MEDl'OliD DAILY TRI iiClNE, MEDKlmU. OR KG ON', 'I'll IMfKDAV, KKBKUARY 18, IMP. PHEONIX PURE PAINT IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FOR SALE BY MEDFORD HARDWARE CO. il and Personal ilUli Klliutt of Tult'nt wiiH in recently. Limeo of Gold Hill wan ti n- ford viitnr. Kl.lri.ltfo hnn rehiriu'il from it several montliH in Vrcka. your orders for uwct-t en-nrn or k to tho erimmery. WtllKon ha rrturnnl from n t in Knurl) ury. Nickel, of Hterliiitf wiih in on btiniiH'MK 'I'liurwilay. Vilfton of Ifoxy i-rcriiirt w:ih iff liiitiim-KK in Mi'ilfnn! 'I'hurn , A. Whilo itj Ki'rioitsly ill nt of hor iliiuyliti'r, Mrn. ,f. Ilnin n thin city. laMc-n of (irmitH Push linn w ine after HMmlin Hume .Iuvh uiviilc mid Medfunl. lyilolott, ii infill i'fmi'iil work 't for the IIIinoiM Villi. to look fl mining property. 1 Mm. J. W. No.lger.q of AjcIi- Met) ford viwitorn Wcdm-mlay. il Mm. Amy of Cent nil Point nt Merlfonl visitor. V. WVMi of l,nn AMi-leH, (al., if willi her parent m. Mr. ami I. Howard of thin city. I'IgKleHloii, rei-order of 1 lie cilv id, wiih a reeentr Med ford is- In i-key linn ri-tnriied to (IntntH r viHiting Home dnys in Mfd 1it.gerald in in I'ortliiinl on a rilieHH trip, IMh wife iiecoin m. Uninsoii of (iriinlH I'iihh Iuik lioine after a few days' visi. ty. d Mi'N, I. I j. Ihu'irnive have to AhIiIj.ih after viniting Home ti friendH in Medford. for Bwoftt e renin or Itultennilk filled. Pliono tin? creumery. B & HolierlH, expert h lit repair nbuilding Hewing inacliinen, will i fow dnyn longer, affording ; t unity for good and accurate Phono r0(l. Known at Dr. on 's, cor. V. Ninth and 1 1 Tlesolved, By the city council ty of Medford: t in neceHHiiry o cmnhI rurt a own Ik in front of or along each ireininen hereinafter dfscriln-d. i Het forth, to wit: tho east side of loin 1, 'J, .1, -I, 17, in Hentlv a.lilitioti to the Medford. tho OIIHt Hid" of Moi-Kh IS, nd 21, in Healty ii.lditi.nt U of Medford. the pant nide of Mocks I and Midall addition to the cily ..f he recorder is lo-reliy r.'quircd tho owners and occupants In ; such sidewalkn. al tlieir own with thirty (W) days after of mich notice, umler the .ii ind supervision of tin city eu md in accordance wiih the or providing therefor. regoing resilution win pasted city council this lll h dav of , A. 1". 1.tH, hy the foll.iwing wit: Welch nye, Merrick aye. ayp, Wortiuaii aye, Kifert aye, imor nye. ved Vi.nir.rv liltli, t !H W. II. CAXOV. Mayor. 4- AMUSEMENTS. 4 Strong Bill at the Savoy. I An .-xcepl ionally himI hill of pie- liirrN i-iiterlaiiii'd a laije and well pha 'ed audience. The comedy pietnn-H Wore lauli prmlitceiH of i ho first water, eti p.-rially "Tiit- lust:illiiMnl 'idled or. " Tlrs film in full of sidesplitting in i fill from start to finish. Il shows Imw an unfurl unlit.- man was pursued hy an in tliilnient collci'liir who pounces upon liini at (he most inopportune times, even stnppiiii; t ho v. odd in j; to collect his weekly instalment, "Tin- Roman Idyll" is a picturesque drama of mit-ii-nt Ifome in the reign of Caesar Augustus. Thin picture is full . T heart stirrititr nil u:tt ions and is well a.-led. The film is all let ml colored, no. king it one of tie- most lieautiful pictures i-vcr shown in the city. If von do in.! know what "A Hat tie Itoyat" is yon had lielhT attoiol I In performance tonight. To use a lang phrase, it has the oiilinary hox ii.i; coiilr-st hacked off the hoards. Minn Kifert sinus a patriotic h.-ilhol in a -t pleasing mant'er. I'atlous of I lie Savoy vhoiild keep ill lined that there is only a few mote ! days left until 1'elu uaiy Knt ire change of program I'L'.-itu Friday. LIFEBOAT AND AUTO ARE COMBINED IN ONE CRAFT ATLANTIC C1TV, Teh. Is.-- ;,.Ur Ad- iiuiral .1. A. Howell, r. S. ' n-iind Innval officer, is the inventor of a new i oin hi nation lifehout and am ouiohile J which created excitement nil its up :pearauce here this aflernooti. The new ! vessrh vehicle is iluhhcd the A in phi Ida ll, ! and in expected to he a vallialde lie lipiisition to army scouts in crossing land ami water. The contrivance is shaped as a hunt. ,,'tn feet in dearth, mounted mi u heeU I and enough power is secured ft on a Jtin horse power gasoline engine to give .it laud speed of -JO miles an Imur. Vh-n t he craft ru ns into water t he wheel ;aio thrown out of jjear and a screw drives the affair ahead through the water at good speed. Patents have I n jlaken out on tlie invention, which is i partly the work of the son of Admiral Howell, mid the contrivance will he of . feied first o the t'llited States gov eminent. WOMAN SET TO SPY ON A MURDERESS Williams' Juhilco Sin Rem. The next al1iactioi at the Medford Theater will he in i he nature of n miv ft I y and one thai will no douht he well reeemd hy locnt Ihealergoeis. VH I in inn .luhiless Singers need no inlro iliM'lioii to a Meilfoid audience. Last st eson il was one nf I In miiiiiIm-i's on the high school lecluie course and playing on a S.-ilunhiy night wiih oilier oppo Hition had a very siikiII house. On llie in t night, Sunday, they gave a free concert after church services, packed the theater to the do-IV, .'111.1 lilt Itec tion taken up was more than duhle the ipls of I he night before. Williams' Jubilee Singorn is iiudouht Hy one of the lies' conceit comiiui ics on the road either white or black and will surely fill the house. Prices, ?."ic for best seats. Sent Kale begins at lias kins' Saturdav morning :il it o'clock. SAX HI CtiO. I 'nl., Peh. IS. -Interest is renewed ill the case of Mrs. h'fl'ie Ihlden, under utrost here on the charge of having murdered ler brother in law. Itruee Shefler, since it lias been learned that Mis. Winifred Pronson, who has been held ou a chaige of robbing an art gallery, was in realily spying u; I lie alleged niurdercsH. M ru. I trim hu ii was confined in i,r same cell wiih Mrs. Duden and is said to have gained her confidence. Mrs. linden h:is absolutely refused lo uiake any statement since her airesi imi.I ihe public here is curious to learn whether the woman spy discovered anything , n i' ing her stay in the jail. She will he a witness at Mrs. Duden "s trial, and her tct iuiouy is eagerly awaited, as il is believed she will be able to reveal the motives for the killing of Shefler, which, so f:ir as can he le.nnnl. is known only to t he prisoner and possihlv t he spy. Danco ConnuitteoH. The following committees have been (appointed to soio for the next dance !to be given bv the dealer Medford jctob Febniarv 'J.I: j liecej.tiol. Mesdaillcs M. Alfol'd. P. K. Page. C. It. Ilaeliigg. K. D. Ml Wood. I Peeorating -Mesdames W. P. Wor '.lei!. (J. Miller. I. I.. Hamilton. P. K. Core, W. W. Irving. .1. M. P. III. Trowbridge. Will Hales. .1. II. Putter. . S. Kosenbaum. Punch committee Mrs. . C. Stod idard. Ploor managers- -Mi srs. I mi II as kins. H.(-i (iicgorv. I C. Haddis, .bdin Harnehurg. ti. U. Haker, P. IV Plwood. P. . Hussey, ; Chairman Mis. C. If. Haker. STEEL TRUST TO BUILD NEW STEEL CITY POSSES MISTAKE EACH OTHER FOR HOLDUP MEN HPN.1. M. COId. INS, Pity Recorder. FOR "s"aLE. i are looking for some good land ' have it, for $Ht and $Jo per ar good railroad town. W. M. PltKNCH. Room 7, JacVron fhtnk Hhlg I'KWKII, C,... Peh. Is. Two t l held up a saloon in Plyrin laxt mid 'iiighl, gagged ami tied tho propiielor. j.b.seph Kite, rohbed Ii i in of Il'o and nimie good their escape. Hite managed to loosen his bun. Is a 1 1 it the men as cnpe.l, and telephoned the police. He (:ilin nitifie. his neighhois, who i in mediately began searching for the lob ;borv Short l altciward a police auto Jmohilc with h:i!f a 'loeu officers aimed with Winchesters was held up hy ofl'i cers. who took them for the lobbers, jaiid a -.eiieus nhooting affrav was nar ! n.wlv iueite.. SPPKK1MII, Wis., Pel., is. -A new-.-ty like (iary. hid., is to be huill by the Cliited Slates Se(e Corporation around a $ 1 l,.iliO.IIOil lanl to be eiecle.l this spiing at a point on the St. Louis river within three miles of Superior. The blast furnaces are to he situated oi the Minn. seta side of the river, but auxiliary plants :ne to bo built on the Wisconsin scido. The steel corporation lias bought and eleared I li'H) acres of land o.i (he Wis contin side. The sum of $ 1 I .."iniuinil h:)s b. en set a-ide, .;tns ha e b. en drawn and t he same const rue I ion crew that put in Ike steel plant at Uary has 1 n "i. tend to Superior to begin work when spring opens. JUST IN RY WE have just received and put on sale here today the Swellest Line of Ladies and Misses Fancy Hose ever shown in Medford to re tail at 25c pair, including Ladies Lace Stripe Tan Hose, Ladies Lace Stripe Black Hose, Ladies Prop Stitch Lisle Black Hose, Lfidies Split Foot Black Hose Misses Lisle and Mercerized, Fine Ribb ed Hose and Boys 1x1 and 1x2 Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose in sizes 6 up to 10 ALL WE ASK Is a look at ourHOSIERY Line before buying elsewhere EY'S Dress Linens White Natural and Colors 25c to $1.00 New Messoline Silks and Pongees 36 Inches Wide in All Colors VAN DYKE'S RAILWAY FORCES CLASH ON ARIZONA HILLSIDE 1)1. I MSI i. 'IVv. IVIi. IX... Tli,' run tim fnrivi f I Ik- N,.utlii'ni l':i, il'i. r.iilr.ia.l M n.l l'ln l.s. , (M. il :il I i Irstiii, Ariz., v.'sl.niav it rt.-r ni'. in on tin- liiiri hcinj; liuitt i'til" t'nuit luii'l, Ati. I Siit It I'nmi'unii's tin' rush :iu' ('"Intnl. 'Ii if tlii'ir lint's into tin n.'W ,'!ttu's. ri n.l li .'l.'iiint'.l tin' miiiii' rijlil nf ivttv on n'. 'I'hi' t'.'i.'i's .if tlie .'.t.'sitii; i'i'iii.,uiii's s.fnl ;ill nfti'iiiixiii .li".t Living llio work .lone I'v tli.'ir rivttls. I'itwiltv offii'ijils of tin' .'oiiip.-inifs :ttri.'.l :iul :t tln.'i' Mils i-:tll ...I. MARRIKD. Nivni'i:. I iy uivoit Unit tln iiii.l.-isiuii.'.l MI'M t;l!i:l:NViiiil In Asli ' ly ' r"t!"lnr nic.'lilii; of tin- l',,i.,,y I'.'. I.v l . :u. . moil at V.'.lt'..i.I, Hr. n"i. .mi .1 I'., will, .no it i nt ,tt ilti.l !, I'l'l:'. I" I'tll'UHl' lo Soil lll'llt, ho- lit. . i.,, nil !,iiril,nis I ijuors in I. si .ii,iii 'fin i tit' .''i. for six iio'iitl." Pr.ili.itt' Mo.-k it Moiifoi'i. ni. col,. -s! .. ,, ,,,, i; i,., ,:i.. orn ,1 if -v.x months. t.. . !l ., .t.i!,i ..!!.. M. NKKI'I.KX i.,,l.:. I: ,,.,, .1 ;,..v; Ki-liriitiry '.7, l"u!. ,.. I. ...f,,i,,.u. v-.lo ,.f i, :,l ,..t;,t.' UNEARTHS REMAINS OF OLD REDSKIN u Are Goin& to Build I.t-t mt ftj-nri' willi -v. N.i r.iiitrii.'t ' .,i hiic or I no Mtn I ' -.iinfa.'iion TMK 1VM.I.KS, Or., IVk s.-- WhHo '1 'ilii 1 11 l" the t 'tiij;rt'i:it ii'inil tlntirh pr.ijn'1 1 v in tlii i-itv S.-tturi:ix-, W. .1. I'slnr Miti.-k -i li:tr.i tul-t nnc' with Imh pi,-k. II.' .Ini; f!Hftnllv :in.l -".ii iiiii;ii t In .1 :i liniii.iti skfli't.Mi. 'lull ;in hi. :ili. 'i'li.- I.n, nf til.' L.hIv f. ll t. .ir,rs, 1-nt tin- lu is lliir.l an. .-li .!,,' ,v,.,. Til.- skull ih I' :.u r.-.skui. tl,(. t.-. th Wuns ;i!l ..!' t 1,.-(m 1., in,. f.Mtii.l in Hi-' :ml..ti.s h.,..i N. 'limit; " n tli tin- I'.-.h .,.-f.t :i t'liiil. din kni.i tli.- linlciiiH ii-. -.1 in mnkiiii; :irr.uli.':i.U. WANTS INFORMATION ABOUT INCOME TAX LAW VAKIIIN(ST ii. 'ii i.'K.'H.lint; t'tiiciyii 'uiiiitiii , ii.iMw Mull viilimittitt to tin i.lnlii.n .lircftiiii In iht'min An tilmtji.l. 'I'll.' i'i ii'fiinnatii'ii as tax t'aiis.'s ninlK .lisa''i':ir ir 111 lratr willi tlici t I'ir i in i. .mint rii'-t I'r.nn s.nii;lit Kiii,hii lrii.l, Swil '.'i!; l-ain, Pni'-'-ia. .Mlaii.N. t. r.'i.. i-;.--iir.tnnn- I In- i ac.niii' l a law nf in MiMilit tiy Kcpri1 1-1' 'I'l-inu'HS.'i', win. lias lintisc a cniHiint'iit r.'s tlu .((' r.Mary nt" stah' i-rii'an r.-n .-n.-n t :i t iVcs s.ihitinn alsi. rails for Li wiii'llicr an ini'mui1 y I ii In- lorki'.l up ir to weallliv class In cmi r wi'altli to other cmin ini; m-h a tax. The w hitli the in format ion ii. I. Germany. Italy. H.l i'ii.'n, Prninaik, s.itl'iy anl the NVfh- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. TRAIN HITS HANDCAR; ONE DEAD. FIVE HURT l KNH l.ToWV. la.. Feh. I t M 11. -Mi n "f Iiincteail ta.. va l.iM-.l anil t'ti ..'Ii-r tiifii w.-re siT'ons ! tiniiit.l l; iiilit when a haii-lcsr nn the V.M t I: iw . -t. ru l'.ulr.'.-lil, nn wh ivh tlit-v w. r. r i.1 : r w :i -! rn. k hv 1 tn.n in.iti." 'I'ln' Mien w."-.' ni mule to rVn f.Mi to Mlf.n.l a .Ian.".'.'lli llo.ltr,' to Klizaheth I.awrent, Ml iutos in seetion 7. township rant1 1 V litnO .':.'f V,. Kans to A. ('. (iiener, prnp.'tty in Ashland 10 II. I. Ilnuanl to W. T. (lonUler, I.7ti aeres in section S. tnvn sliip ;17, ran'e 2 V 10 Ii, II. Toft In (.ieorno Deitrioh, Int I. block :i. Olson 'h a.lilitinn tt Me.Ifonl ID I. our. u, la Hall tn K. It. Hall, power nl attorney A. i (iientfi-r tn First National I'-ank. lathi in section !, town ship rane IK 10 Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. SAVOY THEATER Tonight Thursday "A ROMAN IDYLL" A drama of ancient Rome. This picture Is all hand colored. "THE INSTALMENT C0LLECT0R"-A scrios of Bcreamn from start to finish. "A ROYAL BATTLE" A prize ring battle that backs the ordinary prize fight off the boards. Miss E:fcrt sings the latost patriotic ballad. ADMISSION 10 CTS. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTKll A yirl; must br oxprrit'iit'oil ! Kmk1 w.'im's iiiiiil. AiMrosi p. (), liox ! Mo.lfor.l. or. WAXTKP Nfarri.M ninn. ",.ii.r"io,r in iiri'lmnl work, t.i tnke cluirno of nr,'li:ir,t four null's out of Moilforil. Adilri'ss T, ittrc of Tribune office. 2SS Intjnire 2S4 Northbound No. lti:i.)rt'Kon Express 5:24 p. m. No. U'ortlaud Express. . ,. 9:4f ft. m. I Southbound No. l.i(.'alifurnta Express.. . j 10: 35 ft in. No. 13 San Francisco Exp.. , 3:20 p. m. No. 'J'J.iFrotn Grants Pass.... 9:15 p.m. No. 2-5jKor Asklftnd 10:15 p. m. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY L. E. BEAN t'ON'TKA.'TOK AND HU1LDKU, Medford, Oregon. CARD OF THANKS . wish t.. . t. n.l onr lo'iirlfolt 1 th.'inkH to our ii,:niy t'ftti.U ;in.l KniylitH "t l'll,i.iv who kiu.ltv nvsito.l ut. Inltt,,; ",H I-, i. :i, mi, nt ..f til,' los of l'i"l K Hull IHS 1. 1IA1.1.. i miss M.nn.A ii vi. i., ! K. B. AND FAANK HALL No. 2il.ciivpa Medford FLAN BISON RANGE ON ! v .',..,. Mf.,ri, MONTANA RESERVATION ; Motor Loaves Mfdford j MoturiLoavoB Mdiford VAsllli:Ti'. lVt. ! I't,.!. r tlf N in.oaT,., .I.cksonvtlle.. tt'iiiK of ti,.. : i.liiioiit I'l.'p..' l tx. :i;Lrares JacksonTille. . tlo- c,.ii..:il :i.i.i.-.ri:i;ion bill, tlf ).r.- j MotorLcaTCs Jacksonville., ol. ut i .1 i i . . t . .1 to i, ,tv to. i to i MotoriLeares Jacksonville. ,,,.,.,1 ..,,,,0,1 ,.,,. ,.f un-iH.'ll.-.l It.n. .10:45.m. . 5:35 p. m. . 2:00 p. m. . 9:00 p.m. , 9:00 a.m. . 3:30 p. m. .j 1:30 p. m. . 7:30 p. m. within tli-'l Indian r.'iervtition. M.'iitniiii, nt tl" iuti.'ti''n of 11,-4 P.mi.I ..'Hoi!!.' :u,'l .lo.-ko r'Y.r. a natiomil :I!"U nine,'. j Tin- sum nf'l'l is appropriati-,1 to .o paid t.i tho Indian tribes and to fence tho trange. MAIL CLOSES Northbound . . . Sonthbouftd . . . . Eagle Poiat . . . . Jackseaville . . . A.M.P. M. . 9:1 4:54 .!10:OJ 1:50 .j T:0j I M .10:20 5:20 ' WANTED l'riate boarders, tit N. liartlott street. WANTED A uirl for noiieral hunse ; work: n-tod ivaj;,. Call :tt tlni of : fice. .,(,, WANTED Fifty boxes of Newtowns aii.i Spilieiiburg apples. Apply of M. Stewart. :tt the Nnsh. ' FOR SALE. ' KOli SALE- -,... fine Hartlett tren.Tt? foot urade. I. It. l'.lk i ngtun stnek. at :te. B..iijii,,... C.'iitral Point. R. p. r J. ;.-, l'OR 8r.2 A ,t rViif Witt. n taken at on.-.-, five tWu den.c lots in M.-.ti'ord. kv timtbii. l",t drained, i.e.t 1... at. d. best for :a: iiu .!!,!, nt. Lost for :, residen.'e. and l'.-t to 1'iiitd on for vile or r.nt. on iVk.lale avenue, the future residenee ttreet of Medford. Apply to the own , r. !. E. Marshall, nt smith end of the av, line. FuH SALE A stnHirTiiniiie'.s; exoef lent location; t;..od reasons for selling Address 1. (1. H.,x S'Vi :(9 FOR SALE rme. tk,A loose. aaitjy l, vr Tr.Onltv, Mf) FOR SALF-0r trade, the best root.. house in Medford, clearing I00 per mouth. Address C, care of this office. - FOR SALE-Qrain hay, baled. Inquire of Phono .181. u FOW SALE-Two a.-res, just west of Medford, near new station of Lozier "" K- R. V. K. R., price 500 for the '"'a acre8' T1i creage is certain to advance tit value soon. Address P 0 Hox 571. Medford, Or. 290 FOR SALE Relinquishment claim, 120 acres. S miles Medford, 40 acres fene e.l. li aeres cleared, 5 acres 2-year old commercial fruit, cabin. For price call 'n W. M. French, room 7, Jftcksou ' "'inty Bank bldg. Fi'K SALE Relinquishment, 80 acres. " nines east .Meatonl: rot practically level, balance easy grade and covered wiih good fuel timber; 2 springs; very cheap. W. M. French, room 7, Jack son County Rank bldg FOR SAI.E-dood residence lots, elose in: a-lso y, , acre orclard; deBl with wr: s:ne commissien. Address J, an of Tribune of file. FOR SALE Bouses, lots ted land in I nocn.x. or tn tracts to suit from one acre tn mi) acres. Matt Calbonn, Pho nix, Or. FW KENT. I'n RENT -Furnished room o let. 313 n: ersi.te avenue S. It'B gE.VT-Two liKj housetiseping r.'t o N'ort? 9 sxreet for rent. Ad 4oSP. tO(tt, iun office.