THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORIOCiO.N, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1Wf). ) bu 1 bu C Med for (J Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sundav. MEDFORD PUD LI SHI NO COMPANY Geohgk Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class .Matter in the Postof t'iee at Medford, Oregon. to NEARLY BEADY TO START CARMACK CASE NASHVILLE, Feb. 10. Without fur I tlier chuutff-n the jury was sworn this morning iu the cane aguiiist Culouel j Duncan H. Cooper, Roliert .1. Coop-r anil Juliu I). Sharp.-, rlnirjjrd with the .laying of eit Senator K. V. Carinai-li. 1 The mule aiknl m v. ral days iu whieh i to gather its witnessed. The eourt mitf j ucsled that ttie laKUll? or testimony ur ,S U DSCR I I'TION RATES : One mouth bv mail or currier. .. .10.50 On ynr hv iiiiyl $6.00 M. Kliiif iih (Irittiunu wuh wurftil. I Ih The v only iictorM with it tu-inNitiiri' of nrl, Genera iiHitto from Mr. Iliuifunt hiniwlf, wen- iruiy o. inlrcw II. ToiiiIh'h iih Luiiiu'i'lot, umi itafT T agreed to. illuming, aiol this wa j Spring is here Pug Isaacs has pur ehuseil a lilisnlinll ii ml is practicing daily. Gregg Shorthand. Medford llnsiness College. 20 Count lie Hugos (W. E. Purdy) is contemplating u trip to Klnmatli Falls next week. Mrs. W. It. Coclmiill has been spend ing tho past few days in 1'hocnix lit the beilsiilu of her mint, Mrs. K. 0. Fomlry, who is ijuit i' ill. Ask to se.o tho moving piotures at Meilford Pharmacy. 280 Ansel (lilson and wife of Sterling worn in Medford Mtu nlliy lis were also Mrs. Halpli .leiini.igB ami children. Continuous perforinaneo, moving pic tnrel, at Medford Pharmacy. 2S0 (leorge V. Owens of Ashland was transacting business at the county seat on Saturday, lie spent some hours in Medford. See tho moving picturo at tho Med ford Pharmacy. 280 Gordon Stout has returned from Cal ifornia, where lie has been employed for some time. A carload of lime just received In barrels. Medford Brick Company. 280 Thte spring classes begin at Medford Business College next Monday, Febru ary 22. 2n Mrs. Frnnk Neil nnd daughter Fran -. r-oin Unite Falls one the helpers hack of the stage, who rep resented the limb. The others were ex ecrable. I .Mr. Ilanford himself is entitled to I c.iiiHiderulile credit. lie has lirains enough to surround himself with It lot of cheap junk, heuee causing his par licular star of genius to shine out as "a good deed in a naughty world." Mis interpretation of Shakespeare's greedy character, the .lew, shows much study, though his work is much better iu the storming I'etrueio of the "Tain ing of the Shrew." II is as Kate iu this play Hint Miss Drofnnh scores her greatest success. The scenery which carries with him is really worth seeing. I ty being generous it might be possi ble to say that belween Mr. Ilanford himself, the magnificent lines of the play, the scenery, the few moments with l.iiiincelot, and the music by the house orchestra, the audience got value received. as one mull remarked, illiterate to be sure, but true "(lee. Mabel, ain 't it awful' " Urowers of the cm-tun dahlia will mi'.ke a growing exhibit of the flowers at the Alaska Viikon Pacific exposition nxt yeur. Foreign growers will also send exhibits. The cactus dahlia is the fficiul flower of the exposition. AMUSEMENTS. 1 -v " .' Ui YOU CAN'T AV E Tliat Ever Welcome Plav. "Unci Tom O-lt-K-a-O-S HL'i...u OIU'OHTUNITY. your rail mail fare. le law of tie common rrier compels equal itnon all riitioal linen i 3 CAN SAVE Time, Traveling Ei- KDWAUU I. I will be headed by""' ' by ry and all the i iaa,tiag on lne .hortert . of hla fleet. M 1 1 ii Hell as gnc route, f Rate it trains and imreine eollirr uosi service, muiyiy see Th(i business men, ministers, school children and eit i.ens of Portland generally are busily engaged this week seiidini' in personal letters to their friends a leaflet, which in addition to most effectively advertising the fact that 'Oregon is the place for you" and giving the low colonist rates to this state, contains the following condensed facts on Oregon, which will doubtless prove interesting to many ( )regon residents: I las one-sixth the standing timber of the United States, or more than any other state. loverniiient estimate, three hundred billion feet. A vast undeveloped area now available to the home- maker and investor will iro on the market iu !!)()!). This will bu the most, luscious melon cut in Uncle Sam's do main during the present year. JIas arable land enough for twenty million people. Present population, 7)( ,)). Does more than any other slate to advance irrigation, being the largest contributor to the United States reclama tion fund. ;.4J1ftfe Js natural dairying state. Annual product, 17,000, 000, an increase from ",( 100,000 five years ago. Western portion has pasture every month iu the year. Wanks sec ond iu wool clip among the states. Oregon apples, pears and cherries find their way to the tables of sovereigns and mult i-nullionaires ot every civilized land they are the best. Weturns of from iSOO to 100(1 per acre on fruit lands are not exceptional. Poultry products, .",( idii.oi id annually. Local market demands three times that amount at highest prices. lias water powers (being rapidly developed) suffi cient to run all the machinery in the United States. Livestock in slate estimated at $7.",000,000 packing plants now building insure a trebled market. I las I wo prosperous milling sect ions, located in tint east ern and southern portions of the state gold, silver, iron copper and oil among the products. I las diversity of climates and soils suited to every prod uct of the temperate one not dependent upon hot nights. that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short 1 ioe Union Pacific Every facility for the nafety ami nccnrniiioiki tion of th.' pnHMHiiiT is provided. N . e halite of ears is nerrwnry to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Pirt-et connec tions are miwlo for all oth er point! east and south A. M. KOSKNUAUM, Agent, MH(.r1. WM. McMUBRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. BOUQUETS EXCHANGED BY BRYCE AND ELIOT llll' (I(t, VvU. Hi. ('. V. Kliut. rr tiring im-siiirnt of ll.irviir.l. lust night nt tho iinim.'il (I inner of tlx- Hur uttl i'lul of Chisr:igi lilcliiil In tl tlnink:i tu In n snitril worth. It iior IliVfO, who I.I.' (rilmt. was lit t i'H'.I by Ainl:i ftiid: " 1 have lianl nf n oonl n t-i y in tliia country :is to ulm w:im tho most I'tninrnt man in tho duti'.! Statrn, nn roiu'rrnini,' t Ii is t ln-n- ha- Immii ii .if tVmii'c of iiini.iii. Intt I lime ni' vr limn! nny cunt ro nsy ifhilitiL; ti 1 ho siToinl niratt'st man in tho I'mlo.! Statcn, iuh )it h Chailt" Kliot, ircsi,ont of Harvard univorsily. Ho has hcon groat hoeanso of lit? wi-di.iu, Ins t'niir his H. nso of just ict mi, Ins fi iond shif. I have known him for :.! y.'His, and he is tho luHt friend 1 ever Knew." l'iofotioilly moved. I'i. -.uleut Ml i, it said in reply : "If I never do anvihiTo moie in thr world. I l ir you to r. im lnln r tli tt I am siipreinelv ronton! uli v hat I have done and tli:it y-u ;md otlieis ,.f Mild and eN.wioi., )i:(e, lv your ap prot-iiitiou, jicu mo this enut.nt. ' ' NEW YORKER VANISHES; FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED MASSACHUSETTS SOLON WEDS TELEPHONE GIRL M KM I'll IT. Tena.. Pel,. In. T. ti. Vtiudorril't, o'J. real estate dealer, of New York, has been iinKsin four dnyn iiid his yomi wife is a I t ho cent ral I'oliee station anxiously waiting for do eetives to lirtng her some word of him. r.Mil plav is feared, as lie had fl'Di) in .ash ami cheeks ami over $.ih worth of diamonds and jewelry. An old man and two younger men have left Mem plus after taking Yainlergrift into the eon ut i v as :i " eo nip. in ion. ' ' "We weio en route to San Francisco, ,:nd a very agreeable young man Htriwk up a conversation with us on tho train loiniug to Menn.his 1'ridav night," the v.'iing wife explained, "lie introduced1 u: to his father, an aged and well up 1 peering man. When Memphis wan reneh id vve all went to the I'oahody hotel and registered. This was between Hi and 11 o'eloek. 1 ' Telling us l hat h 1 had to go into the -onntiv about two iniliw, the father got 'iiv husband to go with him as it com pinion. 1 made him promise not to dnnk and to route nght back. The old g. ntb man st-euied etv nice :;nd 1 sn 1'i.t.d nothing. That is the last I saw of Mr. Yatideignfl. " IIMST-OV. Feb. .Mm A. Kebher brido, who was Mi; n - h'. pt. f I.ohIoi,. , Ne'lie M i-utal i ve and h. MeNcil. li.b i oint r 1 1 ion Sp: was undo be ', of the time the Moorish rul will exhibited at the Senttte fair next e;ir. There will aUo be n reproduction of ihe Alhambra. made tuiuous by the , wntmgH of U ashingtou Irving. i telephone girl, are duo ni Washing . ton today nfter hav:ng i ninrricdj The :iniui:il gathering of tln Kpworth nt Holy Cross e:ithed'..l. Tho pcri'immv i,,.,,,,, j Seattle next year is expected was very rpiiet and few friends of tho,, tTUi j-,tiiiio visitors to the city diir couple were awaro tin t it was b bo tj1(1 ,iril.r,.s; of tho Alak!i Yukon I l.orf.trmod. I'ncific oiposilisn. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Miinrpl and Si Wall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of I1UH XIOOO YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Viinnroeinl Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. n' m the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent M E I) P O R I) , OREGON. More Light for Less Money 8ixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32fCandle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo his. 1 10 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $n 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in ioon hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a K;lo watt 4 Net Saving iu iooo hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 200 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposito the P.ig Electric Sign. Medford Iron Works E. (!. TU'OW BRIDGE, Propiktor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of V,w. -, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, l!.:;ci and Machinery. Agents in S'Ttheru Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. K County KstulJusI ml;il 31 Surplus flJ.j.WW Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service 'I he .laekson I'miuty B:mk rospcelfiillv "1 ie it s oiir ueeoiuil, subject to jiur ., with the strongest guarantee of -;il--ty :mil et'tieiem-y. We otter the highest ii 1 tai iiiueiit in v-:t--in:iiie hanking service, whieh ns aiii s the greatest euro in overy finan rial transaelioi:, with this obliging iu- il nt ion. W. r. VAWTER, Pr?cident. G. Ii. L1NDLKY, Cunhier. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs SWELL STYLES IN WINTER. nvfi-i-nars lire ilniiiiniiiit when you I'ru fimliiiinulilo t iKnonfjIifureH nr Villi-,- !.. I; M in Mil IlllllilU,.. li,'.-:i.isi. lln-y li:if l(.(.n in;til by Kri'u . i- I'n. Our fiilicics urn excluaivo !.!yl'-s j(1(j,uliir I'livni-iios. anil "' in S.tnl lii'i-ii Oroynii who would In- rt-!,l :is ii man uf l'nsliiun would li.ic his suil ur nvi'i-foat, hin evoning math' liy nnvnno but J. A. Kreuzer & Co. I, &3 r W Hill ! MMMBM I mmm A Farm for $10 in the Sunny San Luis Valley OF COLORADO FREE TRIP TO EXAMINE LAND W 10 I A V 1) ) I . V 1 1 ) K 1) A fi4,000-A ( ' R 10 TRACT .INTO TRUCK FARMS CONTAIN ING 10 TO 1000 ACRES P10R FARM AT $200 10AC1I $10 Cash and $10 Per Month! NO INTER' I0ST ! N ) TA X 10S ! R10K10RI0NCI0 Any Jhuik or Danker in St. Louis. Kansas Citv or Denver. We want a reliable and energetic man in every town to form clubs of 1") prospective purchasers. We will furnish round trip railroad tickets FRIO 10 to one member of each club to inspect land. We pay liberal commission. Full particulars upon request. SAN LUIS VALIEY LAND AND IRRIGATION CO. Dank of Commerce Dldjr. KANSAS CITY, MO. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFOBD, OE. Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter l yn I lma-mo for a moment that our local citizens lnt l-oco-nixo a g 1 1 1i in-- when it offers. Did wu ever trade l,,-s,.s will, :lliy r llleni? Ta,,e om. idvi.-c. and don I risk it. Cod. sensj will dictate t l a it is m order to l!vv Hu-ii- lead in investing in .Mc. tor.l properly. l,wever, Cor tl.ev see the hand wnluifr on the wall. Medfonl i., on' the verge of a Interview us and we'll tell v,m whv this is the riS1it time to buy Medford citv property' ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY lOxlnbit 1 Itiil.lin--, lied ford, Oregon. y&v$. Umi Tfamptou 3saacs Instructor of "piano. Tlszt 5ttetbo6 Sluilo al ttj.lStiKC. Morlb Oranj. Slrjjt Compare the Quality .5. K. KNVAHT Prraidrnt. .1. A. 1'KHKY, Vire-Prrsidrnt. .IOI1N S. OltTll. Caahitr. W. B. .1ACKSON, Ast't ChiT. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, CAPITAL SURPLUS O B . $60,000 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralFauk in Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. It is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality at:d tu that end Itwe are nln-nva i, '.:.... i(y to our line. Tbe ition of "nrefermd stoek " makes on. i;.,., ef i. crade evened Goods most complete. Oar service always the b it and erery aoconi-triv.-n our customers. Ca juali '?d.!it Allen & Reagan Groceries, Qiinaware, Fruit and Feed . i