Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. I'liblialwd eviffv eveniim except Suud.iy. MEDFORD PUD L I S JUNG C O M P A N Y George Putnam, Kditor and Manage Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Post of fiee at Medford, Oregon, SUBSCRIPTION KATES; One niuuth by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 One year by mail. .15.00 ItETMlDlSU DKVELOIWIKST. During the past few days the agents of a foreign corporation have heen active in Medford and vicinity, and as a result several thousands of dollars, which have heen on deposit in local hanks have been withdrawn and sent into other fields. The promoters have tales of fab ulous dividends and have found it easy to take many local people into camp. The concern is one that is but little known locally. Still the tale of the agent has been so guilded as to conjure up visions of large and speedy returns. While a word of warning might be in order, it is scarcely worth while to give it it would not be heeded. Why local people, who should have every interest in upbuilding the city and valley, consent so readily to send their money abroad is a question not easy of solution. Here at home we have a dozen enterprises safe, sound and certain of paying splendid dividends, which only lack capital to carry on and develop their resources. They are constantly striving to get more capital and, worthy as they are, in many instance they have difficult work in keeping pace with their growth. To illustrate there is a certain business in Medford paying 8 per cent on their capital stock. The past year has been a profitable one, lint in order to increase the capacity of the plant to take care of the business that is theirs for the asking, they must have more capital. This they find difficult to obtain, in spite of the fact that they are sound financially. A working capital, in ordcMo branch out, is what they need, lint it seems that local people would rather place their money in foreign fields to them the argument of the local payroll has no weight though the company cited pays out over .fl. "()() a month to their men, and this amount will be trebled ;is soon as they are able to handle all of the business they could cont rol. Local money should be used for local purposes. The industries of the valley should be built up. Its resources should be developed. Those who use their money in oth er fields are hut a dead weight, retarding the growth of the city and the upbuilding of their valley. Money should he flowing in. and not out, of the IJngue River valley. COUNTRY NEEDS LABOR, BUT LACKS FARES WASHINGTON. IV... It-.r hick of funds fur tr:wiHt(rl!!tim iniiiiv thou HiirnI nliciia who t '!:: y ar living in t li voiigitf'l i' i' n torn nf I ln iniiiit rv and who ijX'jil fur v.urk an' deprived of olthiinin r'iiniiHr:i(iv i-mlnvmMit. Kroni till (MtrtH nf ilii country tlio cry comes for efficient lo'lp, Iml the lulmrcr in inn u v iiiHtiunoH is inmble to uiihwit Ihi cull lieejiuse he linn itut Uo' mean to go to the work. Thin is the neri mi situation v:.iirVi n confronting the !iurc:tu of inff-iiml mn of (lie ilep.irlmeiit of -iiiiirif rc and labor. It wu niul 1-1 .v !.-. ..n .-.-A nf this bii ren n thnt within tin 1 -n weeks fully 11,'iinl laborer c.iild have been Bent out to different pnrts nf the country if ttiey had hud the unim to travel. Thousand1; of replication nre Inline received fur work from the un employed, but the v:.ttt tmtjonty f 1 hem aro handicapped ttinniih an in:di o,u:itt fmpply of money. One ttiijtfeHt itin thr.t Im been put fnr ward is that sonic fund be set nude by miigresH fur the uto' of the division in tmnportiii( Irilmreri fn.m one pl.-i.-e tt another, with t he uiidert;i tidtn that those who receive ihi'i aid shall return tt rhen able to d so. It is pr.ibable Hint in the near future the matter will hi) presented to congress for !icii..n. WIRELESS FINDS TORPEDO BOATS MISSINO AT SEA NoKKol.K. V:i., Feb. 111. A wireless message reporting III" " luss at sea' of I he torpedo boat Slorktoll U'ld Sllll brick :h t;ent broiidiust tonight to wireless operatois on land .Mid ea by I lie navy department. The litt le veil si Ih are bound from here to ( 'lutrlcstnn, Anyone was uryed lo mmver who iniyht know aiivthtny of them. Wireless message.! searching for the boats were f lanhtil up and down the -i.:Ht and to vessids fur out at sea. i I.atff n wir less message renched the i N'oifiilk navy yard that they were safe, 1 ..' tlie:r I-M-a!i'-Ii v. rn not revealed. Severe winds, accompanied by In-uvv ram and thunder are! lightning, hud in creased the .MixietV felt for the VcsvM. GOV. HADLEY TO TRY NEW PLAN TO CURB MONOPOLIES JI'FMKItSoN' ITI'V. Mo., Vb. H In a few day. ;..orn..r Urdlcy will Iraiillllil H message to the leginlalllie asking for legislat i.til to regulate Mo prices charged bv iiiiii1i-'. "A rigid enforcement f tin aitti trust laws of M imtri ' ' he said, " won hi drive fully one third of the business en terprises doing Imihuiihs of one kind or another out of existence. " Me declared thai thete at" iiionnpolieN that it is better control than lo le stray, as thev are v., interwoven with trade condition: that their destruction would be litle less than a public en lam it v. Me ha: not w..rk.d m all the of his plan yet. but tin re m no d.mbt that he will nsk for legi-lat ion thit wilt make Missouri a pioii. cr st lie in show ing other coiiiinonu ".ilt lis hn i. is pi.s sible to regulate and nut kill business enterprises t hat under corpm ate char ncters have grown info nioiii'polies. TALL OF COAL KILLS TWO CARBONADO MINERS TACOM . W.ivl, . )! M:t, vin and James Itoss, imumth, w. re killed by a fall of coal h, the mines ..f the Carbonado Coal companv in this com ty last night. There wav no --pliHitin It nd I ho officers of ll mp:in do not know the ennio of the nccid-nt. The bodies were reeoveved. l!o!h nu n we-e exu'rienei'd iilitH-rs and hiu ben with th companv sever::! yen-s. Siah. Mine (uspei tor Hotting and o'oner Sha e will make an investigation. OIRL'S MOTHER CAUSES ARREST OF ELOPINO PAIR HosToN. Feb. m. Henry K. Spri cer, aged :t", of Irvington, . J,, and Miis l:,bel C. Nuh-tt, I'M, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nullett of :U 1 Tre lllolit street, ttriinge, N. were arrested in Wen ham ttwlay. Miss Nullett was a stenographer in Newark. N. J., and disappeared from her homo April ;, liinti, about the time that Spruer lef' Newark midden I v. I'nder the iiaineH .if Mr. and Mrs Henry K. Jewell th- fouple lived in Heverly unt tl about six inout h ago. Since that time they have lived in Wen ham. Thiongh correspondence with her girl friends the whereabout'! of Miss Nullett became known it her mother and the :i i rests fid lowed a complaint to Chief ot Coloe Hell of Hast Orange. LAUOER MILITIA FOR CALIFORNIA S ; M KN TO. Cal.. Feb. hi Xdiutant tieinial l.aiick says the re I newed activities in in deportment at the tetpirst of the war department at Wellington ..r the oi gamat ion of HI I militia loinpanies of artillery for coast i defence, were not the result of t he pas -.ige bv the asseinldv of the nnti.litp ; ne seho.d bill. It was on January j '.' the war department appealed to! Governor Oiltett to organi..- the HI. companies. An effort is being mnde to 'o so 11 compaiii.-t in St.n Francisco and 1 two in San Hug... th- principal stiate , go points on the California coast. CHANCE TO BUILD UP COUNTY AND CITY, Help populate Jucknou county. It 'x up to us. The railroads have come through with !, low rate. It'n up to us to g"t busy and do our part. Reduced rates from eastern points in effect March 1. lU'iH, will be follows (second class t-oluliiM'O : Kaunas City, St. Jo'. Council liluffs. Ohamti, St. I'yiil. Minneapolis. I'Jo.OO; Chicago. New Vork. -'n. Rates from oilier points un applica tion at local of fie. Money can be deposited lit local office and tile col oiiifct ticket will be telegraphed to the party in the east, toge.her with a small sum of money if desired, with only the expense of the est of the ticket. Call or mid res tin- local agent. In formation cheerfully giwn and all de taibi arranged, when desired. JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and Wall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER JPJ WOMAN DIES OF BURNS INFLICTED BY SPOUSE NFW YuKK, Feb l;t - Mrs. Amelia Zsrimik, who with h r s old daughter was taken to U H. vn, hospi :al iitfernig fioin f 'irffil tire burns on l he fa. e and body, which she n-id W ere it'lii'ted by her husbni'd, expired yes v. The child will prob iblv re cover, and she has tiol been told of the death of her mother. The father has not been seen since the net was eon untied last Satnrdav. YOU CAN'T SAV E On your railroad fare. The law nf tie common rarrier coin pels equal rntes uo all raitioad lines YOU CAIN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex pense! and ratigue by insisting on the shortest route, faste .t trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Inion Pacific Rvery facility for the SHfet and nccommodn tioa of th iiiissenger is provided. N change wf cars is necessary to Don vlt, Oinatia, Kansas City Chicago. Uireot connec tions are mi. do fur all oth er points east and south A. H. litlSKNIiAl'M, Agent, M.-d ford. WM. McMURRAY, Qeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp Uies 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $ II 32 Caudle Power TungstQQ Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in ioo hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K'lo- watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Of fic, 20G West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith 5 Molony WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon. It ia acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice k Storage Co. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of J! run xree YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. Nni in tLe combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON . Medford Iron Works E. Q. TliOWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Entir es, Spraying Outfits, Pumpa, Bi.'ei and Machinery. Agents in SovtLcrn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. But Dipodtcrjr Sitabiiikad 1M8. Highest Attainment la Systematic Banking Service Tlit Jaokica Csuiity Bank nspocMully eliciti year aoapuat, nbjost to jovc kck, witb U IroagMt goarautM at imltly and fficUaojr. Wa affar taa aigaeat attalunatit ia yatMuttig baaJtlag aervioa, tralab aa urea las graataat oare U irj taan oial traaaMtiaa, with tbti obliging In-Htllntioa. Capital aid Sorplaa lM.dWWrff'ISgW. I. VAWTBB, Prcidwt. Bataarroa $700,000 ZZsTZa- B- I-IWDLV, Caviller. J. E. KNITAHT. Prosident. J. A. PKBKY, Vice President. JOHN S. OBTH, Caaalar. W. B. JACKSON, Am t Okaklar. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK M E D F O B D , O , CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus.ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. G. E. Hlliiatcr A. C. Randall d L. O. Hairla Rogue River Investment Co. I FRUIT LANDS -&j Sub-Divider and DsTelopera Bo(n Rlrac VU17 Or chard Lnndi. :"hiii-e fruit lauds, bearing and young erchards in small and taro ttat3, for tale. Wo plaut and care for orchards and guarantee property t Itf hh Ti proscntetl. Experience Not Neceamary tor those who purchase through us. Thcr secure the advise aod services of a consulting horticulturist, no expert un fruit cul ture in nit its branches, who fur several yeais has excel M in the gr iwing and shipping of fruit in the Rogus River vstley, record crops, record packs, record prices, 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon Take the Tribune for News Tomorrow is last day of Bargain Offer REGISTER a voir right now that henceforth oaty tho best tailoring is good e hough tor you. fereoDul appear nco la more than UL'lf the battle for success In life. Why not, then, wear clothes that are wor thy of youf Come to us for your tai loring. We will fit you out in suite that will be a credit to you and to us. Price that are right. J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailore VA1M BUUiDDfO, HaBTOBD. OB. You will find your wife's judgment is uauully better than your own, and you will find on consulting her that alio does not upprove ot paying out good, hr.rd earncd dol lars for runt, when there ure so many good properties on ihe market at reasonable figures in Medford. A woman has a keen eye for location, surroundings, etc., and her julg mont enn ho relied upon in making a selection for n homo. Bring her wilh you, and mako a personal inspi ctinu of the good things now of fering through our agency, and you will never rcgrot it. It is almost time to "make garden," and it ia high time for action in securing a homo where you can enjoy the good things of life in thia wonderful val ley. Don't delay act now. Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building, MEDFORD ytlrs. 3rtne 'Siantfton Isaacs iu.ructr of Ipiano. "Tui 3Btbo6 Mufls at Xarttuica, fertfc Oraaaa (traat Compare the Quality It la, and alvara hat been our aim to supply ear eustonara with twit of th, hifkeat quality and to that ead W nr always addiBg uaij to our line. Tb icitioa of "preferred tack" makea our of Innkgrsde Uanned OMd atoat eenpleta. Oar aenriee always the -rt and every aeeom givea our customer. Allen & Reagan Groceries, oChinaware, Fruit and Feed