MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY ir. 100!). A SAD EXPERIENCE. "111 tell you, yuuiiK gentli-mi'ii," sulU the colonel rctUctlvely. "Unit In tutu life of mine I nave luul at least oue experience thut would drive some men to drink." And the colonel looked urouud suggestively. The colonel, a one armed veteruu of the civil war, was the best rat-onteur of the club aud ua such was eagerly listened to by the younger generi.tinn. A tap of the bell brought a round of bis favorite beverage, and after sam pling it, with glatsseH in easy reach, we all settled back In our chairs to listen to the story that was sure to coine: "You fellows have all heard how I lost this arm at 1'ine UUige! When 1 enlisted lu the Twentieth, like many another young fellow, 1 left a sweet heart at home whose promise had been given me, a beautiful, high splritid girl, who kissed me gmdliy nnd saw the regiment march away with a cheer on her lips and but few tears in her eyes. Before we parted she slipped a ring on my linger, and as I left she said: 'Wear this, dear. Itriiig It buck with you and be true to your Mag and mo.' "Well, I wore the ring all through our long, hard campaign until that j IMue Htdge cauuou ball came along, j took away arm tiuu ring una leu me unconscious on the battlelield. After a hospital experience I llnally recov ered suillciently to be Bent home, with a colonel's commission, discharged as untlt for duty. "At the old home I was of course treated as a hero. The young ladies luslsted on showing me nattering at tentions. I was asked everywhere and was quite the lion of the hour. "Isabel, my tianeee, was as devoted as before, I suppose, but her nature was such that she was too proud to show her feelings as plainly as my vanity sometimes wished her to do, and as a consequence 1 began to think that she had changed toward me. it may be that another girl, a little, plump, black eyed charmer, had some thing to do with this Idea, but at any rate I soon began to notice other charms than Isabel's. "One night my tianeee nnd I attend ed a reception, and Sadie, the black eyed chnrmer of whom I have spoken, was there also. Isabel and 1 had tired of mingling with the throng aud had found a secluded place in the con servatory. We talked until weary and sat then in silence when Sadie came In. She did not see us, and as she stood by the side of a large palm In an altitude of unstudied grace I thought she formed the most beautiful picture that 1 had ever seen. ' "Almost involuntarily I contrasted her charms with those of the proud beauty at my side. To my eyes the advantage all lay with Sadie. Her beautifully rounded ligure seemed to be my Ideal of loveliness, and I wished that I might clasp her lu my anus arm, I mean and tell her how sweet a picture she made. The longing grew almost too strong to lie resisted, and I had half risen to my feet, forgetting Isabel's presence, when 1 was stop ped by a strange thing that was taking place. Faintly outlined, a mere va por at first, but growing plainer with each succeeding second, where Sadie stood tin re appeared the ligure of a man's arm clothed in n soldier's sleeve of blue. "The arm slowly curved Itself i around S idie's waist, and as It tight- j ened Itself into u linn hug. like a star j of light, a ring on the hand showed Itself to my startled gaze. My eyes seemed t i be stnrtlng from my head in amazement, for the ring was that which Isabel had given tne. and the 1 baud that I looked at was the exact likeness cf my missing one. "A cry at my side of mixed fear and rage brought me to my senses. , Isabel was standing with outstretched arms p iutlng to the apparition. 'What d this mean. slrV she said. Her voice aroused Sadie, who, seeing the Image around her waist, promptly fainted. "I havo told this story to severa j persons, aud but one has ever been able to give me any explanation. He was an ascetic from India who was lecturing on 'The Influence of Mind Over Mntter,' who told mo that my desire to embrace Sadie hud been Im pressed very strongly on my astral being that my astral being had for the time got control over my physical body aud that the arm which I saw was the arm that I had lost and, be ing lost, was trying to follow the Im pulse that would have controlled It bad It still continued to be a part of my body and subject to the control of my mind. Others did not accept this theory, and some, I regret to say, were skeptical, while a few did not hesitate to say that the vision had been Induced by a large, well devel oped Jag. You fellows can think as you please. I leave the solution with you." "But, colonel," tried several In pro test, "what became of the girls? IMd you marry SudieV" 'Marry! Huh!" grunted the colonel between swallows. "Don't you know I was never married? Isabel dismiss ed me then and there for losing the ring she bad given me. And Sadie, when I asked her later to marry me, replied with 111 concealed IWmr that she was sorry, but that she could nev er under any circumstances marry a piece of a man whose dismembered fragments were lu the habit of em bracing evpry woman whom their for mer owner might take a fancy ti," And the colonel set down his empty glass and went to Join another group Hundreds of (street cars of the latest type will bo in nuse in Seattle fur the fair year. The Seattle Electric company is spending more ' than $1,500,000 im proving its service. Prepaid E all road Orders. "Something which ii of eoniiderabU interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally knowi ii the 8tem of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific compaay and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to tho party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of caflb in connection witn these tickets nay aluo be forwarded at the same time." tf vDIAMOND i ASK FOR. CK mt Gmwti f..r I'.n llW- Norlhitiwt Holl .ml ISuw tin lil.i) in ml liinli'rx, A.k fur Ciifn lnifitf. h iK'txii-ii . in .urn- iirli-litiiirluioil, writ, u. uiUiu; ,,;,,.. of m.ui ,I.1.t. 1 w,- ,ll iu.i nn h i k. l nf iI-imit I. fr.i' f..r ".r trotil.lo PORTUNQ &UD CO.. PORUAM). 0KIG0N AND SPOOME. WASH Not Her Fault. "A nmn Is jmlsiil !.y the ronipnny he keeps." "That's fnir emmsh. Hut It lMi't right to JudKe R uirl l.y the i-.nupnny she has to entertain." Wahlnjrtfn Herald. WASHINGTON, K-l. 1"- -thirl i,t the American Miipl. . in tl.e 1 :!..! inn c.'inyl "','ij ' kiar. usuli- fi.r -r..B. ""'1 '" nre more Amerienn I'hildre'n there tl.nn children of any rttli r n:i!K.n:ility. m eonling to finite, given out lr,' to-lay by the isthmian i-anal c.niniri"ii. Tne average rone family cii'" "f band, wife and one child. My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on D street. Here 1 am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor AMERICAN CHILDREN LEAD IN CANAL ZONE YOU CAN'T SAVE On ymir railroad fare. The law of tl e common carrier compels equal rates nn all railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Tatigue by insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply sco that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacific Every facility for the B.-iffty and occommoila tioii of tli.' passenger is provided. f- change wf rum in npcrKPHry to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City i 'hi'a". I;rfH connec tions rre int. ir for all otb ft pwinu and south A. S. WiiSKNKAVM, Agr-nt, M.-df'.r-l. WM. McMUHRAY, General Passenger Agent, POETLAND, OE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Medford National Bank at Medford, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, February fi, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans aud dist'mints $7.'t,-".TI.."i Overdrafts, secured and nnseruri'd 7.077. i;t lT. S. bonds to gee tire circulation ..... -1 i,si0,i Premiums on V. S. bonds 1 .71..S7 Hoods, securities, etc 2,O7S.0O Hanking house, furniture and fixtures 3!),071.14 (old dust on hand :M Duo from national banks (not reserve agents).. 7-.."i." Tue from state and private banks and hunkers, t rust companies and savings banks (l:iii.rJ Pup from approved reserve ngenls -S,7i' 1.71 Cheeks and oilier cash ileitis !7,SS Xotes uf other national banks S:i0.0i Fractional currency, nickels nnd cents 1 10. Oil Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie $:ir,0.'J!i Legal tender notes S.Voo .'10,07.0 Redemption fund with tT. S, treasurer per cent of circulation) .T,.10.00 Total $:nw..v.w.:ti LIABILITIES. Capital slock paid in $ ." Surplus fund I'ndivided profits, less expenses and taxes puid... 'J.'JI National hank not en outstanding 4i.S0it.i)0 Hue to stale and private hanks and hankers L'.O'.UJU Individual deposits suhjci-t to elierk LMl.tOS.UI Srivings deposits 21,01:1.1.") Demand certificates of deposit L'l .s.l'.ui 1 Time certificates of deposit .100.00 Tut nl :!i;s.-,;i:t.:tl State of Oregon, Comity of Jackson, sh: I, .1. K. Kayart. president of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of inv knowledge and belief. .1. K. KNVAliT, President Subscribed and sworn to before me tha Llth day of Feb ruary, 1 noil. IhUJtHoolt WITH INtiTOX. Notary Public, Correct Attest: .IOHX S. OHT1I, .1. A. PKIiKV. (Seal) V. K. MKKIilCIC, Pi rectors. SEE US If you are looking for a cood btisi ,,, uess, choice buiild ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSOX COUNT V HANK KMX i. E. J.Sk.wi. G. E. Hilsinner A. C. Kandall .: L. D. Il.rrl. Rogue River Investaent Co. s- FRUIT LANDS vi, Sub Dlvidorfl and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard Lands. '.:h;tire fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and large, tor sale. We plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to he as n presented. Experience JVot JVeecssary for those who purchase through us. They semro the advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul ture in nil its branches, who for several yei;s lias excelcd in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Uogue Hirer vuller, record ctops, record packs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon City Business Directory T,U IU MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make thut pioce '4 'nroiture. Any desigu, any color, any ?inish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and U itroets. THE E. E. V. LUNOH ROOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. SAVOY THEATER North d'Aujou Street. Latest motion pictures and Ulus trated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. W. M. Colvlg. O. L. Beanies. OOLVIO & EEAMEB Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank llldg. Ground floor. ASTHUB H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 10 V. Seventh St., Medford, Or. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Continuous performance BTery evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF ft WOLF New and Socond-tland Furniture Eads' old stand, 18 80 F St. South Medford, Or. DR. WALTEK E. STOKES, Dentist. Supct'HRor to Dr. J. M. Keeue. WM. E. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 28. 810 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will c prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish content brick. Better tliUH preyed brick nnd just ns eh-np. In cstiguto before eontriieting. P. O. Box 118. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND FRB88 INO WORKS W. K. Lane t Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow auad fruit true to label MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extructs, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinnor ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Modford, Or. WASOHAU k BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are locatod in their new quarters in the Young ft Hall building. Rillianle, Cigars and Tobaccos. VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. AU orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. DR. OCBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. O. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Offieo in Eugle Pharmacy Main 2.'i:i. Seventh and Main For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struiuents, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Resldenoe. East Medford. Phone 225 THE HOTEL EMERIOK Kooins from SO cents to $1.50 pet day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your putronuge. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night PhoueB O. W. Conklin St J. H. Butler 148 S. R. 8EBLY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Itay. Office h.urs: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jacksen Co. Bk. bldg VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and ropuir shop hack of the Moore hotel. Motor ears stored and tnken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3103 DR. R. J. OONBOY HiieceRBor to Dr. Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. JACK FREDBNBURd Scavenger, (larbago hauled. Medford. L14 mmmm. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the excflh iico of th'j meals that art cooked at the Kinr-ri,k (,ufo if "! haven 't already regal- 1 yourself wit h dome of the didicioua dnhi'B thut nro served here. If you hivpn't partaken of them, there ii a 'rear awaiting ym that you will want to repeat often. A meal at tho Kmerirk is an experience that will make you vy, liku OliviT Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All Niglit MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with htivel Prate, carried in stock cheap. Offire Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. V HTREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S KVKNTH HTKKKTH. Bargain Day Offer Saturday, Feb. 20 1909 On this Day Only the Subscription Price WILL BE CUT IN HALF MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE One Year, by Mail, Cut from $5 to $3 SOUTHERN OREGONIAN Semi-Weekly, 104 papers In oneyear, from $2 to $1 This dflVr is (iiicii fo cvcryiiiH', w lictluT a present subseriber or nut. Those subscribers whose subscriptions expire prior to BAR OA IX DAY should pay at the regular rates I'roin the date of ex piration, as shown by the address label on paper, to Fcbru try 20, and for one year additional at I'.AKOAIN DAY rates. ONLY YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS ACCEPTED AT BARGAIN DAY RATES Don't delay. Take advantage of Ibis offer at once. Send sub scriptions now and they will be credited. No subscriptions at "Darnain Day" rates received if mailed after February 20. This offer will not be made again this year. IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY During the coming .year these papers will lie newsier, brighter, bigger and better than ever before, independent and fearless in politics, devoted to the interest of Southern Oregon. MEWORD DAILY TRIBUNB The SOUTHERN OREGONIAN Medford, Oregoi. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE liES'J NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. '.'ill' I, , ,,f . TIm- Ill, v K HI II:,. Li E-RU-SA THE ONLY IAWFUL PILE CUBE : 1M' S. rl'ltKS l'll.KS. :n,,l Hulls NUT ,-,,iil:iin n;ir,-,,lir. incn-urv, I ,,r ;inv ,imii,,i,i -Irni;. I'. S. ii-,rn-;,t,,ry I ,111111, 11, N t'rery in- r.lll'SA. Ilnig mii, " f.,N,- mi.lwltng siatementa a ,..',,,. tin- mil,' ,,l nil ,,ll,, r ,,r nun,, 11, iiili- ini'dii'i ii'H is illfgal he- nff,,t I In- liriuii iui,l .in:il im:i',,w, ,r,l ' S i 11. .t I'm ; . V. HI' ,.. M In,,; Mini,'. nMlipatinn nn,l never 1 I,. :il ,i, ,',l,l-,. Only itniKI!1"" " nigni'H maun- , ,lfi,l I li:irm:i '.'. K"r.- I'li:irn,:t,y. I'li:l. Slrmi. 1 'I'll,' Arrlii flrothi'l'llood building on ill,' grounds of the Ahiska-Vtlkon-ra-,-it'ic exposition at 8nittlo is to remain a H'ritmncnt Htructtirc. It will be a iniisi'inn nf natural liictury at tho closo ot' tin' fair, us wi'll hh a fraternity hall for students attending tile Univorsity ,,f Washington frein Alaska. f.4T, ' Ji,?' ,n- f it', mi rare- 5: