THE ME I) FORD DA.TLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOOX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1900. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of (lie City of Mt;tH'rl. L'ublislicil everv pveuinu ex'-ept Wiunl.iy. MEDFORD PUJJLJ SJ11NU CO.Ml'AXY Geohoe Putxa.m, jjtljtrjiiiul 1At";t'Il: . Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the PostnlTice at Medford, Oregon. OLD VIKING DAY8 AT THE A. Y. P. S U BSOKJ l'TLOX J AT ES : Ou month by mail or currier. ., .0.S0 )i' yr l.y imm SOUTH AMLltlCAS COSSEHYATIOX. With a view to conserving the natural resources of the United States, Canada and .Mexico, representatives of these overnnients, in addition to many of the leaders m the conservation movement in this country have gathered in attendance upon the North American conservation con ference in Washington. The conference was called by President Roosevelt, who, after extending on behalf of the American people, his heartiest welcome, declared that nothing augured better the development of the entire con tinent than this conference. "1 feel," said the president, "that the ference is one of the most important steps that have been taken of recent years, looking toward the harmonious co-operation between the nations of the earth for the comnidn ad vancement of all. "I believe that the movement which you today initiate is of the utmost importance to this hemisphere and mavjic of the utmost importance to the world at large. "I am anxious to do all in my power to work in har mony for the common good of all instead of each working to get .something at the expense of the others. I'ltiinate ly each of us will profit immeasurably if instead of striv ing to advance by trampling down the other each strives to advance together for common advancement." It Mill LA TISC LKJI (1! Sill I'M i:ts. sK.vrn.i:. w .,),.. r. u t.. i.uii.i ; a viking hliip. fully miii. itii'l in.iti it l.itli pirkiil Nur-i'tn.-u "f III" n..iiliurst. it aci-iii l,M;.' W:iliii!'n rtn-l hui.l l Hi.' Al.'i-I n Viil I'it.-'V ' M'" ! ''iticiu kpiiuhI "M Aii'jnt :t". ivlii.h i S'urwtiv .lay a I 'I"' I'.vr. i '-I"' !!" "'' till" I'il. il n- (.:it S:i I ','!"! linii.l illi'l "th j .r Xurwi'igitiu sm'ii'l i'"' t I hi- "int. A litll'- I'luy ;'inl.lir i.f a sli.r.v of ; tlit. ninth I'fhlniy. will ) 011:1. -toil in I nt'i'tion with tt viiu'- of tin1 xlnp. Uini; will lin rliiiw'ii l.v t hi pii'lii'il N'orni'iiioii. Hi.' will n' it nol'loi. iiiir- nii'ii iiti'l inarsiin-ii, nii'l will 1-0111111:11111 llii' sl.ii mi if Oif '" tin' faiiriiiiii'li. Ill tlio !aii:o niiil'liitliiat'T tho hili'' will woo 1111.I W'.l a ,1'inri-H provioilHly 1,-,-to.l ami fUr will til. II l.'-i oinl' 111" .jlli'i-ii. Tho iiiooli will lio :o-i-tiiii.aiii'-'l l,v .',110 l:olio in w:iitino. ilro-s.'l in liio national ooluino of Norway. JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and St Wall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER Tim Knox bill that has passed the houses of congress in styled a temperance measure, but in reality is nothing more than one of regulation of inlcr-stak niuierce in intoxicants. If was designed to prevent evasion id' pro hibition laws in various states, and secret traffic in liiiior. The bill requires all liquor packages to be correctly labeled, so as to show the true nature of their contents and the act signce, ami prohibits shipments C. . It., providing suitable penalties. This new law will doubtless operate greatly to reduce shipments of whisky by express, in cases or demijohns, direct from distilleries to consumers in prohibition and other states, a business that has assumed large propor tions of late years. The Sacramento lice in commenting upon the passage of the measure, offers the belief that it is one of numerous signs of the growing disposition to impose strict regula tions upon the litjiior traffic, ami that it is not good policy for liipior dealers to resist this, for the only result is agi tation for more drastic laws. WHAT PAPERS SAY BANDITS RAID BUTTE SALOON; SECURE o.-Tlie S'Jio A BUSY DAY IN CENTRAL POINT. A iMiyuso tut 1 1 nut and n carpenter created considerable commotion mi I'iue street last. Thursday afternoon in the wny of n high kicking net in which lindane Sanderson (carpenter) v:ih Hit' ntngo director and ti certain uncivilized cnyuse mure was tin1 chief actress say the Herald, while I In1 crrt, wli ifli toward 111.' end of llli' net collided with a 1-1. phono tlc, may lu described .-is tin' chief mourner, lindane had heard his did, t M. Sanderson, tin well known real estate man, complaining about th. timi'H ln'tnp; ilull, aut t' In1 di'i'i.U'il t livi'n tiling up it lit, rven if it rost a I'lirtwlK'Ot. lh' t llt'lrfu, V ntl.-K-llr.l liis niH'i vili.cil fi'iiinln tpiailnipi'tl t tin1 cart ami Hturtt'tt for tmvii. Tlic man1 wan us (loi'itr as a pi-t Kitten until well into town, wImti' an appii' iati ;utli (MU'f was iiKstirril, wluMi hIii tiinifil her ni'M Iooho in one of tin1 latest vaitile villi1 m-ts of tin1 siasoii. Any i'lnnts yirl on rnrlli who can throw Iht feet llltlf AM Itill HH tllO illlish IMMIO n citnhl liiinl a I'ittsl.urjf milliouairi' in :i lliillilto. Ar hooii the '"show" was ovr nii'l tin- a'urent i.oi hail pass,-. I out of sijjM, Koinj; siMlth. tln-re u a- nmre real live intere:t in life t li :i hern nccn in town uniee the i hi football name. Heal estate 1mm ml niiro rapiilly aiul in less t h ininuteH Sanelerson had elnsed : for tlic sale of a 7'1 iu ic fnnn. utranjjers wh had dr.ij.ped - i" i lie t ween t rat n a lu y'in nul li : to find luifiness l.ica t iiois in what thev nil deelar.d to ho the l; ,.nn Inn! seen in Creuii this winter. tilery-If n little ore lt..T-e runaw-n in H nui'ldy d:iv will ere-tte all th i excitement, what 11 In the r,wu i t nti lierc next stimmer when tlo- new niri t!Vshm is completed and in uperat n-n UTtlt 1" or 1" lleW e.Hlirete htf-ill.'s. hnihlinejH, with J"i or il" new m.-drri dwellings under wa f Answer- There '1 he soim thin ' d -nt had deal i . 1 l:i here "'It lid Itl'TTi;. Idi lartiij; holdup in Unite iti years was inlled off in Movnihiin Harlian 's -: 1 1 n i on iirlli Main street early Sun lay ni'M. when a doen men were 'stneK n)" :il the print uf a revoher ind tin house was rotdiod of more than V'l'.n in cash. On account of the heliet' of tin- proprietors that thev could o e their men th- ."ffair was kept ipiiet until last uioht. The men came in at different doors. I'he masks weie- sitnplv ha lid keivh ii-f s ind the pair appear-', I (, have I. nt one L'lin. I lie man h no ei't-'ie.l tlo haeb door held a rexnher and coiuuinndeil ":'ll hands up." Th" older was ..Level :ut I the men wen leathered into a coi ner. The nlher l.andil walked l.eliind the har. riml pnlliut,' on) a diawer. unwrap pi'd VJtn which Hie p-.tprietors Kept in a towel, lie then 1 I fled the register. The victims were hade iud nielil and the n.l.l.. rs .1 , . .1. CONTRACTOR DlfiS: LAUDANUM OVERDOSE II.' vi .lit. li . lit Ii.-v, Mi' I'n.l i I. i :i.-t.r i-'hiiiI 111.' Kl:nn:it li n!t of tin i. it Kl. l TII r.M.I.S. Or.. IVk Mil..' i;:ilhii;lii'r, n .' . , I t.-i.-t.r i.n .ik. iln.l M.iii.I. I ,'iisr in t lii , it v :i t' l:iii'l:ininil. :. :in . ..'ni'ii,v.t r:nlin..l aii.l ..Ml i :1ft. r, :llnl wurKi'.l t'..- l:ll' hi llii' unilli 1i :i lull l;iti't:iN. ivnl :i tl :mil .l.ill:ir ilttr .limilMT, I'"! t'.T 1 li. . 1 i i. . . ii I,. :i ilv :m, I I. vi. -n. It I II 1, ,n llr .'li'llllll'.l . i l l- it !. i' . , .1 1, .1, tub. ,.'li M1MKT1UNC NEW IN BOOSTER TRICKS BUTTE MAN RIDES THE RLIND AND DIES 8K.VTTI.E. I'. l'. S.. -' sll'lllin II riili nil tin' I'lili.l I,:. ir- .'t' l.rt'Ht Nurtli.'rti tnii.i ... nil.i.iniil. I'hilip Di'.'liti'lli.if uf llntt... M . ,it.. !i uliiihrn frnttt Itif. n"vli :iii.1 itit:intlv ITllnllI'll III lll'lltll UII'I'T till1 Ulli'l N ivliili. tlio Irnin w;is ni'iir Ylliiit.'t'n Ht.'it ii'tt. T.cttor fmtn.l mi tli" il.:i.l limit u.-ix-r li in nililri'MM ti 111." I'l.'itiiinin itni't. llutti', Munt. I V : I ' i- I.. .1 I i li.'.i tin- I !"-! f"l' 1. WAMllVUTilX. 1' i .'i -T .1. tit t.i.lnv Hin.'.l :i . 1.11 its;, I til.iv . i:, Im; tr.'. tl,... :i I'.-irK. Tin' I'.'ii whii-li tli.' 'i. i' :i Iniinli .1 In l;.'pr.'.'t,t:it'M .Tlif..i ni:i t" lti' 1'r. . 'lltt'.l t" II Wliit,'. .r, iliti'lC of III.' tntiloor Art leanti'. t.i. nt Sinitli " Mi.. I'tlliforiii: YOU CAN'T SAV E On your r.u'roud fare. The law of lie common carrier coi'-pcls equal rates on all n.ilioad lineg YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Tinvolliig Ex penses mid ratlgiio by Insisting on Die shortest route, f.isto X trains nnd best servtco. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. f N. Oregon Short I ine and In ion I'acifi ' F.V.TV fn.-ilili stift'l.. ill li f III t-isM'lti." r is provided. .'litiii',' of cars is tii'i'i sar.v to Don or, (tmiiliii, Kansas City t 'liirn'o. 1'iri ot I'otiiU'C lions arc in:. do for all oth- inl south or ti it.ts . s. i;iisi;si:Ai'M, Aoni, M"df..r,l. VM. Mi'MURRAY, Qencrjl rmssnger Agent, TORTLAND, OR. More Light for Less Money Hixt v-thrce per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in ioon hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt A Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. OTfici. ,0ij West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEfDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs F OSENBRUGGE Aucnt tor THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Solo auont in .laikson county for tlio 8TUDKBAKEK LINE OP AUTO MOlill.KS. Tho now E. M. P. Studobakor, 30-burao powi'i, four-cylinder iiit'dium i'tii'0 Tnuriiig Cur lias won tli-j rocognitiou uud admiration of all iiini'l.itiii.ta and him proven itself to be a remarkable vehicle for atrongth, s .-ii and durability. Now goods in all lilies will arrive is the course of n.-xt month at tho Studtbaker warehouse. MEDFOED, OBBOON. When You Thirk Of Shoes Think of McDonald .:. K. KNVAHT President. .1. A. PEKKY, Vice President. .IOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus.ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith S Molonv G. E. HiWintter A. C. Rndll JL. D. Harm Roa'ue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS 1 sfr Sub-Dividers nd Developers Bogu Biver Valley Or chard Litnds. ... fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and ti..- Ui, for sale. I l int nnd care for ori-h.irds and guarantee property to K pri'sented. Experience Xot Xecessary for win. purchase through us. They secure ths advise and flri.' of a consulting horticulturist, an expen on trim cul ture 'ti all its branches, who for several yens has eiceled in tlie tr wing and shipping of fruit in the Koguc Kiwr valley, record ciops. record packs, record prices. those : 1 1 North 1 Sued, Modtord, Oregon Take the Tribune for News APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Conunoi cial Nursery in trio Pacific Northwest. X;. in tLe combine. Ci.ripctes with nil t'irst-ciass nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. U. Tli'OW'BRlDGE, Propiit tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Eiivcs, Spraying Ontl'its, Pumps, a in! Machinery. ents in Sort'A-rn Oreson for FA 1 R P .V K S, MORSE & CO. la MTOrOKD, 0REOOM State Uepositr.ry Estabiiohed 188S. i-npitnl ad Surplus $125,000 fjJ lW Hesourr?s 7t)U,UUU Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Tin' .lai-knoii County Hank respectfully Kuiicits vtiiir at'euiini, subject to yuur rhet-U, with the strongest guarantee of safety ami efficiency. Wo offur the highest Attainment iu (ivsteiuatie banking service, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging institution., President. O. K. L1NDLI. V, Ca.hier. REGISTER :i vow riyht now that henceforth only 1 lie best tailurirg is gooii enough for ii. I'ersuiiiil aiieuranco is more than lii'lf the battle fur success in life. Why lint, t lie!), U'e:;r clothes thivt uro vor lliy of you,' Cihiiu to us for your tai loring. We will fit you out iu suits tliMt will be a creilit to you ami to us. I 'rices that are right. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OE. ..ui0 i ' You will find your wife's judgment is usit.-tlly brtter than your own, ami ymi will find on einisulting her that she does not approve of paying nut goo-1, dol lars for rent, when there lire so many god properties on ilie market at reasonable figures in Medford. A woman h:;-. :i keen vn for bc :: ion. sun'oumliiis, etc., and her ju lg-m.-iit can be relied upon in iimkiii;; a selrciiiHi ',ty n home. Bring her with you, ii:id mjike a p'isoi::'l in -pi ii imi of the good tliniys now of fering through our agency, and you will never regret it. H is almost time to "make garden.'' and it i:: hili time for action in securing a' home where you can enjoy th" g..,i things of lile in this wonderful vnl ley. Pon't delay act iuw. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building', MEDFORD rene U'fampton 3saacs Trtstructor of "Piano. "Liszt 52tctl)oo Stuolo at ?ilncc. Morlb Orange Street Compare the Quality mm HSS.t'fiSj'iigT H is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest ,..., u. ma; en limlifv tn mi KnA TV, jna:nion of "preferred stock" mk-PB mip lio of It i rade Canned Goods most complete. Our service always the b' st and eTery accom k"ven our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinau are, Fruit and Feed