THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKfiOS. MONDAY. FKBKl'AI.'Y 15 1000- Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Med ford. Published everv eveiii nir except Sunday. MEDFORD PU B L 1 S II I N ( COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. S L' I SCR I PT ION RAT KS : On month by mail or rarrier. . . .$0.50 On v-:ir tiy mail. J5.00 SOUTH EH S Oil E(! OS'S E III USDS. The passage of tin- Crater Lake hill by tli" house show etd plainly, as did the Ashland normal hill, who were the real friends of Southern Oregon in the lower branch of the legislature. First and foremost on the list come Speaker "Pat" McArthur, who delivered foivihle speeches in In-half of both measures and fought vigorously for them upon the floor of the house, doing everything in his power to aid them. Ranking with the speaker arc' Representatives J. A. Huchanan of Rosclmrg, and Allen II. Eaton of Eugene, who aided materially in organizing the lioiie for the fa vorable consideration of the bills. Doth of them are en titled to great credit for their earnest efforts to carry the measure and the successful outcome. Able speeches for the Crater Lake bill were made by McCue of Astoria, McKinney of Maker City, Calkins of Eugene, Carter of Hood River, Parrett of Umatilla Brooks of Ontario, Couch of St. Johns, Brady, Mahonc Jaeger and McDonald of Portland, Muncy of Curry. Tin committee of ways and means, headed by Abbott of Port land, proved their friendliness to this section. .Messrs. l'urilm and .Miller, as .Jackson county repre sentatives, did evcrvtliing tor the measure that could b done, and its success in the house is proof enough of their labors. Let Southern Oregon remember those who hclpei tier wlien sue needed iieio , and mark down tor tuture re membrance those who fought her interests and the in terests (pf the entire state in doing so. This is the roll of honor: Patton, Hal P., Salem Reynolds, Lloyd T, Salem. Bean, Louis I'., Eugene. Calkins, W'inso:- , Eugene Eaton, Allen II., Eugene. Applegatc, E. R., I train. Bedillion, R. 10. L., I'andon. Muncy, I. N Cold Reach. Smith, J. ('., Grants Pass. Miller, D. II.. Medford. Purdin, M., Medford. Clemens. W. J., Portland. ( 'ouch, l. C, St. Johns. Davis, L. M., Portland. Jaeger, E. J., Portland. Mahonc, L. )., Portland. McDomild, ('has. J., Port land. Orion, A. Y Portland. M ( 'ue, John ( '., Astoria. Belknap, II. P., Prineville. Brattain, II. A., Paisley. Buchanan, J. A., K'oscburg. Mahonev, T. J , Ileppncr. Boiiebrake, P. O., Philomath Mann, L. L Pendleton. Ilawlev, C. L., McCoy. Bones, J. W ( 'arlton. Corrigan, M. F. Mi-Minn-ville. Beals, A. G., Tillamook. Ilincs, ("has.. Forest Grove. McArthur, C. N Portland. Abbott, James D., Portland. A It man, B. C, Grcshani. Hrady, Fred J.. Portland. Barrett, C. A., Athena. Rusk, John P., Joseph. McKinney, Henry M., Er win. K'ii-hardsoii, Stephen I-'., La ( ! rande. Brooke, V. 11., Ontario. Mariner, Win. J., Blalock. ( 'al ter, J. L., 1 1 1 River. Dodds, II. C, Dufur. SOHLE AS I) KlSOlll.E (lESICS. One of the best of the Lincoln day speeches made was that delivered by Martin Y. Littleton at New York, in which he drew vivid contrast between the achievements for humanity id' Rockefeller and Carnegie with those of AYashington and Lincoln, lie said: ""Washington started the foundation of the republic, and Lincoln had to save it. "Not very lmig ago a little man sat down amid the Allegheny lulls and built a lire that burned for days and years, and when the smoke went up anil the fire went out he raked the ashes and found !( H l.l MM), Hill melted in the heat of sweat and toil. "His genius surely played a natural part, but the gov ernment did the most to make him ' King of Inui.' Willi the government's sheltering hand against the world, allied with nature's countless wealth and the nation's boundless power, he took his toll of everything that thrift could lend or toil promote. "Then at the top of this commonwealth is another man. Sill-rendering to the silent impact of the years as they tear down the winding way up which he trod to fortune and to fame. He sees the w recks of his rivals ami the ruin of his rivals and prostrate states polluted by his power. "Mistaking the decay of nature for the grace of God, ho (urns a trivial stipend to the church, a paltry contribu tion to the schools, and. in return, expects ,i pulpit and a chair. "Thus the men stand on t iptoe to the power of what the world is pleased to call success, luit at the price of bleaching bones. The world could well afford to let them wither in their dread and discontent, but feebly following a I'ter them are untold numbers making headlong progress toward the open ditch. Greed, insatiable greed, gr ! for vulgar wealth, for more than need can use, normal appetites de sire, has seized upon us. "Against this greed for gold we have the examples of George Washington's benign wealth and Lincoln's sim ple poverty. Lincoln blazed his way from the cabin to the crown, lie was the only man that could have saved the nation. In all the ruin that fell about our country's path, in all the wrongs that sought to wreck our country's growth, in all the intrigues of erstwhile friends, the curses that fell upon his humble frame from unworthy lips, there was not enough to force upon Lincoln's lips a word of accusation or blame. "AVe are now being taught the strenuous life instead of the simple life of Lincoln, and the ancient simple stand ard of people of brains and blood is giving away to one brought out of hard and hoarded cash." GREEN HELD FOB CATTLE STEALINO tlOlihIS. l.ul.. fVI,. 15. TU f.retini- iQarv hearing uf Kob-rt Or.--ii. ttit- Mac- ioel bul.-li.-r. wtjo i, , hari;-'J with t-at-tle -tteaiiiiif. wan fiui-iV.! in Jul( lltjriis' omrt lat ovmin. lin-en was I .-Id tu the iipTi..r curl, lin appear niief bt ill,' ytiarmih i .1 iv :i b'.h'l flo'xi. William Turrn-r. M, Km mill O.iryc Maibb-ri siu.-. a, tiiir.-ti,'s for Or.-t-n. Att..rn.-v i i,arl.-s Sil. rn r.-.rrs-nt-l th. distn.t nttMni-y, :,i..l tl.t- (irosci-u tn.ii t.'ii.l.rl to vi- tliat Orf'-n ha. l.iitcli.-rcd a f brainl stwr belonging r.i tin- ( luircliilli, of Vr.-kn. win, own Hf-veral liri' ruiirtitM ni-tir h.-ri'. .Irroiiip I 'lilirrliill, Harry " .Ion, !.. Ilaj.-tl, W. J. K.-rwii, an.! w,f. . K. K. Hoy ai,.l lack liilliiij;.by were witnes.- f,,r the people. Aci-onling .0 their stories. tJre.-n nw.-m caoiiyht in the a,-t of driv ing 0110 of I lip I Mteern into hit slaugh ter bouse. Later the (-ar.-a.s ami biile were found on the prriine-4. tireeu wan taken in custody on a of stealing ca-tle. lie was dp fended by Miln K. Temple and Marcus Curcell. and will be lepresented at Vreka by Attorney Collier of tlu,t place, 'ireen halt cattle on he raiio,.- and claims that lie tlimiL'li that the nicer butcher ed belonged to him. The case iH alfractini; r, oreat deal nf attention. Superintendent .bines of the ' hun-hill ranch sav he has evidence to convict others who have been care less about noticing vhose brand was on a "critter" before killing the same. SKIN GRAFTINO GIVES BOY ENTIP.E NEW LIP I'ltAHI.OTTKSVII.I.K. Va.. Feb. l.-i. A remarkable skin raftinjf operation recently successfully performed at the I'niversity of Virginia hospital has riv en to W. Jones, a lOyenr old boy of llio, this county, an entire new low er lip. The boy had his lip shot away last S.-pieinlo-r bv the accidental dis charge of a gun. Ve.ter.lay he returned to his home with a new- lip that will answer every pursise. Or. S. II, Watts of the I'niversity hospital first trans planted a flap of shin from the ale dominal wall of the patient to the fore arm. After growing to the forearm, it was brought up and attached to the face of the patient, ale) after remaining There about two weeks to secure a blood supply, was cut off from the arm and molded into position. CHEYENNE MINISTERS START FIGHT FOR LOCAL OPTION ciii:vi:si:. ... ivl. The ministers of ( lieVi-iini tomorrow will take up the county local option bill v.liich yesterday wa.i intro.lucid in both , houses of the legisliitiire, and will urge it: piissnge. Tli" A niericnii auti Saloon league will hove ;i lohl.v working for the pnssage of the bill, which Iippit rently is scheduled to buck into many storms. The bill proiibs for the hold ing of s iul local oplio-i ehclions pro viding ;to per CClit of the electors of II county e-lilioii !he board of comillis sinners lor such : ct 1011. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith 5 Molony i TsV.i- JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES madtim i ornnv THE JEWELER APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Coniu.orcial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. No', in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD. OREGON. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungstetn Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in ioo hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 20f West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposito the Big Electric Sign. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Propik-tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Eni es, Spraying Outlets, Pumps, n.;:,c and Machinery. Agents in S'Ttliurn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. State l)ciosit:-.ry KstabMimeJ 18SS. spital aid Surplus $125,000 licnoun -.a 7U(I,U00 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service The .luckson County Bank respectfully solicits your aecouui, subject to your c In-ok, with th strutigest guarantee of safety and ef r'icieccy. We offttr tbw biguest attainment in sTem:itic banking iervic, which as-siiri-a the greatest caro in every finan cial trausuctioc, with this obligiog institution. W. I. VAWTER, Prudent. U. R. L1NDLEY, Cauhier. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs A Farm for $10 in the Sunny San Luis Valley OF COLORADO FREE TRIP TO EXAMINE LAND AV E 1 1 A X E 1 ) I V 1 1 ) E I ) A f)4,000-A CR E TRACT INTO TIJITCK FARMS CONTAIN ING 10 TO 1000 ACRES PER FARM AT $200 EACH $10 Cash and $19 Per Month! NO INTEREST! NO TAXES! REFERENCE Any Rank or Banker in St. Funis, Kansns Citv or Denver. We want a reliable and energetic man in every town to form clubs of 15 prospective purchasers. "Ye will furnish round trip railroad tickets FREE to one member of each club to inspect land. We pay liberal commission. Full particulars upon request. SAN LUIS VALLEY LAND AND IRRIGATION CO. Rank of Commerce Rldsi. KANSAS CITV, MO. J. K. EN Y ART PresiJmt. .1. A. PKKRY. Vu-p President. .IOHX S. OltTH. Cashier. W. . JACKSO.V. Ast't Suhivr. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. C0PVRISHT.A.PS.C SWELL STYXES IN WINTER. o vvx'imtH uro ddiiiinunt when you fre tin. t tlio fiisliiouuble thoroughfares or wlnTf III up ti iJuti iiuiii is an habitue, Imvcuihc they luive been inmle by Krru-zi-r Ai "n. Our fabrics aro exclusive iur ntvlt-H an mpulnr favorites, nnJ nt I'll in Sunt hern Oregon who would be reg:iriji'd as u man nf fashion wouli have his suit nr overcoat, his oven tug nit i t nr Tuxedo made by anyone but J. A. Kreuzer fi Co. Importers andTailors PAXM BULLDINO, MEDFOBD, OEj 111 )tm Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter Don t imagine for a moment that our local citizens (Ion t recognize a good thing when it offers. Did you ever trade horses with anv of them? Take our advice, and don't risk it. Good sense will dictate that it is in order to follow their lead in investing in Medford property, however, for they see the hand writing on the wall. Med ford is on the verge of a boom. Interview us and we'll tell vou whv this is the right t ime to buy Medford city property! ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Exhibit nuilding. Medford, Oregon. yftvs. Imni Hampton Isaacs "3nstruclor of "piano. Tl$t 52tetl)00 StuMa at 3ol&cnc. 3tortb Orani Slrttt Compare the Quality It is, and always has been or aim t aupplj Mr customers with goods of the higfefts quality and to thai end re alwavs add i no Quality to our line. Tb fldit ion of "Dreferred 'tock " makes our linn of !, i-ti rade Csrnefl Goods moat complete. Our service always tfce bst and erery accetn given our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chin aware, Fruit and Feed