Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 15, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    Social and Personal
B. F. Mulkey ha returned from a
busineus trip to Salem.
Phone your ord&ra for sweet cream or
buttermilk to the creamery.
Mark P. Welch win in Midftml from
Central Poiut Hat unlay in the inter
ests of his automobiles.
Orders for sweet cream or buttermilk
promptly filled. Pbone the creamery,
Hid Brown left Monday morning for
Frisco. It is rumorei that lie is soon
to become a b'imiit.
Spring is here Pug Ih:uku has pur
chased a tiam-lnill inn. is prn-t icing
Gregg Shorthand. Mi'dfonl Bniim-im
College. -'i.'I
Count de Bugus (W. K. Purdy) it
contemplating a trip to Kluiuuth KalN
next week.
Mrs. W, R. Coelman lias ht-en spend
ing tbe pant few iIiivh in Phoenix ut tin
bedside of her aunt, Mrs, K. I). l-'nixlry.
who is quite ill.
Ask to see tho moving pictures at
Medford Pharmacy. 280
Ansel (iilson and wife of .Sterling
wore, in Medford H.tturdny ns win
also Mrs. Kalph .eniiingK and children.
Continuous performance, moving pic
turei, at Medford Pharmacy. 230
George V. Owens of Ashland was
transacting biiHiucrtH at the county scat
nu Haturdav. He spi rit some hours in
Bee the moving pictnro at the Med
ford Pharmacy. 280
Gordon Htout has returned from Cal
ifornia, where he hits been employed
for some time.
A carload of lime just received in
barrels. Medford Brick Company. 28ft
Th to spring classes begin at Medford
Business College next .Mmnlnv, rehrn
ary 22. 2fi3
Mrs. Frank Neil and daughter Fran
ces came down from Butte Falls one
dav last week to visit with her tw
daughters, who are staying with their
grandfather, Judge Neil, in Jackson
Miss Hazel Kimjr spent Friday in
Jacksonville as the guettt of Miss V ay
Mrs. Childers of Klamath Falls is
visiting her sister, Mrs. William Den
off of Jacksonville.
Miss Margaret MeClnlteti of Horn-
burg spent .Saturday with Miss Lentil
Ulrirh in Jacksonville.
Mrs. (. Harhnngh of Jacksonville
went up to Ashland Friday to visit
with her sister. Mrs, Rapp.
Miss Kdna Kifert. who has been help
ing in the sheriff's office, returned
home Haturdav evening.
A carload of lime just received in
barrels. Medford Brick Company. 2 HO
Mrs. Carrie l.eaven worth of Jack
onville, wife of the lete Captain l.env
en worth, has taken her children to
Walk ins, where thev will visit with
f i iends for tho next month.
Alan Brockinreed, who recently spent
initio months in Medford, is again vis
King this city. Ho r. not with Mar-hall-Wells
company of Portland.
Roborts k Roberts, experts in repair
ing and rebuilding sewing machines, will
remain a few days longer, affording
an opportunity for good and accurate
service. Phone GOO. Rooms at Pr.
Stephenson's, cor. W. Ninth and H
Colonel Sawyer's great pack of gen
u i tie Siberian bloodhounds are beyond
question the finest hit of en nines of
that strain ever found in this country.
They are souicwlrtt larger than our
Rocky mountain lions mid much more
strongly made, but when amused or on
a trail, have all the fleet ness and nr
itvity of these animals. These famous
hounds are touring with Stetson's "t'n
ele Tom's Cabin" company this season
nnd will appear at the Medford on Wed
uesday, February 17, when this great
organisation plays here.
(With apologies.)
Fairest valley of t he Rogue!
Where the song birds build their
Where, nliovr the putplc mountains
Brooding, glorious summer rests;
Fairest valley of the Rogue,
Where the pears and apph s grow.
Pa treat valley of the Rogue.
Bless vour heart, I love you so.
(The day is cold and dark and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary.
The vine still clings to the mouldering
Into each life some rain must fall.)
Oh! Medford; (Mi! Mi-dford,
Where the silvery ennbeams glide,
In and over verdant hollows
(See most any railroad guided
Oh! Medford; oh! Medford!
When the sun drinks up I he dew.
Oh! Medford; Oh! Medford.
Bless vour heart. I 'm keen f.r you
(Into each life some rain mint fall.
The vine still clings to the mouldering
It rains, and the wi'id is never weary;
The dav is' cold, and di rk and dreary,)
Marriage Licenses.
Alan Briiokenreed nnd Jeanne l.anc
William B. Uintim ar.d Hie M. lireeii
There will he a meeting of the Cm
ter Lake chapter. R. A. M-. tonight at
7:3 for the purpose f otgvnizatom.
You Are Going to Build
Hanford Good
Support Poor
Charles B. Hanford deserved a lurg
r house on Saturday evniing to wit
ii-hs liin portrayal of that wonderful
i haructer Khylnek. II is Hupport de
served a smaller one. M ih Irofnnli
its Portia was deplorable; Kugene On)
way as Basnnnio was lamentable; John
M. Kline as Gratiano was woeful. The
only actors with a semblance of art,
aside from Mr. Hanford himself, wer--lldrew
I). TuIiiIh'4 tin .auiicelot, and
the helpi-ry buck of the stage, who rep
resented the mob. The others Were ex
Mr. Hanford himtclf is entitled to
otiHiderulile credit. He has bruins
enough to surround himself with a lot
of cheap junk, heure causing his par
tii'iilar star of genius to shine out a.x
'a guild deed in a naughty world."
II ih interpretnt ion of Shakespeare V
greedy character, the Jew, shows much
study, though his work is much better
in the Htnriiiing iVtriH-i" of the "Tarn
mg of the Shrew." It i us Kate in
this play that M is lmf nah scores
her greatest tiiecen.
The Hccuery which Hanford carries
with him is r.-ally worth seeing.
My being gi'iiiToiis it might be pnssi
tde t.i Nay that hnvveiii Mr. Hanford
himself, the magnificent lines of tin
play, the scenery, the few moments
with hauiicelot, and the music by the
house on-heHtra, the audience gut value
received. But as one man remarked,
illiterate to be sure, but t rue ' ' (iee,
Mabel, uiii 't it awful' ' '
That Ever Welcome Play, "Uncle Tom's
will be given at the Medford Theater
upon an elaborate scale under the man
ngeriient of Leon Washburn. The part
..f Cmde Tom is plavnl bv Mr. II. T.
Hilt on, prohu bly the best known i m
perwuiator of the character in America,
as hi was the original Toin in Stetson's
company, which Inn been before the
public for many years. Mr. S. Nicker
so n plays the character of Marks, the
lawyer. There will be iM capable peo
ple in the cast, who are players of more
tliMti ordinary ability. Among the nov
el speriulticH introduced will be the
buck dancing of M r. Tom Kelly, the
superb vocal numbers of tl Lone
Stj-r Male Ciiarctc" and oithers. The
scenery of this pruduclioii is said to be
ei.hrely new and trulv magnificent.
The transformation yeene and wonder
fill vision being marvelouslv effective
por this engagement Manager Ha
zelrigg has redue d the prices to 'Joe.
.'I'm1 and ."i", although Stetson "a agent
insisted on high.T prices. The lies!
seats all the opera chairs only fin
Dog and Monkey Circus at Bijou.
Aiti mn I shows never fail to att ract
the crowds in Medford. The Bijou was
agiiiu packed to f he doors last night.
I'rofessor Hunt's dog and monkey cir
us was greeted with the greatest of
cut hiisiasm and laughter. I'rofessor
II uut first present, d his t ruined dogs
and gave a short talk on their training.
tire and breeding. After which the
little animals entertained the audience
in a most creditable manner, performing
tricks which would seem far beyond
I heir ability. The monkey act was
most clever and never failed to cause
great laughter. In addition to the nn
imiil act are two full reels of bite mo
tion pictures. The doors will be open
t on i glit at 7: 1 "i. Two whole perform
ances will be run.
W. ('. llanuoit lo (ieorgc l. Kes
tcrsou. land in section li, lown
shiii -lii, range 4 K $
William V. UeArmoud to Waller
Harmon, land in section
lowtmhip I". range I K
Sadie li Kin. hn st to .1.edi K.
Ill in b i rt . power of attomev . . .
I. W. Iteebe to 1'ir.h Lake Water
ciiiiiaiiv, S K ' section -.").
low ii!lii ;fi, range I K
i:ii:iteth 'I'liorntoii t. Mattha
Hosier, lot li. block 1M, Ashland
William It. Itiddte to . N. Iloek
elXlliitll, leleiise uf liolht for
d I
Harriet Holme to Will M Dodge,
io.eit y in Ashland
(Jeorge II. church to Willis I,.
Collins, land in iecl?ou 1"'. town
sdiip ;iii, lange :i W
Sterling K. Mutmick to Sadie K.
Kliiiliirt . properly in Med tor. I
mties K. KhiilurHl to .1. K. Mark
dutl, property in Medford . . .
Milton llerrv to Martha Hosier.
property ut Ahlan I
. I. Hnt'ehisoti to A. X. W y.
property in Mcdfotd
William Koss to C. S. lungwall.
I .t il. block .1, V-t Mi-dford. .
I. .1. I.osey to l. I. Sage. lots
7 and blorW o, Kos saddilimi
to Medford
Klmira I'ugli to Mirk W. Smith.
lot ItL'. block . ., li.nhoad ad.h
tion to Ashland
. V. Smith to Hurl C. Smith,
propei I y in Aohhuid
Unit C. Smith to Mien P:n is.
prop. -i lv in b':iilro:id addition
(o A-hlaiid
Will, am II. Ilainlin to Kliabetl,
1. HmI.mii ei jtl., bind in section
-ii. tonn-lnp :17. range "2 W . . , me figure with y u. No contract
too large or too siuM'. stisfsctiou
Mdford, Orrgoo. cf the Inauguration.
Plant i' r toe t ureujuiiies nttendunt
n tbe Iriilut'tfdti of President Klex-t
Tuft Into i.!1W lie Imle tbe biggest
military UUpluy ever seeu at a presi
dential iuuutfii ration. The army and
navy, working with Chalrtuuu Btell
wngen, have arranged f -r .a parade
and review uf several thousand sol
diers, fresh from the evacuation of
Cuba, and almost an cquul number of
blueja' keti from their triumphant trip
around the world.
The army will he headed by Major
General Harry, eommandlug tbe Cuban
army of purification, and his entire
faff The navy section of the parade
H0TO ti CLiN5T'r"E.i."'r i'""1'
will b beaded by Hear Admiral Sper
ry and all tbe adinlrals and captains
of bis fleet. Major Oeuerul J. Frank
Mn Hell as grand iiiurstiHl will be 111
upreme euuiiuaud at tbe bead of tbe
Edward J. Stellwngen, chairman of
tbe Inaugural committee, Is a native
of the District of Columbia and expe
rienced In handling big affairs of the
kind. Four years ago be wus treas
urer of tbe Inaugural committee, a po
sition, requiring tact as well as ability.
Mr. Ntellwageii Is prominent In tbe
financial and business life of tbe capi
tal, being president of the Fiilon Trust
company and director of several other
large thmrirhtl Institutions.
The Sultan of Morocco.
Mulal Hrtfld, tbe new aultan of Mo
roco, Is a busy man. He rises with
tbe sun and, save for a short siesta,
seems never tu have any leisure tliuo
at all. He makes a point of attending
personally to all state business, holds
reviews of bis troops frequently, re
ceives deputations from all parts of
tbe country, listens u I most dally to
translations of long extracts from the
European newspapers nnd metes out
rewards and punishments. He re
ceives mauy presents. A Fez corre
spondent tells how tbe oilier day gifts
In tbe shape of sacks of gold, bates uf
silk, spices and Jewelry poured In
through tbe pa luce gates, and the sul
tau received the value of something
like JlUo.oOO in tbe course of this ono
morn tug's reception. Among the of
ferings was a splendid ruby ring
which seemed to take the myal fancy,
for be forthwith put It on bis finger
and wore It during tbe remainder of
the day.
Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
Herbert 1,1 tinstone Satterlee, the
new BAHlstnnt secretary of the nary,
ts a son in law of J. l'lerpout Morgan.
Mr. Satterlee knows tbe navy depart
ment fHlrly well. He 1ms been a mem
ber of the boHrd of visitors to Annap
olis and Is now president of tbe Naval
Reserve iistocltt t Ion. luirtng the war
with Spain be was a volunteer lieu
tenant assigned to the mn it I Intelli
gence biirenu In New York and on the
sinfT of the late Captain John It. Bart-
lett, chief uf tbe bureau. He served I
from July to November on that com- J
Tbe new assistant secretary was t
graduated from Columbia in 1SS3 and
HRIi HKttr I.. SA rTKItl.EK.
lUxtlngulshod himself In the School of
Political Science, where he received a
decree, lie was admitted to the bar
In 1SS.1 and enteroil the law oflloe of
Kvarls. C horn to A Beaman. lu the fol
lowing year he beva me secretary to
Sei.atur Evarts He was active In
the organlrntlon of tbe navnl in til Ma,
and when he became a colonel on the
staff of OoVtfrnor Morton he was ap
pointed the nartgAttng otficer of ttwr
First naval battalion.
New Case.
M:ny NMIna.i i li:n 1.-. Mill. can;
ml f.T m.''. 'rtvl.r Pnrilili. ut
I. r il;i)ntitT.
Stt'rllUK Is M.tkiutf Oood.
sii-rliiifc. .'f Mt-.lf.-r.l in
;i mt'llll'iT i'f tin- O, A. Hti.l is
18 : tO
Stenton's Big Double Spectacular
The Barnum of them all. 25 Men, Women and Children. Colored people from
the cotton belt, Buck and Wing dancers, Pack of Blood Hounds
Band and Orchestra, Popular Prices, Free Band Concert Twice Datly
Special Prices 25 35 - 50c
Almond Delight Pi.
Make u rkh p.isu'y and till with tbe
following mixture: Blanch and chop
tine one cupful of uhuoiids. l'ut one
cupful of ruuuluted sugur moistened
with one teu.spoouful of water into u
try in-; pan. l'laee uver a hIow lire un
til melted, then add tbe chopped alm
onds. sttrrlti;4 briskly until tbe mix
lure tiirm a gulden brown. Turn this
ut on tbe ru.,l In ihu pan nnd spread
(pit lily before it touls. Beat three
e.riM. jn!d two titMoHpooiifuls uf pow
dered Miwir and one and nuc-balf cup
ft:l i f mill;, p.. in- over llu- almond?'
uml bake In :i hot oven at tlrst. Cover
with a uieibaue uf the while of eg
n? d two i ibl.'.;i.iiinfuU of siiiiiir.
Moth Patcliea and Freckles.
Colwrlcs iiVhiL Is ii i;oi d fie rover. AM'dul tb. fre-':li'H i!'
lite b.l.nie b, l.u-UJ-S of U fiuellt illlo
el's Inlr bnt-ili i.r il swnh nmile h
twNllit'f n lc c of JibsoiiitMt (otto:
if. :r I :i t Ci. ! Mv ly to ea- '
.Veckle i:I -lit nnd iU'ThIh,' until
i.ih Is rn!. but not ton lull iImI. Th
i-igilienl uf Ci. freckle It ilepuiJ d ih
'it tl per of tbe sill. hihI Ini
i.ust l-c (ie-lp-yed l:i ui-tler to ,et I id
-r t!u- f,e ! 'e t.-.-in-.Il lll e Upl 'ti'd I..
;!te skin t : ,.f tin- best oi
' t liig t!ie i !.hi i-U-;tr ai.d Willie Hi d
, revciitlnir tiie di'puslt uf i olorh:-.!
tnritter wbl li n::ikes the liiumUiics t.i
most pat lies ih tl frei klcs.
Lerr.on Shampoo.
I'olir tbe Jul e uf three- leinons t'n
wo oun es of snlis of tartar, a iii
i-ioiit two ciuirts of w inn water ns d
i-e ns iiii onliiiai-y slut m poo Tb.
v. Ill make the hair soft and Huffy ainl
:s nn e';,-! '1! ::! i le:iii;cr. If ere h;i.
4ti!Hclent (line at her dl'-povitj it Is a
.-".! I.lea to bull tbe Jul. -. bdli the
skins with It. This makes a stn n.'er
soliitl. n of Ci- It'inon. A few drops of
perfume i.r of rose, added v.;::
Vitve h fit I ti t scent upon the h:ilr. The
mixtures uf suits uf tartar hhould
f-ver tie allowed tit stntid. It should
le mixed fresh for every shampoo.
Washing Thin Glasses.
One often will til id that thin glasses
re tllltb'Ult to wash anil leave clear
n - ill unclouded. Wash them lit hot
uter and pure while soap and rinse
t 'lent t mined lately In water of tbe
s.imt temperature ami net them aside
to drain. Io not wipe them until they
are Hourly dry and then pullsh wllh u
clean towel. Clean tissue paper is
excellent for polishing glasses. They
n:e more apt in break If you dry them
while they are wet. and they are also
more Inclined to be cloud.
A Washday Convenience.
An excellent devhe thnl would be
i f great assistance tu the housewife
U the eumldiied clothes and clothes
tin receptHi le herewith shuwu. Onll
i irlly the wet clothes are curried from
(.'I.UTHt-H AND n.Ol IIKsl'IN IIOl.DKli
the washtub to the ;iid hi nn urdlnai
w li ker basket. The dripping water
i-ollevts lu the bottoin of th. ta-lo-i.
soon rotting and destroy lug U. The
basket shown here Is made uf galva
nized wire to preveut rusting. The
mesh being wide, the water from the
Wet clothes readily drill lis off. At
one end Is h receptacle for the recep
tion of clothespins, while suitable
straps are securM to the back by
will, h it can Ik supported at some coti
cnttMit point Tbesf straps are also
j usul tocurrx the ro- eptucle.
I'liPKNIIAiiKN. VA. 1.". Hills I'lo
vi.lini; l'..r b.-ttcr Jinil l:ui'l ih'fVlni' up. lili;iy'tl illui tin1 ':ist f
hiii.l it.' Hitr.'diH'i'il t.i tin' f.ilkfltliini;
i ..l;i li tin' mimsti-r of n:itiiMi:il !i'
1. nn,.. Tin' .nti iiipl:iti ittifications
iiim.Iv nn ixi'i'iulitiiti' "f K.'W'tliiW;
i'Vit 1 I.iiiii'.'iiiiI anil I'.iintru.O'in of .
-.iro f tirf.lo boats kdJ m h.lf.non
iibmniiue. Uo i. coiil.tnjilftteJ.
Classified Advertisements
WA.NTKI To rent, a U or 7-room hunse
closi! in. Iniiiir( D, care Tribune. 283
WA.NTKI) Private boarilttrti. inquire
at 31;' S. Hartlett street. L'84
WANTED Fifty boxe of Newtowua
ana Spitzenburg apples. Apply of M.
Stewart, at the Naih.
Fori HALF A Hiualt businertH; exet'l
lent loeatinn; good reasons for selling.
Address P. (). Box 805. 230
Foil S.l.i:- -r ine, cb uu gruiu buy,
loose. Address T, care Tribune. 2Ml
FtiK SALK One 6 year old borse; fum
ily horse, single or double; price, $$0.
Inquire at Nash bar. 283
POK H A L E O r t r ad et he" best room
ing house in Medford, clearing $100
per month. Address (J, care of this
FOK SALK Wood for sale, 200 tiers of
dry fir wood. Inquiro at tho end of
A and Pine street. Alex. Duff. 281
FOR SALE Qrape cuttings, Tokay.
Malaga nod MelvuiB?. Writo or call on
V. (i. Ooffe, Central Point, Or. 283
FOK SALE Four diamond rings left,
weighing three quarter carat, at a
grettt bargain. Medford Loan Of
fice. 232
FOH SALE Brand new uafe, weighs
5000 pounds, at very low figure; on in
stalments. Inquire Tribune office. S2
FOK SALE Grain hay, baled,
of Phoue .181.
FOH SALE Two acres, just west of
Medford, near new station of Lozier,
on R. R. V. R. R., price $100 for the
two acres. This acreage is certain to
advance in value soon. Address P. O.
Box .171. Medford, Or. 210 1
FOR SALE Relinquishment claim, 120
acres, $ miles Medford, 40 acres fenc
ed, 12 acres cleared, 5 acres 2-year-old ,
commercial fruit, cabin. For price call :
on V. M. French, room 7, Jackson '
County Bank bldg.
FOR SALE Kelinquu hment, 80 acres,
6 miles cost Medford ; .10 praoticnlly
level, balance oasy grade and covered
with good fuel timber; 2 springs; very
cheap, W. M. French, room 7, .lack
sen County Bank bldg.
FOR SALE Good residence lots, close
in; also good .1 acre orcl-ard; deal with
owner; save commission. Address .1.
care of Tribune office.
FOK SALE Housti, lots and land la
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one
acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe
nix, Or.
1 -OR KENT Two li(;lit housekeeping
rooms on North II street for rent. Ad
dress V, care of Tribune office. 2S
If you are looking for some good land
cheap, 1 have it, for $10 and $20 per
. acre, near good railroad town.
1 Room 7, .Tackron Bank Bldg.
Libernti, 1 lines nnd Elb-rv have been
engaged to play at the Alaska Yukon
Pacific exposition :'t Seattle next year.
The concerts will be given in a big
music pavilion on the grounds.
Medford Time i Table
No. 16Origon ExpreJO 5:24 p. m
Nu. 14Portliind Eipreaa 9:49 a. m.
No. 15H"altforni Eipre.... .10:35 a m
No. 13,Sd Eip.. . 3:20 p m.
No.225iProm Or.nU Pr... 9:15 p.m.
No. 225For A.kl.nd 10:15p.m.
No. 2Lutm MwlforJ 10:4'5km.
No. 4 Lt Modforf 8:3 p. m
MoKrrLr. Mrd-forf l:Mp..
MosxrI.CT.vrt Xleitcni B:0p. m.
Xo. lll.ei.we JavtaunrUW. . . 9:0 . m
K. 9L JfttJuonriUw. . . 3:30 p.m.
MounLme Jactaonwfll.. . 730p. m.
-MAXB CMIiffi?
A.M.P. M.
Nortbbound 19 4:54 ;i0:0S 1:50
Btfll. 7:801 I.M
IJubm.tUI. 10:t0 1:20
Great Bed Spread Special
TUP. HKST VALUES offeml in Mel
fnnl fur niiiny days in plain and fringed
edge lied Quilts. Prices as tliey last, as
fc illnws:
Plain edge lied Spreads that sell regularly
for .fl .."id. at 1.1!) each.
Plain edge, gmnl. heavy Bed Spreads, guaran
teed in size, that sell for $U.00, at, $l.(i() each. Ex
ra good value. Same priced spread with fringes
and cut edgrs.
Fringed lied Spreads with cut edges, extra
wide and full: a regular $2.25 vaH.e. at $1.85
Plain edge Marseilles fine finished extra large
Spread, regular .'1.00 value, at $2.45.
See the Window Display
Van Dyke's
Professor Hunt's
Great Dog and Monkey Circus
The act has been a hig feature on Pantages' circuit.
Illustrated song and two hig reels of pictures.
Admission Adults 20c, children 10c,
Tonight and Tuesday
THE RAii TAU'S 11A LL.V hurkii.' lauho
drama. 1IKIJ NEWSP.OV KIMKXD A thrilling bM stj-
satioual inelodraiiia.
TIIE SICILIAN'S i; A 1 :( ! KA scenic drama (f
great merit.
Miss Eit'ert sings the latest illustrated song. o
Admission 0 cents