Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 15, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
By (at the largeat and brat uiii report
of ui paper Id Southern Oregon
Dlltedfercll laity CrUnme.
The Weather
Pair weather in promised for tonight
uml Sunday, with temperature higher.
F.asterly winds.
OliKliON, MON' DAY. VHHUUARY' 15. 1!IO!).
No. 282.
Bill Referred to Ways and.
Means Committee Sve-!
ral of Whose Members
Are Openly Against Measure-Transfer
STATU Hof.SK, Salem, Or., Feb. Iii.
The Cruler Lake mad uppropriat ion
bill, which has hail smoo! Ii sailing so
fur, has struck i: r.nng in the senate.
Instead nf being referred to the senate
committee i:u mad: and highways which
has had the consideration nf t lie same
u:n ;,. tl,n .'.. mii,! 1i..'.in which the
Mi-dford delegation spoke, the was I
refer reil to I lie waya ami minus rum
mi t tee, sewrnl of v.hose members are
openly ng;.inst the measure. Three of
llu seven member:-, of the
favor the 1 i 1 1 an.i two are mm com
mittal. A motioii wna made by Senator Mulit
this morni..g to have the c..n: id lation
of the bill transferred to the roads
committee. This motion was lost.
When tli' Crater hake lobbyists left
on Friday . veiling five different mem
b- rs of th- senate agice.l to see Ili:t
tiie bill w: s referred to the roads and
highways i -mmittee, all of whom let il
clip bv in tV rus!i of midnight business.
The a.h -cutis of the bill are siill
nt work i. I nre l.o.efnl ..f a favor
able repoi .
1 cifa BUI Vetoed.
The bouse to.lay parsed three bills,
this being the last .lay bills can be
considered. It is probable the house
will l,e in session all night to wade
through the legislation blocking the
Wheels. The bill extending the por
tnge railroad to beginning of naviga
tion on upper Columbia passed, and
Rl,cs to the senate, carrying n big ap
propriation. The senate received one veto inessahe.
the governor returning a lull increas
ing the salarv of County Judge Ned
of Jackson county, who is a warn,
democratic supporter of the governor.
Speaker McArlhnr will take the floor
this afternoon and seek to put through
the house an amendment to the const!
tution and lfill cre.ting a commission
or nine business nun who will under
take the building of state aided rail
roads through centre! Oregon. Similar
net inn i expected to be taken by the
Idaho legislature.
f HH 'MIO. Tel.. I.". Tl laim of Ir.
Samuel (inthrie a 'I'" diseoverer of
ihloform is biini! investipit.d l.y the
rhieK M.-li.-al "''""""'
,,:,s been appointed to delve into the
reeorils of the .at. The recent d. nth of
Os,i Guthrie, son of Dr. (Inthrie. ha
broimht the dispute up at this tune. An
immense boulder is owned by the ,le
s. endanls of 1 r. Outline and it i" de
sired to plaee it in a pari; with Mutable
tablet to his m. inory. The l omini -ion
ers are willing to aeeept Ilie b ul'b r a
II pieee of si'eiiery. bill refuse to allow
any inseri.tion. The M.dieal sneiety
feels that something should be done t"
settle the ipialif ieation of the .lis.-ov
TSIXC.T i"h i 11 a. Felv 1'.. A news
pap. r v:i' has broken out lure between
the Cerman Xiatschon Cost and the
Chinese 1'nblie Opinion over the recent
trial of a Krupp ein at TM:in. The
Chinese pilfer calls tie- report of tin
Cerman paper of the trvil a swindle.
President Howard Elliot: "f the Nr:h
rrn Pacific sav that the Alaska Yukon
Pacific exposition i much farther a 1
vanced than was the St. I.oilis fair at
a iimilar period of iti eiiJtence.
Where Placid Waters Mirror Oregon's Soft Summer Skios.
Government Will Dig no
More Dirt Unless Kla
math Falls Pays Up
WASHINGTON', Feb. 15 Director
Newell of the reclamation service tit at -(d
toda ythat orders had been issued
lo shut down work on the Klamath ir
rigation project, pen-ling adjustment of
differences between the government and
the settlers. This aunuueement follows
a decision by Secretary (iurliehl that
set 1 lers must pay the annual mainte
nance charge of To per acre, beginning
.May 1 next, and must make ten cipial
iiiiiiual payments of each per acre
for t he water right, t lie first water
payment falling due May 1, MHO.
Mary settlers have announced that
they cannot pay $'Ul per acre for water,
but, as this is the actual proportionate
cost id' building Urn reject, the secre
tary cannot net ept less. He requested
tin1 Water f sei. ' association to inform
him what it is willing to do under the
circumstances, but a-i it has not made
reply, he felt oblige.', to stop further
const met ion until sat isfnet oiy agree
ment is reached. The sett lers. under
the first unit of the project, which is
completed, will be funiislied water this
coming season, if they pay the main
ti -nance charge, but, unless there is a
speedy agreement, construction of the
i 'ear Lake reservoir will not be car
tied forward and the second unit of
I lie project will remain undeveloped.
Meantime. Kngineer Murphy, in charge
ef the Klamath project, has been railed
to Washington and will be succeeded
by W. W. Slecht.
P. W. Ilanua, another reclamation en
gineer, has been Sent to resume the pre
liminary work of the Malheur project
and if the Klamath controversy is not
adjusted, work may be concentrated at
Ma then r, provided the settlers under
that project are abb- to meet require-
VALUED AT $2.10,000
CHIfAOii. I'' b. lo. Itnritii: the ne
eotiati.'iis for the pureliase of a site
tor the new 411.11011,(111(1 pni-sener sta
tion for the 'liie:in;o A; Xort hwestern
i;:ih- 1 it ivas discovered that part (it
the land desired we.s owned apparent-
v bv on rim" Sullivan, who eould
i:ot be found. As of a elear title
v ould lm e proved a serious obstacle to
th nstiuction of the new IniilditiK,
.erch was made for Sullivan all over
the eoniitrv. U.centiv it was learned
that Sullivan h id died at Lynn. Mass..
and efforts were made tn locate his
I'eiis. Now a linn who says she is
s;ili -iii's wiilnw announces at Lynn
that she will claim I lie propertv. which
r v:i!m"1
TAMPA. Fla.. Feb. IT.. hi the lug
how window "f a local furniture store
l:,-t night. Mi esie M. Phillips, a
i-.pular young lady of this city, and
Victor A. tin-tat nit ache of the
T.impa M'Tiiiiu; Tribune, were united
m niarriao'-. i n- iaie Mi.i., .,,s
beaittifnllv 'I' rat. d for the occasion
and a band f 1- I rendered a con-
,...,1 ainif an piecedit.c th.- cere
! .,,!-. winch t.."':, pin.-.' at . : 1-' "
i Mr. end Mr". t.f.f. . will !. p
i e. wilh comph I" fi.rm-luij: for
I room of their new lemie bv tie
whose window the ceremony
firm in j
c-i, pi r j
X.-w York will
in the pronmls o
l'acitic exposition
to X' v. ar. More
roc! a fine l.niMing
the Alir ka Yukon
o be held at Seattle .liio.iioo gill
probably be spent in pa rt iei Clt i.
the part nf the Kmpire state.
Says Mme. Steinhal ts
Responsible for Murder
of President Faure ln'99
PAlflS, Feb. lo. Louis firegnri, who
shot Captain Dreyfus during the cele
bration in memory of Fmilo Zola, the
writer, wrote today to Magistrate Al
ba net formally accusing Mine. Stoin
hcil of murdering former President Fe
lix Paure, on February Hi, IS!M).
Sii:ir I'ini' I'ninp, Xn. 10,07:1, Mn.lprn
Wmiili i f Ainrridi, nf !iilil Hill. nn
now furiunlnliiiu; plium I'nr tin' linililinn;
uf :ui up In -dale I li. al rr in (Inlil Hill,
saws tin' Xi'ws. on tin' irnii'rty tlii'v
ri'ii ntly pnn-linsi'il fruf A. X. Ilnllinrt.
Tin" Krinniil floor uf llin buililinj; i to
In' ri'llindi'li'il and i'iilai(;id with n new
stajri', laryi' inonjli tn ai'i'iiuimoilato
any shows that will visit (lold Hill fur
some yearn to ciino. Tin stajji' will In1
linilt 'with a fly (rnllcry ami (jridiron
and nil ntlii'r i'iiiiimi'tit for the wife
mid i'ay hatiillinc "f sri'ni'ry and the
atiii'lil pffoi'ls, while the nuditiirium
will In' Hindi" I'limfnrlalili' nnd safe fur
tin' a minniliilion of the theater i;iiilf
pnlilli' nf (lold Hill. That the enter
prise of this led ire is apprei'inted liy
(iold Hill people is evineed by the many
words of npproval that have lieen n!
tered sinee their seln'ine has been made
pnlilie. It is expeeted to have the new
plavhi'iisi' open within a month.
NKW YORK, Feb. The new pon
t:il sea service between tliin country
and France was inaugurated today on
the French line steamer Lo Tiretngne,
saiding for Havre. Postmaster Fdward
M. Morgan of New York and P. Faguet.
general agent of th" Campagn'ie (ien
erale trans-Atlantic here, both express
ed themselves today enthusiast icily
about the new service anil are hopeful
of its success and permanent establish
ment between the two countries.
t erst ate commerce roininiHrion has
granted n permit for the free transpor
tation of the Liberty Hell and a guard
ef Philadelphia policemen to the Alas
k;1 Yukon Pacific exposition at Seattle,
Wash., and it is probable the famous
old relic will be taken to the far west
i his summer. Mayor Key burn has re
reived a number of petitions from sev
eral Pacific const ritier. repir-tiiig that
the bell be sent west and will recom
mend to the city council that the re
ipu-st be granted.
I'HOKXIX. Ariz., Feb. IB. A bill
was introduced in the Arizona leejsja
tnre Saturday asking the Cnited States
, .nrcii:ise a lare nti m i.nei
onth of Viiniau in the valley of the
' olorado river from Mexico and annex
I i. to Arizona, in order to settbi the dis
j ptite with Mexico over the use of the
waters of the river f ir irrigation.
l'.KHl.IX. Feb. I.'. cipriano Castro
this evening said:
"My intention is tn return to Vene
zuela as soon as my health w-ill permit.
Mv plan is to Ine as a private citizen.
If it is desired til take proceedings
gaint nie I will be there. The idea
..f starting a revolution ha:: not en
ter.-d my head."
Senor Ca.tro it .till confined to bed.
CHICAGO, Feb. 1T. The
worst storm of the year or ex
perienced in the last decade
har. paralyzed the middle west,
according to report f received to
day. The saffenng and dister
nre widespread. liailrond trans-
pnrlatiou is tied up. Telegraph
- and telephones are rendered
4 useless. Chicago is in the grip
of the storm. One is .lead here
4- from the iniens,' oohl.
13 J USE
Short Program Rendered
at High School Building
Before Classes Enter
Medford 's new high school building,
erected at a cost of $10,111)11, was placed
in use Monday morning and henceforth
will house Med ford's hiyh school boys
and girls. A short but well rendered
program was rendered, after which the
pupils took up tli.-ir labors in the va
rious class moms.
1 he scpeaker ot the occasion was
lion. William M. 'olvig. v. ho spoke
along t he lines of menu rn genu nt to
the sit pi Is, spurring I hem on to bet
ter work, lie spoke of the local pride
in having such a splendid building erect
cd in less than a y:ar'H time.
i -v. i. I.eUoy Halt gave the invoca
tion. Superintendent I. tt. Smith ml-
drcsiied the pupils and then dismissed
r lit in lo their various class rooms.
Among those pn sen: at the exercises
were a number of members of the
school board Messrs. Strang. Keutner,
Porter 11 ml Walt.
Pour and a half feet of snow is re
ported on the west fork tiold Iteach
mail trail at Three Mile, says the Cour
ier, and tlo 1'niled States mnil is de
layed for an indefinite period. This
occurs nearly every winter and is a
grent argument for a mail route down
Kogue b'iver from (hauls Pass.
A condoned effort of Josephine nnd
( nrry count ies would probably induce
the posloffico department to expend
a portion of its funds for the improve
inenl of post roads on this mail route,
;ind assist the forestry service to com
plete the (mil now being constructed,
or possibly to clinm;.- the trail to a
wagon mad, thus giving our coast
neighbors an nutlet f ir their prnduec.
Currv is one of the riehest sibdivi
siolis of the state of Oregon, but is held
hack by a lack of transportation and
even fair mail lacililicH.
The dance given by Hie .lacksoii ille
Musieale club last I'iiilay evening prov
cd successful ill every way. About -" o ,, ".. ...
which was given hy me young i.-oiies
of the elnb. A number of .nil of town
people were present. Those attending
from Medford were: Mr nnd Mrs DC
Itoggs, Mrs Chipinan. Miss Kny.-irt. Miss
.. ti i. t... ... I .1... il-;n. 1 ..j....
i-.neri, ii ' nnioi' ....,,
Frank Isaacs. Harry Ling.
. n i'i.:i
.lers. Clifford Modioli, Harry Chihls,
Mr Hookner, Mr llaslin and olhers.
Mis. I,. .1. Scars --.ent Sunday al the
home of her daughter. Mrs. It. T. Itnr
Those who went oer from here Sat
lirdny evening t" hear Hanfonl were:
Mrs. ( harles Prim and son. Mies l.ei
la and llertha Prim. Mrs. .1. F. Miller.
Miss l.eona I'lrich. Mr. and Mrs. A. K.
Heauies, Mrs. Frank Froemiin. Miis
Marv Peter and Miss Maude Tucker.
Xiek Jerry of Cold Hill has been
upending a few days in town.
William leii. ff has bought Hick Ca-
kins' interest in the corner f.-.-tioii
erv store and lias fallen charge of the
no is i-:. idah... pet..
nate local ..pti 01 bill
td by the hous- tod:
w ill now go to C em
15. -The
i:is pass
v, which
.r P.radv.
ttho will I'iL'ii 1
ide tl;tt on th ni of th
. The lull pro
petition f "
county an ehctio'i may be held
to determine th ipitHtioii of tin
Hale of miotic:' nig liquor.
ms ni ii nr I I
iii MUM.
Purdiaseof Big Golden
Drift and the Grants
Pass Orchard Company
By Irrigation Company
! It A NTS PASS, Or., Feb. la. Six
teen thousand acres of arid lands in ami
around I i rants Pass will be placed un
der irrigation this mcisoii. Afler five
months' work the Josephine County Ir
1 igat ion & Power company, composed
of local people, assisted by 1111 expert
from the ('nilcd Stall's reclamation
sirvice, has perfected a system where
by irrigation becomes a fact. At the
hunt meeting of directors held Satur
day afternoon a contract was made with
I ho Colden li if t M ining company to
supply water. This company ouws
a large power dam three miles above
the city, with immense high pressure
pumps ami pipelines already installed.
All that remains is the construction of
ditches, work upon which will begin
at. once.
Ity the terms of the contract, water
will be supplied at u flat rate of $T
an acre. The irrigation company is
given an option on the plant to purchasc
it within two years for $:iiiukii). Afler
two years the option will lie extended
to ten years with t he price raised to
"011,110, I, nt all money paid for water
at the .0 per acre rale will be applied
to tint purchase price.
The directors of t he irrigation com
pany, composed of leading business men
ami ranchers: II, h. (iilkey, manager
Pi rst .Vat ioual bank, president ; (. J.
b'iggs, seeielary. Other members are
II. C. Kinney, C II, ('inner, (!, (!. Con
taut. P. itlaiichard, O. S.
(.. A. Hamilton, It. Thomas, C. W.
Anient is manager of the (iolden Drift
company. M. C. Anient is superintend
cut of works.
The plant is one of t he best, bo I li
for power and irrigation in Oregon. The
lam lifts water of Hie Itogue river 'Jnri
feit, giving lo.iniu horse power. Pour
turbines are already installed. The
largest high pressure pump in the world
will be in operation, capacity l.'t.OOO.OOi)
gallons every L'l hoiirn, til n M I gallons a
minute. An additional pump of similar
sj.e and capacity will be installed.
Then- will be eight ditches, four on
each side of the river, six highline and
two gravity. The water will be lifted
into (he highest ditch :t.".ll feet, at the
lain, allowing it to reach all the upper
. H. ,,,.),,.
s, nooks and mountain dales.
This concluding work of the ranchers'
irrigation company is (he most iinpor
taut ! vent in the history of (hauls
i I'a.s. I, and will now be available for
. -.n.nnii people in nnd arnunil this city.
l,l-;. V KN WUltTII, Kan., Feb. .lo.
Acting .hnlge Xerillinger of the (lis
nict conil today fined Attorney
Sihivail t'" and committed him to tin-
r... ..: .1.,.. i, ,.n.
" .' .i i-
lie- judge a bribe. Attorney Schwartz
the judge clinrged. appeared al his home
last night and offered him the uootev
il lo- would favor S-liwartz in his de
ci: ion of a p'-iiding ease.
I'iiKT i ( ll. I. INS. Cd.. Feb. I."..
I h-iging that his wealthy inotherin
l,-:u-. Mrs. Laura .1. Wail of I ...vela ml
had in his domestic affairs ami
alienated 1 he affect inns of Ills wife
Cllelie II. Thatcher ll.'IS brought Sllit
f,,r .J.-..UOO h, t,e di -I rift conil. Thatch
,r liv.-s a! Nelson, eb from which
he alleges Ins mother in law in
I hi
wife to leave him.
KIA'MTT. ' al.. IVI.. 1-Y Thoina
Mr riltliv. wl r td -.niclilc in
St-.rr.ioii bv Hhooting himself Monday
night. :t told in Me- Sar raiio-iit o ltec
lo st d:i. i wi ll n-Mieuiht-M-d in Ken
neit, wh-re he was for several i thf
f.. reman of the rigger- in tlo- iio-ler
H- . ft lo re earlv last year, saving
that he was going to Honolulu. A friend
r;iw him iti San Praneiueo in December.
M.-i rirl bv said then that he intended
I,, tit Stockton s m o 1 1 . McCnthv "as
well tliougbl of lore.
PADFCAH, Ky., Feb. 1T.
Satisfied that their youngest
child, weighing two pounds, is
probably the smallest baby in
the world, K. H. Lady nf this
city decided to name it after
William Howard Tuft. .When
born the baby weighed 20
ounces, was 12 inches long nnd
perfectly formed. Jts llrst dress
was from the wardrobe of n
doll of u girl neighbor.
Tenders City Deed For
Wasson Canyon Water
Matter Gomes up Tuesday
As an aftermath of the water election
last fall. M. F. Ilauley has filed with
ie city recorder a notice that ho has
tendered lo the city of Medford a deed
to Wasson can von waters, which the
city contracted for nearly a year ago
and that he will demand the fulfill
incut of the contract by the terms of
which he was to receive $2T,000 $11),-
iHl in cash and .-rlTt.tMiil in city water
The matter will come up before the
council for cousiderut ion on Tuesday
owning. The move was not unexpect
ed, as Mr. Mauley elated some months
ago that he would take such a course
proviib'il tl ity did not fulfil the
i-oiitiact he has with (hem.
Mr. Ilauley has also refused to nr
liil'ate I he matter of selling to the city
a right of way across his land. If such
right of way be obtained it will be only
ft ' r condemiml ion.
John Caster was a Talent business
visitor Tuesday, where he purchased
moiiic hay.
.InmcH McDonald of North Talent was
a Phoenix caller lad Tuesday.
May is gelling to be a scarce article
hoerahouts, and there is at least three
nioiitloi yet to feed gefore the new crop
COIIH s in.
Fred Wheeler, the Medford fiirnilure
man, wnse up in North Tabmt Wednes
day laying carpel for W. W. Hartley.
I. W. Hummer, a one lime resident
of Talent, but now engaged in the liv
ely business in Ashland, was in Tal I
out. Phoenix and Medford Wednesday.
K. ti. Coleman ami wife wore Talent
visitor Thurfbtv, returning by way of
John Kdsi-ll was up in North Talent
purchasing hay from C. Carey last Thur
sday. Mrs. (ieorge M.-cl.iin of North Tal
cut went down to Medford on Thursday
morning's train oi: buriieess.
Miss Un Shideler of T::lent and Mrs.
Aila. Lovelace wen- Pin ix visitors on
James McDonald of North Talent
weni down lo M 'dfotd o-i busi-oss Pri
K. A. Diiul-ip of the new electric light
proportion here ! in Phoenix has
to,; left the country, end was somewhat
chagrined to think that rumor had even
hinted that he had. On the contrary,
he in in Talent any lime you w::nt to
",e him. and lie .ays the lights shall
hi vour eoiistaiit remind -r of him in a
f. w davs.
LAPOKTK. Del., Peb. T,. I'hief nf
police Pain arrived et llrazil, ImL, to -
dav from Pneldo, Col., bringing wit Ii
, m, Kdward D. Miller, who it is eharg I
... defrauded Kdward Pyrne, an In ,
diann man. of :tno and fb-d from the,
-trite, abandoning Ins wife ami family, j
Miller was f id a Pueblo, Col., de-
drlie in that citv, where he hail ob i
tained a position with the Pueblo Trac-j of Arthur Simon, cashier of the local
tinii i-ompanv. Milh r made such a fa bank.
vorablo impression upon his employers appears that Simon was crossing
that they refused to believe him guilt y , Scot t river iii a rowboat with two other
of ativ crime. Miller was secretary to ' nieii, returning from a mine to his din
Aiinrican Consul Wiley at llordeaux, ner at Oak Mar. The loss of an oar
Fin nee. under Cleevla nd's administra re-ulted in the loss if the control of
lion, lie is said to have confessed his t. Iioat, which was hurled nnd hrok-
u,Mi in tl mbezlement and says he ( ,.n against a crib, which was built yenrs
i;1 to take his punish nient . ago by the Chinese miners and still
.. , I 'landing in the river.
Since m.'inv of the big universities of j His companion! first escaped from
the United Suites will be represented j i he water and drew hbn upon the frih
at Seattle next year iii the at hlct ic ( w i' h them, whence all were taken wifely
games, it is planrftd to have tents on to shore.
the grounds to represent each university Simon diet! aa hour after he had
nnd students will locate one reiiied I ie, probably from injuries
through regislen iu the big tent city. I received.
Southern Oregon Surface
Mines Will Break All
Previous Records-Outlook
is Splendid
It now seems certnhi that the. output
f placer gold from the surface mines
of soul hern Oregon will bo greater for
the present season than it has been
since the palmy days of pioneer min
ing. Kveiy placer mine, large and
small, is in full operation. Kveu the
"dryd ggin's" which hnvo not been
worked for many seasons, nr this year
giving up their golden treasure.
The harvest of gold jH already pour
ing in from the smaller properties that
have had cleanups. The local banks re
port an unusually heavy purchase of
virgin gold, ami the express company
has made many shipments to the mint.
The surface diggings in Josephine coun
ty nlono will produce fully $00,IHK),
and the figures may reach 7r0,000 for
the season. There is no menus of ns
cerlaining the exact output, ns n grent
cumber of the minora ship their gold
direct to the mint.
Big Returns for Davis.
Twenty tons of ore milted at the
Willow Springs mine as ti test gnvo
returns f $u'M. The Willow Springs
is located in the (lold Hill district. It
is the property nf (ieorge Davis. Jack
sonville banker, but is operated nnd
managed by Poster & Co. The man
agement is ho wtdl pleased with the
showing the property is making that
additional equipment nnd ore reduction
machinery will be installed.
1 1 is piile evident that the Hluo
Ledge copper mine of upper Applognto
district, tin the Oregon-California, line,
will soon be as active as it was be
fore, the suspension of operations Inst
full. It now seems certain that a large
smeiler will be built on tlin property
Ihis summer, preparations being well
under way for the ct.nstruction of ft
p'tluction plant. The Blue Ledge Min
ing company, of which Itobert K. Towne
of New York in manager, is replacing
t he men dismissed lest summer. A
Ii rge crew is at work in the mine nnd
al I he camp.
Put haiiau, special American commission
er to Venezuela, has signed a protocol
with that government, for the adjudica
tion of the disputed claims between
the two countries, thus paving the way
for a final settlement tif the issues that
led lo a rupture of diplomatic relations
la:d spring. Ilecnus" of lack of detail
id dispatches, officials of the stato de
partment prefer not to make any state
meiit touching ho results except to
say (hat the Associated Press dispatches
from Caracas accurately indicate what
has been achieved.
Thr daims go to The Hague tribu
nal for arbitration, the fourth is to he
settled by a niiuiII cash payment, ami
the fifth has been nettled directly be
tween tin- Venezuelan government anil
the claimants. The protocol in eipiallv
sat isfactory to the United States nnd
Venezuela. It hiivh the dignity nnd
1-onor of Venezuela, while as for Amer-
(he t roublesome claims that have
led to ho much negotiation are disposed
MoNTAfil'K, Cal., Feb. 15. Word
was brought here yesterday afternoon
of the sudden death at noon yesterday