ORECION, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS. 10(10. DON'T FORGE EVERYTHING ON LE AT s "5? MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. T SA 5F GRANITE WARE, CROCKERY, KITCHEN UTENSILS, Etc., AT COST. Also LACES EM BROIDERIES. RIBBONS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS Etc. In fact every thing going at prices never heard of before. THE SPOT Main and Bartlett Sts. ATTACKS SIX WOMEN WITH A LARGE AWL BERLIN', 1't'b. IK. A scries of six attacks upon womvii nn.l girls has set the southeastern and eastern districts uf TUTliu in ii state of panic. Three-v-'nnion were attacked Tiii-alay evening by a man wo used ft sharp instrument, believed to be a largo awl. One nf his victims bled to .loath and tlio others worn badly wounded. Wednesday there wore two similar assaults on girl-. This afternoon in the vicinity of Li.-h-tonberg another girl was nttiicUc.l in the same mnnner. but she warded of? the weapon with her hand, which was severely cut. Her cries of alarm brought an excited crowil, nieinliiTS of wliich suspoeting that the criminal hail (alien refuge in a neighboring linn-a' searched ii from cellar. to garret. Their efforts to file! the slabber were unsuccessful. A dnzin men were arrested, but all were released on establishing alibis. This evening an armed youth abont years old was arreted. Two of I lie victims of the. stabber said tliey r ig nized him as their assailant and he was detained. BIO BALLOON MAKES A LONG JOURNEY POIiTI.AN'D, Me.. Feb. K. The long est .journey ever made by a balloon from a Xrw Kuglnnd point was com pleted tonight when the big Pniiiinerii. carrying six passenger.!, came to earth in the town of Standish, close to Lake Sehegoa. about 7::tu o'clock after a fligh' of approximately IT'i miles in an i'ir line from North Adams, Mall. The Pniiitneni is tile balloon that won the international race f-.mi St. Louis in 1!HI, wIh'ti it cnnl.-.l ( It ciu- Krhntoch of normally and II. II. Clayton of Ilostnti close to the Atlantic coast at Vow Jer liev. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" GOOD AT THE PRICE The Stetsnn company's portrayal of "I'ncle Tmn's t'abin" at the Med ford Wednesday evening was attended by many lacul people, who were pleased for the most: part. The players had their parts well in hand. The parts nf Uncle Tom ami Topsy were especially meritorious. .Special l.'aturon of dancing and sing ing betwe. acts were clever and called for encore -. The company, playing for the special prices, -oc. Hoe and one. deserved and catii-.fied the large audience present to witness the performance. POLICEMAN DRAWS GUN AND IT KILLS A MAN EV YORK', Feb. It. A revolver dropped accidentally from tin' holster e West line Hun station last nighl of a policeman in i drodlh street poller -.truck the cement floor and was dis charged. The bullet u.tered the abdo men of (leorge fausco. a bootblack, who was standing near, inflicting m i ,s fi-nm which he died, after bemi! taken to a hospital. The own' of tie revolver. Bernard J. " 1 rer-trd on a lidniicnl cl cide. r was ar of honii NEW YORK CITY TLANS $10,000,000 BOND ISSUE N'KW YORK. F'b are now being mad (roller's office to i-s , a i-ation rilv cm OHO Ml 1 1 1"1 in tie e M'l.nm ill city bonds. No b tails ol I l.fivo been ann.mni-ed. but it is under lit inter e,l for a stood thev will bear 4 per c est The- proceeds will be a variety of purposes in f the eitv's government. nneetion will' I'lie le.nds "t w s, llin. the pity of New York ere lit between :i'i and :'..!". with about :!.7." for inm cities of the first class. rilEYF.VN'E. Wyo.. F-l i-:.i ... Iters Railwav IS.--T1 id companv of Wyoming capbali.d .lo.irtilooo has piir.-hn- inore i mm ii ill tln nronertv in I'arl.'.n ..lilltv. Wv nming. owned by the P-nnsyl oming fnpper companv. ine! l..,.l., IT..rr.,crlV COlHier 111111 wnrks o.iwer idants. e Tin oration was al..,,,t )..". 2000 CLIPPINGS TOR .. T EOOSEVELT-S TEP.US.VL r nirAiio. K.'l. l IT. i-l-l. vrlt Snnn It to r.-.-r-i " - fiingn nn t ho w..r! 1 .t ;' ' stntt's flfft. Th.-". i " intifs. 4 hy 1 1 in. 'i' :l n Cliii'injo n.linii'T. "ho his nam. ii"'!- :vI"r'' this aiimii'T itir.tr n.'t. .1 tin i.v nf thin fity " K''1 .oniiui'nls nn the tour. '.iH'i'.L' Th - l." Lumlutaulr bouii.l in k :i,..r...'. IT HAPPENED On the third &.y nf the honeymoon jc ohservt'd: Sumt Hiikl It wax cer tainly SnrileN, mill some said It was Kir Herhert, Imt nohmly said It wns ine. Yet 1 was tinisen and they were rejeeted. WhyV" "You don't want to know, and I dou't want to tell you." "Hut I do want to know. You didn't care for me in the least. I have no Illusions about myself. I am iut nenr ly so tfood look ins uh Sartles, who cer tainly proposed lo you ut the linrstln Venn's dam e. Nell her am I nearly bo weullliy as that amiable and elderly knight, Sir Herbert, who umiuestion ahlv spoke to your father on the 8ul jeet." "That was just the reason why I married you." "What! Because I was plnlner than Sarties and poorer than Sir Herbert?" "The same thin,;, but put rather dif ferently. You were much better look Intf than Sir Herbert and much richer than Sartles. You're ipiile riirlit about the fJarstin-Vcnu's dance. Mr. Sarties did propose then, and I did not refuse him not at the moment." "Ho I not know It? Was not his face transtiuured?" "He was terrifically handsome." She shrinked her shoulders. "What Idiots iritis are! I'm utterly tired of that f.reek p'd business now. I think a man who Is as handsome as all thnt always looks a tittle vulvar or even effeminate, which is worse. Mr. Sar tles looked both: but, belli:: a ulrl. I was also an Idiot, and I did not refuse him. I tut I diil not accept him either. I posl poned I spoke to papa." "And your father said that Fart ten was a pauper?" I "A pauper and a buffoou and a trrln- nliiK ape and a liar. You know, dear pap i never did like men who played I the violin. He had an interview with j papa, and papa was very rude, and Mr. Sanies wrote me a perfectly lior- rlble letter which was meant to be ; ! sarcastic. So that finished it." "And tlienV" j "Then Sir Herbert came alontr. and j papa said that hero was nn honorable, upriu'ht gentleman who could well af- ford to maintain me in n proper pos!- j Hon In life. Papa sni I lie did not j dream of cocrclnir iv.e In any way nnd ! that I was to make tin absolutely free choice, and he would not let me re fuse film dually. On the other hand, I would not accept him. How could I? Why. he was old forty If he was n day. fOh, Edward, dearest, do let us never not be young!) And then he was hideous." "And then I came In. I was the compromise-not too ugly for you and j not too poor for your father. And you I did not care for me In the least." I "It was only that I did not know you well enough then. And papa nl- ways liked you." ( "True. Hut I was not marrying your father." .' "(Jirls are Idiots! Oh, to think that I miL'ht have Insisted on raarryiiiR that Insufferable Mr. Sartles! Why did you make me tell you? It makes me feel so horrid! I can't think how even n girl could have been the idiot I was. Tho oulv sensible thing that I did was that I did accept you. You don't mind, do you? Not now?" "it has always been my opinion,' said her husband, "thnt the man who wins a r:i - need not grumble very much that he did not get a good start." "And you have won most complete ly" Slie paused and then said pen sively: "Do vou know. I did not think you were really very fond of me either -just at lirst. You asked me just now why l accepted you. Now. tell me, whv did vou ask me to marry you?" He smiled, paced the room once or twice and replM i" 1ir w"'- t -You don't ' lo klnW- nn1 1 n"n want to tell you " ..Th-u vou didn't- not Jut at first. I uas ri-jht. Th.-n why " ,iirtl! 11 1,1 -vml rry .v; m"p- 1 It'll 111. .1. .11' t ' Vn in.'1 lit y..il I" e me tell y.-u. but i me. A woman s tie r", and yet some u iM i- l! v thai '.."11 "I''' din""- A ,i..': t " :i':t tn know liHir I, ,t m.-ti l:iit nn tclllir.' lU ,ti.it,-i I'.m- it lil'slV - li.-in. i iiiiii'i-iiiii'i. aial.-ryi-;'. 'ini.' I :t , i tint .'I1 in-! 1 w ' f , ..in-o. l run i in'i' Was In' in 1 i- 1 1 v n r rirt lr. rfnwl .v"u to in.'V Whr.t I. lint, i.f Hi,. n. I've It il .-li t matt'T .1 ,. lli!tlk It i vrr -I ti! l.olna n I' it , .... i, ,.:!i.-r. I. 'it l tnrnt-o .lit a- il b.plw-l " M,,, -It turn, .i "lit ,,,r.r ! "V.-. .partl'MlIarly all It l'.al.,."ii''" '. In. k." ho i,,e ,l,,.-n't ili'tt-rw on-' i.hli-il soloninly ,., , ...l, of n-ilcf. "Tin ratli'T ,.la.l It 'was tin- siiiim- f'T tho h' tli l- U,:t matllt It ; us. she II. -Iifraiifo in". ""- t dlffrut fur either, aocsn't.U' wasu' lie ar-Miilci l iici-.' was nr.- :i. . r else that he could hau- done. She leaned back la the easy chair (saddlebtiff type, common to riverside inns that play at being hotels) and clasped her hands nt the back of her head. "I'm so so happy!" she i:i"r mnred ecstatically. Illack and White. In a Hurry. A mnn npplled at the nnrrlntre bu rein tho other dnr for a licence. ITe was alone, nnd the ckrk asked hlin where Ids prospective wife was. "Why. I dnn't know, sir." he replied, In evident surprise. "We can't give you n license unless Rhe cornea here with you nnd signs the books," wns the reply. "Well." he explained. "I don't peo how I'm proln' to hrlntr her. 1 ain't decided which one It'n goin' to be yet." And he went nwny crestfallen. Now York Post. MUD ON N. P. TRACKS DERAILS B. C. EXPRESS SKATTLK. Wash.. I-Vb. IS. Mud washed upon the tracks of the North Medford I take pleasure in announcing that I have ceeured Williams Jubilee Singers for an engagement at the Med ford Theater. TFKSOAV. FKP.Itl'AL'Y L:t. This company will be remembered from lad season as playing oi the lecture course one night, and giving a free sacred concert on (lie next night (Sun day). I can recommend this company as on" of the best con cert coiupnnicK I aver saw. and unreservedly guarantee it tn my patrons. ( HAS. ). II AZF.l.KMid. TUESDAY, (k-V. KKKIH.rTION'. A rcsnliil inn (iinnnintf 111' ihuih' Smith Wiilmit slr.'ct liiii-k t" its oi'iuiiiiil iiinii" l'i'ri.) Htri'i't) lit ill .ri""'iit ri't-iii'.li'il ..ii tin- enmity ni'ur-li: Hi' it HiK.ilvi'.l. Hv tin' fity ton in- i I ,. Hi., city uf M.'.lf..i.l. Di.'pin, tl.. l:,;(y..r Iirriliu'. thnt III'' null t' tin- str.'i't luriil.-'l in Km"! M..lt'.ul mil i-.iw 1.11. iwn ut S.nitli Walnut lie nn.l i Iiit.'Iiv ri' nHliii'.l its nriinnl nanii'- '!'ri.i str.-t't il pta-i.U i.f i r.I nt lli inly sfnt. i.-i tai.l sln'-t na. ,. ,li. nt... t.. Hi.- t-ity ..f Mf.lft.r.1. t,".ii. an.! (ila.-cl on 1 i 1 witli llif t'oimty i r.l.r. Tlic t'..ri-",oiii"; ros.ilnti..ii wan in..i''t In- Hit. fity I'Miiiicil uf tin' t'itv "f M ftl fonl. I li-i-t'.'n. Hi" H'lli 'li'y "'' I'. lininiy 1 ;";. 1'v tin- itilltiwiiiR vutf, to wit: V. I. Ii av, M'-rrirk nyo. Kmerii-k nyo. Wormian !iv. . Kif.-rl tty. nn.l IViinn-l Appro r..l r.l.runry I "I, Itl"!'. W. II. r.WOV, May BKN.I M. ( ul.l.lN'S. Itcinr.lfr. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something wkifh ii of coniindnblp inttrost to the public (jfnfrlly "n't whifh ii perhnpl not gi-nenlly knowr I the ivetem or prepaid orden now in .(Tort hetwi-en atationt of the Houthrn Pacific ootnpaty and all pointi in me l nit"d StatfJ. By meao of ibii iyatero ti.'kct may be '(.iiri-hamd at Medford from anr plaee in the United HUtra and mailed or telegraphed dirert to th" partv wishinR to come here, Sle-pr aern'mmndationi and amnll anuiunta of .-ash in connection witn theae tifketa av also be forwanlcl at the iik tlmV" " in 34, i-r ern Pacific at the city limits wrecked the engine and tender of the Vancouver express, northbound, at 11 o'clock this morning. Kngiiieer W, K. Fanner and l-'ireiuiiii Charles Carlson jumped when t lie locomotive turn.'d on its side. The 1 1 inner escaped in jury, but t he lat ter strained his right Khouldcr and broke his right tliumb. The passengers cmaped injury. TACOMA COPS THINK THEY HAVE COUNTERFEITERS TACOMA. Wash., Kelt. IS. In the arrest today of C. A. Cook. Marl Jef fries, Lottie Jeffries and Pauline Croak, who recently arrived in the city from San Francisco, detectives be lieve they have the ipuirtet-that flood cd the Pacific coast cities with coun terfeit coins from San Francisco to Paget sound. Spurious $" and $lt gold pieces were fuuiid ill t heir pos session. Secret service men and tin treasury department have been looking for the counterfeiters for several weeks. Theater FEB. 23rd YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the excellence of th -3 incals that arc rooked at tho Kmoriek Cafe if you haven't already rogak'd yourHOlf with some of the delicious diehes thnt are served here. If yon h.iven't partaken of them, there is a treat awaiting you thnt you will want lo repeat often. A meal at the Kmeriek ia nn experience that will make you c;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open Ail Night Will now find me lo cated North of 7th, on I) street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER I SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor My Friends City Business Directory Let the MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece 4" 'uroiture. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of Sth and II streets. W. M. Oolvlg. 0. L. Reunion. COLVIO It REAMES Lawyura. Office: Medford Hank Hld. Ground floor. Cook Stoves and rangea. Phono 11 MOBDOBFF at WOLF Nuw and Seconil-Ilnnd I' 'iirnitiiro Knda' old stiind, 18-20 V St. South Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will '.o prepared h'eli runry lu to furnmh eeiiient brink. Hotter than pn-HHi'd brick nn.l jnat lla t'h"iip. Ill t'sti(;ati' In'furi' enntrneting. P. ). Hnx IIS. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, ('of feos, Kxtrat'tfl, Hultiuf Powder anil Spices. We curry all kinds uf dinner ware anil func dishes. 21(1 W. Seventh Ml. Mi'.lfurd, Or DR. G0BLE The only exclusive Optician lie tween Portland nnd Sacramento. Offico on Seventh Street. When others full, cull nn DR. E. J. BONNEB Eye Speclnllat Office in K.'igle Phnruisey Main 2.'i:i. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERICK Kooms from fjO cents to l..r0 pet dny. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor carB stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. :i!u:i rinUNo'liYo'c. PlIMUNO, 0RIB0N 110 Sttlil.F, wt ASK. Vp,AMOND ' U. Ml-:u limn.' of I' 1 w"1 " " 1 THE R. R. V. LUNCH ROOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. 11. IJ. Loriiuer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., M-edford, Or. DR. WALTEK R. STOEBS, Denlist. Sii(....HHor In Dr. .1. M. Koene. THE EI.KOTRIO AND FRENCH DRY OLEANINQ AND FBE8S INO WORKS W. K. Laue t Son, Props. OppnBite Hotel Moore, M.'.lfunl Oregon WASOHAU & BROWN wish tn anniiiiiii'e t,o llioir pntrons that they tiro liii'titvd in their new i u.'i rt ith in the Young ic Hull building. Il.llisr.ls. I'i(rurs and Tobacena. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Hiiilding, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. For guild buraina in Watches mid Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsieal In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone IlnJ Night Ph '('. W. Conklin 3fl J. II. Ulltlor 148 DR. R. J. CONBOY Sin Bsnr to l)r. Jones. Office ill the l-'t.wart Ituilding. Q17I? TTQ If you are looking OJCvIL for a good busi- mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm qesSt choice buiild ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON' COUNTY HANK HLDfl. ML'DFOKI) SASH IMIONE2291. Wimlow I'raniis, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevjl Plate, oarried in stoek ehetp. RiJ 'tlfi.e Kitturea nn,) all kinds of Planing Mill Work, Including Turned Work jw?! and j V STHKKT, BKTWKRN SIXTH AND S EVENTH STREETS. SAVOY THE ATE B North d'Anjoo Btreet. Latest motion pictures and Ulni trated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATBB, W. 7BH Bt. Contlnuone performance ever1 evening of motion pictures and II lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Kriday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY nWsEBT N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell treee that grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Modford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. B. V. Depot. O. Box 841. Phone 893. Medford, Or. MBS. ED. ANDBBWS Voice Culture and Art of Slnglmg Studio at Residence. Kaat Medford. Phone 22S S. B. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern oqulpped operating roomi X-Ray. Office hours: 1012, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FflEDENBURGI Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medfori. & DOOR COMPANY ; Fancy Grills. ft