S BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. OREGOX. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Ifi. 1909. FOR THE HOUSEW1TE I'niti-il States to heirs of James It. Dunn, mo acrs in sci-tion 35, township 32. nuie 'J K ..atent United States to heirs of Christi ana M. Seavey, 117.1s aeres in section 31, township 32, range 3 E patent J. H. Tyrrell to A. M. Tyrrell, SO aeres in seetiun l(i. township 37, range 2 E Anson M. Ford to Charles Hit ter, 10 aeres in Central Point S. A. 1'attisou to Charles Hit ter, lots 11, 12 and 13, bloek 5, Central Point ti. C. Morris to C. M. Poley, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, bloek V, Railroad addition to Atiii land C. M. Poley to L. H. HrailiT, lots 7, 8, l, 10, 11 an.l 12, I.I. irk W, Kailroad addition to Ash land Alexander Duff to Charles Olson, land in township 3S, range 1 V Klizalieth I. Ilidon et al. to .lo Beph Turner, 7.21 aeres in town ship 37, range- 2 V United Suites to Victor Kriekf.on, lllS.ijO acres ia seelioa 12, town- J ship 33, range 2 V patent l United States to John P. Dodge, ( S K '4 section 2S, township 3, range 3 K patent 300 Mill) 200 330 1000 1825 Housecloaning Hints. As nil the i-ollshlng soaps and pow ders are dear. It may lie useful to some eeviiiiuili-ol minds to kuow that brown paper and vinegar will go a long way toward removing rust and stains from tin. To clean windows try this method: Take two or three pieces of lump starch, dissolve them In a qunrt of water and with this wash the win dows. Let the glass dry. then polish with a dry cloth. To remove stains of long standing from marble mix one gill each of soap suds and ox gall and half a gill of tur pentine. Then add as mueh fuller'! earth as will make a pnste and rub It On the Milling T.nnvn ll nn a fnui Hn ,.o and then wipe off. It may be neces sary to repeat me oiieration. NO GRAFT IN THE PANAMA DEAL, SAYS TAFT XEW OltLKANS, Feb. Hi. Declar ing that every cent spent on the Pan ama canal had been expended in the interest of the government, and that ! no : one dollar had been traced to graft. President-elect Tail tonight challenged the critics of the government to produce evidence to the contrary. Speaking at the Creole bampu-t, he approved the plan to issue bonds for the construc tion of the lakes to the gulf waterway. Pork Pudding. Make a pnste with one-quarter pound of suet and one pound of flour, lint- a pudding dish with a part of It, wash free from salt one and one-half pounds of pickled pork, cut it Into squares a little larger than dice, All tho lined basin with this, sprinkling In a Utile pepper and flour, add about one-half teacupful of water, cover with the remainder of the paste, which pinch well round, tie a cloth over, plunge Into boiling water and boll nt least two nnd one-half hours. Early Lamb Profitable. Under favorable conditions there are mnny advantages in having the lamb come early. l'arly lambs , an be cared for before the Ho I; Is turned out on tin' pasture. They come at a peason when there Is ample time to rive them the (are Ihey require. When lambs come so htc in tin- sea Foil tbiit the il-inw are i-tit on j.:i.;: re the I us.v lloie bus arrived, and t!:"fe l-t dun-el tleit the th'' i ria l e n.-g li-tnl. . M'cccil advantage is f nnd l:i the f. -i lhal early l.uob can be pushed r lltarUe's. I h'.i l-.ible till Uli . to I':.' hi pays u g. tn i .i d made While It I: I rn.ii hi ri'iiin . II is al "o inn 'y for earlv e tli.-lt eon 1 a coiii tbal. owbu; vDIAMOND or p.-l e (I TH:t. ".ttallitil. the rain l-tei so Notes. Pemonilc r tint over;'utnoss hi a sire m:ly hide iiiao.l dofoiis. .s n ry':'. a in r e 1:1'. :-d in the fore bead wlfl I i' I'ltelli ri'llt I ' d Mini. P.rt'C'd l"t a 'IICi":e Tile ;lvor:)K' f-ir'll'.'l' s!l. il'd breed 111'1 ill if' hol'M'. reed Ji i:!' !. ii'd.v rnthi'i' ih.io plenil fully. V iv le-rses iiie till Into a pd, r c.'ii.'iM. . .Vftor i' i!:t' s wrt'N ileillt I'll' u-u'i horses l': roil -lily. V.'a di lle-lr le-:--from Hi.' I: s di.wti ::) '.'lib dry I'reed i : 'li'lillily lo 11 sire Pint I regol.iri.v i..'1'lii'il ill l!ie fal'lii or lt:r t'l" ular r d exot'i leu e every day Tho In ; ! will c:.'i iiiore bene 111 from th'l re-t at linuii lp (lie hurii Is l'eniovi.1 as soon as tliey gel le Hi Rtnble. ! (Inmii for I'm-mr Vrl Invent Boll mt (!llnnl4 , Nun mi !-tln) ut Htl Ix-ht ilnHlnr. Ak for Cilia i Iokii''. 1 1 nut mi hu i in our iiclutihorlioutl, nrito i u, km i tn; ii it n if of tut r ilciilcr, nml wt will mail nil h iiai-ki f i if flim it m-i'iIh frit- for vnur t rontile I PORTLAND SU0 CO., PORTLAND, ORISON. ANDSPOMNC, WilH My Friends Shredded FccVcr. flni d s'leiblcd coi n fi dder is ,-l- p:il-ilab:e l! of colli ;e 'Mil I v f'd ! nil klr! f I'lirin sin k ' I liww It seems , pei Inll.c ;n!;i t! I li"l---nl'd Pher ami Is a il. - :.!i""' h: -I :i-s 1 ' for beef . :i':le ;r ! ilur cows. It ' I'l I i eiri'li M" l o 'i in ! i ompli'te! I'l 111 '.. i '' : i'l'' ' i fed wl el:-. What I- in I i-atc: il.e- e. ell.'UI b.'i'i'll'l' aid Is r.-idi'i i'i tribii'cd In I lie eiaiii'le. tirntigf Farmer Beware the B 1 1 . T!ie o--ri h ' :lMc a: :s lo li'n.l n bull Willi. .r.: I' I :l ': Is I 'hi'i-r 'e life III hi -, h " i's " ir il" r li" I 'll : a bull holmes liimsflf. i:i'v l ai ways a mun -r i-tren!: I" I '. make up. ai'd tl Is h llk-lv I.. I i' i!; Ml at any minnie A hu I Is uli.'iii the most treii' herous u:il ui rell ilile animal on earth except a Im'hlog. I'nriu Prog ress. Winter Minuring. Spread the bainvard manure over the land as It Is hauled dally from the barn, nnd If the soil Is not too stiff disk It under In the spring. The ma nure will suffer less deterioration spread over the pound than If piled tn a heap. Country Gentleman. Will now find me lo cated North of 7th, on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern ( 'alif ornin and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers arc good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Med ford Depot: Med ford lee & Storage Co. F, OSENBRUGGE wnt for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO-'S VEHICLES AND WAG0NS Sole in .l.o..on ,y for i'f ,Z S, MOBILES. The new K. M. r. htii'ic..i..-r, " " , miration f all medium price Tonn.uj Tar ha, won tn, r, ... .gi.in. a M . . ' raaeLiniat. and has ,.rov,n i..!f to be a i'-' ' speed and durability. New g.-.odj m ".-I next month at the Htn-Lhak-r warehouse. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE Medford National Bank at Medford, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, February 6, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans aud discounts $7;t,r,11 .;"(! Overdrafts, secured nnd uusocurod 7,077. l.'l U, 8. bonds to secure circulation Ii,sii0.0i) Premiums on IT, S. bondB l,7Hii.S7 Bonds, socurities, etc L'S,07S.OO Mnnkinc honsc, furniture nnd fixtures 35.071.14 (3 old dust on hand u'i;t.t."( Due from national banks (not reserve njjeiKs.. 7..'i." Hue from state and private banks nnd hankers, trust companies and savings banks limi.."!' Due from approved reservo agents 'J,!'! 1.7 1 Checks and other cash items !7i.ss Notes of other nntionnl bunks S;t(.(M) Fractional currency, nickels and cents 110.0(1 Lawful money reserve ia bank, viz: Specie ;t"i,riSS.20 Legal tender notes S.l.OO ,'Ui,07.V20 Itedompt it q fund with 17. S, t reasurer (fl per cent of circulation) "),."lo.no Total $.'HiJ,.!M.:U LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in t "0,000.00 Surplus fund M.OOO.nn Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid. . . VJ I S.O." National bank notes outstanding Ili.sno.nO Due to state and private banks nnd hankers Ln!l.:i Individual drposits subject to check IMl.ltW.Hi Savings deposits l!l,0i:t.l." Demand certificates of deposit tM.W.i.Ot Time certificates of deposit .100. DO Total $:!0S..-,i:(.:tl State of Oregon, Comity of .1 tick son, s: I, J. E. Kiiyart, president of the above-named bunk, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. EN Y ART, President Subscribed and sworn to before me tha 1.1th day of Feb ruary. 190ft. HOLHIfOOK WITIIINCTON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: JOHN S. OttTIl. J. A. PEltltY. (Soul) V. E. MHRliK'K, DiriM'tom. QT?T7 TTC If you are looking Ollllr for a good busi aess choice buiild ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY HANK Ill-DC. 1. 1. SK.Wi. G. E. Hiltinuor A. C. Ktmlull .. I.. I). Haiti. Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS s, Sab-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard Lands. fTl.iice fruit lands, bearing and young orcharrls in smalt anl largo tiseto, for sale. Wo plint and care for orchards and guarantee property to be as n presented. Experience Not JVcccssary for those who purchase through us. They secure the advise ami services of a consulting horticulturist, un export on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yeirs 1ms excoleil in the gT'iwisg and shipping of fruit in the Itoguc Ifivur valley, record crops, record packs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon Citv Business Directory YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the nxccllfnci! of th-3 totals that are cooked at the Emoru li Cafe if yon haven 't already regal vl yourself wit h some of the delicious difhin that are served here. If you liivcn't partaken of them, there is a (res. Ewaiting you that, you will want to repeat oftrn. A meal at the Kmorick is an experience that will make you i.y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All NIrM MEDFORD SASH & HOOK COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doort, with BeTel Plate, curried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mil) Work, including Turard Work and Fancy Orills. F HTKEET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 KVKNTH 8TRKKTH. 1, Lot tbo MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece '4' ''irniture. Any desigu, any color, any iuish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H itreets. THE B. B. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. 11. n. Lorimor Prop, SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and lllus trated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. W. M. Oolvlg. 0. L. Beanies. OOLVIO & REAMES Lawyers. OfficeiModford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. ABTHUB H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Boventh Ht., M-edford, Or. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TSH ST. Continuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and 11 hiBtrateil ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. Cook Stores and ranges. Phone 91 MOBOOBFF & WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Gads' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. DR. WALTEK E. STOKES, Don list. Successor to Dr. J. M. Krone. Wit. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK 0 BLOCK Co. will l.e prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish cement brick. Better than pressed brick and just as ch"up. In estignto beforo contracting. P. O. Box 118. THE ELEOTRIO AND FRENCH DB7 CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane It Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Orow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seveuth St. Medford, Or. WASOHAU BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young A Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. DR. GBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, I to 4. Miles Building, Sovcnth Street, Modford, Oregon. O. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. B. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone S93. Medford, Or. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Pharmacy Main 23.1. Seventh and Main For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MBS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 225 THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 pet day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. MEDFORD FUBNITUBE CO. Undertakers Day Phono 353 Night Phones C. W. Conklin 39 J. H. Butler 148 S. B. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modorn equipped operating rooms X Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair Bhop buck of the Mooro hotel. Motor ears storod and tukon care of. All work guaranteed. Phono No. 31(13 DR. R. J. OONROY Successor to Dr, Jones. Office in thi! Stewart Building. JACK FREDENBUBO Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. Day Offer Saturday, Feb. 20 1909 On this Day Only the Subscription Price WILL BE CUT IN HALF MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE One Year, by Mail, Cut from $5 to $3 SOUTHERN OREGONIAN Semi-Weekly, 104 papers in one year, from $2 to $1 This offer is open In everyone, whether ;i present subscriber or not. Those subscribers whose su bseript ions expire prior to 1!A R (IAI I ). Y should p;iv;il the reutilar r.ites from the ditto of ex piration, ;is shown by the address label on paper, to Kohru try 0, and for one year . additional at 1!A K i. I N DAY rates. ONLY YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS ACCEPTED AT BARGAIN DAY RATES Mon't delay. Take advantage of this offer at once. Send sub script ions now and Ihey will be credited. No subscriptions at "ISaricain Day" rates 'received if mailed after February 20. This offer will not be made ajjain this year. IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY During the eominic year these papers will be newsier, brighter, bigger and better than ever before, independent, and fearless in politics, devoted to the interest, of Southern Oregon. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE The SOUTHERN OREGONIAN Medford, Oregon. TB3 SEDFOBD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEM NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Mti Nanrtaa PIUi. The great iron and toaLr rustormtivn for men and wcmieu, pruducea strength and vitality, builds up th ttyfitnm and rcBAws th aormal vigor. For saJe bv dniffiirts, or by mwl, $1.00 per box, I boxes for $5 00. Williann Mfg Co.. i Props., rlnvelsfid, ). for sle bf Med- i I ferfj PhirtMf, aoar nerfeffne Prepaid Railroad Orders. " Something which is of considerable interest to the public Rfnerally and wbirb is perhaps not generally knows is tho flVKti'in of prepaid orders uow in pflWt bftweeo stiitirms of the Southern Pari fit company and all poits in the United States. By means of this system tickets may bo purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of can!) in connection wito these tickets nav also be forwarded at the same lme."