MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREflOX, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1i)0fl. IF you want a PLASTER that will not crumble or crack, and that will not lose its strength, use Acme Cement Plaster If you want NORTHERN PROFESSOR HUNT'S DOG AND MONKEY CIRCUS. At the Bijou Tour Nights, Commencing Sunday, February 14. NEW YORK TO HAVE BIG MAIL SYSTEM M-:V YlHtK, IVI. 13. P.mtiiKisl.T General Meyer's visit tu this city was productive of the appointment of a commission to consider the congest ion in the New York nmtol"t'ic mid dovisi means for relieving it :ind of :i state ment from the post mast it amoral of 1 i h purpose to make tins city's facilities for handling mail unsurpassed in the world. At n conference pari ui paled in by Mr. Meyer and departmental off ieinls from Washington with Postmaster Mor gan and his staff t aides were pre sented showing that the mail matter handled at the Xew York posloffice for n given si x motil lm weighed 1"! ,;t."il , 766 pounds, of which o.Itli.'i.U is pounds wan local business. The mail matter handled in 'hicago and Philadelphia together during the same period weigh ed S1H.32.1J 19 pounds The Xew York post office single-handed took care of nearly m; much mail as nil these states and territories put to get her: .Alabama, Arizona. ( 'aliforuia. Georgia, Indian Territory, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland. M issii-sippi. Ne vada, Xew Mexico. North Carolina. Ok lahoma, South Carolina. Tennessee, Tex as, T'tah. Virginia ami West Virginia. "My purpose,', raid Mr. Meyer, "is to formulate a plan so t hat t he bun dling af the mail in X'ew York city will not be surpassed by any city in the world. Such a plan will also proe of benefit to the other cities in the United States, because eventually they will have to ndpt similar methods; but this being the great center, it is important and neeesary that we get it established here on th" best possible basis. ' ' JACK THE PEEPER" CAUGHT BY GIRLS NORTHAMPTON'. Mns., Feb. Kt. With the sentence of a vear that was imposed on William Peeps in the local court, there was made public a story that convulsed thin town and placed t halo about 1 he beauties of Smith college in the effort to catch a ".lack the Peeper." who was Peep-.-. This peeper has b en the 1 the girls' exist-n.e f.T a In nit :i ..f unnit h Trap after Iran was t cnt.h him. hut hf v:is wary At Inst Hi.' L'irls .1 1,1 escaped them, led up"ii Spartan int'iisim1. Tin- ip-M "i f tli- "!!'!' -' in Vtnr. 'I li. r." n 1 1 . I.1..W li-. tl.r win-l w.-i liiiti-r c . I :tM'l tli- lt w ;i whippili- ;i.-r"s tli- roll.-- L:!"'ii..l'i. It whs ii. t.. ill- irirU in tl.- II.iMi-M liruisP, ..I:- of ill- ilnntii.!"i ". t. I. .ar tho major J.atl of tli1; ..f a..r--li-ndini; tli- n... tin n:i! n.:.-r.--ai.t. Tb cirlf on III- u.p. r floors 1-fl lh-ir sir tain up att-r ll- y l::i I nnoi- pr- para tion f-.r r-tirii.i:. Int-a.l of to hf-i th ior!. 1,1 " nii-'bti. " r.-uia 1 nnrakr an. I al" ar tli- win.lotv. Tho poopor i.lncM a la.l.l-r iijuiii't tho huil.lltic '" "l" r""f- lip fp.ntM hi. ' on tli- ravi.liine hoautio. and tlo ir t :! . l'.T two hour, tlio firl ;n II- .:ui. . i Hhnut like fairii-. ar,.nii.l a May p.,io. pn.i witli just A trifl- in-r- ati.r- than fairiei are lupposnl to to place your LUMBER BILL where you will get FIR LUMBER, and sure of delivery at right prices see IRRIGATION CONGRESS TO MEET IN SPOKANE Sl'oKAN'l-:, Wash., Feb. lit. Amer ican I trigat ion Federation, which has vhv-presidoiits and member.; in prac tically every state and territory where water is applied to lauds by scientific mea:., will meet in annual convention in Spokane on Angmil S, the day before the 17lh national irrigation congress in formally organized by President (ieorge l. Harstow of Man tow, Tex. (i. L. Shumway of Scotts Bluff, Neb., chairman of the executive committee of the. federation, conveys the foregoing in format ion in a lett.-r to li. Imiinger, chairman of the local board of control f the congress. Mr. Shumway adds it is likely that t he governor of Nebraska and n rep- esentative delegation interested in re initiation and forestry in his state will ttend the congress, lie urges that ad oca tes of private irrigation enterprises. the Carey act and other matters of similar character and scope be given a full hearing, saying that the good points of all ure certain to be brought out in spirited debates. 13,000 ACRES SUBSCRIBED ON GRAND RONDE PROJECT I, A GKAXDK, Or.. Feb. Hi. One thousand was subscribed to the acre age required to swing the big irriga tion project in this county yesterday, when a man named Bart en of Wasco threw 1000 acres of his 1000-aere tract east of La Grande into the irrigation subscription. This, added to what the promoters already have subscribed, makes about. 1H.000 acres on this side of the valb v, which will insure the pro lei-t when a few more hundred acres :to added. There has been somo land i'.ibscribed in the Sandridge country that is not included in this total. While then1 are several .loo acre subscriptions ;.t the 2n per acre rate, few of 1000 a. res have been taken. PROSPECTOR GOLDEN VERIFIES LEWIS FIND SEATTLE. V:ih., F-h. 13. Accord .iiL- to cliarl-s (lohlon of H-attlo, a .el. run pro.-tpo.-tor of tho west, n do I ..sir of fr mill i ni; -ol.l or- fivo miles wi.l- and oijilit miles lorn, which may i .mo on- of tho most important in li.. i-oiiiitrv. lia li.'-n di.onvorod noar Mavti.l.l. I.oivis count v. Local nMayor l.avo th- ro. k and find that it runs Irom o c-nlH to $so n ton. TWO BODIES POUND IN . RUINS OF $500,000 FIRE ( III' Alio. lVk Two l.odi-:. w-rc :.., ..v I -day tho ruinn of th-';..a-li railroad hoii-. whiidi I.urnod l i.'-l.l with a !-" of"(i. A l.ird i l" lo".ol to I... hidden l.y ho d.l.ri' "ii- -f I'-' Hod io r-covcr-d . t iv . !v ..! uliti-d as that of T l.oina M:i! a watchman. Mah.n'- . s,...,,. .1 to h .v- I'-" hi lif- i" an ..tid-av..r to reach 111- f;r- alarm hoi in he liuildiiiK atfr th- fir- had gaincl .ri-at ii-adwav. Tho M. ili.-.1.-1 -l.rrh. il.r..i.L'li it vii-.n :u. I pupil, nil v.'r II... I'inl.-l 1 tat". will -Tlvoni-.. tl..- rrlieiniK i,,r. . "f III" Al.-i.Vn,n P.-i.-if - puiition in ritaltle m l'."1.'. SHERIFF HAS CLUE TO FUGITIVE BRUTE SAX IIAIWKL, Cal., Feb. PI. Miss Klizabeth Grapes, l!l years old, who was rendered unconscious by a blow on the head and maltreated by n thug here Saturday night, regained her compos ure sutlieiently today to give Sheriff Taylor a fairly close description of her assailant. Tho sheriff aayH he has a good clue and expects an arrest today. '1 he girl says she scratched the face ot tho man. The polico have a linen col lar belonging to him, but refuse to tell what laundry mark it beam. It is be lieved the man who committed the deed escaped to San Francisco, and it is known the sheriff's search has turned toward thnt city. The condition of the girl, who was left nude and suffering severely on the doorstep of a house, is still serious. HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blendine of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our erpert decorative specialist will visit your city loon. Without ohli gating you he will discuss the fur nishings for your new home. Write lor puueulari J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets FORTLAHD. ORFCON Sin li Rooms Furnished Tastefully F. OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Solo agent in Jacltson county for tlio STIDKUAK KK LINK ')!' AUTO MOBILES. The now E. M. F. Stu t' lwilicr, :!0 Iwrs.. powci, four -y 1 i n . I .-r medium price Touring Car Iiiib won tli-; rccuk'iiitiou unci u.lmir;itic.u of all maobiniots and has t.rovon itBclf to 1m- h mn:irl;!il!- vehicle for Hlronytli, speed and durability. Now goods in nil linen will arrive in the cnume of next month at the Studebaker warehouse. MEDFORD, ORBOON. SEE US oess, choice buiild ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COr.VTV liAXK KUXi. n rmnr? A fine stock exhiliit is assured for Seattle next year during the progress of the Alaska Yukon I'ucifv exposition. Ill very fair association .u Itritl.sii In lumliia and Hie northwest will he rep resented. The stock show will he held two weeks, commencing Soph-inhcr t!7. My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor If you are looking for a eood busi CLEVELAND BROKERAGE FIRM GOES TO THE WALL CI.KVKI.ANI), (., Keh. Kl. T-ain precht ItroH. & Co., liankeiH and lirok crn( filed a deed of assignment 1u the insolvency court, today. Tho assign ment wna made to T. II. Itushncll. Tin asset were staled to ho jf."0.lH.i) alutve liahitities. YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fare. Tho law of tie common carrier compels equal rated on all railroad linei YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex pcusoa and Fatigue by iiiHlHtlng on Iho shortest route., fastoit trains and best service. Simply sco that your ticket reads, via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and In ion Pacific Every facility for tho safety and ncconinmda tioii of th." priHscuer is provided, Jv. change f cars in ncenHary lr IMmi ver, (inaha, KaiiHas City Chicago. Iinet ronnec tions are for all oth or points east and south A. H. KOHKNKACM, Aent, MM ford. WM. McMUBEAY, OcnerM Passenger ArciiU POKTLAND, OE. Savoy Theater TONIGHT - SATURDAY STK'ONd CO.MKDV HIL'Ii "A AI,Ii WOOI- (iAK'MKXT" All wool mid a vii rd wide for niii'lli. "Til I M l'KK'SOX A T( K"S .) ( ) K MS ' ' A not lior liMilinriiiili. LATKST lUd'KTWATIOD lA'HIC. "T1IH FISIIKKMAN'S IJIVAI' A bcuuilftil son story. Admission, 10 cents. F. J. Skewli (i. E. Hilninurr Rogue River investment Co. FRUIT Sub-Divldors &nd Dovelopors Eoguo River Valley Or chard Lands. .'hii:-e fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and laryo tinrta, for sale. Wo plant and caro for orchards and guarantee, property to tie a h k presented. Experience Not Necessary for those who purchase through us. They socuro tho adviso and services of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yens has yxceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in tho Kogue Hirer valley, record ciops, record paeUH, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon 1 (Jj MISDFOKI) SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 12291. Wimluw I'rampn, Oak Vennercd Doors, willi UbtcI Plate, orried in Itock cheap. Uffii e Fiilnri., and all kinrls of Man io Mill Work, including Turnd Work am Fancy Orilli. F STHKKT, HKTWKKN SIXTU AND S KVENTH 8T BEETS. 0RT0N1A MOTEL N Take the Tribune for News (E A. C. K.nd.H LANDS yOU OUGHT TO KNOW the excellence of th-J meals that are cooked ut the Kmortck Cafe if you haven't already rogak'-l yourself with Home, of the doliciou& diehes tint are served bere. If you hivou't partaken of them, there is a troat awaiting you that you will waut to repeat often. A meal at the Kmerick is an experience that will make you -c;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Opon All NlgM PORTLAND OREGON llODERH COHFOBT HODKKATB PrJOU ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND Tlio Tourist Iloudquirtors of Columbia Valley ENOAGE ROOMS SlItl.T FOR THE AfA8KA YUKON EXPOSITION A. a NORTON, Mum'