Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES 8; tax tb large-rt and toot mi report of any papal In Southern Oregon. fiHtedford laity Gribttne. The Weather The weather man ysrterday proiiiiwfl fair weather im today. He lied. He now promises rainy weather for to--night and ivmmrow We hope & lying again, THIRD YEA It. MEDFORD. ORKtiOX. W KDX KS1LVY, FEBRUARY 17, VMl No. 284. BILL STILL HUNG UP - - - IN COMMITTEE SUPPORTERS CONFIDENT OF FAVORABLE REPORT i NORMALS DOOMED Fate ol Grater Bill in Bal ance With Other Appropriations-May Close The Ashland Normal School TELEPHONE FACTS ARE PRESENTED TERMS N BY STRIKING W. J. PHILLIPS STATE MOl'SE, Salem, Or., Feb. 17. The Crater Lalto road appropriation hill is still hung up hi the ways and means committee of the sciiiiic. It Is evident that the members of (he committee are withhtddhig their r'rt to areomplitdi certain ends. The fate of the bill, along with that of the normal schools, the Seattle fair appioprinthm, the portage road, and insane asylum hill : Baker City hangs in the balance. A combine in the senate to foreo the measures through is impossible, as the united slnmglh is less than a majority. Each measure must fight its own bat tle. Too many senator;: have no measures pending, making retaliation impossible. The supporters of the Crater ro:id bill lire confident of ft favorable report fnnii the committee. However, tho normal school support era amy sneered in withholding tt until the normal measures are disposed of. The greatest fight wages over Hot ncrninl bilht and indication! at present are that the three schools are dnomrd in the senate, though a vigorous fight will be nmdo for the immttemmee ap propriation. At present the opposition control the senate, which, if sm-erssfni. means the closing of the Ashland and other normals. The Criit'-r bill iidvrtentc earnestly work for the hopeful of final success. It has an erpml chance with the other measures perhaps bett er. Those lobbying today are tt. ii. Smith. ,1. M. K.'eue. tieorge Putnam. S. 1. Iattismi. V. .1. Carter and Will fi. Steel. )iitimie to and are PERJURY CHARGE IS DISMISSED BY COURT KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Feb. 17. : Ike Wright, a saloon man. indicted on r. perjury charge, has pleaded guilty to selling liquor in violation of the option law and has been fined "" by Circuit Judge Xolard. Oh innti..n of the prosecuting ai;trney the perjury chergo Hiratimt Wright was dismissed. It will be reinemWcd flm' Wrighi was tried on indii-tmcnt charging him with selling liquor in violation of the prohibition law. The Hal reunited in n hung jury. Wright tk the -.tand in hii own behalf and swore point blank that he had not ?.dd any lienor and the retail t was that he ws" indiefl . a perjury charge. KANSAS DRUGGISTS DOWN AND OUT BY ANTI-LIQUOR LAW W. J. Phillips, division commercial superintendent of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, with headquar-' ters jit Portland, was in the city yes terday interviewing the eify council men and business tu-n of the city on the telephone situation, and appeared before the council last night. Mr. Phillips that his mis ioti was solely for the purpose of pre senting in the eomnmidty fuels in con nection with the of dual tele-' phone systems in such towns and cities on the coast as are now using them ami to have roiistdeiai hut given such facts, if possible, before it is too late, m the city of Medford may not he bur dened with a dual system. That competition of itself does not remedy all the evils in the telephone luisiiiesH is apparent from experience, hi the larger cities of Portland, Seat tle and Taeotna. where the dual systems have been in p-nittH from two to si-veil years, the concensus of opinion of telephone u. rs is to the effect thai suets duplication is a decided burden, in that to receive nil the service you must snb-eribe to both systems, which means that when artificial competition is in troduced into a business, which is a nat ural monopoly, the public always pays for it. The extra expense is hardly a great r evil than the endless confusion, annoyance and bother of two systems. To such an extent ha;: this been real ij;ed in Seattle that many would wel ..uue ;t consolidation of both systems. in places where consolidation has been rf tWted, as in Sacramento and else where, there has been general satis faction front the public, and even a willi ii t'eess in sotne instances to ad vocate higher rates if necessary to be rt-1 of the dual systee. In larger cen ters it is more of a problem to consol idate such svsfems, for the reason that the capital required to purchase such duplicate apparatus and plant, which l useless, become a burden which nn (.iterating eompaiiv can assume or carry uid make return o-i the investment. Then-fore the public endures th hard ship and burden from year to year. The principle that lias worked out lust, ami produced the best results to the people and to capital everywhere in this count rv, is a wise recognition nf Oe hithft each and creating, so far as possible, a community of interest; that is. giving the public full value for they pay. at as buv a priee as it . an b- produced, wih a reasonable prof- to the person who sells. This is the im of our company, and on this basis ;c nrc continuing 1o build lip and cx . nd our nlreadv extensive system all Im the Pacific e..:i-t. To no Oils we -nt the e;ood w PULITZER 18 INDICTED BY GRAND JURY Criminal Libfil Is Charged Against New York World and Indianapolis News Regarding Panama Dal provemciits will be made in the stteei- ficd time, and you can deend that his word and promise will he made goml, " We would not appear in the pusitton of dictators J this telephone mtestioii.t W Asll I X;Tn Feb. 17. or of asking favor from the romnra-1 iurv o mtv for any abortwmings that mar bo justly charged against us, but believe that there exists a community interest between us, mul that the ideal tele phone system m the universal one. a system that will give you all the serv ice in your city at the one cost and put you in touch wih the surrounding territory and country at large over our ng-distanee lines, "We fully realise our obligation to render j good, sufficient and satisfac tory service, ami the rieht of the ueo- ple to demand the same, and this you dmll have. We are not promoters in the business, but pioneers, a permanent store, a part of every com man if v injurs which we are established. There is no MtM'stioi! but what the interests of the community can best be served with one system, and the community will make ho mistake in coming to such a conclu sion. Mr. PhillipB says no advice is nec essary to the public: it would not be favorably considered if given or of fered; but he discs not hesitate to ex pr ss his views and that of his com pany as against those of the promoter, and feels that they are at least entitled to the same consideration. Therefore lu- states that H would be well for the community nt large to look into the dual telephone situation and satisfy tlo-mselves as in whether or not stieh investments are profitable and wheth er or not it would be advisable, after leaking such investigation, to burden our citv with a dual svstem, with ail it additional expense, an nova nee and j confusion, and Ut many a partial serv-j Mr. Phillips expressed himself as J h-ohly pleased with He city of Medford j and commented mi its ideal location, n sources and prospects for the future.; The loyal snpMrt of its citizens, U- J yet her with their desire to make every-1 one know of the opportunities of this j vast and rich section cannot hut result , in building up an iinniein-.e city. j The grant! jury nf the iMstrteT et ( nfumbia this afteriMMi i returned indictments against she owne:s nnd responsible edit urn of the New York World and Indtatiapdis News charpii g eriiwtra libel on ac count of r., j. v !ipMrtg iti these pa pers alleging improper dealing in the purchase of the Panama canal. Roosevelt today submitted to con res a special message (ratismitting the irport of the hoard f engineers en dorsing tho preent plant of construe-li-os ;f the Panama canal, Hoose '-It says thai it would be incs-rorbb- fid'y to clmnge the plan to a se-i !e I cauaL The message coutiii- "! am happy to report that the ac- c-otiiuinviiig doenment shws in the clear esl fashion that congress was wise in the pocit;on it took i. this matter REBEKAHS HAVE R0YALEVEN1NG Social Evening Greatly En joyed by Large Number Attractive Program CATTLEMEN WHO HAD HAY MADE BIG :t!' ii im! Hint litis In an 11 lui I'l.illiiw iw.l.illtv vt H .1. TOPPKA. Kun.. M. 17. 1" v..n wnnt to buy n 'lrtijr tr' a' .v""r priepf If fo, ciiiH1 to K:tii'-':i'; ;t"'l ''i 1 voiir pic!' nf in m :'" " " rp nn tho marlt.'t. X"''y , v"rv try paper Ihw 'lay lw" f'"" '" a doicn nilvcrtisi'm"iit r.n.lin);: "For snlo t'lHMp. a )n"- " cr rli-sirrs tn rctiri' Iiiikiii.". The dwri't is that tho l.-nibtr" " law i-iittmu' t'"" rhUj sunn''1 "f 1,'v ahotit to pn oists mil of tlicir unto tlnir litpmr trn,. The si-iiat.-o l.ill. al'ly pn..i, .h. nl,. of li.iimr liv ilniL' st-n wliatovor. lj-ci-.iaT.M iMM'nllO- a "I f,, f Hio in'onln in tho onimmiili.'- in which wo opor cnli:o, n r fiy morclinnt iloos. is an a-'-t in onr hninosn, t to tlio query vhy Motl I,,.,.,, o i.mir n..!;1'toil, Mr. tat.-.l that i' a jimply tho f hi- Oiiinpany in () past , a. nut "f i-olnlitioli!" hi.-h Ihov Inul no control, to carry ,.. improv in..,,. .- that 11 l-n Tic San rianciBco rire alio .,-iicv of 'h- money market last j .m il iinprovcnii nts ami i,po..;i.I... Money w.u not .) The l:irL"' awl alike ami '-in foinpaiu ,,t lllene affecte.l. ....eelrV over a;"l l.r.oifht to a Mr. lhillip then pro,' .,, fr, K. I', llra-lley. .... I oeiieral iiiauac . t.. .. a.lvitnc :i.,..ri.o.l t I-''"' '" I'""''1" " umice '".it f;sr-.-;ti to earrv out the im .:tm!M for M-dfrd and H p.. c omu nce1 as early e pnmjocfen KLAMATH FALLS, fir.. Feb, IT, Sf nel; men of this section who did not veil last fall are now getting the best price that has b-en pnid for beef for l ii vears. Owing to the shortage in the hav crop last -ear most beef was sold early n the season, hut tho:;e who had feed are now receiv ing three cents niort t!u,n the f;ili price. Huyers are shipping to California, markets, where the demand is good and the price paid for prime beef is nine cents. Severn) carload have been ship ped during the past week and proba bly 'Hi carloads will be shipped in the iH t few weeks, wh'ch will clean up all of the beef .itib ij th KWm.Mh b;isin. Olive Rrliekah lodge, No. JS, ami in;' n v i it vi t ed gues n en foved a not her of the popular social evenings at the L O. . I', hall on Tuesday uight. Th hull was beaut if oil v decorated with hearts and paper hells, 1 he evening was siwiit iii a abort musical progran ; which cousisttsl of a and dialogue , and a game of shooling arrows at a PPAPrT p'tun-d Hf th wall. The ban mm room Has ie.ra(i with hetMst, which was in keepinr with th Valeii tiite -.eason. The orr,e for marksman fillip was won by Kcv, Hall. Paitio-rs for supr were served bv niatching vab-ntin cut in all shape e 4 i menu cuiitiHM ti i iivsicr soup, cas- Ol IW , ami col let-. The eomrifiltei', to whm the- thanks ftas extended. Were MS follows: Sim, Lillian Womiford, Bertha Mcpherson. Clarence Meeker, Mrs, W, ii. Meeker. Mrs, llel.a (Liskiii L, tt. Ihincan, le lia King and Mr, and Mrs. Will iiate. HANLEY WAXES SARCASTIC REGARDING RIGHT OF WAY FORMER OF SPECIAL AGENT PACIFIC COMPANY TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE J, K, McOillivrar, forwertv niHial that this roiumuaity do sot inm ss jeot for the Pacific Telephone Tel -Pit(lt company in this territory is rg- sterI at the Moore, Mr. McClillivray while frmerly with the Bell cainany for the last two year been identi fied with the cause of independent tel- houus and at present is westers rep csentativi for one of the large btca- go lactones, l ii eoHstiwtttmg on l e ocni sit nation todav Mr, Mctiiibvmv l was employed by the Pacific Tel phone 4 Teh-graph company for H ears in various capacitim and in all I hftvo worked with different Itcll torn- Ionics for the past yesm. Two yearn ;igo I lnYame convinctNi that the proper omlwct of tho telephone Ijusi ii.-s-s n a public service utility was esemplifi! by the Hrati(m of th mdesndent or linnir riiaipanieit, and I then resigned mv pimittoa as district manager at Walla Walla. Wash., ami ratrrnl the vukn of the Iiidepewdests, The Indl TelephoiM cn(ay have m iirtiriilar interest in nnv cmninnnity WATER DEED IS TENDERED Telephom Deal Aired Be fore Council Causing Flra-works-PititioiUo Pave There ts na wbtaktng the fact thmt . P. fiantev inlands to rnfurw tfc them letting go their strangle hoM bat j explain hum ic and how necwmiry rt i id that lraj5i Mold lie tightenca j what. The IiidejwiMleat Telephone hmmrm I a hnmnv&s and has its growth m j r. big cwuntrv nnd it is a fact that tlw have been failure in Independent et fo'tsj bnt tiwrv have also liwn waetJam- hihI flio sicc'sc so far rtufcwrmta ; the tmitttm itmi the failurr mrp ltMnw m xm rumran whs w sight sfs raeept wheie the ISeH Tele- jeity to sell hm iranrh sih! the wnt&tm &f phone coniay dig up isolated rai5Wawon can von. His notice to that :,d -wv the idoody shirt wlh . ff . TImw nre H.'ctiilS of country mnt " J,w"ora' "s mm?' hen (he telephone user hns frgt or. ommun Car and HecoMOT tea that fce IMi telephone psisfs, (Jetitlemes: ttt the first dar f JJye There n over one half nillwa , skB thp dwe me from iha m.r IrirHt telephone, in im thm n. of teJMtt this t'nitrd Btate todav thstt IwH teiy- emmtrv the Independent tHephwn is iy mm being itrluceL ' it is ul In a fact that th only way seeptiag as a revenm mUhm, Thi Ilell Telcplion prmh rinV pn.p-(to gt n trrtry .plant is 0 hmh a Hiu ut.' ' . . ; ! certain writer right it ef Wasaos - under s eoa- tract made n rn mivtvd into lietwwn ,(he city f Mwlfwrd and myself Im j April, HMS vhwh infract was mmd by ordinance duly pmmv& and approve Erfc fM referendum wm tek- ntmpanr was : timrf m?ir-miern etuiiwrm u,i U, ,ffi Hceived in tmpntv nurtnrrri tm cor - imanniiirinrr m wmcn imr , TtiTim cf Contract. pHon and developed on the life faelorun lv. far mldi.pM tk mU-l of lhis fTOlwt f was lf,..Hl f the people, Kd ffcry ask imM mm anuiarirK -,wt- s rtnin M to tl.e miv I the xame the rweipt of the wW Imnney. whirh was t Ie ai! either hv Ifcc- jtavment f tn rsh aaffl irito in tfcff- rwgwlar iwe of wjp- i liable waer hnnls f 1h city at r to Ik wM tirciy in rash, m th& eity might eht, Sy mh fs-infmt- 1 was ta fmnmh the fity with an BtHiertaking in Vc.e sum of teKUM if She money wre stt paid in eafc r if fiI artly in rw MANUFACTURERS HEAR SENATOR BEVER1DGE SPEAK ON TARRIF; FAMOUS CHICAGO INN PASSES AWAY SMALL HOUSES ARE J - NEEDED IN OAKLAND .r.ff, r.,1 i.l-nt f I Hp romiwny OAKI,AXI, Or.. IVb. 17. In.lii lions -IF' f'f pritsfri'mns tiim-s m thl tifin ilnrmg the prrsf-nt yx-'tr. Thrrr1 1,1,,,. It. l.tiilr in 0,'kl:n1 Hhh prinjf. Etlso n nnnihcr n-idnpf. If urn tivr ,'a,it;iiiMt wll fftirip in lir nn,I (,nt nji from tn to 2" mtuiH hm)-, it wmsW nrnvc n inv,':mfnt nnl h? n vcrrthine w llli '.ii !i,.t,l. l, mi.l.ll.- i flic. Sfl-I'lMlHi r.,.,.,,r,inil: I tli W. S. .-imfl'iT. 'Fr !(,. i;i f..l,l unv pnrp the nira8' rt1 is t-n-. i ,luh- 1 l.v if it NEBLE REACHES HER ; '. BABt IS MONTHS jr.. that lie vs ; r(.;it H.lp o the town, ;i there is nft a mingle hmie far rent in town and it becoming a difficult matter to take .are of the newcomer. The waterworks system which Oak land is building is well under way, 'n tractor Favis having a large force f m n at work laying pip", and the cily .-..nncil at the regular meeting week will rompbte the details f-r the r-.wr nnd pumping plant. n anayMii !, h it -elf of the In the M A vh ha'.- be- -A "pf-Hcd U Keb. IT. Tin Auditofi ioi f;f!Mtiis hostelry id will pni mti f xit r f the pr' (it y-ar. ;iont of Manager e laid yesterday: fv ye;ir th- Audi red bi -it a paving fr that P-a.r.u th decided to avai! mty s.f ta::ing nu pp..f ' are MK! I he hotel POLICEMAN'S SON SENT VP FOR THEFT dWe. 1 I .1 ,n of a com v enral f .J.J. f.0 m l,e-dle. nnd p. . T.-diiy ne:irieg m-4nir..i.BA. Seven mr.nth at: of thin city. l'n ;l n" ih itieiann were unable to extract ...... tV.-t she t- rapi'lt linth. whirli" w """" :,s ""n :" ... piow. h'r hwrt. It I. n.. .'h in n inrh nf l.,r l.-i.rt. v,. w,i l. the Xrayi Al.'tli 1 ""'l-"1 bla. a el ! r ,. r.- , !:... t'nn. Thi -.v1 , l,;ii,f al. ! ',.,rti..,lnr. : ",..Mi-: , t.-. M- ni ..M n ' it sl ii ' a" 1 ; WITH LOSS Vi ?1,UWI si: tti.i:. wvh.. r.i,. n.- .Vit. r. 11 ,v, ;r T.'i,'fn..i 1 ,!,f I ,ii ..-it :, ,t,t,. T i-f. : t , Ia- ! I li. hr.l - l. , f..r ,1-f. J,!C.. i.iat.-r. !.- Iii'I ,.f .-M-r;.-;.-.! 1 ,..,,.. f.,r... -I'I- .v. l,Hmi r-.',H i'l'hi ut. n... .1 t,i tti. v,.,,tl, I,v svh- ) -p ,f !l- Tni ,.in.-i (,,1 !.,. W...4: IXItrAS'APOUH. lad.. VK 17. More limn 1MK1 il-Inatnt. r.ri,m'li! millions miUimn Hvit'l rit((tnl. n't yrsn-rlnv in rotn-fntion in Tmiilinxon hall ! lirn the iiuratiim of n nntiimnl ttiriff nimwiiaiinn. The Xal Amm-Mliw f Maim rtti)rirs lirimclit ilu-m togrthpr In ex i,t-a nd to rfN'rtmwi-ttH in fnrinnllv sfitni' inilntiB nf tht prhl-in ,f tnriff revision. lHrig the m!inn ,f thr-1 1;tvx (Iip views nf high tariff inf'M mul t," lariff ment f frH trn-l m sb,1 ultra pnttiM-tiiittists. will ! hml. in til lanKHUg. f th official -ilt. the MirMti of till rmirMtifm i; li givf imiiiptlintp ani aii'att' ex jsrcssNm l,t tin- i-tEiHtin illii- ilcinan! fj,r I!m rn'atiun f s jmrmwfit. m jrtiJSlill. s-mi jmlifial tariff pmini, iw. w!ii,li )li:ill FtHi,rts rllat ami ti4- iiNhistrial him! rinM'rrm! fa-tj ii this sn,l ntliT 'Hntrit prtin.nt tin8 tariff in-titl, fr till5 iiifiinna urn n,l n-' 'f i.ri,is an,i the ex ntth-e," Mtmtor lit-vvrnl, wB th- irint-ip:il i.Mki-r f Ihf lay. H !: Within titan firtir miit(m a ft luriff will hav lici-n !. I h"" ,-.(! In-iirtc it will ) tti l-t tariff tlirt ?Miigr,, ha, iv,- rnitrMi'tl. It w-H Iff liitrii- in thini that it will th. Jst AmiTM-aii tariff eretfeA without iii, of a tariff eummimhm a ffin iaisin t, iit fart. r,mi mnke plas.i fii.rtias f,,r .,uisr,.. anl nt Ut fix ,i,iM, whii-h i. tin- ,risiv, lniiiif-i. i(HMI.,i!a!. 1 i iiMll IMHUt llt lf le iint! a tariff i-MlMmii,!! i -rp ;tU-l hu4 ha. ina,l jij,marv invr-.ti i..(tn anl arrangil ss'ilitifii' ria.i rir.,lii 'hat oilhl riilin- a h,tig-r i riiMl. S, for (hi hit tiM w iihii! hav.. n taiiff IiiiiMi-1 in the M way Hn that (hi. hai1 t th last tariff tn hiiil!-,l. w- 'ivm mnt ir,vi,r a rniniiit of tariff Thi pri I -t i-in, rii n y nrvt-r must 1,' fa'' Tariff Building on BusfneM Bisit. ; Ii,.r.t..f'. lo?h Eiirtiis httvi' hinhl '.ml tariff W.I limit ! if ")a.if ,iin ,f , l,..ll. . H-,ih larti r fiam,!. r a . alil rvi a (,ri , t i'. tariff, ha, ha lir-fii rusliwl tlinoigh witlisHt tw? or thUitr t ut tin1 fa-!,, without wthir l. H rlwiral fcnowlnl. nr nrimlifir partly ""-. -""" !- , .,. . .IfiMl. th tiw bnaii t. he m tho sum lull to mmke ehUrntumn. , hp w(,r M( , ,. Otlier Oummtwloiw for Less Important ,,, ,Mak auitM V.v hf ruT l SulijectK. jl,. ihrrr lnH Kxrrnl mi llif tariff, runirrri Iiaitins f aM rw thi wishiiii of a enmmimum at lrtskiii-; art jslauniT 1st ipnlatiil in tfi ntmrt ami ytm arm tt,. tn rnniar all ort f mljn-ffi j Tendms tt Deeds. ami rrprt t roli-'ri'HH ei the tariff j i3v (fcm day t ailrtl In th-ff. iiinn iffiriilt. inlrtpafp anil fttr Is-onli"!-, nnA f herewith tenilpr trt wn., n :t.iiin taa ail oini'r pri'Si'ta1. rrnsiir a ?mi am1 mirjri o o. ra,,,. htisms riiailiinil. t-sri'iitimg anly tfcr ly m ill sMwrf'mr with the ietmm w ,,hh m nf rnrnnrr ami liaki. i the ralrarl. Ihnnnh 1 a. Bot rmjoirwl rr,ii- ami Itanhin-; ropgris han ar .to t'inlr th1 imaii wnti! the pity sfesnM Non-Wjul that it rannnt wiwlT lil havf HrrW a to Iww Illf paraar. ate until - riiinmiioii shall hav? i-nt wouhl Im, iaat,. This iT-f is heut mm- ars in stialvtn-; our own rtons f ji-r! to ili4ivrry ta you immliawiy tinaarial iawi an,t th" mmetmy wfmrmx iifion your pnymrnt i ir aooiBi f aliiir nation.. ifiwl in the nmtnet, if too trH il t'oa-ns rroatiil lh- ttlin-au f Par rat- a hank is Mlfonl ! rppeiw St ,orat ion for tliii pin (hiii. A t tar years "on ymir fa-fcaif it will he AemiteA ,1 ihomngh work ly this l.tinau. . aiam there, mihjrrl t .hr farnvBt ol mrrnrr in ,lv joiriy propow. to dntmy it or nr Imiiwis. laanmni u Moji its (aiMir-i. t tmgreim ftwtM ltratiiii wnejnr y win mo, tho iialatriai ,omintion tn ftt mil paviio-tit-t ay m or ain. ,o tain fai-ti. Tho r-mrt of thn - nn.l partly m water homls. I will nHWo n.wioit an.1 th..o of Ilic intirati mm to l.o -wtI Ml pla'wl w mion t -.nltl in Uf law Lank of naat ty. liignatl l.v jeu, f..i- t, lo,,nriiioii! of rnianiarra ana cfM-l ami siirrirseai; iiii'i-r(BMi? tahor, the linroan .f rrlwa-"i, tho nai. Klkiioi taw. tho rati- law. tho unmigra a law ami Wloit of tit wrfmffi Saw. of tiio iaat mx or wti'U yt'srs. Tariff Commission of IBM. itat'l rttalrart j,ravit?-l. Clantortng for Right of Way. 1 a,1artaaii that som gontiHws m ntlors of ywr romiaon poimr-ii haw heer, rlamorta-s for a right of way mv promitm, 1 I ' il.tii;hti4 arfviv ynn that aaiph- provision is aalr in the tainlcrrf for a right arro.s ui,l iyiB. for any ptp.Hi aioi r.'.-..innoti.I m.wt at which the i nwro. .. lio a,iiiaitrativo iartff mm m uio- aor lanoi, ,.-i whioh hav sittt ,iia,-t sftiiJ,!. I 4. mni,m kn the etiv nfmr wm ijjao.1 Tho tariff roinmi-.ioa of tvis I ait.l rorMnmriolil tlia miMt inipnr nt f.attiro ,f oar projoat tariff al iiiiitration. It originatnl 'h app' !r,aor. iio,artir,.i hn tuloflol. 'oiii;mw iho a4(t(tra!ivo oi-tna rir , l.v O, tariff rmii.ioa. ttayl tho tariff mm,ww wa a.k f,,r now io s not jjo ii far 3. the tariff , omimioi of I-' . W. hit Boa a kts, o(v a ronnii..!oa aff oriorts to f si .1 oMt fjo.t an.l maso ria-.ifiatiaii. i.,KI, it to fu ittitios frnni thoso tart. ani .).int th"i to tksa ulawifi . 0 Cl.t-- -9 ,-.t p !i,o Mlf ... ,.e,-'o vfti .a mn ; I m, rat "' r i ,;,,".If '"'r'1 if .r.- l f.'.'t that th im I'fKW.O. i"l Ffl. 17. Firo th i . rnin- ifi.troyi-o th" rhtt.lion.- of thf Iin!,"pia Huh. Tho loss i o.tlitiat,! ,1 (,i.i'ioo. Many roiii... paintings sail Mtno. -tithart from till parts of tho n .rM. won- (itt royil, Tho origin of '.in f:r. i. uakaowo. i t,:rL"i i'ii -..oo'.io ity ,.f a . ato-il.lo ,li!n.,il -at. of a Kir.t avon,io In i-. Mtf it w:i brought Ali.r hail on or.r!,l . . whoih o tariff 11.. I th ol.i.-.-i is a wav winoh rsppj.,1 anv l,isiaooi man or rf ,n han-llitii thoir oatorpri. , io am" fa.liif.B. l!"tl parti., have j.w.Jrv -toro. ,a,l tho tarttt oE,,Hisiviy oo.. oil that ,iag havo wiij.,.! campaigns a. to whoihor ,r,-a,:on. hoon oor tariff poiirv h,nM io r,a tho pro ll.o I heft from th' ijrv -toro. havo , Ilho ' roa.i. ini,h''at. , lit ti for whi'-h trim hy .l,,lo.. Sn. ti ist s In 1, jjou'i. U rol lo ri, !ii Ta,-onta t.ti h t:.i loin OJ.U...1 ury a tht'i oily on hi. piom i,o , work pn para vh ar r.'vonno 1,3 revi-ion ha. tioan 1olavo,1 until j ff opio have -rlrol immo-liato re . nl .o, finally t tariff half alo,as. A orinaaoat tariff roaumissui-tn it i ila,h,, i,ooaa. .-ommittoo of ron oo oawoot ilo tho work. Thoso ont o.It.M a.nit-t o r.a-1 nut th f' ,v hMii.i;"t,. anno. At those "hear f nio-i roprooBtifff va o,as inito-s ,.,i-oM. of toomi rates f ,lotv. jam !' roftnittw iwaan. Meh ,, of llioin i .-ar. fatty pr(rl npoB sso srt,nlar loiria.r aooo. t,,. it far l.l.r i.rooaro.) than h .,..0,0,,, too toi t,,iooor. 'ory witnass, . appear hefsr the eom h.s fnrni-ili ao ar my emia-w-l witit wtmr ption of the trartifular j-vrtious ar lanil rwniroa aa.o-r iw. for biilkhaails nni applianees for the f wafor nal pii-elmos I wtH ho ola.l to wake ami en-rote the 3eeA out. mplatcl wt provio-l Mr n sb ontraet. Tried t Accommodate City. ' 1 havo triwf to aoeommiH.stt5 the , ,tv ia vory way frnwiMe. bat as thw .ooi. to I wrthine in -.tore far me, o.ropt minpnaions awl as yt not oven mima int. r, st on tfce no, nor .liio Jalr 1. 1. I l " thai 1 wowM be jnsttfiej in fortker tha tiina for foment, i rnnrh as I .ItaMfc to aji-" " m ,v .leatawK ' ,h rv ho i.l tali-lv an l waoM -.Mot this s a domau.1 for the -.Late pavmeat of th' nioner s J , in the voalrar- above referred ('nBtia4 OB pag ) "t;iiiUiMl l'ij -)