MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON', WEDNESDAY. FEDTUTATiY 17. 1009. Our Stock of NORTHERN FIR LUMBER, ACME CEMENT PLASTER, I, PORTLAND CEMENT BRICK, and the very best of their kind. We are stocked to fill your orders and appreciate your patronage KLAMATH "BLIND PIGS" LEARNING TO BE GOOD MACHINERY ARRIVES FOR CREAMERY PLANT KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Feb. 17. Since tlie ln'c'ir.niii i'f tin' jmist'iMit iuti of the parth-H I'liiir,;",! with vinlatiti;; the Ideal option law a tleriili'il vhanc Iiuh been brought about in Ihe coiiili lions in this oily. Several of the dives have gone out of business ami the oth ers are not selling liquor as promisi'ii minly ns they formerly ilitl. There is Klill considerable drunkenness, but it is confined mainly to the hangers-on about tin1 dives. So fnr all of the rcaloon men who have been arraigned have been fined either Jr'JoO or if'J.ltl anil were admonished that in case of a second offense they will be given the maximum penalty, which is both fine and imprisonment in the county jail. The fact that Iko Wright, is to be tried on n perjury charge ha:', dissuaded the ot horn from having a jury trial nad it is probable that those who have not yet been given an opportunity to plead will enter n plea of guilty and pay a fine, thus saving the county a large sum of money and insuring for themselves ft small fine for the first offense. KLAMATH I'.U.I.S, Or.. Feb. 17. eh,duh'd among the new industries thai this city is to have ill the near future is a creamery, the machinery for which has already arrived and is being iestalli'd ia a building recently erected in the- Hot Spiings tract. The plant will be ready for bu tincss about March first and will be operated by ('. F. (londrich of t Lis city and .1. A. llnl comlie of Washington. This is the first creamery to be established ill Klamath Falls, but there nr? three others ill various parts of the county. ROAD MACHINERY ORDERED FOR KLAMATH KLAMATH FALL. Or., Feb. 17. As this country develops the necessity for good roads becomes more apparent and the co.iuty commissioners are plan ning an i vlensive campaign for bet ter highways. They have placed an older for several thousand dollars' north of machinery, and during the spring nnd summer r. large force ot men will be employed. First, attenlion will bo given to the roads that are used most extensively and then work will be done on those of less importance. Included in the shipment of niachiu cry is a steam roller, a t ruction engine and a l I crusher. If is the intention of the coniinissiolu'rs to build a small red ion of macadamised road ca.-h year, which will eventually resull in excel lent main thoroughfares. GALE SWEEPS FLOOD FROM NIAGARA'S CREST BARING ROCKS IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistako the Cause of Your Troub les A Mcdford Citizen Shows How to Cure Them. Mni'v people liev. r suspect their kid neys. If suffering from a lame, weak or aching back, they think that it is only a nu;s, tilar weikness; when urin ary trouble sets in they think it will ".noil correct, itself. And so it is with ill the other symptoms of kidney disor ders. That is just where the danger lies. You must cur these troubles or 1 1n v may lead to diabetes or Itright's disease. The best remedy to use is j Doau's Kidney Pills. It cures nil ills I which are caused by weak or disensed kidneys. Mcdford people testify to per innnent cures. . S. Hiden of Medford. Or., says: "I received very gratifying results from Hie use of Dunn's Kidney Pills. 1 suf fond fr what doctors called rlieiiina- I ism caused from an excess of uric acid in mv system. My kidneys were out of iriler and the trouble served to run down my general health. I could not stoop without becoming dizzy and was feeling miserable, v hen Dean's Kid nev Pills came to my attention, and I 1 a box at llaskins' drug store, i.i euconrag d that 1 continued l ., was soon oiilirely free from the com plaint." For sale by all dealers. Price .",0 cents. Foster Milburn ',... P.uffalo, N Y., s,l : ins for the Failed Stat.s. i. !., il... mime Dean's nnd li ke no other. SEE US If you are looking for a good busi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ness, choice buiild ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY HANK 151,1)0. prncu of N 1 A f I A It A FALLS. Feb. 17.-Xot since March L".l, IMS. have the falls Xiaenra orosontod such a s facie ... ...a l.i.,1, wind driving Hie water 'back up'to Luke Krie. Ice gathered on the reefs by "t:it idau.l and the New York nininlnnd. Many people wandered about the riv er bed' to unusual places. The volume of the Horseshoe falls was greatly h s ..,! n,wl down ill the gorge the rocky tr.llis in front of th" American falls was fullv exposed. The water in the lower river was fullv 40 feet below the normal stage, and" old residents admitted never hav ing viewed it in a similar condition. S000 PEOPLE AT KLAMATH FALLS', 500 OF SCHOOL AGE 41) G. E. HilNiRvcr A. C. Kiintlull Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS S Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valloy Or chard Lands. rhaire fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tiac.tfl, for sale. Wo plant anil rare for orchards and guarantee properly to be -is rt presented. Experience JVot Necessary for those who purchase through us. They secino the advise and services of a consulting horl icnlturist, an expert on fruit cui turo in all its branches, who for several yc-us has excoled in the growing nnd shipping of fruit in the Rugae liiver valley, record clops, record packs, record prices. ill North D Street, Medford, Oregon KLAMATH FAI.I.s llesidents of thi cif of race snieid-o. Tl Klamath. Falls is e-a'r ime.tely :iiHn. On wore thai .rtrt i tl rrtir-a4e ewd Tft.t rwrt-w' ere.i". rA lr fiU of f.ll juftg an4 old turned l ir.. F. k l-r l.iw-oU d cv.;n? recti,-!" i i-oHlv ,n of .M'e r-. d in 111- My Friends T.l. dev Hal bnjiv.-esa f.rn; to Am-rios's oi-l able .1 .,- e.l r NOT) FoLK. Va.. Feb. 17 pnlilif- itlteresl is tnntnt'-"' apiilicntion of Snitiyn Mes-o. a who is steward in tie" I'm!' navv. for American .;iiz",sl, ' .... l.Mttill.' in ll. States court t.'.'lay. I''-'" ba'es 1. -plicatiotPon the art of i-oi,gn-" i' netting aliens to become citizens al service of five yean m the 1 "' State, navv. The federal g-vernm is opposing tlie application under general law which limits, ci1.zen.lni' aliens who are free whites. Will now find me lo cated North of 7th, on D street. Here I am able to give MV PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS vrSr ;'( I nil YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the excellence of the meals that are cooked at the Rmerick Cafe if you haven't alriady regaled yourself with some of the doliciott.s ilithcs that are served here. If you haven't partaken of them, there is a treat awaiting you that you will want to refloat ofteu. A meal at the Fanerick iB an experience (hat will inako you t;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All Night MEDFORD SAS1L & DOOIl COMPANY PHONE 2291, Wi4ow Frams, Oak VfHierd Doui, with Bevel Plato, oarried in stock cheap Jff.i rialure J a" Wt&At of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy tjrilli. f M'SEET, HKTWL'KM HIXTI1 AND H KVKNT1I 8TKKET8. Bargain DayQffer Saturday, Feb. 20 1909 On this Day Only the Subscription Price WILL BE CUT IN HALF MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE One Year, by Mail, Cut from $5 to $3 SOUTHERN OREGONIAN Semi-Weekly, 104 papers in one year, from $2 to $1 This offer is open lo everyone, whelher a present snbseriher or iiil . Those siiltsci'ilieis whose su hseripl ions expire prior to MAR (IAI DAV should pny nt the regular rates from the date of ex piration, as shown by the address label on paper, to Kebru try 20, and for one year additional at liAKUAiX DAV rates. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS ACCEPTED AT BARGAIN DAY RATES of this offer at onee. Send sub credited. No substTiptions at i f mailed after Februarv 20. This ONLY Don't delay. Take advantage script ions now ami they will be "Marirain Dav" rates received offer will not be made again this year. IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY During the coming year these papers will be newsier, brighter, bigger and better than ever before, independent and fearless in politics, devoted to the interest of .Southern Oregon. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE The SOUTHERN ORECONIAN Mcdford, Oregon. MORTONS MOTEL X CrTK. PORTEND EIFERT The Qit 'W5 l?XXD TO G.RAJrD .TUBY j FOE DXSA.mmo IN CREEK i .R'iVK. Oi.. , ..f .... .l ;r:iri'l .I'lry ..f iMi-l- rt iI:FT h; - i in ' ..f th. I),.. . af t'T K -unlu'i in rn . I.. t Prepaid Railroad Orders. " Something which ii of coniidfrablf inti.T'-st t't the jmblic (fnorally And which is p'rlian unt Knernlly koowr it t ho syntcni of (rnaid ordtri uow in fTf-t liPtwen Btationi of the Southern I I Jti'i f IC CO ui f(in v mm bji ion " , I'nit'd Htat . My rnpans of this Byfltun) i tn kt-ri may be pnrrhancd t Mcdford from any j.Ini in thp United States and nfi i i i"ti- , n'ail'-d 'r tctf'Kniphed direct to thf f.tit of --fa party wishing to enmo hor. Hlfpwr 4i;.".n h:i n'rnfnij'datinnii nnd matl miinti of !.-r "f .iw i-anh in connect! witn tne tirkffti . h f..r .1 '.u.p . ,Tiay alto be forrdd At th mn( :-b. 17. M:t !:t,-.- w;ih bf.un.l ..-itilpi.'lV l.v i. fnr ii?iii -,tl,..ut ! irl. Iiurini; n 1.1 ll.Tl .In- .1 l;l ASK hvDIAMOND 1 4riniiii OREGON Modirh Comfort modihatk puoii ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND The Tourist Heudquurteri of Columbia Valloy ENGAGE ROOMS EARI.T FOR THK ALASKA TUKON EXPOSITION A. 8. NORTON, Uuuf I:. 'an E RU 8A THE ONLY IAWFUL PILE CURE !; HI' SA i I'K'KS i'l I.I ..l.i, , ll .!.-!, .li f",' tint .in i rt fittir rUt,!,rli..t. , .t., f .....r I. r. !.! w. nl ,o'n U.-I ,lfl..IT""l. t ,"r M". iTr.Ml I PM1UM0 1110 60 , hllDU. RIION. 0N0 tFIHNl. W1IH )cur. t ut iiiiit.. li-:i.l ,.r .'my 1 uri-li.'iil nT K III' SA. rniiii-. 'I'lii-riT'irt', I In , :ni.i. tin y lil'f .r. K HI it'll riMluC!' I" ml IIOKS NOT rmittlin nn rent ira, iiiorrnrv. tin.tii.iiis iltni;. I'. ltinH'ii!it'i!.v rt'foninioii.ln vti'tv in Unit; law. niiiki' "fnlm- nn.l minli'mliiig nl.-ltomi'nls" 11 kill,, of till iiIIiit nr nnrrntii- pile mn.l i.-i nen is llli'Kal lie- 1 Hi.' Itn.iii nml .iniil marrow. trnililfC citintipiituill nun iiomt SA ii nut fur mil- at npiiim jnintn. Only ilniKKuln ir liigni'M umiiii- III- HA. I'liiiriii u y. Ktigl" riiarmiiry. i na. .-urang. W:iLiai' 'Iiiik Horc. 1..