1 MKUKOItlJ DAILY TKI iM?K, M FA) Ft rt 1). OHKCOS, KIM DAY. FEBRUARY 10. lflOf) Social and Personal Kdtfltr '111 Tf I In hi I'iiiIIiiii'I (Hi hnni in. W, I'll rrh i.r Tik i. mil In Nillitj III M.il f.H. I, A. Il.nr ii, tin' I'l in mi n ii-hi, uiiu n I v In Mi .ir.uil. ri.llllll'l MllllllV, !H'inMIHI I l II H I'mlli'V, Ii I'l 'i'lnil I'lu . iiik '"' trip In I'm I In ml. Dr. .1. V. Il'"l'lv In.. I' ll r i. I mi liimiliiim. K. '. I nf Hull" Falls s ii M..I fi.nl visitor Tl.uin.l i v. Ml. I' W I ..I. I.I I .Ins r lV - is III. I r I I. I.. I I irl. I III.' I ... l.l I . Mm. I' Am r 1 1.. I IjiimI, I nl . ! llliii( li.'i ii...'Ii. i, Mi. i. I. .1 .-. in lln. rile. .1. Ml. linn ... ii I.:. H im I I ii vl.il iii i. .in i'iiiir.i'iiii lll'lllHl' (liitlll llf lllMllN I'll.'.! .VMM II recent vlnlliii iii M...irnl amuhiimhnth. 4- Mi. II. .1.1 Theater. Tllo- ;...H. Kitl h.l Wllliniils ' .III ,,lr, Mini.m, nl Ii. Hi.' Mi. I I'm. I lli. nl. Tin mi , I-'.. In iiiii mil ... ii nl I h. ..I. i ii i ' lni? -;.ii. (..in.uri.w. M. I iii.h. i . in . . i iiiii!; ; In .. VI... h, uihI ii'lj!'ill l.v ;lu' 1 i'.ii. -.1 I.ii hi'.i.i i 11 I... .11. in i.li. '.li, tie-., mil I..- . I I f III.' Il'l ' I II" lll'lll . 'I I I.. "I ..mi'liiiv llml ma. Il I. 11 l.il I.. ' I: "I m i. '.'I', mill liui'l' "I "ll ''.- " I I'l". 'I'l'" ii'MHij: nl "!' II " . .11., 1. 1 'I I.. 11I1 1 nil ..liili lc ""jii.i ill . .. lln. . ..iiq.ii v, inn) i "i ii "' 111-I 1 t '..in " il I' I ' .1, v ' i v mil I"- 1. I 1, .1 ,1 ' In l"i "I' II. I HI. Mmk'n Knl'Topa! (,'hllK'h. 'I I mil I i ". i. i ". ii"l x.i "I'm Dlnviiln." I'"l'"i ' til- l-.it -it I - 1 fin 1 11. 1 111 1 1 v rm Mtiunji'i 1 1 11 il 1 ' l.l ml III' I I nil Ill Alll.ll'.l IIIIII..IIH ".IIIII 'I' ,' I f! i-.nl . Ml . t 1 i.f 1)1.;;-,, ll it. Ii .mil roil ham; riM;v 11, 11 I J.' I, I.Mj.' Si iTiri-j. ' ri I.i j.it-n ili.it I ha urii.n.igiif i'l itf-ply al Mm- n-;;ii!;(i mi-Hintf of U . . --iMii-il of . .f'(,ri, Ori son, 011 M. n li -j, I'.i'm, for im tn mil limit, ' i ' ii'"! I'i.Miii tn)i!t-r in fn ijuiiri ' ' tllilll !! j.;i)I-II for HIX IIM'lltllH 11 L.t I,. I.U-k L'il. 111 l-.lfn-rl. Oregon, i-.f :t ii..t of M molltllH. t;ii, I'duuiuy 17, IHo't. rn lln? nk In Mm;' i'l i I. V I Ihli'iN for --wi l l dull. Ml. .11. HI, "til Ih.Mnl..." . ImI ;lir I K.M I I ill II IV-A ,n. '.I' ll lllllMI" 'l.l'ljll. Im' , it Ii I In' i x i ' i i II l I II jlll'l l-MIH I iMI.I 'III- M. I .WIH. , III till V i i 1 1 .i ill , i.m nun -1- ii'i . Iii' 1 1'. ii I i ii mli i ll . I I ( Nil III I'l M , (I ' ri . I If will I..' : 'I'l u i M j- I'll M'Hill , iii ' .iIm it.l , Milll)llv flll-4 I'l Hi" ''li iv. " Ml- All' II iul h Iitrr. Mini I h.nt, lif I'ltm-nii Win- in i'ill'.i. i.itiill I'miiiiIv .IimIu" .1 If. N"il uii m i ' nl 'lior fi mil .Iim'Iiii'imII'v A. (', lllllic ii Iiiim li in 'I f ( Nnl Ii I Ifilmtu for it i h i v il h t I i . A H. I'llllV llf IM' I" HH'l I' in ' ill .m..m.. Med fin i ni.ii i A Nuliilih' tnn'V (.'uilinK IMiuiti' von r in 1 1 i'i I'm mm i i f i i inn ,n , I i , If , -, n I ,1 I h ti'lnlli iiiinhmim lilllliTlllilk In I Ii" rl tiliiim . " Miit nl I ImIi'iij.;.', Alinii, will inw mi ( I rill i Mr 'lli II, i III' 'l ,i' "l mi i Mil-. Ii j ilhi'.l Mih , -i i mil li I , . ' 1 in 1 1 1 li I'l i. II ii nl II', tVIIN III t,',.,. .." 1 1 -',', Mt ,ltx in..)'. r will t . I ,, II,,' i;i,.'.l IV, jMll, Ii. in,; .I'.IH' out tin' olin III iilll Alt! HIHil iiiii lini; 'I'lini V .1 j'lil.n,; nnl I I, I ...I i :i )( . r. y Mi" iimiiml llll.lV W 111 !I.imImIi l ll'l'lll W .ill llllinll ; IM1 1 . '. II ml lll.lklly IOW Ki'.' "Ill liv Minnt Ciiii'iii 'I'll ' j"iiil nl v iiH ' ,.t M V m nl w.u l .i.Iiii. h will 1.. n.llfit Hint, ilhntnili .1 , ; i.ti.'uit Mi'H-i A. I1'. I'MwMlll,. IH -'I!IIM'I) In '.(.. 11 II ! fiiMil IMIi h MM' 1 1 : 1 M l.i'i'tl H'lllMil llll. I III' H. i nk' jii.-lit li.'W in l.. 1. 1 Hill llr I., tin. will I..' uill ill.r.ti.ili.l hv h . 1 1 11 KM fin tlv Iiiii ii ii j r r f I In' niiin.l .ii i,i- I' In .ill I'oi.IimI Hi i Mih. ('. A. Ili.lmr ,.C M.willln l i lli (villi Imt Mini.'-, Ih, 11 V. M In Hiln i'Hv. I I'litiliilir Niu'vlco. HuIm'IIm K.iIk'IIh, I Vll-i ill (.''.II ! JH rllll l.lll ll.lt n- S.- will I.. I UK liml I'l'lniil'liliu m Mviny iii:i,'Iiiii."i, w ill , I . I. nl tin- t tl.t nui. 1. Mmuliiv nou limy li'llllllll II fi'lV 1 1 n i h'liiTi'r, ill I'.iiiln'i; lltl it..ul I mill v fur it I tin, I in nl.' irvli'i'. I'lii'iin r.mt itin.Mi" tit Mi NliliMINitl V ', W. N'iiillt nii.t II ll'i'i'lii, I ,r t-i.n-i 1 1 nil i I In I w .' i II nit 1 1 . mi no r I I .mi'., w i'.iniit:t'ii mi. I 1 .1 in . .In, w.ll l.r I il l l u-n gi'it 1 1. . ir nl i.-.'ii mi. I 1 1 ii ml is . ..mIhiIIv iiiv iii. I In I Imn h, i v I I' III Milt I'll .'Mil' 111 W II VI II W II I f S .u ill tin' tnli. -iiiu.-l. TAIU.I. HOCK TATTIil NtlH ''li Mili'titMM' I'tntv tin.) mm,i ni pir III till' Im mm. ,.f A W lu'i.l S.'iliil.l i I'Vi'llliiK Wil Itnycl. 'iMi'inlr.1 mi, I nn linunoi'it ii M'i li'ii.!iiil nl'liiir 1 I li.' Kill I Mti , W li.. in i'iii)l.i i .i :it I lir VmIIiI 11 HI I'll II l.l. I.I III 111 i I l.illl Ii,' iitiiiriilltinil t'nlli'it" it ( '..i tilliH, w In M lio lum lii'.'ii Mtiiilx inn Im i.-itu' lino', M ini KnHo ,.llt ,'t:nn t Ih in in liVIH llf H.'liO.i) ill tin' rliii'.:M'll it". Irlil Mmulnv HtntV t'm.vn.l mi. I I',uim1 ;ii n YiliU III.' Ii.mo mi 11..- .Mm, v. f:iini Wlli'tll Ml I ill.';ll.l i'llltl,l i',l V I mil Smiilm Ii...l n. ct i n m - t Smiiliiv m.n nitifi U i sin ii t.iii h I.ii t Ii l will i t'.iiii)ii'iii,i if .1 1. ;i.i,M.itti Nil' OM'TvUl'i . (' I1,.WK Will ' i im-H.'iit, t,i ftll In-! mhIiu- ;i it X' Min y:ny IJ.'i.l Ins l.-fi f.w CmM.im.I ! Im" lit vUil with fn.Miils .-in, I iii.ii i.'iii.'iiii j 1 1 until ,tmin. Ihm' Cniiih . wl i. j ( ' 1 tiMII(illi' tll.iiiik t.t tli:it H.', ti,ui s,.,.ti ; ,": ' Our H,'ll,.,.l ,S l-l.l.-slHIi; t II .'I'llii i ' 1 im. In Mi. I..MHS.' Win,) ' A Irirc- I.. W.I :lss,.ml.l.-, ill tlo- s, I,,.,.! , M ' IliUIH' Klhl li i'l .'iiiliii I.i ,'. 1. It:il.' Il,, v ImiHi.Iiu .f Mi.' i;" '''1' 1' "' 'io'i ' ton II , tin- tiutli.il t :il I Mi.. 'In t'lir t.'.Mt.l tin.) Ii.'.mi lum.l'WMii.'h .1.', m.it.'.U.i Mm K. H II.I.IOI- !UI, 1,.M tlsslstlttls A miilnMo iO(;i:ini w:is m.',u..1 l. Mm K,io N.'.lmi ;iu,i Mt,' rM-.-llmit m,Him,l in wlii.lt if wns ,;nn.'il .mt w.-f , j I'uii'll :i'Ht. i:it.l Li Mw :hi.'. iu'i' I'll k I'M'l.'lii" i.ltsi,, ,if -t1tii.n,- S.MliJS ( lUll-ti.', VlS'illltl.'Us M-l.lll.s ,l,1U , tlllliMIU. .li'll'-t-U. V .1. I'l.,'-. Ml ,- I.mK i;hI in lln' i s, - w.ll 1 . -T 4 tlti. Wilho ii.l K II. IVm ,h, 1' i:. , tlivi'ii :m.l l.uii:lt1. i. .l.'isio, l' l'li. Ki cn'i. i Hi- iin.l tU.-iu, Ii.' Iliiml.,'i, KM-.-l :m-l . A u. K.litli Mmu-ts.Mt, Mm, lYui. V "l" ( .' u li ,u ,1 Kt'ini.Mli. Vi. lov nit.l V II II, -I I h,' 1,; lUnn.li.v fl-u.t mii.1 .'.'.' i .'11 vv M ni.l . ,. i , .! Kirl.ls. S M N ,"i1,'ii. I'i ui- M :,-, K "i-- 'jh. Mrv. .Mm :x. K hImim..- . J.-m. 11 , .. iMtiiM K,l.. ll , '...-..m. V- , Hitvl.M im.. M,''n.nt r."V,v NOTMT. Ml I m.I , ii,-, ,,.,..,' uii,. hi,, in M,'.; i.i i m v mux :ii' , ... .ImiIK nti it,.l ;itl ii. ii i I mi :M 111.' I:iIm iii;i. I" ,l . .1 i. -..im .i.iun,;, r.l.tii:ii '.'I I .' i" t..i III.' . Hip's,- ,,f .untini;.! - 1 1 ' ,i ..'! 'l I inlniiiii ii'.,,'l Hi "i.i. i "1 t A D.t.K on 'i ..l Lrrjn, "fill' tli'Hi' III. in l.1 K '' lil.isl .iillllll' Wi lli"!,, ill n I, .Mill In W.i. .1 h.i III. ili I i' I. .Mill.il' ll'-l t I' i; . .nilli'.i "I II' 1' " ' I til il I i i . r v.'iilH otil I m il' nh' ;iiiiii ..ih i.iii illM'Inr nil the ILili"!1 immI II- :i I .'i i jili't r.iiliiiil, MitiMliiK I'i'iwci'ii lln-illy ii in 1 .Mm.,k.,,mi, l.ikr Willi lilm 1'ilr lln wiu'iIh nti'l ih hliti; rii'MM. li. ii they fulfill I 111' II 111 1 I'l llll'l IIIIMIi' II lil'lifl nil IiIh I I II Im In llsi'i) to riilf Mii-iii llllu MiliinlHwi.m, nnil li" iniin ri.r t il-iil III 4 till 114 1 IIK'HiihI I in h- N ile W'lh'll Mil hii'li etiiiii' Kill "f Mii' wi'fli Willi lln'lr hi y iuiihI i.r tlifiii ri'iill.iil from hill IT ,'"'l i.'ll.i- MlilJ ' I I f"llH Wnlllll l llll I lu ll" Ill'Ult'l V,.i fl'Mll tlll'lll III II fi'U' lIll.VH. As Mi'HI il Mll'.V Wiitllil j-i'l nho.it'il Mil' tliilli lhr w-olll'l lii'Uln to Hlrl tin ilolliir hllN iir Hull' I'i'IIn iiimI IuiihI Mm1 nuniry d I'n. l'' Ntito (n 'ulnli ' for Mi i'.iiiMhi: II mi i-llll, TtllV I'I'VIT fnl'it. Il"- ill'l Im, II Mil III nil tile h'iil'H (hi'ir wtis IM' i'l II illsj.lllr hi'l u i-t'li r.-luhi t..r S UN iiimI miy f liU il.-.,.v,.t w in n tliy riiim' Im. Iv I'll hi- tl.iin lh u ii- siirr f i'iniiii:li ni"in' l i tiii ir I itc iiml B. 0. LEGISLATURE FAGEB LUMBER ISSUE VJCTOIMA. li. Kel. I'J. Fur Di fir- l tinii' in I lit liinlory if liritili Cw Inrnhi-i, u fiiiiiiiiHioii will bi- ui-oiiiti-il to invi-ntiyalf tin- rinilnT mid forestry iniittiTK of Die n nut'f, with ii vii-w to i-oi'Hrrv at ion of ri Boiin i-H, ainl fur lli'H iMirju.-ie uii iiiipr-ipriatiuj of oiiOfl ;iit.'iii-M in lln e:iiinm1eH fftr tint eu 'tuiiiK fimnl year. Alluding to lit lum her iinltttttrv, the bm'tiKt h (Jeliv .'M-.l yi-Ktcniiiy in the provineiul leyiHlH tife h:ivk: The iin...it urn ef a d ii t v on rou(ilr Iniiihi-r imio.-ti'i from the I'lii'dl States, won M Ih Iji our luiiihi riiicii very ina.e j rialiy and the advtHability of ftmi-ndii'K j ll,e tariff in that respect in biMiiK i airmiKly iirei upo'l the dominion j;ov- ernmeiit. lU'JiiH iieiuiuiiMoii oi ui: ! Portor Alwavi Gailor, Imn1:i- i;r;iiii'- lir-i term IiIj wr t.uy of the n. ay. li'.tle, for u time tnriM'il (he ii' ttinl inliiillilstrntloll over t AilmmiJ I'oiti'I Atliiilliil I'oller wn il Hiillor In the wtrh t etytnoloKlenl H.'tise of the lerm III Mini In- l.ellcviil r,lit,, .stKten lm emmed a inere w iim ntMlllllu lliie hailM. ,n noon iih he wiih In niitliHiily he eaUMed tin four hlmli'il pnijiellei: of (he veHMeln to he removed mid replaced by two 1iI.m1i d niie.H Iii in del' t Im I the Klilpi ml :lit iiiiiiieitver better under Htiil. 'I'tio IlK-.tlelemy thereby hl'ollKht II ho lit In, of i-oiir.se, iippnreiil lo any eutilneer, uh ( lie' Hle of the pi-opeller opening was ll'i iiimI the two Mailed mrew rould not be miide Ijire enough. A few yrtirs hii-T In n repoil lo die department be il' tiinlly i ltihneil Mini Ibe vesMelrt wer fanler under steam with the mill Hated Hcri'WH. The fm-ls, of eoiirse, were Junt the reverse, mid when liN Inthii'iiew be caine leHM proper propellers wi'ie iikiiIii lUled. Till- wiim when he wan wt 111 In III: p,r:'.iiitent demand for freo tlauadian linnh, r. and if Mil' eotieeMMioii Ik' grant ed by cotijf reus the induHtry hnro will be greatly benef iteil, im muiiy rnitcd Stall h eapitalintH holdii'K timber in this provini-e will be e'H'onraneil t-j OHtab lis! Kawinilhi and tartories on this side ..f 'he border." Ilielr t.ibae. o at l mure. They m. well w hut lo il 'Httlltill- liln'l In) i . W il II llllll'i rit ays ovr.it 11 1 M win.; WWW Nil iH I'O ItDlVOItlT. I'i'N I'll, "I . IV!'. 1!' IW piiM i ..i; ,'l . I mi,' II l , mist 11 111 .' a t ,'t 111 '1 . in. t! I . II III. Il is , !;1',.t. 'I.' . ;t Us,' lot .turn. . ' I'his 1 1,,' ,p. si imt tli.u w.i l.i n,, ,n, hi ll ,innn . i- Mi .ni i II. w m ;i iin-l I'i i II. ii'ii in,, I t.. I. i. .1. Mi..n li, w .1 ' I" im, l.l, ,1 In I liu hilli't I. n,i !,. . i,. ;. , , !. ,'. t. and nlM't ( n limn,' In- ,H t'.'t.'d up a pi:i tl; lln' l.m.l :,i l,'.'.. tit, 'in to set' M s,t s i li, w ,-ie for ui.hil,; l. i.ipm.'.l pK-1 .in. s Mi . Mi'w m. ,1 l!. ,1 l..-i ! ii-d.ii,,l 'v :i. imn n l 1, .1 In i .I II -.). ,.,:niu- :i II M , I, NL.' W.-ls -Lli,!, , ,1, WaUlung tli Sjiio't, V Ml. Ml W in. I- I , I ,'.U,I Ml si'.deVr W Oil,' l l IMI -llli. Hp 1,1 . '., f .'I ' , d il . :M.1 In' W .it. Ii. d i" s, ,' w ti.il w.i i.,.111,, i U n.'M il i i. ;i. d ...;i..e-.l .Hi. Ml i'K' I'.'llM II 1. Ms, -a so, ,.n, i ,- ,m.,I l .i; en .'ill .1 t,il ,'.ui ,1,1 T i i,',' liiM t.i. w .,' ..'I', alt . i ... ii . I .,. hi ih- il ll l.n, , r And i I'.ien ; i,:r.; ; : ' ' I ! e Hor Idenl V,ll.i,.t, Tile fid low lie: aiierdole, lakeli from "My Hlory." by Hall rain,-. K nl,'i-est-liti;: Imilii'dlati-ly afler the pi. .In, I l.'tt of "The Woman In While." w lien all I Jutland was ntlmli hi- the at, It vil lainy nf I'iisiii, Hi,- anlli'i'. NIIUie t'ollhiM, received n Isitt fr.mi a lady who i-nimriiitiliiti-d him upon his sue com with hi tine w hat it i rheer and then wnlil : "Hill. Mr, Collins. Hie Hi-eat failure of your booh In your villain, lAmisti ine If I say yon really do n"l l.now ii villain. Your Count l os-.o Is ti very poor one, and when n,".i ion want tl i ' 1 1 a i a ler of thai r ;llon I (rus (hat veil will in ! iHmIiIii to eome to im'. I Know a lllaln and h ue one hi my eye at Mils- tiionietit that would far eellpM' anitliliu; (hat I have ever r, -.id or In bo.'Us. on't thin:, that I .Tii draw Inn upon tin inui'.hi.u n Th.' man N nlho and eoiisfantty under nty C li'.e In lu l, he 1-. nil own Im-l-and." The lad was tho wife of l'dward Hulwer l.Mon. Fied Bayonet: In Lcit.n The prh .!ve of mar, hi n L lironh 1 oudoli With lived bai.-i.el- K enjoy ed bv but v ery f,-w n uini, -. su. h s the IJoval f usiUvi . who n.i.e th.-ir origin to I'roinwell s w i n x hands, w lit. li in later years pi. du . ,1 so fa tnous tl eaptain as John Ullpin. After I he Hoy Ml I tisih ei s, or perhaps e en before litem in point of regimental seniority, eoute ihe v;ist K,mh 'liuiVs.' now the third of Ihe line, w ho , laim tl similar . iiy aneesiri .w hiie the loyal inailiies for some reason or other a No entoy the same tied b.ixouel rights In w i'li bait.ilion ol C.ie uvim, dier jaids was oliee iiiifiesved to ser o lis pi a riues. and ,'iei. e t hey share the i'i ii . the men who Hie "soldiers and sailors too" This also explains w h that s;ienadiei' bat laliott b;! for tis i.utoo "Kule llritan nla" as a souie;.M of ihe timo when lis eotubaitie ei-ien.e was of tho amphibious kind I .union S;:uulanl ef 'el's- uriM r rii He .1 1! hoi, 1U tl-.- of (lie , ,tv ef Medfeid Tlist it u.v,n t-pl.-M.V sidewalk Hi nee: ,'t" , of th, ,..,... "i I..-, Ml h.'l.'Ul t fe. ' '-. I.' W i' AbiWR tl. .'.'Ml ...-' et ' of Ide.V r. iv. li. i"i ii ,ttx ef M,sl'el U MIC tl.. ,Ms .,' t. ni.l m " ); i x t-r , t el M t, . (I. Ml K. V.i -." M ,KeiN vd tl--,' te lielWi C ,- -.1 Thf Mrntl Jv- rh. tv is a . ermiii t : , said the hush , s-. n i;; -. New oi k. W h ' s,-, ;!i - li: derstiind w hat N said i 1 un'ess the statement or re lived b s.uve eat lav, :d w 'listen ' 'Tor Instance. 1 h.i e a : w ho simply si.-tii s at u ftuiajement if 1 say a: 1 1 bout first s:ii -, 1 lv:ln to d.:. t.t'.r a , w Hi not . r;:e a w e; .i ,:' She that iveata: th.lt at h.er '..e w :.'; s.-v.;' She ts not t1 e euly ov. phono K'rl i anvet tako a less It has- ire:" out of the e.li.e and 1; :!-.o w iro w her twt S'.n. 'New . l;su ' . r e'e lessy t se.i and s,v:"- ; ; un. s:a:id ii iv.nl vi Tri-ss, Diffrnt In Book. la the IsN'ks tl; s i ;:-.e way thi least, not Impaired by nye. About t w I'M ty yea i m la ler. w bet) I he Itoaeh cruisers were helm; built, Ibe deur old man. iheu over seieniy, went before (be nil ti I eotiimlllee and sahl Unit t lit plans of theao ve eause they bad power. 1 1) his Judgment (hey should htive been -,'lveti full still power with Hteain as nn auxiliary. Me was Ntlll a sailor: The world had not moved for him. KnU'eei'liitf Muj.'tl7.llio. The Deiart Tortoise. One of the most Inlerestlm; reputes of California's reat desert Is Ibe des ert tortoise. A writer In Suburban I. Iff Nays: "I have found us tunny iih t w fitly of t hose hard slielh'i) ftlhnv8 that we usually nssoehKo In our minds wlih tho thought of water In tho very I heart of tin desert, where tho wntor was oxceeillnis'ly m-mvo. Yet when you ph-k them up they tfonorally void two or (hreo bir.L'e spoonfuls of Ihpild. lMs seetlon shows thill Ihey oneh Imvo two hiri:o w titer saeks on tho buck, and theso ntVortl Ihein tlndr wntor supply. They are j:reat travelers nnd o:ui wnlk faster than wo shouhl lnniplno. They nro also pood ollmbors. 1 bnvo watch ed mio for hours elltublnif up nnd down t ho rooky sides of a dosert mountain. Mo rould vrli;i:!o hlmsolf in lo a roek almost as hlph as ho was oX- KaNlnc himself on his ttitl end, he would ust bis bead as a hook, then elaw with his rlpht log until It had semi red a pood hold. thou, with what seemed to mo extraordinary strength, he would lift himself up and wb:::lo his body Into n seeu.ro posl Moii." The Wise Eskimos. i:oryihtiit; lu the Kskltno iln'ss has ti reason for lis extstoinv. writes (.'up lain lloald Auiuudsen lu "Tho North west I'tissace." The mo tubers of Cap tain Auiundsen's expeditions had be come accustomed to the Kskhno dress nnd hail adoptt-d It, but many of ttietu thought it ridiculous for (rrown up men to po about xvoarlni: frlnno to their clothes-, so they out It off. I j had my scruples about this, says the ' author, as l had already learned thnt ' most thlncs in the Ksklnio's elothltiK j ami other arrangements had their dls : tinct moantni: and purpivse. so 1 kept ; my fringe and put up with the rldl ! nil,1. Ho lau:;hs best who lauphs last. Ouo line day the nnovaks, a sort of tunic reach! ii c below the kiuM1, made ' of d.vrskin. from w hleh the fringes ! bad lieon cut oiT, ootnmenctsl to curl j ui. and if the frtmre had not been put I on acain i;ui. k!y iliey would siHn have ' bKk,l llle ins kties." Geranium 8aohat. Oeraiilutn sachet lu made with crushed geranium leaves, orris root, lemon peel and ground vanilla bean. One mn proportion It to suit tbe fan cy, making one odor predominate. A r.1 uuoliut ti. roi Inin haovv nln. prime mid his udi;uient was. at cushions la made with dried coffee grounds, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, or rlK root, ground vanilla bean and inuak. The scent Is strong, lasting and pleasant. Tbe coffee grounds nitikii nn Axeellent beavv fllllne. Drv Is were wrong be- J them thoroUL'hlv In the oven. nily auxlllnry hiH , Improvod Roaiting Pan. A masting pan that bastes the meat automatically Is a recent Invention. It Is supplied with a percolator, the op eration of which ts performed by tbe action of t ho heat and tbe water which Is In the bottom of tbe roasting pan. The pan baa an Inclined bottom, so that the water which It contains runs down toward the ' percolator, while the roast rests on a level roast' tng plato, which la raised above the eno-r.u.her in dumb .:: 4 to l,c listen If her she I I oriel to hen 1 sn:i! i iike m. id ihe tele vssato un Vh.ci 1 nin e :.,'Is ever ii'w.iy be he is bop- ork j Only r Letter Out. "Talk about scholards." said the : proud Sam Smith, "l.isteii lo my lit ; tie ;.ol talk about ramiuar. Tomuiy, ! w hat oiulcr is ile faytln i "Mascniir.! i;ne. !d the loiiriuM Toui w ouiierful'." said the "And thy inlther. Tom- ri'plitsl the erudite Ju- ;de ihe w.nd ; c.n-v.is-r.i:-Iv.W whi, a . r.cir Th;it V. h- ia a IVm'.- Vl'pv. , . l'e1 ; Hear that a ecu:" crunl tho delight- sl i.i! tier. "An', uih Tonuviy." he pts s!iv. picking up the family tea- - what gender U thisV" Neuter." saul Tommy. I 'W.ll, e;i," h.e eicinimed. "it's a'.lus 'the wa. sii:.. i:ol Imt what the little ' ia ! was f;;r ,v: He only said neuter V.oad of i-'wter, that's a""-London . Vti Hits. Rentmnt. An old to;vr. tvu-.g very hard up. wetit into h;s lavorne bar and asked tic pubi-n a for j j:.axs -va tick " ' N.v" s,l:,; : he proprietor. "1 won't tie on !-..sk en vtsht, but ilu-re r ,.Iv N--W. what do you want" V;lr.;i here." r'p'.rl the t'.ppr. .:,: the .v;:i ar.d p'.utliis it la his is-- .sf " T!::e w bo rvfuss me .Tii . ' wo;; '; to: ;'.-. n'Ady csh." and n . h su e:es:ed ov be niT-hei1 out ix ; .!.vr X e: ,cn Te eraph. HKI.F ItASTINtl II OA ST KH Ihittotu of the pan and keeps the meat out of the water. In using the roaster two quarts of water arc poured Into the pan, the roasting plate put In and the percolator set In place. The roast Is then put In and the cover put in place and the whole placed lu the top of the oven, where It Is allowed to re main under tho action of the beat for the usual length of time. The water Is boiled In tho aluminium plate which Is part of the percolator and bubbles up. raising and lowering the check valve and gradually forcing the wa ter up the pipe, from which It Is sprayed over the meat. Qoldan Chips.' Six pmirids iHH'led pumpkla. five pounds granulated sugar, six lemoiis. one-fourth pound greeu ginger root. Cut tho pumpkin lu thin, narrow t rips like string beans. Add the sugar and let stand overnight. Add tbe grated rtnd. Juice and pulp of the lorn ous; also the ginger root after being washed, scraped and chopr-ed flue. 1-et all boll tocether until of the consisten cy of thin manna la.de. This will dU ten or twelve Jelly tumblers. Chta Fingtrs. To make cheese fingers take one cup ful of flour, one tnhlesoonful of but ter, one-quarter of a cupful of grated cheese, one-quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, a dash of cayenne, one-balf of a teaspoonful of baking powder. Mix with water as for biscuit. Roll out thlu. cut In ha t In h strips and bake pale browi in m lerst orn Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACITIC RAILWAY. Dress Linens White Natural and Colors 25c to $1.00 New Messoline Silks and Pongees 36 Inches Widen All Colors VAN DYKE'S SAVOY THEATER Tonight and Saturday ."A I'-OOTIIAU, FlflKNH" ilin i,,ne. lingi-ring lanisli. "A I.f A I. I,II'K"A Mini slin inj ilrainii. Til K TWO SONS" A Ix-aut it" ill stry nl' li.imp 1 i I". "lllflPK Ol-' 1'A MIA V A ' ' A must ix.-it ini; i .nice'. Miss KilYrt sinys tlir latest ptt'torial lyric. A I M INSlo.N Hi (V ills' K.'nirinlii'r, o;'lv tlifc ilavs inori'. 12 Fruit-Grower ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI KTpryoii tnlcr. U.ut Tu I'.'i-. li.ii Win. fluW finil. .1 S.rjitR, IJiti.lrtiliti; utr Iihh J.i In . It I Ii 111 I, itils I!!:ii.miIii,., nt.l.b c..niirl.- tint: iiinii.'r fi-r th,- l.cii.-flt ff Hi...- !. Hill I..' iul 11 U til In' M (IL SiHt.-H f t)e Norttiwist, Tl I will .uhlil. ,-v.-iy itmiith Special northwest Supplement TMi P' j.pl, i, i,t will I- ml.l.'.t I., .TltMr f r. .in .lli I.. S.IM..I1 imt. ..f I ai-1l. ..l.l.- r- N.ill.u.i.'ui ..u.diliun, to U if.l. i in lln. l.'tiit.-rv. Th Krlt-i;f- r- rxt-rt of it,, more I h nu Hit' i ,.i.ti i-rl. c. Tl . -i pnp.,ii in f r . "t i ' . I-, uii i iv.ir ;(i..i iuh,r llli- av It M.itt. :i lilt I oii.e. n.' will n.i .t m or to onr mjitii'x fr w y.-:ir f.n- St. iii ii:ik.- 'II..- 1 r r.'l. ...i..litl..i it-i . y. H-i t, V-l I.. ,.;!, ,,f f Ami In H.l.lllioii ii.n..., ,., .-otii .i : ' n.l.lrc. v N"rthve!ttrn III. TtliS tl,;ltt.T will Wi't ot pre;H,-r :il..- 1 tn..t rel!;.l..-. ' '''I I n . rl.il f l n n yrnr utid 'l f livw imiiit-ii to iiur " for nc jear for I. FREE We wiU send FREE, prepaid, to the person sending the remittance, a tree of DELICIOUS APPLE and a VINE of BANNER GRAPE Tbw r, tiv,. ,.f tli. pr!f hs n s - 'I t In f.t. II I ! "ii.p.r hu-f. It i mu aj't'lv tit Hialitr. l'itr..,t.,,.,t wlilitn tlftv I-.'. II -I l!i..r, n il".. y:ir. Th.. PvtM-Mii r lLau tin; piUm- Irr ll.r rw rruiti, ' for thrjr BC-fl 1-ift tl!" .IT.T ft th-ni lnohiirl.r Kltl'.K. SnJ r.Mir or.I.r ) om-f, :inl tb wilt N' wnt for aprins plintli'.r Y.Mir kittTltitlon u The Krult-(.'.roor nil! m:ir at on.. If roil want nni'l? Cp It wilt br nent frw. S.ti.1 ILla Coupon and $1.00 to The Fruit-Grower Box H 5 ST. JOSEPH, MO. Iatc Prill t-iir.'wor. St 3. ,ph ,, wni f-r "M.h wni, Th- Fruit- .r our c.,r lo efa of folluwiuv JJrt-i. Snm of P.-i T.nvn , .l.r Town .... I 1 f t'T, tnr-it. till Sttt v.-.i i.'.-, You Are Going to Build !jt r v ..... - iff L. II. IU:AN . :.; Jauikwr. time s ..uot 1;.: V"or in y.iv.r s Yl"!m . 'i voss. ll. to'1 rat i. . l:::.r .Vt-sn :. . v .our t-it. TMir ::r.: cv to - , I -.ir-!crt'..Dl. NorthbooDd No. ld.OrfB ExprMa 5:34 p.m. Siv 14.rortind Elprwa.... :4i.ra. j SontlibOBBd j N.v l.VCaliferaii Eiprtst.. .10:JJ m. Xo. IS Sab rraaeiBco Exp... 3:t0p.lB. T.v2JJTrem OrmxU P.... 9:15p.m. X.v&LVFor Analud 10:15p.m. KOOUE BiVEB VAiLET SAIL WAT No. Mnrn VfdforJ . .10:i. . N'.v 4 Lirrt MedfM j 5:55 p.m. MotoHLeare Mrdord S:00p.m. Motor Lmtiii Mlford. i t:00p.m. N.v 1ILrf JkfkKt&tillf . . .1 9:00 b.bv j N'.v 5 Lt Ja.k0BtU. . .j l:Mp,n. I Motor;LBtfB jBcBBoBTillt.. . 1:50 p.m. t Motor-L4Tw JafkBoarilie. .j ?50p.m. ! MAH. OLOSS8 j "' IA.MJP. M. iNortBSoBBj I :1 4.54 SoutBBOBBd 1:5 jIUfI PiB T:0j t.W ! .iBtkBi(n .'r.har.l f.uir niilrs out of M.vlfor.l. Ai!dr. T. oaro of Tribune offieo. Cs WANTKH Privato boar.lors. Inniro t Hi N. BartUnt sir.vt. ;) WAXTKIV-A rl" for -,.p..r:,l l,.n-.o work; ood aajfj. (all nt this of tit. ;., W ANTK1V Kifiv twini of N.-irtowiu na Sp-.trfnburc a)plM. Apply of M. Strt. t thf Nsth. I'OU SALE Grain u.iy. baled. Inquire of Thoue oSt. ' tf l'OK SA1.K Two aoro?. just west of M.'.lfonl. near n.-w station of Lor.ier, on K. R. V. R. K., price o00 for the tw.i acres. This acreage is certain to advance in value soon. Address P. O. ."'Tl. Xredford. Or. is0 FOB SAX. TOR S.M.K 7" 7..,,. Rirtlett t-ee, 4 ,t foot (T.it. 1. IV p.lkiiigton stock, at L'.tc. R.ol.Tiot. .'cn.ra; lvn! R y n-'- - -;so t1K SVli' - a tri..,, l.arCa;n ,f t once, f x of ihe fme r. si .ler.ee lot, :n Mclford. best s!':..io,t. bt .lra:r..vi, best !.yj:.,i. bes: f . r an :net!ert. besl for a ros ,lcv..e. r.ri best to b-.'.:M or. i s.!;.. ..r T.-:i:. iVV.Is'c ave the :" : :ro re s:ree: of Me.ifor.1 .V'v to ft. (1 V. Marsha'.!. .. s--. th of t! K.'K SAI.K Relin.iuifhment claim, li a. r..s. nnles Medford. 40 aeres fene c.l. 1- acres cleared. 5 acres 2-year-old commercial fruit, cabin. For price call on V. M. French, room 7, Jackson ' o.inty Hank bide. FOR SAl.K Relinq-.nshment. SO acres. 6 m:Vs erst Medford: -0 practicallv !ccV Ivri-ce easy j:radc and covered w ;h f.-oi :':u-': tirr.bcr; C springs; very ek. a;.. V. M. French, room 7. Jack s' i. i . - Rink b'djf. r 'K SAI.H C.vCKi -e?:.Koce lots, close ti: a'so .od ." acre orcl arl; deal with """et: save coram s:on. Address J. care of Tribune oft'ue. F: V:, f... m : fe is c i : -s t sifc c.s. .. -u. . ... u d 1 -e at st a .to :sr a .!sv cc-. re '.' ti wvb bcoaw Classified Advertisements wajrriD. AN . : .'-A r.. it..si rvvi.tn.-..; C .1 'o A .1.1 new r. O. IV.j M..f. rd. Or tr.i'xrarr5 ,' VvM7eiiceVi ;r. cr.l.rd work, to tait cttv ef j F.Mi SM.F - A lent l.s-at r . o 1 K.i.ireM P O. !.( 1K S.I.t re. l.vse. A.ldrMs T. c A ". 1. j-a-.n r,. Tr b ,re. :'s VK S.U,V Or trade, the best rvvm 'r.j house -n Mivit'or.i, clear ' etk A.I.I-ess ,-. ,,ro of th.. etflc. . I FOR SA1.K Houses, lots and land in Phoenix, or in trnets to suit from one j acre to '"40 acres. Matt Calhoun. Pho nil. Or ; FOR RENT. TO .s r Fc-r. -I ! room to let. 3 IS K v orsido a ev.ue S. 1 ol; KFVT--Two bk'ht houseke.'pirc j rooms ..n ..rth H street for rent. Ad i dress V, can of Tr.bune office. S-3