11 MEDFOBD DAILY THTWffyg, MEDFChT). OURfiOV. TUESDAY. FK'PRTTATY in. W SEE OUR LINE OF GARDEN 1 . II TOOLS Rakes Hoes - Spading Forks - Spades & btioveis We Guarantee Both Price and Quality MEDFORD HARD W A: Social and Personal Af,piES E FR I. .1. Hfii.l It-I'l Tms.hiy for ir:iiits I'lIKH t HjU'tnl hOIIM' 1 I JIM Or. Alliiiin in viriilinjj iti I'mlliiii'l. Ti. C, Kurrff.iii f I'.nnU- I..inl w.m n ri'i-fiit M Jlunl iiinr. Nee K. t. KrMvu .).. nt tin' ;iiin:il J'rIT(i vit I j'imi. Ahli city. '. I'.. 'nil it i lu'i-k I" nun n slmrl vivit in M. Minnx ill-. I 'ho nc your onlnrN for tiwrct rmirn or luiltormilk tn tin? en-iiincry. A. .Irniiiiitrs of i... Hill in M.-.I fnnl Moiulnv on liiHiiiiHi4. Mrtt. . I', Hiii'k is i-ilin' frii-inN in Anlili.ini. Onlnra fur nwoi-t rreiirn or lull torniilk promptly fillcil. IMionn the cri'.'iiiH'ry. H. ('. CollinH of S.iimh V:tll-y visito.i with rolaiivcH in Mfiifonl Tin-winy. V. .1. Scot I of ii j. jut Kutfiii' river wjih ii riM'i-iil Mi-tlfoM visitor. Uri'KK Shnrl IiiiihI. Meilfonl lluni nt-sn Collcgr. llfi.'l rlnn-iirc Wilhilc (lf Aiitin.h v;is :i n nt Mvforl viniit.r. i. i ', Hoover h:tH i"i in iif.I fiufii h trip norlli. A carload of limp just rerrivcl in l.;irr.-!s. Medfonl Mri.-It Company. 2"' A. Turpi.) fnnl wife of ltov Ann :hv in Me.for. visiting r. -I:it -. Thte ftjiriny rlji.HSfs liiin nt M.iifor.l IliiMinesft ( 'olleut- m-xl Motnlny, l-Vttru nry 21!. 2G'A Join (lie :itioli:il 1 'rot t i e Legion. Look it up. SoiiH'tlKti n I. A. I. In-.. I-;. II. Ilrovvn. nty. Kre.l Hlukel. v i- it- Mr,'..nl on l.ii inesH nfter ret urniiiir .'mm n trip i;il. Aj,'entH lili'l folii-itn'( u:tn1r.l for l't:i term. I ..inr:tii-i-. Write , Ii. Ilmwn, city. A cnrloinl of lime jiint received in liarreln. Medford Un. k "omj.any. L'sn I'. K. Anderson of Talent wns a re cent Medford isitor. Itoliorts & TioliirtH, rxpertfl in repair intf and rehnildin rcwih mai'hineii, will remain a few days longer, aff online; r.n opportunity for cood "'id accurate service. I'lione ,ri"i'i. IJ.mmi at I'r. Stephennou 'f, cur. W. Ninth and II streets. Mm. W. II. folen.an w.-i in M-.lford on Monday. Splendid propoit ii-M for aytits. Vrn ternal insiiKiiice. I!. It. Urmvn, citv. ATTENTION. (Continueil from puge 1.) of the way far in m ivnnee of it. 1 John, so I lie Icr. nd oeH. watt II aim pie hearted nnly. who loved to mam ! through tlie foreHtH of the north went j in advance of his fellows, coiiKortiu; alternately with the red man and the ! while, lie n:m esteemed li.v those who hneiv him a xaatiotid who juk! loafed. lie had his use in Die world, however. Jesuits Have Spread Them. ; When anions whitf folk lie waved the setds of all the liest llppleH he met 'Willi, juul riiiefnlly preserid and car fried them with him. When far away j I in in Ins white frit-ndK he would e lei t an oju n sj.ot of ground, prepare Hie Mill f rnl Jilailt the rteeds, upon the ; pliin iple perhajiH of the old Sjuilill i ciltoiM that he owed No linit'll to port I terity. It is prohalde that the ailes credited ; to John Ajij.le Steel were those planted , l.y the JesuilH. j M ass.-n linsi-i is and t 'onnect ieiit yrew i j'pli s at an early period, and New , Voik ri-eeiveil them from other wlatos. , In turn, M ichija u, I Mi no is, Wisconsin, and Iowa took lliern fro in New 'ork, and llnis gradually tliey meandered to alifornia, Wa-liin ytoii and r n.n, where they have attained their rent- eiiiiMiieicial alue. which must he accepted as the it-t estimate of their ! .plaid v. i Many Apples of Many Kinds. N vv York state i;i famous for ajp)es, j.ind so is aiiala. Of course, there re a jijiles a ml a pple ; some yootl, ! miiih' .inst s.i so. some for eating, others ' fur cmtli i ii, a ml so on. There are aluutt : dozen essentials i to a food apples - in addition to produc tiveness, such as richness (tin relative jii ojiMit ouis of siirar and acid), flavor, firmness, colnr. ('firm, size, uniformity. 1 1 1 1 ii : i r - ipialities. g I keeping, etc. ; Alth.mgh (ileal Mritain has for ages lien L.'i'at altenlioii lo apple cult i vu t ion ami produces laiu ipiantitieH and iMimeiMiis ;:rietiefi, Ve; the people over t here esteem t lie American New tow II pijijon the most f i'll giving also much .iai-e to tin- Wiliiams " I'avorite, As ' ti.-khan, i;raeiistein, Haldwin and Spit .. ul.erger. cciidiig lo official reports from ' 1 Wa liMigtou, P. lireat Itritain in liioT t.ok from us l.-'oV;ni l.arrels of i ..,.), Irs. the value girii heilig :!,7.".f 111 ( alifornia. Inn miles south of San Francisco, (here arc (.Teat orchards from which are shipped Mniually lOuu cars of appleH to I'jiglaud, (ienuany and oth er Kurojiean countries. It is famous tor belli flowers, and pippins. The grow ers just at tend to t he growing. The dealers go there ami do The buying while tin- crop is unripe on the trees, and plauh down th ca-h in the coin mereial center of th" district. "Pippin Now Means "Perfect." In rapidly running over this subject wp find there are many varieties of gotnl apples, and of tlie goor ones the ippiiig nee in in all ::ges and at pri-s nt to be preferred. It gives an idea. too. .if the develop men! of language, front the crude slang tif the barn and the Ibid to t ho nris t. c racy of (he diet binary. When we hear the term pippin applied to a person or thing it means th;- highest sort of compliment it is th" superlative- of timate. Alt down the ages the apple lias been notable among the families of fruit. Ileiii-ath the branch - of che first of its kind Adam whispered "the sweet est storv ever told." rnd this ame old torv. ever new to willing ears, may lie heard today under "the shade of the dd apple tree." All members of liv I.Vl.ci.ah lodge. No, 'JS. are urged o be present at I he meeting tonight. Ib'gnlar tm'(iiijt fid lowed hy monthly bampiet. FOIl SALE. If you are looking for some good bind cheap, 1 have it, for $10 and i per tic re, neur good railroad town. v. v riiKWir, Room 7, Jacluoii Hank Hhlg. New ('of cs. Henry '. Mackcv x-. Maiv I,. Ma.-k ev; suit for divorce. r..ig A Hianos attorneys f.-r pbiiutiff Probate. Kslate .Taints I ('. St ; inventory and npiir.iisement filed. Kstale I . I . Ho nt -av r : .rd r m:ob confirming sale .! r - prnpertv. Kslate John IV Yaxx t od ; older made a (.point ing Ueorge i a wfoi.l and Mattie A. Crawford ..dminist ratot . and Frank Mooie. llanv M SI, .1. r and Jo reph Kin.diard apjo-r-ers, l-Male I'atrielv .1. b'v m: in v. nl.-t ami lip.raisi mi nt t '! -t show ing r. al property x allied at 4 1 VT '-' A' PROTEST AGAINST DUTY BEING PUT ON COFTEE Thct they are a iiotable factor in t: pie pi mi uc I ions is deinonst rated by an annual clop in tlie I'nited States and Canada of ahoiii HXi.OOn.Oiin bar i.ls. 'I'his country is not only forg ing ahead in volume, but in ipialily. t r.latid to the .-'odnct of tirchanl 1 I'niits tlie apple lias attained "i per ; rent of the total in trees and vj.s per .-. ill of product. i Profits SrlM) an Aero. j .i i.i the i well, nc in .pwibty. and I no ib'iibt a gicat surprise lo many, it j in a I"' stal rd 1 hat t he product last ive;! of V-I1..W NeWloWII 1 1 1 p p i II :1 g IK W 11 I on less than an a. re hi the b'ogue b'tv , -r valley. Oregon, which is aluuit :til ! miles south of Portland. Was M," boxes . , ,1 i bushel each I. and the lot w.i- s,-ld in l...m,.n at : m t pi m e to the -r.i r ol I 7 t I The pal (oiscuy j : row or of I 7 1 1 The part icular j three acre .ucliaid from which tliis fruit i was taken produced an aveiage of f.'iiin 'an aire a year for the last eight years. ; In l!M.', a ht was sold in London at 'VtV One thousand boes XVeie sold ,u Kdinbuigli. Scotlan.l. nt pel :!-.-; at the same t rilli- apples gloWll III -ir-(land were selling at :t'i cents a ' l.ushel. ! Iii t:"7 an oi. liar(l of eight acres in he ame 1 1 i 1 1 1 u , near Ashland, r.. 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 i i I l.ox. s of New town pippin ' ,v ), ., I: Kold 1 1 rc'hard fyr lo he niiri:o. F l n l' the plaeMig of a d-'x o been nent to W . di,-iL".oi f.-c trade of Ch.caL.o. i... b. b:.g r.-is.-r. and retaib'i-, '.o.C: w l.o i-pie sent this citv have i. . t-fiit'-ns asking thetn t" u de- ( prevent the sub coeueit Ii ml means oomtnin. . i. ron.te. n be.; 'i ta-lff. Itiforniat ion t ha! ' ' 1.- 1 ' ' 'i" i that tl serious effoi ! i 1-c.ng -i''ob rrise a rev eniie bv t- x't.g fl'"M' ' ' "f Record for HimmI River. 1 1 1 o s! i.rict- ever paid for from 'J to I" d d ill the Tinted s- ,ies u .s i.ii 11 1 Kivcr SpH.nbergs i . - 1 -w us. i l,e t .inner tanging from ko ... : oo ;ilM hitler I'r.-m s ... , ,u ,ti. 1 b... H I Kix'i ,. , , i, i. al.i,1 ". mdes east of l'o-tland. - i-,.!' - i In- i e. . nt potable purchases -i i h,s 1 1 g o n i'i in! bud xx as a $;to, ...i ti, i. t h.M.g'.l bv Vis Potter I'abnei for h. r son You Are Goin& to Build fir wrv '? l et me figure with yt u. No contract . lar.'c . r ton sm:.r. Satisfaction iri ranteel. L. E. BEAN ( oNTH At'TOR AM HtMI.PKR. Mrdford, Orrun. AMUSEMENTS. 4- "Uncle Tom's Cabin." That pcroiiinl fav oiile. " I'm le Tom "h t'abin" will be the next attraction at the Medford Theater. The old piece will be presented by one of the Stetson companies, which have .-ome to bo rec gnized as the standard "Tom" or ganizations. Wed uesday night, Febru ary 17, is the dale am need, and fur this occasion the In-use prices have been educed to 'J.'.c. ::." t:ml "" all opera hairs ."He. Medford Theater WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Stenton's Big Double Spectacular UNCLE TOM'SCABIN CO. TheBarnumof them all. 25 Men, Women and Children. Colored people from the cotton belt, Buck and Wing dancers, Pack of Blood Hounds 10 SPECTACULAR SPECIALTY SENSATIONS 10 EVA'S ASCENSION Band and Orchestra, Popular Prices, Free Band Concert Twice Daily Special Prices 25 - 35 50c I n SAI.K- -1- inc. i-.:.n uniin l'-i l.inso. AiMn'ss T, rare Trilmiii 'J IMIi SAI.i: )ir iS.rpiir-oM linrsi-; f:ini il v hurst', single or. d'Milili'; pricp, $SD. Iiicliire iit X:ls1i b;ir. L'S.'i I i Hi SAI.i: Or trad.., tfif liest mum tug lioii(.e iu Meilfonl, Hi'iirilitf $UiU jmt lni'iitlr. Address caro of office. Mill SAI.K Wood for Bill.', Hi ill tiers of dry fir wood. Inquire at the end of A and Pine street. Alex. Huff. 2S1 Mr. I liarlr llazeli io; is linrd at work n hi annual oiei i piiidii.-t ion, 'Phis li he h.i s,l..led l-'ra Piavolo. Vnlier's nitnatitie work doalini; with' Italian t. audits, ete.. and lliis will jirove the most aiiilotii'iw ot't'i rini; he lias ever l.ri'Hoiited to Medford playyoels. Tliere will lie a c..tni.atiy of lo people, orelies of I'I. new s. ry mad.- espeeially T'.ir this prodiift ion. and to eap the eli 1 'mix. tlie fam.. us seM.tte from " I. II " will he inl ro.l M.'.-.l in .to- finale of ihe sei oiul a. t. Dog and Monkey Circur Dntwin? Great Crowds. I o'.lo.d; inaliaee was oivn at the. I'.i.iou yesterday, aiui yoinio Ameriea iui.lv took possession ot the theater in full force. It was just the style of' how that suited lloir hichnesses and hey whooped and hollor.d to their ..arts' itelit. The loaiiaifi Hu nt has iireni;.''! to oie another matinee for heir spe. iul lu io til V doesday at 4 ,. in. The doe. and iu. oil., v show has I.e. -a an . . .optionally luu' drawing eatd nd al! apple, . ate the p. rfonna . d .esday ini;ht is the I.- t inolit f this iiterlaiiiin. -nt. H. "'is ,..en at T I". Two -hos 11 1 14 1.1 1 s . rule SAI.i: Crape eultiliKK. Tokay. Malaya and Melvois-, Write or eall on VV. C. (loffe. r.-ntrai l'oint, tlr. 'JS:t lull SAI.K-Fuur diaitioii.l rins left, v. eiuliintj three tpiarter earat, at a -reat liaruain. M,.lford Loan Of lue. 2S'.' I i Hi SAI.i: Hratid new safe, weighs .-.."ill pounds, at very low figure; on in .talinents. In.piire Tribune offiee. 1'OH S.vr.l-: Orain hay, lialed. In.piire of Phone r.Sl. " tf s. the Circuit Court Ne tleoriie VV. I.aio'e S- , . ' I'la.-k Hold haiiuel M mini; company; .1 isillisse.l. Ota W". Henderson s. Thomas Hen is.ni; suit for .lioi,-e; disini s.d. I'ar.d Swa. ker vs. Os. ar Swa. kei: . n,t f..r divoue; disiuissed. Fnlf SAM-: Two a. -res, just west of Medford. near new station of I.o.ier, on It. K. V. li. 1!., price J.HIO for the twa acres. This acreage is certain to .chance in value s i. Address P. O. P...X o7l, Medford, Or. I'm: SM.I-' lteliniiiiirhnient claim, 120 acres, S mill's Medford, 4" acres fenc ..1. TJ acres cleared, f nerea 2 year old . ..inmercial fruit, cabin. Fur price call , n VV. M. French, room 7, .laekson i niity Hank bids,'. h'iK SAI.K Herm.pmhinont, SH acres, i; mile, east Medford; oil practically level, balance easy grade and covered uilh good fuel timber; 2 springs; very '.cap. VV. M. Flench, room 7. Jack ..a t'ounty Hank bldg. " I'OI! SAI.K timid reiidence lots. closi in; also go. d o-acre orchard; deal with owner; sine comlil'ssieu. Address .1. care of Tribune off no. FOli SALE Houses, lota ami lurid in Phoenii, or in tracts to suit from one acre to (MO acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOB RENT. TO ItKNT- Fiiriiisled room to let. :sl" Itiverside avenue S. 1(111 liKNT Two light honsekee.ing r is on North II stieet for rent. Ad dress V. care of Tribune office. 2-ss: Medford Time Table " SOUTUERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. j Northbound io. 10,Oregotl Express j 3:24 p. ni. No. H;l'ortlaud Express 1 il;4Si . nt. Southbound j No. lfijCnlifaruiB Kxpress.. .10:35 a ni. No. 13;8an Francisco Exp... 3:20 p.m. No. 225From Qrants Pon.... 9:15 p. ui. So. 225For Aaaland 110:15 p. m. ROQUE RIVER VAiLEY RAILWAY No. 2Leavcs Medford 10:45 a. ut. No. 4;Lcaves Medford 5:35 p. in. MotorjLeavos Medford 2:01) p.m. Motur.Leaves Medford S:00p. la. No. lLeacs Jacksonville. . . 9:00 a.m. No. 3Leaves JacksonTille. . . 3:30 p.m. MotorLeaTM Jacksonville . 1:30 p.m. MotorLeaves Jacksonville, .j 7:30 p. m. MAIL CLOSES A.M.IP.M. Northbouml I 9:19 Southbouad iH:5 2:!i(' Eagle Point j Jacksonville 10:20 5:20 I Special Things' Van Dyke's Worth Seeing Classified Advertisements THE BIJOU WANTED. VS I K I Mailed man. ep.i on. . d .i: orchard w..ik. t . take chaige ,.f erchald fel.l Holes ellt of Mcdl'old Vddrcs. T. cue of Tribune off.,.-. 2s VVAN'l'KU PriMite boarders. In.piiie at 312 X. H.irtlett street. ' VVAXTK1V-Fifty boxes of Xewtowns ae.i Spiti-enburg apples. Apply of M. Stewart. t the Xasli. rOKtlAIJI. IMP (I rent v.'ilnrs in ltd Sproads. Special r'-yartl pieces Lace at "0c. IOniliroidci-ies at c, I'm- and 'Joe. 8pe ei.'il lots. (.'rash Towelinp; in .5-yard cuts for 25c New Henderson and La Hrineesse Coiscls, sj-UKI to .-rT.."( . All xizes. New li.' 1 -lie (i intimitis. le-ssaline Silks. :!( inches wide, in plain and striped patterns. Messaline I'inislied Woolen Suitings at --U. "J") and .f1..j0 jut yard. VAN DYKE I'OI! SALE I'"1 line Hartlett tries. I l'. foot uiade. I. It. l'dkingloll stock, at '.tc llou.linot. Ccnllal Point. K. F. I1. No.' 2. -''', loli SALE Al a gnat bargain if taken at once, five of Hie finest r. s! deuce tot. in M.-lfor.l. I" -t shad-d. best drained, be.! ! .t... I--t f.T an iu , stui, nt. be.t for a les .b n. e. and l..l to build on for s ilo . i. Ock.lale avenue, the fiome ies..bo.-e street of Medford Apply to tl w n er. II. K Marshall. south end of the I'llR "s.f.E- A stnarriiiSilicss: excel lent location; good rcaseiis for sell.ug Address P. O. Hoi -. Professor Hunt's Great Dog and Monkey Circss WONlM'.KM'ri. AM HKiHI.V AMl'SlNd. lie a. l has ,ccii a liiir feature oil l'.uiiam".' .-ir. i llnstrate.1 snicj; and two hi- reels of pi."!ivs. ,linissi,.ii- Adults -JOc, children 10, SAVOY THEATER Tonight Tuesday T11K i;.v. l'Ar,S liAHH A Imrlestnie laugho- lll'.'lllo'l. lll'.i; NKV. ,-l:)V l-i;iKNI)-A thrilling and sen- sul n f ; i i inclodraiiia. TI I K S I ( ' 1 1 , 1 A "S I ; i l-:N( i K A scenic drama of ureal merit. M',--. l'.ii'cil s'n.u-s tlie latest illustrated song. Admission 10 cents lata tlie Tribune for News