THE MEDiFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREUOX. WEDNESDAY. FEPRl'ARY 17, 1000. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every eveniim except Sunday. M E D F O R 1) I U 15 L I S 1 1 1 X (J C () M P A X Y Qeoiujh 1'utxam, Editor ami Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffiee at Medford, Oregon. SlIKSClMl'TJON RATKS: One mouth by mail or currier. .. .$0.f0 .'lite year by mail $5.00 l'jtosrKcrs rou the immediate itti'ue. More building in tin city than ever before. Erection of a Carnegie free public library. A bumper fruit crop and highest of prices. Pavement of many residence streets f f the city. Development of the vast coal fields in and about Med ford. . jiJii Urea tor influx of settlers from the east than eer be fore. , t j Installation of a free earrier service for the postal de partment. Steady and healthy growth in all lines of re dty m city and valley. The building of the Crater Lake road, if senate passes appropriation bill. Extension of a railroad to I lino Ledge copper district and erection of a smelter. Completion of the .:."0.000 gravity system bringing into Medford waters from t lie snow-clad slop. s of Mt. Mc laughlin. Greater interest on the part of government authorities in Rogue river, preserving the stream as a Men a to east ern sportsmen. LoolvS good, does it Hot i MOKE STREETS TO HE PAYED. The residents along Oakdale avenue on Tuesday eve ning petitioned the city council to order the paving of their street. This is said to be but the forerunner of a number of contemplated street improvements to be un dertaken as soon as the weather will permit. Seventh street has been a tremendous argument this winter for improvement of this kind. While other streets have been well night impassable owing to muck. Seventh street could be crossed at almost any point. With one street in so splendid and the others in so poo- a condition it is but little wonder that residence streets are to be im- I'l'cved. .iLtiJt Xothing speaks louder to the new arrivals than cleanly, well kept improved streets. They proclaim to the whole world the character of a city 's residents. They are a splen did advertisement of prosperity in themselves. Let the good work go on. MOUTl'AUY YE USE IX COXdUESS. The poetical quotations with which the recent eulogies in the house of representatives, as reported by the Con gressional Record, are besprinkled show that congress men remain true to the old favorites. Others may prefer the newer bards, the Kipling and the rest, and Mr. Kahn indeed quoted from Fitzgerald's version of Omar to the effect that . "We are but pieces of the game he plays I" pon this checkerboard of nights and davs; Hither and thither moves and checks and slays And one by one back in the closet lays." But the representatives of the people in congress foi the niot-t part stick to the familiar lines which are em balmed in liartlett. Thus Mr. l-'oelker quoted. Pryant: "So live that when thy summons conies to join The innumerable caravan." etc. Mr. Bennett went to Cray for "Full many a gem of purest ray serein- The dark uufathomed caves of ocean boar; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen And waste its sweet tu-ss on the desert air." Quotations from Cray have a timeliness in view of the recent celebration of the v ictory on the Plains of Abra ham by (ieueral .lames Wolfe, who as he re- ited the boast of heraldry, the pomp i i ower," et,-., s.'i. that he w.iuid rather be the author of tin' Flow" than tiu captor . f Quebec. Mr. Bonynge quoted Longfellow: "There is no death; what seems so is transition. " Mr. Burleigh remarked that-- . "Death l-ides ..n every passing breeze, lie lurks in eei flower." Mr. Stanley harked l.;i-k -,. Shakespeare "the elements So niiM in him that Nature nr'gl ' .r,d up And say to ail the world. 'This was a , Mr. Cole cited F.mers..u : "So near i grand-, t;;- to our ia-t. So neat- is 1 I.., I to man. When Duty whispers low. 'Thou must, Tin' youth replies. ' I ,-au !' " "So nigh" is the approved r ading. but the amti is immaterial. The fa. t for remark is the fu'.elitv ,.f e. gressinen to the old masters of verse. Tlie. at least r Hot after the g.-ds of the new Parnassus. SOLID GEOMETRY NO LONGER A REQUIREMENT Solid jjfumvlry will du luui:-r lw u bub-ar to utiul.-iiu luleriu tlio t'ui-vt-rj-lty uf Oi'-jj.'H. if: it I:::'. 1hm-ii in tltu MHt. At u IIH'.'liUl,' of t l.o univer sity fat'tilty lu'l.l hot ni-lit t he ttuliil jti-inn.'try rf.iiiii.-i.u-iit : nlnilinlu-d, utt.l u liu.ul.i r nf tttlu'r i-li:tii-. in -ti luri-e r.'ijiiiri'uu-uu were nia.le. Two v.-ars uf .imi- I'uri'ijjn l:tiiu:t;(', Hi Krem-ti or lii-rnmn, will It.- ju't'i-pli'd in li-ud of two vt-:.r. of, as I ' nierly r' om- war ,f history in toa.l of nvo 1 oim- y -ar of pliysi.- inM.-a.l uf the Iwu year- of o'ionre. T!io lofil iininl..-r of units r.'inain tin- tiatiu1 as fonnorlv. tint tin- ropiir.l are frw. r. Tin- ontraio-o roiuirenionts stan.l if. I'ollou.: Kttolih. 4 units; at gtltra. 1 1 -: plane (iMimotrv. 1; for i 12 it lantftia.-. History. 1. pliysit-s, 1 ; elei'tive, I ! '.' units. otl n- i ii YOU CAN'T SAV E On your r.u'roa.l fart. The Iww of lie ronimoa carrier ooi'ipfli equal mU no nil n.ih't-i.t lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on tbe shortest route, fastet trains and best service. Simply see that your tickf t reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC 0. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Inion Pacific Pery facility f-r rS safety nn .''iMimo,a tioa of th p.ieni-r 13 provided. i-'i -in iff rtf onrs U nv tary to Deli ver, Omaha, Kfitisa City hioifo. liret Pt'nnec tioD are oiu-lt for all oth er points east and teuth A. S. HOSENKAUM. Agent, Medford. WM. McMUBSAY, Oenerai Passenger Agent, POKTLAND, OR. When You Thirk Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith S Moionv JUST RECEIVED ? TP j n A New Line of Mantel and SSSWall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Coniniemal Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. No', m the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use iu iooo Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhotir and would use iu ioon hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a K Mo watt 4 Net Saving iu 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp 5 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 20i3 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 353. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Medford Iron Works E. G. TUOWBRIDGE, Propiktor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Euves, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, n-.-Vei and Machinery. Agents in S'.rtl;rn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Jrtrli prtuk tr rro3r. cezcok 1 S;;itt- IK'lR'Sitr.ry Established 1SSS. i-spital ad Surplus $125,000 ' Ri-snurr-s $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service 'h" .l:ifk.-:uii County Brink rcs-icc tfullv Mil'riU yniir ari'oiiin., subject t f i your ili'v!;. wit'i t lie sirmiest guarantee of -: i f t y :i:nl I'fl'icir.rv. We ol'tVr thf highest :UaiiwniMit in M-!.tii:ttif bank in j; prvice, which an-siiri-s tli yrcutcst care in every flnau rial transiictiui:, with this ubligiug in-siitiitioii. 1' 1 W. I. VAWTER, Prcident. 0. It. L1NDLEY, Cutihiar. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs A Farm for $10 in the Sunny San Luis Valley OF COLORADO FREE TRIP TO EXAMINE LAND W K It A Y E D I V 1 1 ) E D A :4 .000-AC R K TRACT INTO TRVCK FARMS CONTAIN- 10 TO 1000 ACRES PF.R FARM AT $200 EACH $10 Cash and $10 Per Month! NO INTEREST! NO TAXES ! REFERENCE Any Dank or Danker iu St. Louis. Kansas Citv or Denver. We want a reliable and energetic man in every town to form clubs of 15 prospective pm-eliaseis. We will furnish round trip railroad th-kets FREE to one member of ea'-h -lub to inspect land. We pay liberal 'niniission. Full particulars iivm request. SAN LUIS VALLEY LAND AND IRRIGATION CO. Dank of Cmineive Did- KANSAS CITY, MO. .- F. KXYART Ttf:iti. J A. PKSSY. V: Pr:Jfnt. JOHN S. ORTH. C.h:er. W. B. JACKSON'. At THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK m e d ro an , o a . CAPITAL SURPLU9 50. 000 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A G&ieralB&uk. in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. REGISTER f tv9 vl" rijjiu iidw mat noncol i I t' i -v " l,,',HOni:- nppparanpo is i i XUh ,,u' ,m,,Ii f,,r nvcoH in J iK -?:JA n,,t' thl"1- wear vlothen tlmt I -t'l -W,f"-"'Tr?r ,M.V "'' Vniiu to na for mi n vow riIit now that honceforth ouly onough for moro than lii'o. Why ore wor- for your t:;i- birin. Wo will fit you out in suits that will be a tnlit to you an J to uh. Prices that art' right. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors PALM BtTILDINO, MEDFORD, OR. Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter D;n t imagine for a moment that our local citizens don t recognize a -ood thing- wi,en it 0ffers. jylA you (-vt-i- trade horses with anv of them? Take our advi.-e. and don't risk it. Good sensj will dictate that it is in follow their lead in investing in Meutord property, however, for (hey see the hand writ mi; on the wall. Medford is on" the verge of a boom. Interview us and we'll tell vou why this is the ri-ht time to buy Medford citv property! ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Exhibit Huilding. Medford. Oregon. 3ttrs. Urcnc Ifamptott Isaacs .Instructor ef Jlano. "llit 52Iettoi SluJW at J..,tk Or.jt Str.jt Compare the Quality It is. and lwirj kli been our aim to (upplr oi" customers wita eri of the highest quilitv acj to that end are alwavs adding IMlitv to our line. Ta ijiiition of '-preferred t.ix-i. maKes our line of s. s.Tade Cc.Bl H3 ct. etf,pl ' Ok aejvfr tri ey ttwfr rven aur eD5toeoera. Allen & Reagan Oroceries, Chinawarei Fruit and Feed