Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 17, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
.T, D, Henrd Is planning a business trip
J. II. droll of (Vnlrul Point wuh u
invent Medford visitor.
i. l-i. . Wood of I'orlliitHl lit limiting Itttru-tun li:m takou rxeeptiuiially well
n lumiiM'HK rull on Me.lford. I rn,ni it lit nt iiiirhi. l'nlHsor limit ic
Last Appearance of Dog and Monkey
Tonight i I In- lii'tl night of tlm doj-
ml iinnikrv cin iin ni i lie Htjim. The
our of ilif old lime .'initial t milium and
litis hiM-ii aide lo iirritinj.lihli feat with
Lin ilnjiH that would hi t in iilinont im
.os,ilde o oilier. Two hIiowh will
Im- run tonight. l)"otr- open ut 7:l.'
John (?rumlev ha loft for a vixit
iu l.oaelmri.
Phone your orders for nweet eremn or
huttonnilk to the rronmery. "
J lurry Luy 1i:ih pureh;ised u fine nolo
piano through Professor Heads of this
Tlio l. A. It. mid W. It. (JO strong,
enjoyed n Mneinl evening Tnendnv eve
ning in tho Kednn n 'h hull.
I.eidev J'nuh if Weed. Cnl.. in in
i id f ni 1 on Imsiiii'Hi. (iimiilian .fohie Swimehir; iuvciitoi
Ordem for Hweet creum nr huttormilk ,tl"1 "''",,'''i '''
promptly filled. 1'hono the creamery.
.1. I'.. Warren in iu Vn-liii on hiiHinoHH,
(Continued from page 1.)
.Male Klmii II. It. Taylor; dreni
made Ki'i 1 1 iig umiIo property for widow.
Mr. and ..r. ). (1. KarneH have Iff!
for ii Irip to southern 'aiiforuia.
Mayor Sneli of Ashland wan u visitor
in Modi'oiil WYdiM'h.hiy. Id' hring
word that Ashland i n cikIk paving th
Miss Anna O'ltiien of Applegnl
writing lax reeeipts in I In- sheriff's of
fir during I In- rush.
Hplciidiil proposition fr ngculH. Vr.
torniil'e. I). It. lirowu, city.
A. ( Joy, who ort-npii'H the chair o
pi danyy at I hi' AhIiIjiihI normal, inn
Mm. P. II. Daily of Medford have
I nrnid lo I heir hninen a 1 1 it having
helped Mn' Hrliool superintendent, with
lea. 'Iters' exunmiat ruin in .laeltsnnvill
,i u'h M . H. Tow in1 of .liiiknonvill'
snout I -Vet lay with friends living in
Agoiilft unit Kolh'ilnrs wanted for frit
tcrnal Insiirni Write K. It. Idown
.'. k Kiiuliall of Klamath Fall npen
h'nnday in .hieUs.niville the guest of
Mr. mid Mrs. M. M. Taylor.
Join I lie .National Pmteelive Legion
I k it up. Somi lh.iig good. Addres
K. It. Urown, eify.
M isH Josephine pMio gan, who ha
Iteen onite ill. iH reeovered stiffieientlv
to resume her dutie-i in the pnlilie
Hfhools of Jaeksoiiville.
ItoIiertH it HoliertH, expertH in repair
tug find ri'hiiihling newing mnrhinen, will
reinnin a few ilaya longer, nffonliiig
rn opportiiuily for good and m1 curat
mtrvire. I'liono !tt, Ko.him ut Dr.
Stepht ikioii 'h, ror.
V. Ninth Hiid II
All tneiulicr of Olivr Ketie!;a!i lodge
No. 2", are ured ' to- present at tin
meeting tonight. Regular ni.eting f.d
lowed by inontlily humpnt.
If you are looking for xome good land
rheap, I have i(, for $10 and $'JM per
aere. near good railrond town.
Kooiu 7, Jfiekton Hank Hldg
Oront Missionary Leeturcr Coining.
Dr. Koal J. D.m- of H.di'ngi. Afiiea.
II fnm.iiH inediejil uiis-o.maiv. will lie
at Die lnheiiKo le K,m,!.-.v ,Ml,t
give an n-hhs .n .U':ir:i and it
nulls, Th.- Dark Continent is awak
ening and Mr, 1 nm ( i of some
of il: great peed. His leeluiV will 1-e
illustrated l. st.-reoptit-oii view. of tin
Congo eoiintiy. A plendid set of views
is lo lie shown dining the lecture,
A w.ii.l aliniit Dr. D e and liin w.nk.
He has been at Coletige. Afriea. for
about seven yeats and !rw built up a
great ehureh of over ,"0i nieuibers. This
church i w oiulei I ill i'l manv inspect:'
Kve;-y ineinb. r a I it lo r. ai d foi
every ten ineml.ei ;: n.iiiv e v orker is
sent out into ih- needy iii ids mid i-
supported by tie- H-denge ehur. li.
One ef tin ei, ;it I. e,:s of ttl it eOMll
tiy is a i'eai'ib.i - o ail up and down
i-.-'-.r great
need is hiistian el
wchools. Dr. D.e
t nit. Iiahcu. d"es i
the, - ,,,
Tili-. is an on
peril's to the Mo. .pie
p rtunttv of lie lit
been in (he lorn
lO'tlt fur ' ell v e.i!
nnda mglii at 7:
bri'ig a friend.
wdl t :
ii and publi
of i he eu:
. iranc
ve! loin
f MedCod. Lie op
U -vho l,:r
of the lark e.mi
- tli tabernacle
Co ailv and
s t.i:i.
( t,andM -';-i
of Ahioi. i
of r
Mn.K . i
latt I m i I
h altli.
I'.b. 17. Coternoi
'po:i led U K Wnllaee
:ber ef the mate board
i.-iv ;.nd l-s. W. D
I. 1. aiee ef Port
1 of Me.i'".-rd t..
H e Vate b,.:,id of
listiite Ltov V. Chandler
nvd itppraisrment filed.
tvitat e I sa a i' I. S i m hi hj ; in voiitorv
and appraipo'iiienl filed. Liny V. Cliandler; m ' .
for sale of peih.iiial properly.
Cunidiau Hiraui Li-my Siuipkius; or
der UHide appointing James Shield
I-Ntate I'litlip L. Siuipkius; order up
point ing I'h ion a S:oiikins adiniiiist ra
Is hereby given t ha I the uinlersigned
nil apply at ill" regular meeting of the
it con in-1 1 of Medfoid, Oregon, on
March 2, I'-ii:1. lof license lo sell malt.
vinous and spiritous Inpiors iu less quail
lilies lloin i no yailon for mx months
at Id idoek Ji', ir Medford, Oregon.
for a pern. d f s.x uioiitlis.
.!'. M. NKKDLKH.
I.'ilnl I'. b.uaiy 17, Plllll.
to. Vou may ileposit the money or
bunds, or but h, according to the eon
tract, to my credit and in my name at
rhr Medford National bank, and I re
quire this to be d'Oie i in mod i a t ely .
" Vi.urs erv tiulv.
".m! i'. ii ni.i:v.
" Dy A. i:. IIKAMKS.
" His Attorney. ' '
Telrphono Firoworks.
The appliration ..f the Citizens' Tel
ephone ci.rnpany for a fraiohise was
thoroughly aired, going over until next
Thursday uighl for final mtion.
In Ihe diHi-u-siou wl.iih followed t ho
referring of the (ran.lii'-e lo the eity
elect rie in ii, M essrs. 'awer. Anderson,
Olwell, Crowell, I'hillip'i and Marsh to..k
a leading part. aid' from the i ieil-
men. Oratory flowed like water. The
mutter was coiiipromiieil tinally to conic
p again on Thursdav niyht.
Appointments Ma do.
Mayor Cau.oi tendered his appoint
ment! for the ensuing year, all oi winon
were confirmed by I he eouii. il:
Cilv atloriii'V" I'o-ter .1. Neff.
Chief of police II. C. Shearer.
City engineer II any I!. Foster.
Onkdnle to Fnvo.
The residents along Oakdab- avenue
letitioned the council to order the pav
ing of their street. l lie iihuht hii
referred to the Htreet eotninittee.
The Bees and the Death's Head.
i ees li.r,
r lle-ir
I v. ICi It
, a I..'.
1. t'-r.
Iillt ).! :l
il onem v i llo eafes
x i uud w ::..r,'i".
It l.v . all 'Mil t!;i;.e
Id ; Is Ihe tieatir-,
. an eio.i' iini; i a id pxworfiil
en.::... ; w I;, b.i. 1.
ul! Me i mi i-r. il w i'l
hi.r : K.-.IM.US i'i
i. Ii ii t:;e .e i.edii-: itr.
h es m'e IS I.. i IT ' it
a lie-.. Were In ilu- spring
. i -i ;i ut i!i. (i, . i' .f 1:1
i!i .i !. t'e- Inliiii.iitt! I;
' C m, I !li..l .tiid 11 '(.. 1.1. ,
- . i : : . Il t b'l.g r!i. 1 ; .
' e - , aJ iU'.'lll t tie
: !-. t l . an' d I t e ef
t r l 1 : '. o li(e In
f : ' III. at !. n-:
Co eutr::.'-e f tbeh
u '.. I . !:rr . r.y a i: n v
II bi : 10 .1' tl for I belli
. r ! - iii.ul f r Die Inui'
: biil'.d up before he en
'l i of iraMe! wall lea
' e I i! T, I 111' lU'l W lll'dl
t ' an iss, it wurK mi
: i :;!. .:; a t ii ii! il. I;i n
'i I b :t i i i ii a !i pa-:"
C .iihmo- ' hem page l.)
t bodv
Medford Theater
Stenton's Big Double Spectacular
The Barnum of them all. 25 Men, Women and Children. Colored people from
the cotton belt, Buck and Wing dancers, Pack of Blood Hounds
Band and Orchestra, Popular Prices, Free Band Concert Twice Daily
Special Prices 25 " 6ii "
Intclli; fit D,ipL;s.
i. hi ;: i!u. bv i;:e tie. Ideht bad
1. ' I i. !. :i. ;ltlil. the Wolltltleit limb
viie' been i of pi -'lints, the iii(i-k
l'; pi ' e.l ;n a i' :!ietl , . up. or efate
I . e!!l ' fer II tlhl.' ft'olll rilllllille
ill, The oner looked very f-r
u. net) th,. ppy ..f l.ndliero aid
' Has ev. d .) iM 1 eh.ltf. :ivd
" tiled 1 1 1 Ii !,:. '.elf U1..I-
i.'l in:: i.'iell ut Vcr tie- . r ite
If t me ti 1-m i T-Ti w a- it-.'
i d ill. ir -ir.-h th T' eii t':ey lie!i;
. ' " -illl : : i. li :;
I'l '.--teiii l v I In
- In ill th
Ob.. I t -I''
" I. ' lie: t !,e
d I .
d .:v iv
ed witii ah
id. iiinilii(
.d III.
d i. a
n to r;i e t! . M'e. ::i.d It .!UI
tt :ii in-'i r t-.-. . '-ii iv at nil.
n.!lier . .Misnl! Ut- n he'd, ai d
''e: an-ub, t m i i.i ef .jua. '.iiu the
I '. ar.'M . a .:e I one side of the
i' . A - many as possibly uM now
lit u-t their e.v ks beneath Die r.
the revt; the forwanl from be-
: d T'-i: li:. e l hey n.-. e.iletl. The
ale was i:i!-ed. and their liuprWoiied
friend was liberated unit limped out
roeelre the noisy greetings of Its
Th Liberty Cap.
Many pei-.-ns think that the "IIIkt-
up. w tileli is one of our national
mil lee repies. nl ing t hi
Tiiese hearings are rushed through
with all possible speed, beeause the
country's business i-eee'sarily wails tin
til the new tariff law is passed. After
these brief hearings, the e..iiimittee is
supposed to digest llrll facts as tile
bulky volumes ..f sued testimony dis
. lose. N pnly euii't w.oild dare outer
a decree iu a single cause when1 the
testimony took up even half Die space
of n single volume of these c.-mmittee
hearings, without tVst referring such
lestiniotiy lo a master in ehaucery to
have it digested and ri ported.
Having attempted to sift those vol
uuiinotiH masses of scalttered testimoiix
ihns hastily taken, the eoinm-ttee next
goes to tl veu work .-f fixing
new rates ..f duty. 1'etore tmally Hx
ni! them, ihev are supposed to become
ihoroughly ae.piainted with all tl th
element-, foreign and domestic, al llient iolied who h should deter
mine those duties. The ivmiIi of all th
a new tariff.
Hut we who are d"iua udmg nn Amer
en it tariff nn is. -i. i i ale :--k:ng only
a eoininission which 1k II fuel out ami
ilinest the facts an I mak ientific
. lassif icat ions and reimrt belli to eon
giess. so that c. ingress in.vy hae all thi
.repaiatto work ib-nc w lo n cotign
goes to its legit imat'
tariff duties and 1
k of fixing
ining tariff
1 .
.1. O. I-aacson to F, F. Cooper,
proper) v in ( ooksev addition to
Central I'omt $
C. A. Powell to C. U. Heardstey.
property in Mountain View ad
dition to Ashland
Klizabeth A. Smith to Sarah K.
Caniana. I acre in Ashland
Khjlhah l. nton to Wallace Woods
:tl I -J acres in :ow nship :t7,
range '2 W
Mark W. Smith to W. F. Sanger,
lot eL. block . h'aihoad ad
dition to Asldun 1
N'arcisso M. i aiii to M.dfoid Cro
.erv eomnaitx. lots !. 1, .". and t,
block MK Medford 1"
Tinted Sta'es t C A '. lob .ld.
N K -ectloti Is, township
range ;i W patent
C. W. Falni to Vnv.ssa M.
Cain, lots :i. i. .". til '1. bioek
HO. Medfoid
William I.. Wibon To Nick .I.t
rv, land in townshi) ;7. ia!ige
2 V
. 1. ra tloiden et al. to Maicar-I
tiotden. 4o -e . i- township
o.'.. ranee 1 I!
Uell A. Lowell to N o.-.U lie Wa
ter e.eupanv. nglit of way . . .
hiv A. I'.M.e el a!, lo I
Clb-OOr. let b. Idoek '
emblems, K of Amerieuu orlgim but. ItVO BALLOONS MAKE
IU1KI.I N. F. b. i: d- -w
ar by ustrH iin.--i S.-i
A prit is pred i-Uvl b the !
biatt todav. Tio- 1'ag, b'.u't
! - -form-it,,
It-sg Serin i-ea!e t--i-' pa ;
at,. I p.oxo. at on ;-sir'.-i w
torn. If is ru'm.i.d -st,o
S:itnrd:i ti obt iie '! , )
Fiifop'MH pow et i I ; t .
!x T:tge
, tare- v
trin h fa'.b
M from tl;
" The nn.,;
of H,.
,re t.- M
i II,
as a matter ot favt. It eoines to us
iroiu an. lent Itllles, w hell the 1'hrvj;
iatis eoiupjeied t tie eastern pai l of
Asia .Minor. i'hese warlike pvople
w ore It lo dlsiiiiKUish themselves
from those w hom they had eoiuuered.
The aiU'Ulit Ib'tnalis UMT-'Wetl the
emblem iron) the Phrygians, though
i hey made li d is i welly n s, mbol of
Ubeny. 'l he iiswl a ivl enp and were
In t he habit of putt lut one on t he
head of a mioo when he was made a
(rood man At the time of the hssh-lsP
uailoii f Julius Caesar ti cap on a
spear was earned l the o.nsptrators
as a token of Utterly io Koine, and a
nuslal was struek ln-aniii; that de U c
lliul.uul and Fran, e WUi udoplel
the cap as an euiMom of liler:. toe
former ti-im; a line eap with a w lutt
t. tib-r and the Later a rel cap. The
A no : i an . ap is idue w iih a U'rvb-r
of g;:t star- on a white background
I.OS WCKI.FS. Cal., Feb. 17. The
'.alloon Vteeiican, with Captain August
K. Millet in command, is near Los ie
os. l'J miles southwest of here, after
i four passenger flig'it made from here
The balloon Fuited Srate landed near
Sunt a Ana. oil mile southeast . af tei
iiavmg . ariifd b'ov K iiabenslnio and
two other jvissengers ever the , ,nintr
ii il.c icmitv of I. os Angeles ester
lay afternoon.
No'Ver pilot a'rempted to tv.aVe a
-,g thght. both the American and the
I e.te.' States be,.-g iv'rit.d with ilium
n it . g i'-'s, t - t H e as.-ensieTM w. re
..... -..,. .,. I h-gl.3 " c . -sful fr.o.i th.
,t:'ndj. nit of pi, a ii,- 1 1 ip. I.'.eu-e
,!-. I'.-l M i i
ll.d dp..pta of ind;gention for
r- No -ppe!it. and what I did at j
:i.sed nif ttrr.hly. lturJock Hleod in
tevs m " .1 n WnlWr. Sun '
The 1 .ad ics " timid of the Fp
hnr.-h will no et on Th;;rd jv
oon at the home of V,- T F V
M tne'iib-ose are nig. d t be nres
Viry, Ohio.
kpt . ri srrn in
W s)iif; ro. Y-h
You Are Goin to Build
-t i man test a-
g am ef sub
f anre With
it ,1,!, ,.,
MrtifurJ. Offgvn.
The usual 25c retail new line, just
in. Over 300 titles to select from
at your choice
1 5 cts. each
5000 Yds. Linens
Torchan and Valenceima Lin
ens, Neat Patterns, Imitation
of Fine Hand Made Goods
with insertions to match
5 - 10 15c a yrd.
25 dozen Ladies
Fast Black Hosiery
10c a pair
Ladies Lisle Finish and Feath
erweight. Ribbed Hose 35g
qualities, all sizes
2 c a pair
Plain White Semi Pocelonc
China, at a complete saving
of about 25 per cent. The
most complete line of Enamel
ware and Cooking Utensels
in the city, all popular prices
The kind yon want
and can't find else
where. Over 2000
10, 15 and 25cts.
Souvenir Post Cards
Over 15.000 Postcards in Southern Oregon Views. Comic
Floral and Motto Designs. Best Quality Cards Ic each
Special Things
AiVan Dyke's
Worth Seeing
! ,-o:i I v.-tliics in I?e .Spreads.
Special li'-y.ird piei-es Law at, f0r
Kmlirniderics at .")-, Me and 2")c. .Spe
cial lets.
C ash Toweling in It-yard cuts fur '2"m
New I Icndf rsciii and La Prineesse
Cu-seis, .tl.0,1 to 7..-)0. All sizes.
New 2 1-LV (lint;, a, , is.
.Messaline Silks, 'M inches wide, in
plain and striped patterns.
Messaline finished "Woolen Suitings
al"' and l.'jO per yard.
eer. th:ir defii.ite tpies will have
bt d i s. us. d. That 1 lie ( 'aiiadians
ilns iew is indicated by the fact
-it they have see nt lo the national
cservat ion eomm lesion eompilat ions
specific regulations overnin the
-pos;il ,,f their natural resources.
Both Sides Suffer.
Last Minitner 's f.-rest fires on both
dees of the line h. 'tween (he I'nited
jstes are so recent in the minds of
th coin tries thai undoubtedly the
'.-ohiitty ,.f .utile cooperative scheme
: t'ire protceli.oi i. bkely to be touch
1 on. There are ether important in
relational ijiievt ions loin'erninj; natnr
res. .trees w hieh can hard I v fail of
on nln'.'
;e tlo-
:iu.i Mexican delegates
i' .ir-' eomiiii: prepared
:e. -Hens ;( well : to
l t a r i c
will be pr.on
th iri.Mis phases
e d svessed Con
n limit. 1 to the
r'y year, for
ef the public f i m -i
'..'ntnb a. except
tiy are rapidly adoptii't; Scientific meth
ods. Mexico has few hire waterways,
but the nation has p:o ided for the e
pimliture of several million dollars for
t he improvement nf internal navia
lieeent discussion in the (.aii:idi;:n par
liameiit of I'resideut Koosevelt 'a pro
poseal for eo operation for the von
-er al ion of the natural resources of
the whole continent indicates that tie'
support of the eouserx ation moveiueiit
ni ihe dominion will be a thoroiijrlilv
tion parti -a n as it is in the Tinted
States. It. I.. Itordon. leader of t he
opposition, was as enthusiastic in hi
supp.-rt as Sir Wilf-ed Vauiier. the pre
mier. who expressed his deepest appro
val of the movenient.
Tonight and Thursday
"A ROMAN IDYLL'1 A drama of ancient Rome. This picture is
all haiul colored.
THE INSTALMENT COLLECTOR ' ' A scries of screams from start
to finish.
A ROYAL BATTLE" A prize ring liattlo that backs the ordinary
prize fight off the boards.
Miss E:fert sings the latest patriotic ballad.
Classified Advertisements
WA NT,a- M:iri it'., ,u:in.'ii.v.l
in on-luinl wi.rk. 1 .. t : U .liari;.. of
.r.l':n.l l'. .nr mil.--! .mi oi M, -,f, in!.
A.l.lrt-s '!', fan- ot' ',. ol'fi,',. 'Jss
ANTKli - I'riva'i' I inquire
J . ,t ..,'- -N. Hart let t street. 2S I
Medford Time Table vlxz
Northbound I
si 111
No, 16, Oregon Express : 5:24 p. u.
No. ,4 Portland Express ; 9:49 a. m
Southbound j
J No. 15'California Express.. .10:33 a ni
! No. i.-, San Kraneisco Exp.. .1 3:20 p. m.
No. 225 From Grants Pass....! 9:15 p.m.
j No. 22ojr or Asaland j 10: 15 p. iu.
!-:t r.: I"'
. ..f .,.
...v.f.-r.-".-,- K
' , :.-i,-,. M-
.-. X eontraet , 1 ''' '' at.- in t!- '
i K.biusiv ! I'l 1. '.t.T to IT -1. T
' !atifaeti j .,.,. ,,, .v . .. anl l.r. lit.y of Cat
i :..,:,. I',.- .1. ill 1
t .. a!i. it ..f tl'.- ni ii 1 1: o ; ;rt'..'ri.,,t uio! !
J ...1 m thf ...:ii r. v. .ii of r.atnr:vl r. ! ,
, .iiroo, " mi.l llio jt, ; :,T:it too. .f "a
olioral l'1..,!! a.'.M'T.vl 'o orontoto iV.o .,
whH.ito of t'to l:il .l., " j '. a pretty U .Iff iu-l
r , - of
s- 1 t.M-1, r.e ,-f -to
y.,:-,. , ....v. IV. i.'itt li
, f , - .... t i- a . .a . fc-n
.-,. 'j- -f :t" o-.!-r.'a!-l
.V tl. hec-f... '.;-.-l t
',:,..:: n He t .-' ,';'." mt' rest
in the int'orov . rr-i t of :ik'ri.':lti:r!
!..! it.i il. fa:n.e ..f th eonn I
No. 2 Leaves Medford
No. 4 Leares Medford
Motor Leaves Medford
Motor leaves Medford
No. 1 Leaves Jacksonville. .
No. 3'Leavei, Jacksonville. .
Motoril.eaves Jacksonville..
Motor'Leaves Jacksonville.
..10.4?. k
. . 5:5P.,'
. .! 2:0V p. in
. .1 9:00 p.
. . 9;0 a. n,
3:30 p. d..
1 : 30 p. ni
7 :3, p. ni.
u: sm.i:-4.... fi,, iijirtieit ,'.... i ,-,
" ' H. l"; i 1 iit slo. k. at
: .i. i viiTal Pomt. u. y, p
v '
'i; l.i: -l .i great bargain if
s.o. ...... ... r v- ,.( ti.,. fin,.,. r,
.. u.-e !-. y. V. : !. 1., ., .lv, .,)
--. .ll.V.v.-. I-,,- I..,.,,,.. J. j,..,, ay
..''., -.t. V-.i. f t a r..v','s.,.v. i
k l.a.;4. !-, iiittn. r.t'.,'j,.o
re,-! o! i'.foi.- ,,;n'v t.t ,4., ,.n
' ', !' M:irdc - v o.l M
i"S house in Medford, clearing 100
I'" moiitl,. Addres, C, care of this
of Phone 5S1. ,(
K'l( S.l..;Tn.0 ,,, just weat of
A '"ri1- "car new station of Lozier,
K. K. V. K. R.. nrif .nrt i.
va acres. This acreage is certain to
ooii. Aiidress r. f).
s -'Tl. Medford, Or.
Northbound . . .
Eagle Potat . . . .
JaetMiTiUe ...
A.M. IP. X,
. 9:19! 4:54
-llOOSj 1:50
. T:10 t-0
.10:!3 5:20
O'R MU: - A ,:,,a! lo
'"' li'-n-ion: re:..
Vl.lress V O. V,.,
"O 1 . ..., n,m
! i . Tr. !.. is
' S O.K Relinquishment claim, 120
aor. s. S miles Medford, 40 acres fenc
i.l. V: acres cleared, 5 acres 2 vear old
mmercial fruit, cabin. For price call
W. M. French, room 7, Jackson
-'ii nt v Bank bldg.
Ft IK SALE Relinqunhnient, SO acres,
".us east .Medford; 50 practically
level. b:,',nce easy grade and covered
ih i;...v fuel timber; 2 springs; verv
M. French, room 7, Jack-
-mi , ,,1,,'v nan); h,js .
,R HAI.K oj .-esi.len lots, los
i: al., p. .) r, .VT osel'drf; d'eal with
oi:.?; nv vasmiw.o, A !
l'Ol! SALE-tir trade, thi KQ
il..:-wt teuton, iwac'j
nu. 'hr, . '
- i m- a wJ.Tir
,:,:T -FnrnishM room to let. 3,9
l.n. lole av.8 Q
-'V:r-Ti ,ig,t housekeeping
rooii on North II street for rent. Ad
) Ire.s V, care of Tribune office, tit