hi, lt"!. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: HKNM. M. COIJJNS, Prepaid Railroad 'Orders. "Something which is of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally knowr ir tho system or prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the I'nited States By means of this system tickets may purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come hero. Sleeper accommodations nnd small anmunts of cash in connection witn these tickets jiay also be forwarded at the sain .ims." tf MEDFORIJ SASH & 1)0011 COMPANY PHONE 2291. Wisdow Frami'B, tk Veneered Doom, with Here! Plate, carried in stock ?bfap. Office Piitun'R and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, im-hiding Turnnd Work and Fancy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVENTU BTRKKTH. ASK. .DIAMOND JM2AND O row ii fr Puclfie NorthM Holl inul Cliniftln. m mii l-pln) to all l-t'Ht linlr, ,Uk for Citui I on hi', li )i on m iii our iii'IkIOhh iMniit, riii un, tthihk.' iiiiinc nt )iinr denier, iitnl we will until inn a inn 1n( uf I timer nrvtU fr' fiT nr (reiililn PORILAhO St tO C3,, POMliNO, OK100N. kHO SPOKAKI, WIH HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our expert decorative sprrialiit will vi it your city ioon. Without obli g;itiii you he will discuss the fur nidiiiis for your new home. Write lot panlcuUti J. G. Mack 6c Co. Furniture and Carpets PORTLAND. ORRKON Singh Room i h'umiihed Tastefully My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7lh, on I) street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PAT TURNS EIFERT The City Tailor HOT fP-'-S"' Medford 1 tuhc pli'Msuro in iiiiiioiiioiii tluit I havo tici'urod Williams Jubilee Singers for mi i'iiii:i'UM'iit nt tho Medford Thcutor, TUICSDAV, l-'KHbTAIiV This company will be rcmninborod from lust Hitisiiti :ih plit v i 1 1 n on t ho led uru i-oui'hu ono night, :iud Kiviu n froo sacred ciHiccrt on tho next night (Sun d:.y). I c:in li'i-oiiiiiii'iid this rnTii.;iii V lit one of tllO best con ceit coirii:inirs I iivt'r situ', mid uniTsorvod ly Kuiiruutpo it to my patrons. CM AS. I). II AKIiHIOO. TUESDAY, 1 !'-' .. i It: m iVf TTQ If you are looking orvIL JD for a good busi wHmmmmammmmmmmmm nesS( choice buiild ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY l.'OO.M 10 .JACKSON' COl'NTY I JAN K P.LDfl. Theater FEB. 23rd YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tho oxcdlfiico of tha uioals that ara rooked ut tho Emorick Cafe if you hiivon't already rognlfd yourself with hoiiio of tho delicious diehos that are sitrvod here. If you htiven't partaken of them, thoro is a 'mat awaiting you thnt you will want to repeat often, A iiu'itl ut tho Kinorick is an experience I hat will inako you -;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe PORTLAND OREGON modibm com0t Modkratk Pricks ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND The Tourist Headquarter of Columbia Valley KXHAOE KOOM3 EA.RI.T FOB THE Ajt9KA TUKON EXPOSITION A. 8. NORTON, Urn :"t.