THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREO OX. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1000. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evcninu except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISH 1X0 COM PAX Y Georok Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Po.stoffice at Medford, Oregon. S UBSCRIPTJ ON RAT ES : One month by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 Omi year by until $fi.00 WANDERING BIRD OF 1 PREY HAS CLOSE CALL TO tiXAMLXti M1XKS. .Representative Miincv (if ioll IJeacli is (he autlior of u measure now jiendin lie fore the state legislature, pro viding for the ereat ion of the office of state mine examiner, which is of intense interest to the mining industries of Oregon. . ; The main purport of the bill is to have an examination made by a state official of all mining properties owned by companies which are offering mining stocks for sale to eastern investors, with the intent of giving such investors an accurate statement concerning the properties which are made the basis of a mining flotation. The mining interests of Oregon, as well as of other western states, have suffered greatly on account of the disgraceful operations of some fake mine promoters, whose misrepresentations have caused the loss of much money by investors, usually located in the east. And not only mining but other investment enterprises have con sequently been affected. Several years ago the Ameri can Mining Congress, with headquarters m Denver, be gan a systematic agitation for suitable laws which would make it extremely difficult for fakirs to operate with out being in danger of heavy penalties, and nearly all of the states have responded to its appeals for legislation. Representative .Muncy's bill is thought by the mining con gress to be an effective measure, and its passage is be ing sought by all the legitimate mining interests of the state. i lAir years the mining congress has labored to attract eastern and even foreign capital to the consideration of the merits of western mining and industrial enterprises, and one of its efforts has been to remove this obstacle to fair profits and safety for foreign capital. This organ ization, which represents the conservative and legitimate mining interests of the west, with many members in Ore gon, is confident that an increased flow of capital towards western mining enterprises will follow the removal of a large part of fraud and misrepresentation from mining. The iMuncy bill provides (hat the expense of making such examination shall be borne by the investor, or the party asking for such examination, (he slate being put to little or no expense in the matter. j DESPOILER OF GIRLS GIVEN JAIL SENTENCE SToeKTON', ('ill., l-'i'b. H. -Witlmi (wo limtt'H tit' tin1 linn- Unit Hie Stm-Muri Kiuml jury visited rhiiuttnwn dialrietH thin afternoon with u view of i itMrt i ciiiulititiiiH I here, Yi Ilium l-M within, !! yearn of ii" ami miirrii'd man, wiih found in a box of I lie Chinese noodle restaurant with llit.rl Chidinter, ned lit yearn, ami (iliulvtt t'rahli, ned hi yearn. Tliey were fear t nig on noodles and drinking Immt, Tho Chiili(ttor nirl in n pretty blue ryetl girl of hitbvliUe nppen ranee, while the ( 'rabb irl in more main re in ap pearance, Kdwiitdtt ii; wii.i to have boon out with each of the tfiilH nepji rately at lalo bourn ami in place where privacy was assured. KdwurdH, when arretted, was hurried tit the afternoon Hemioti of the police court and was Hcntei.ced to I ."in davs in tho oily prison. Kffortn will i.c made to bend the ul a let'oiuia lory. ONE WOMAN SAYS THAT CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN rllK'Aou, I'eb. is. That "the Ii t lies ti m lie the man" is a n est a Mi shed fuel, in Chirnifo, aeeoidini; lo Mrs. Ii i !llnr I': IKiiis t i n , who in a coiiitiiuni rulinii lo a wenian's club cites coll jfiete instances ef womlerfulv transfer I tuatioiis in character effected by im 1 prov eiiti'Tit in raiment. ; The (opic was chosen from her experi ence with a man vli was: forced to l.iime by p..erty. .-nd liad at last be I-, in mo nolorimis th:i he could not get n-irli. Apper.liit to her at I lie settle ineut, she li.-iihorvd him. yo him a po sit ion in another city, and fixed hint up with a new suit of clot lies before send inil lii in away. "This mail writ's nie," she said, "that he has jjiven up all his old ways and is now an industrious wnrlier. The whole success lay in that suit of clothes I nave him. lie came to me in overalls and the change ivmiudtd him of his position :ind respniiiibi 1 1 1 ion as a man." WOMAN TO BE ACTING GOVERNOR OF OREGON SALKM, Or., Feb. IS. When Uov rrnor O our go K. ClKimbertaiu nes to Washington to bo Hworn in as t'nited Stales Menu tor, the acting governor of Oregon will bo a woman. It it under Rtood that (iovernor ( liatn berlni n doe.s not intend to rclimpiivh the office of governor until he lakes oath as sena tor. There will conseiuentlv be a perid during which he still will be governor Hfter he leaven the slate. DANISH MINISTRY SEEKS DEFENSE APPROPRIATION ('Ol'KMIAliKV. I-Vb. K Hills pro riding for better sea and land defense for Copenhagen and the coast ,.f Zee hind were in t n-du.-d in the folkelhing today by the minister of national do fense. The contemplated fortifications inv ol e an expenditure of something iver n, construction of a score of torpedo bouts an.) a half a d.'-eu submarine al-o is contemplated. In introducing the bills the minister nferred to the iieeessitv of IVnmnrk In . t K: I n the governor ' absence from tin Htilte it hafl been the pract ice of the governor' secretary to attend to of fi- 1 l'r"l" eial business, such as muting docu inenta and signing Hi1 governor's name. W. X. Oateiis, the present secretary, wan today appointed to a judgc-hip and will be fucceeded as secretary by Mrs C. H. Sholton. As (Jali'iis' successor, tho governor has appointed Mrs. ( H. Shi'lton, who for several vears was his Monographer, and as the precedent will be followed. Mrs. Slielten will be the Hctiug governor. being in a position to preserve her lieu trablv under all circumstances. It was id t o ra ise t he ncccssnrv in one u i 'iv income t ,i imposed on t lie her section of the population. otic biding the minister auiioiiuc t the government made its coiitill in ol'lue dependent upon the a. lop f p.opos:,U. rSKS TO BE ALLOWED TO RETAIN NEW NAME LOW AMUSEMENTS CUT OFF FOR MINORS ' ' " Tin SACHAMKNTO. Cal.. Feb. I assembly passed a bill today bv drove I j. JoiiiiHon making it a misdemeanor for a minor to attend u cock fight , prio " '''' fight or horse race, and fixing the pen 11 eilli' t:o. Feb. Ir., assistant citv n petition in the pet out t . lit name. Hist rue but from the tune , IV-- Harry Hildreth. ti-rwurer. has tiled em uit eoutf asking d to lelaill his ptes name is Harry Weed. f his mot her 's mar 'Ha her s, ,,,-d husband, the llildioth. he ha-- been know, eth. ,tr. The Cue? Ihat he as of Hildreth b came known ate da Rlty ff $,n) fine for len.soeil or nvvnen of places vvh such rontoxtN are held, who allow miti i or to enter. jj tnonihs ag.i tin h p, -dings OLOCST M AN IS WOIUJ); UP fAB$ OLjO TODAY ' RUSSIA'S FINANCIAL j . PROPOSAL ACCEPTKP tiFAhl.x.l K, Met.. Feb. 1 - .lose (lua.Wluie lcala. b-beved to be the rOVSTANTIXOPT.K. Keh. IV The eldest man m the world, has iust 1c , porto hn notifieil Iiusia of its aceep j brated his t:i;th birthday. Alcala was tHtire in principle of Kussia ' latest jborti in this cit v v , .irs b.-fore Mexico financial proposal for it not t lenient ef J became n republic rnd has therefore the Tiirko Hulgarian dinpute. jlived in three couturier W'ASHlNt.'I'uN'. F. b. I v- owing to tie- timely inlerfen m e of federal author j itieH, the life of t: huge bi:-! of prey which makes its home in the giaw tower of the public biiil'ling of tint, city, and j wlueh lini made victims of many pig i eons and otln-r miii." II birds during tie last month, was saved yesterday. J William M. Mooney, di bursing cb it- I in the department, had gone lo the p,.st ! office building :ir I with a permit j from the chief of pohee and a shotgnn to Hhoot the bird, wlieii he got word that the permit li:-.d b-en revoked on application of Dr. T. S. Palmer, of th liiolngical survey. The latter ndd tie chief that the bird. ;-uppo 1 to bo an oreinaiv hawk, u:e. pec-mea of t he j rare and veluuhh- Peregrine, or w;i ( ring falcon. JUST RECEIVED A New LiiK- cf Mantel and IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES feel W iUl JUVy VlVkj madtim i ornnv THE JEWELER j ' " YOU CAN'T SAV E On your railroad fare. The law of tie common rarrier compels eiual rates on all n.ilioad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Es pen6B and Fatigue by fnaiHtlng on the shortest route, faste t trains nnd best service. Simply nee that your ticket roads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC 0. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacifh Kvery facilily for thu safety and acenmmo I i tioii if I h priMsener m provided. . chnue uf curs is neccHsary to Men ver, Omaha, Kainns ( My ChicHtfo. hiri et enmiec l ions are nn.d" for all oth er points east and south A. H. K 1SK N l-'A I'M. Agent, Mod ford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agont, PORTLAND, OR. More Light for Less Money ki.xty-tln ee ijer cent of clot-trie current saved by using TfJXG.STEN LilMPS. 2,2 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 W atts per hour and would use in iooo brs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $n 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in icon hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K;lo watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Offin.'. L'lMi West .Seventh Street. Phone No. 3;"). Opposite the Big Electric Sign. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VAILEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. S in tLe combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. (1. TU-OW BRIDGE, Propi k tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All lands of Hughes, Spraying Oulfits, Pumps, Im;:A'." and Machinery. Agents in Sorthern Oregon for FAIRISAN KS, MORSE & CO. fw County Oi MCDFOBD, OREOOH g. S-atu Di pi)Hit;-.ry Kstal'iinliml 18SS. fajiital a-d SurpluB $125,000' liosoun :.i $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service The .luckauQ County Bunk respectfully solicits yuur acum, subject to your i-luM-k, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in t:tematic banking survice, which as siireH tho greatest care in every finan transaetioi:, with this obliging institution. IT 'V. I. VAWTER, Prwidpot. O. R, LINDLEY, Canhior. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. Ii. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office iu Jacksou County Bank Upstairs F OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Sole a-.-iit iti .la !, c. unity for tiio STT PKBA 1 EH UXK 1-' AUTO MOIiIl.i:s. Thu a. iv M. l Slu l.'linkiT, ."0 liursc .olvt-i, fmir-t-ylimliT m.'.liiim ; i ' i-o Tnur;it Car liaa won th-j n ,-ojnilioi- nn.l mitiiinitinn of all ni:it-L!iii:.t.s an. I Imm piovcn itsi-if lo In- a rcmariiabii- vclurli- fcr slrcnolli. sprnl ami . 1 u i ;t li lit . X.-w (roods in -ill linos will arrive iu tl:c i-onrse of nox moiilli at. Iho .l mli linker ivan-liousi'. MEDFORD, OUBGON. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald .:. V.. KNVAliT President. .1. A. I'KHIiY, Vi.-c President. .K1IIN S. OltTH, Cashier. V. B. JACKSON, Ann 't Cashier THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, CAPITAL SURPLUS $50,000 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus uess Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald SuccfsstrT to SfliiUi i mm V.. J. Skew i ti. K. HtUinuer A. C. Rin.l.ll (I.. i. Harr), Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS tnre the , Suli -Diviilora and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard lands. i fruit hearing ami young orchards in small and t i..-"ta, t'ir .:ilo. i' l l'tit and -ar. f.r orchards and jfuartr.fie prrty to ii prrst'iit.'d. Experience A'of Accessary for wlu iurv!;w tlir.uitfli . 'I'lu-y si'cnro tlio ndviso and 1. r i' u i'lMisuJlui horl H'lillurist. ;ui txttrt iu fruit oul m all its I'ratklir. who for several you lias exooled in 1,-avinv; an 1 shippiisi; of fruit in the Kojjue Kiver vlev, r-1 1'iop-. n , ,r. pai-s. r-r r-t prices. 1 1 i uh D Street, MoJfovd, Oregon Take the Tribune for News, Tomorrow is last day of Bargain Offer ;l- REGISTER a von- rijjlit now Hint lienocforth only tin' hesl tnilorii!(; in Koud enough for vi u. I'l'isnnnl aiiearam'i) ia more than hell' Hie battle for snceess in life. Why not, then, wear clothes thp.t are wor thy of yon Coino to iih for your tai lorint;. We will fit you out iu suits Ihat will he n ereilit to you ami to u. I'vii-es that ore right. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUIIDINO, MEDFOBD, OR. 1 iff Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter J ;'ii t lmmo for a moment that our local citizens 'Ion t iwo-iiizc a good thing when it offers. Did von ever; horses with any of them? Take our ixlvn-e, and do., t risk it. Good sense will dictate I ha it is , order lo follow their lead in investing in Medlord property, however, for thev see the hand writing on the wall. Medford is on the verge of a .oon, interview ns and we'll tell you whv this is (lie right time 1.. I my Medford citv property. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Kxhiliit liuilding, Medford, Oregon. y&vs. Ifampton Isaacs "Instructor of "Piano. Ilsxt 5ttetl,o& Stulo at tortb Ornj Strt.t Compare the Quality It i, and always has been our aim to supply or customers with goJs of the highest as-'iuainy and to that end . Im-e nre always i,ng 1'tuality to our line. The JilditioD of "preferred anro our IIHO of h.i'h orade Csnnetl Ooedt most complete. Onr service always the kit and erery accom given our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, China ware, Fruit a and FJeed