Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By fat the Urgent and beat newt report of any paper Is Southern Oregon. ITedforcil Daily Oitwiiroe. The Weather Tlit weather man tmys: Indications point to cloudy weather end possibly oeeaidonal showers totiight a ad tomorrow. THTRP YEA li. MKDFORDj Oh' Eli ON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 15)0.1. No. 286. CRATER ROAD BILL WINS EMATE HE S 23 SOLONS VOTE IN FAVOR; ONLY 7 SOLONS VOTE Bin w mil STATE HOUSE, Salem,-Or., Feb. ID. Tho Crater Lake Road appropria tion bill was passed by tho sen a to at 3:27 p. m. by a vote of 23 to 7. A brief but bitter fight took place just previous to its passage.. Medford has made good in tho cyer of the stato. Her spirit the spirit thai builds cities and makes them famous is again triumphant. Deciding only a few months ago that a boulevard to Or .iter Lake was a necvossity that she must hav it she has worked hard to accomplish that end. Now comes the cheering news that she has accomplished that end. And it is only success that counts. Medford has long had tho name of phe goes after. Sho has, by this latest UiK a uivy ui live uuea c wim .in UllUlKj mill- KirtivuB lui gicawicnn imuii While Medford can take a just pride road, tho aid of her sister cities must not her friends. Then at home there was A -bland, Central Point, Grants Pass and : from boasting, emitted not a cackle othor cities that contributed their material aid. Petty jealousies were for- i vesterdav. gotten and all worked for the common good. j ' 'j'lie' lien (jut on the nerves of Mrs. Those who contributed to the fight those who visited the capital each ! Appli'Kute, who lives on Vieeeli street, and all helped. Medford is proud of them. And she should be especially proud : ftvdbatik, x. j, Mrs. Applegnte was of those who for the past month have given all of thei rtime and much of j jtstoumled to find 1- os in the hen's their money to stay at the capital and fight the thing through the men who, I m.f,t :tst Timrsdav sundown. Mrs. Ap when dofoat seemed certain, kent up the f iglit and won. Nothing succeeds like : phale, gasping, stared at the lieu; the success. Still, had tho bill been lost, cred t would have been due them for their; 1(. w ), suspicion of a smile mi her fight. With tho battle won, Medford owes them much. face, looked at -Mrs. ApplcKate as if j saving: " I 'in rather fruitful, eh ?' ' Mrs. STATE IIOUKIC, Salem, Or., Feb 111. Despite the fact that a favorable re- i port has been voted by the ways tind moans eoniinittee of the senate, the ('rater Lake road appropriation bill is lining held in the se-iate to nwuit ac tion on the normal school bill. The coiMiniltee ivf'ises to report tile norma! school bill until the house acts upon the senate bill abolishing the nor It is nppnront that the enemies of the normal bill are holding up the Crater road bill ill an effort to force the friends of the latter measure in the house to support the bill killing the normals. The supporters of the Crater Lake road bill will be between two fires and are insisting upon a separate consideration and upon an exhibit of merits. The situation is critical, as the time is growing short and the bill is likely to be killed in the final rush. The friends of the fritter Lake bill in the senate dare not take the bill away from the commitee lest the move an tagoiiize the members, and every vote is needed. The poll of the seuate shows suffi cieut strength to pass tho Crater road bill if it could be taken upon the floor of the senate, but th-' delay is dangerous as under currents are at work which endanger its pnsng S. P. TRACK SINKS AND SLIDES DOWN HILL SANTA CHTZ. Cal., Feb. It'. A milli liter . sink yesterday occurred on the Boulder branch of Hie Southern Pacific near the -powder works. I lie truck anil roadbed to a depth of -Id feet for a dis tance of 2-Jo feet rami; and then slid down the mountainside to the creek be low, a distance of several hundred feet. The county road was carried away v-'-ih the tons of earth and reek that went down the mountain. A trestle is being built by the r:rl road over the place where the slide and sink occurred. RUO WORTH' S50.000 : PRESENTED TO NATION WASHINGTON. F; b. 10. A rug said to be worth'thc i ..V.nou was pre sent id to th" White Hons' yesterday a gift to the nation and was accepted by President Koosev lt, The flo-mr was H. II. Topst-ynn, a itch nnemali. of Xew York city. HARRIMAN IN TEXAS WITH FEW PROMISES lIOl'STON. Tf.. Keh. 2K K. H. Har riinan has arr'tverl here with his party and will remain for several week. lie is making n careful inspection tf tie uthern Pacific properties. Asked con cerniiif pros-cie impro-emeuts Har brfi stjflsUthat nothing w.mlO te nop in Te Inch was o it al- .liitely nee o o The (ireat-i M.-.lf..r.I nn Monday nl'tcrn i.n i cie.l club rooiiia. -lob tin. vill Ciinini" BILLS wanting big things and getting what exploit, only added to her fame as be-j miu iu.u jiiuiu, OHUiusi.imu, tuiviiiicv ttiiu iLicn. in leading the fight for the Crater! be forgotten. All ovor the state are . SCHOOLBOYS TREATED TO ! Applegate began to laugh, mid she laugh EEAL FIRE SPECTACLEl"1 ""M ',r'"',- T1"'"' langlnng and j crying alternately, she got hysterical ' I mill her fainilv culled ill Dr. Savre. who CHICAGO, Feb. Ill, A great freight i house in the abash railroad yams, ! costing, with its contents, iti.KHI.onO. was j ,l,,.nrnvcd bv fire just before ilavligl.t ' ' ,, . ,' . , today. Miss May Connelly, night ''-i phone operator, whoso office was in the i burning house, remained at her post, the - fire raging about her, and was engaged ; ntotifying the venous employes of I lie yards when overcome with smoke. She was found unconscious before her switchboard and carried to safety. Win ii Miss Helen McLaren discover -. that a butcher shop next the public school in which she was teaching was ,m fire, she ran to the different rooms and whispered tin' news to the other teachers', lieturnir.g to her own room me of the children called her attention ; If- thick sninke. "Children. she said, "you may nil j The hen has no pride ot ancestry, stand up ami look out of the window. jMr. Applegate lays bricks that is. he Now don't get frigh.ened, because there i js mason. He sent Miss Christine to isn't any danger. If any boy shouts ; buy the I from a neighbor when the 'fire' he'll have to sit down, and then H.n w-ns only a few months old. She he will not see the engine." lis the only hen the Applegates own, Tin: pupils watched the blaze quietly j must ipiently she does not gad about from the windows ami enjoyed the spec- wjtli a lot of liens that would interfere tacle. Then thev wrote essays on tlio with her domestic duties nud distract file, fine essay described the teacher j her fr,,m her intimate industry, as "a good heroin" nnd said they were! all "braiv." ! KING OF SPAIN WILL FLY t IN WRIGHT'S AEROPLANE , M IUMP. Feb. no. The preineir, Se- j nor Maura.' declared today that King , it.Mi-.r recent isit to King Manuel ;., P,,rtuoal was of a private charac- ; i,.r -ind that it had n. bearing on tho j monarch. member of Kin- Alfonso s unme ,T;.lI(. ,nIl,raUe snvs that the king has ,vpre.sod himself several times recent ly a being determined to make an aero 'i.inp flight with Wilbur Wright, the ' . . ..-i.. . u f .mil net Ano-ri roj ,,ies of flighl .. I...1,. i-mirl i at Pan. opposed TO net- . ,i. .....,,,,,1 lhat it would be breach of etiuilctt". but inioroi ,.., .,,l,l..l that when 1:'.' in.fl est v makes ; np hi mind tn do a tliimr top him. thing can cv, ft I- II. 1.. Feb. 2d -With . i nfron!ed bv .l"cine.i ..- majorities the lilt li Hawaiian .cal legisls'ii''.' I "-';, . Smith en.nte ar ..1 men i fin loWtcin speaker of ,nd H ss,-n, T,, ,.t importi-iit men ehed f,,r conni.leration uled to come up 1 taval" the Icprn i.:n. n.i.l aineniliocn to .regalo.i. .lia.-"."""-V resolution ilnlori lig ah Kalatii niKir.l.-. ten it. -ial will -" 1" nt 1 and is . HEN LAYS 130 EGGS: BO DAYS Mrs. Applegate's Modest Producer Doesn't Even Cackh Over Her Feat If a hen and ,i half Hay an egg and a half In a day and a half How many will a dozen lnvf NEW YOnK, Feb. 19. With this arit hmetieal problem Mrs. Georgo W. Applegate's hen concerns herself not nl nil. Tins industrious and retnunern- tive lien simply ym on laying eggs, since December ;i beit this cornucopia )Jl j, j;ln Although she lias beaten all records at laying on;ys, sl"' "indent and retiring and, m fnr ,.iotcd ,er with the bromides of so- diiiui ami potassium, - No Nervous Collapso. """"" '"""I1"" ' hrenteneil the hen. She preserved her ineiilal poise .,,,.,,;,, , business si rid ly. laid Bl.v,. m(irc eggs during Thursday night. She kept up a contiaiuius pertorinanre during all day l-riday, twelve eggs were 1 HO OUlCollie. lier mine spioun i a lively correspondent at. Kod Iteuk beat it to Mrs. Appb-gyte 's house last night, lie saw the lieu, but clid not get an interview with Mrs. Applegate, who is still suffering from nervousness. Miss Christine Applegate. nged Hi, her daugh ter, said she guessed the lieu had "laid out" and had produced no eggs since Friday. The lion appeared In be in a guild, healthy condition, but there was roopnig air about tier wnicn- seemeo t indicate that she was disapj Illicit eggs. (at not being able to lay any mon DUCK HETS sbbau OF SPRINGTIME MFN'CIK, Ind.J-Vb. 1H. A tired mal ilnrd duck was caught this week in the Whitely Casting company's factory. As harbinger of spring this duck has )(,, fjrst bluebird and thu rubm back 0ff t,f. boa Is." Nobody seems to know w,y ild duck should be jour- iieying norttiwaro in iin- nnonie m .i.i-i-miry with the long.cold month of Feb ruary still before it. The bird, nlive. win presented to F.d war.) fialliher, a Muiuie druggist, who will give it its freedom. "The only ex plauation I have of the bird's apj.onr ance at this date," said he, "is that it 1) sooner.' It m not unttsur.i nr a or a bluebird to be a 'sooner,' 10),jn lint I always iiuiugum mn -nn o e'ne. GETS TEETH FIXED; ISN'T BAD MAN NOW CI.KVKI.AXI), ().. Fuh. III. Ashton ( iillnrt. sentenced to the workhouse on the charge of assault and battery, do , that an operation on Ins leeia ,,.,.,, ,i, of a continual lesire to iltack some one. If lias appncu ior ,i parole, but the parole officer has re ported against sn.-h action. K(H xazru msw mvobce FfeSlB miLLiaNAIBE BREWER ST. I.orlS. I'eb. Icliili was granted . Mrs. William i divorce today fti.m the terlocittary millionaire brewer. An in ,ecree awards her Kiuii a as alimony and the cnsinuv ..i no u William ' AGAINST PUT WORLD ON Texas Congressman Intro- duGes Bill to Reform the Entire Civilized Globe WASHINGTON'. Feb. lit. A proces sion of water wagons reaching from Nome in Tinihiu'toi, with divisions form iiig fur t he parade at Johannesburg, Vladivostok, Singapore, Copenhagen, in aneiro and Montreal, is planned by a hopeful young congressman named Slieppard from Texas. Mr. Sheppnrd we. His to put the whole world on t lie water wagon at one fell swoop. lie introduced two bilitt in the house today which would I urn the t rick. First off he proposes that the president of the t'nited States call on all the count ries represented in The Hague peace conference to Mend delegates to an int ei'tiat ioual I .'in pern nee congress. This congress, according to Mi. Shep pnrd s intent, is to meet within one year from March 1. Ifil'l, at Washing ton or any oilier place that might suit the nations desiring ti take the pledge. From hiii' own I'uiied Stales In') advo calfs of aipia pura Would be sent, is I he plan of Mr. Sheppnrd. The world around temperance meet ing would investigate the international I raf fie in int oxient ing I i (pun's, n a rent -ics and harmful drugs, as Mr. Shop pard says, "hi the end that the forms of temperance throughout. the world may be united in the struggle against t hose might y evils. ' ' Mr. Sli.-ppai-l "s other bill provides a ")MO penally to eve-y common currier every time a package of the forbidden juice is delivered on any spot in t he Foiled Stales where the law or price regulations make it hard to get, The letter carrier, expressman or other per son who nVIivns it will draw a fine of from to .Vill and a sentence f from .'Hi days In six nuinths, if Mr. Shop panl has his way. SEND BATTLESHIPS TO THE PACIFIC? MlTilX, I'd,. III. The stral he leivy ib'iiartment are plan i-lease :he eaval force in the gist-; .if I 111 II to Pacific by of the shi they are I navy yanl 1 u order sending to that ocean some s of th.' battleship fleet after pail-oil at the Atlantic coast The supply ship Celtic lias ,i ti, o-l',ilk, whore she will lie loaded I'n Thus far n new depurti lhat any sin ami in thou!- long rinse. n one in nn'hoiily at the neiil is wilting to admit li pi:: lis (ire being made. the revival of the .lapa has nothing to. do with The department is not .piest matte rendv tti aniMiimce my phase of the 1 I- ti to hae a big force in ilo- Pacific, which accounts for (ienial of a report from the Mare Ishnd navy yard that I he bat I lesiiips Montana, M issis:ii pii. bh'ho and New Hampshire will be sent. to thai side of Ihe continent. Three hrps are under orders to join Admiral Sperrv 's flag and replace battleships under order1' to proceed to navy yard fo extensive repinrr. PROHIBITIONIST TAKES UP MAYOR'S CHALLENGE (UK ACO. HI.. Feb, 1H.--The eli a I I. ml"- recently made by Maor Rose of Miluaukee te meet iiiiv nccredin-d chain pi, ,,i of prohibition hat; been accepted bv Samuel Hickie, president .f Albion cnllege. Mich., a ad former chairman of te prohibition national committee. The ,;cMte will be liel.l in Milwaukee Frl. ning. Mnrcl ohed. That 'J'i. The Huh prohibition. ' Ii ap plied to the matin ivtoxicnting bevern Mr, Dickie will adore and sale , n: is right." li.itiipiori the prine while Mayor He f prohibit!. will defei d the iiiln-v of ri 'iila tin- liijiior traffic. applied t DEWEY'S HEALTH KEEPS HIM FROM TIIE REVIEW WASHINGTON', -'eb. ..... Itec o eof recent i lot i s mmi t i"Ti . Admiral hewev I as been colii..-lle,l to decline the l.resi ilei. invitation to liitn to ilaiiiitou li.iads to v-itness th" r..iev of the hatllelii. fleet. WATER WAGON Grants Pass Residents Out in Force to See Work Started on First Canal - Means Much to Valley (HANTS PASS, Or., Feb. Ml (Spo. cinl.) Promptly at -'-111) o'clock Thnrs day afternoon the ground was broken et the Anient dam for the first ditch for the (irants Pass Irrigation company, which will, when completed, place over 1(1,000 ncres of laud near this city nn der water. As was proper, the dawn of the new era in the prosperity of this section of Oregon as observed by many (in iits Pass people, who were on hand to witness the breaking of the soil. The i ccasiou was a niemoriul one and wor thy of the new era inaugurated in Jo sephine county. Nearly every husieens house in (iniuls Pass was closed during the e.fteruoon. A special t rain funk ninny people to the dam. The citizens of (irauts Pass turned out in force io participate. The completion of tho irrigation syi 1 i-iii means much (o this section of the valley. Water will make the proditclm soil abounding in this county a verila bio garden of Kden. On Saturday a big hoosh r irrign lion meeting is lo be held in the opera house to perfect plans for the fut nri' opera t ions of t he company, which if- u posed of many local i pie. ;f iv entirely cooperative ju its nature and are benefited by it. 'RACE SUrciDE FLAT" BAEY GIVEN TO JUDGE PFS MOINKS Feb. ID. Mrs. L. H Fisher, who lives in the fashionabl :":ri imiai1' u ii I in en I house, carrying hi her arms v. piettv 10-weekH'old babv :.'irt she had adopted five weeks ago, un1 to the .(uvenile courtroom, p res id e I ever by .ludj.e Jesse A. Miller, to oav. 'It caiiii"t be, your honor, that 1 li.edloid can mal e tilers forbidding us to keep suc'i a s',ect little mile as thi in "iir (iv.'ii 1'ijnteil apa it men t s and that th" law will snsiaiu him," she said. Judge Mn. i- hml'ed at the blue ey i'i. 'en haired ba! y. then reached for a ! i'v book. Foi some minutes he read i a 'e!'ully in I In code. 1 I cannot f .ii ylh'Ng I. n 1 i ;i t "fivs luiellords inav n -t bar babies fiom Iheir jU'operfy ii mi d('ii., ,. said. Su'idnily ,l is, Fislier stepped for waul, laid Ihe baby in the Judge's lap 1 u in ' about and scurried out the door "Here! Slop! st op !" comma tided tin court. Hut defying nrrest for contempt the wioiian fled down the stairs and out into the si reef. The em ha missed bulge handed t Ik infant to the woman probation el' fleet Mrs. Frames McFarlniid. Hater he di dared that h will lake little l.ucill home until she can be placed in a pri vale family which does not reside i v. hat he termed ' ' race suicide flats, ' THOUSANDS OF TIES WERE SCATTERED J1Y THE FLOODS L'KD HLFFF. Cat,, Feb. HI. --Among the many losses at Tehailin in the flm the railroad company has been the hen iest, but particular .lie of it losses has escapi notice. People who have o casinn to go onto the lowlands sou I It u and along the Sacramento wondered at the gre;tt mini v railroad tie- lodged in lite ,i:it tl( rive,- h;, I ber of IO- drifts and among the brandies of the jtre's along the river banks. I'pon in rv it is found that liO.OOO of these t; w ties were stacked in ihe railroad vnrd- in Tehama before the fl I and , .-re all enrried away nnd scattered for j man y miles along ej - her side of the i river, causing the rniirono company lo. nf iiutiiv t house ads of dolla INTRODUCES BILI. TO RAISE THE MAINE WASHINGTON, K b. HI. If in tin liill introduced bv H".ieseul:itne li.otl di n of New Vni-( :olhoriioy ihe o-es iilent to .aose the rrisnie; (,f (he toittb .lii Maine from Havana hailmt- b. entiles a l.-tW enlisted IIICI. Who lost their livs in the disaster .and whose l....s ::i-e recovered whet: the wreck is in.-.-.! c. ill find a final ristiiiL' .lai-e in the no tiooal cemetery :il Arlington. The illeitsnie ,PiVides for II" niucli teonev as tolt- I"1 tieeessoiv ntiil lli:il(e. i! iminediately available. WAR IMMINENT IN EASTERN EUROPE I.ONHON, Feb. lit. FnU'ss Servin disarms by February -7 Austria will declare war and rush troops to the frontier. This was revealed today through the receipt of the d 'tails of u note Austria sent to Ilelgrade. It is not believed (lint Servin will coiupluy with tiie demands of A ust ria. Fight ing es expected within a fortnight. Austrian gunboats in the Hnnubc aiv in a position of menace to Hel giude. F TO PEOPLE Council Refers Telephone Question to Vote of Cit izens on March 19 The telephone (pieduui is now up to he "deer peepnl,'' for their approval u' rejection. They will have the chance lo express t hemsel ves on M arch I!) one mouth from today. The city council after meeting in special session Thursday evening lo decide upon the granting of a franchise lo the Citizens' Telephone company, IoimhI lhat this would not be necessary, ::y. J udge I 'rowed naked lo wit lid raw Ihe application a vole was laken on tliiu nnd the anidicul ion withdrawn. A lotion submitting Ihe same was in need and passed. he only time tha' the "fireworks" Apodal ion of which a large crowd had gathered, seemed imminent was iver the matter of the ti f the pecinl election. Woiimaii moved lo fix the date as March 10, and Deinmer moved to nuieiid by making the dale March lie original motion carried. wise all was serene and mat let s adjusted as by clockwork. MISSOURI SHOWS 'EM; $r.o,ono FINE IS PAID J FFI'FKSO.V CITV, Mo., Feb. HI. Henry s. Priest, nf St. Louis nnd II. Clay Pierce, chairman of Ihe board of directors of the Waters Pierce Oil cutn pnn, today filed in Ihe supreme court of Missouri an acceptance of t ho terms imposed upon Ihe company by the re cent ouster order of the court. The fine of $.".11.0011 was paid. The ousler decree pro id'-d lhat the company must show lo 11 our! that il had severed all con nection with the Standard Oil company ami ii statemem to this effect may be reijiiiied by the eoilM. "Judge Pi.esl, however, said lhat he beiee.I today's adi ov.Tc.J the case so fa r as t he M tssom i corporal ion was t concerned, and said he did not know of auditing more lhat could be done. SAY DEAD WOMAN DEFRAUDED STATE OAKLAND, Feb. Ift.--C.mntv Trees U-er M. .1. Kelly h-. fi,., a p elili.lll for an a milting of the estate of the h'o ln. Mary b'osa M , Slialluck to recover the i n h -" i 1 'i it ce fix. amount ;ig to some .ir.o.iHio, ai.d clcrging that Ihe wealtln u 11 '1 11 elite into a her b ;;th to d fraud Slate Tie- ,it is Moo of ihe most peculiar m record. hefoie h.-r iio.-it! September I II i.'il Mrs. (Xecuted deeds to ill her property, amount ing to upward, if .fl.omi.oiH). and had them held in escrow until after her dealh, On Set. ( ' mix 1 I the ,e...s W. re orilcd and ooiileted. o:n ticiillv icvance of Hi" - , : i ! r ii,;. thus '.late TREED BY WILD HOGS . IN MEXICAN JUNOLE m i:no .-mi hour CITV, l'.-b I!'.- Treed f.,r I l.lSltoN. Keb. 111. A newspaper hero li wild hi.s anil for jiiioints a report that the encae;etneilt. of iinenl doneer ,,f bein do j Kint; lananiiel to Princess Heutriee, tho d bv tl I'ntiv.: ed tjeie.ts was the exi.erieo.-e ,.f Hr. V. A. 1'arlior and II; i rv lnler. A liu-ri.-a to . ami Seiinr Jose I " i i . all of t his ci' y, w ho have just ri t ii rti. 1 1 fioni a haul in Ihe iunitle so Ullli S ft. UO 'l'.-OI,ien One ,.f the .ai:v -hut ami wounded i.lie f ,jB ,,f wiM leifS. . I .,, i i n-l.-it, I v I h" ' III, e men were at tacked by the iiunhlcncil anilnales. All three managed to cliiet. a bnir.. tr. e. TI,.- .l. Ices, ,l aroiiod the fl anil foi leu,-, lie le.e-- routiil tit the !,-ri. tt'tilto; to b-'HIi; il lloWII lllld e' ,-it the nieti. l-'itiollv Siillie noise ill lie initio fi ietitened lluotl oft', and the nien climbed down an. I ran for safety. A AM I Guarantee on Part ol Busi ness Men Assured Mg Credie Will be Notified, at Once A, the last meeting uf tho Commer cial club n proposition w:is submitted by Waller McCredie, manager of the IVrlhuid baseball team, whereby ho would bring his men hero for their spring practice, providing their railroad lti-e and hot id bills worn paid the team lo play one game daily, the proceeds of which were lo bo given to tho club. Tho Cotninercial club agreed to ac cept the propositieit, providing enough business men of the city would agree to pay their pro rata of the loss up to I0 each. The c.inmittee to secure these uaineii got at work immediately end at noon Friday (hey had over f7 ni'.nies signed to the agreement.. Thiriy was named es the lowest that would be entertained. Walter McCredie will bo notified at oneo of the succium of his proposition, lie ilnns to arrive in Medford during Match and remain here for somo weeks, liasebatl is sure to ,ake a great revived and t he advert isirg tesuHing to the cily will be no Utile veluo. CUPID CONSOLIDATED TWO EXPRESS COMPANIES TlfFNTO.Y, .V. J., Feb. 1!. Although Inil u few months igo they were huni ness rivals, Mrs. Hani A. Knrle, widow of Thomas C. . Knrle, nnd George W. Vosler, bolh of this city, were wedded la si even ing in New York. The Rev, Dr. T. Ho ud Holland performed tho ceremony. Mrs. Karlo's husbnnd was engaged in t he express business and i;l'ter his death she continued the enter nvise. Her chlof-riviil in business was Vosler, but this rivalry resulted finally in friendship between the two nnd de veloped after into a deeper affection. Mrs. Knrle is one of the best known women in Trenton. Last summer she consented to have her blood transfused into her daughter i.i order to save her life, but the child died before tho op oration could be performed. She re eently wrote an article condemning par ents who allowed t heir daugh t erg to marry before they iuvestignted whether I he " wild oats sowing " of the pros pect ivo husbands -.vonbl have any ef fect ,iu !(. future, CUBAN RURALES MUTINY AND RUSH TO PALACE HAVANA, Feb. 10. A company of Ihe rural guard mutinied this afternoon as it was about to be transported across the harbor to Cabanas fortretis. Learn ing that they were to bo transferred to t he permanent army, the men refused to embark on waiting launches, and rushed to the palace. They entered tho courtyard and demanded to see Presi dent Gomez, Some tried to dimlt the slairs to the presidential apartments, but were stopped by police armed with revolvers. The mutineers, lfing unarmed, re treated, but remained in the courtyard, demn tiding to be ret timed to their I s in Mnnlatizin end Santa Clara, whence they had come to take part In the inaugural cremonics. General Pitm (iuerra, commander of I t he army, and General Montengudo, j enoiinatider of the rural (ruard, were I summoned, and finally persuaded trin ; men to submit. The men were then nont : under an arineil escort to ruhanas. I MANUEL MAY MARRY I PRINCESS BEATRICE I ibtuo-hter ol the Duke nf I'.d lllburejh, ibablv will he aniiouiiced soon. OVERDOSE OP HEADACHE POWDERS COST OIRL LIFE S rli A M KNTO, Cal.. l-'eb. In. A i-oi-oner's jitiy deciib-d that Miss Alice Mantes of lloueut. Unite county, who died at ii local hospital a few days ago. ciime to her death bv reason of taking an overdose of headache powders. The ,,'iil. who was 'JU years old, came to Saciamettto in search of work She had been hen. two days when she becniue ill and wn taken to n hespitul, where. ha died. l,,tion.