THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. PREUON'. SATURDAY. FEBRUARYS- 1S"9- APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of 7KIXK THET SEE CXXVE1 iMedford Daily Tribune i JUST RECEIVED A New Luie o: YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Lari.'est Coror..ou-ial Nursery In tne Pacific X"orthwT. Xo'. m tie combine. Competes with all first-elasa nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD. OEEOOS. Official r.ijvr of tho City of Mod font. Pubhsliod fvrv eveninc oxoopt Suv.d.iy. M E D K O R D V 1" H 1. 1 S 11 1 X U C O M V A X Y CwYkv.- IVrx v. Editor and Maimer. SCKEVE Or PANJLKA 'Aa,V V. N V'-. :t f,i:; f Xi-t -.A vi u tic tnrily Ntwmi :i fi.'.i S.u 5vaj.i. . ..-ts: V w K a :.-. T -t .It'lw. ;lu' .-. u - a ri ut ii Tl.- A.v.i.-.. i :l.r.-.t .-i. in rxi- '. : :n 7.-.: ro i w Tri"- .1 .'; i. i -T - HSJv" . .,. -. t Vl.v i W o; '- i i - '. t't1 . l .- :tk 1 iv .:r-T i " l-t i " ' c 'x itk ; O.' Sf O: t ' r m 1 ' T O. f ... i - ? ? -- ' .'-3 i! V - i. . ; . a.-;. o Tf t- ).i l.-Il TWO 7--.X- "i f-l1' rvi:-' . i "...t .1 J- i : - : i v' t j ; 'v is :itii: 'it :Tf .-.'f O r J-li Mantel and Lf3Vall CLOCKS IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER Admitted as So.vr.d-Ch- Matter va the ltof;.v at Mtifrd.Orvo?i. Sl HSi KUM loN RATES: I4X r '.". e.i r.u.': ' rj: i . The rv;:dev.: "f tho Or.. ht:u" .v"ui' 1 issued his Mour.iat rvj-rt. a bv.'.kv . tc s aw jv:v. Thow :s :v.t:. h. h- r. i ;:.: r ins: r.:;ttnv to iv four.,'. :v. it, a :t dehri.sts :v.. tr.e ; vav.taco of tho ; co. ;r.d t :;o st-.e:..v.o. . -:k ts for tho youth of the state. Tho work hi. h tho .. o h.'.s '...:der..wv. vs '.- ' ; oMtfiv.l to a tho .:.c of str..:-v.t r.vr.ce ttvv.i to -h t.'.o average rv-irvse: to. h ; eats -t ace. Tho . of :-;.:, r.: th-- thTT. Tho two t:v :;. ar " ( ;rs i .'.co. .-.v. ". 1. o t r ".::' '. f-. ' o: : . ! av . Wtli VASS ?TTT W-RETtE UXCVUX WAS XOVTV ATE.0 H'. I ' i'f - '.A 1-.' i -l-L. ot.-v-i ;f t v.-.-'l ,--. -.1 1 . I. HOW t. ) '. MTL T IT. IS. If Ar,!. - O: 1: T.1 'X 7 t :v '. . "1 i.ox '....( ".. o- '.. thov U;v; i - i t 1 ! 'I' ."-n UtvhAV' O.T" o ; ...'.. r v.c U;. yes. o h.: :s. : th.: .0 T;V. of tho y sv v .v...:.h ' ; ;1 'O !. V i -i - i -v '"' i -,i I - '. 'ii. --; . - i V . -r .. it ,.!. ." I . , , -i . vi -i.o j m -I" '--- i- i- More Light ior Less Money Sirtv-thrw jvr ooct of eleotrio ourrer.t saved by uii:g TI XGSTEX LAMPS. ;-2 CAad'. Power EcUson Lamp Wfs 110 Walts hour &r:d wouhi cse ta :cco hrs. 110 Kilowatts h:c5 iKihuatt ar Tungsten Lamp 40 WattS rriour arc wcc'.o sis is :cco hours 40 Kilowatts ahich a: ice a Ki'.c- Xet Saving :v hours is favor of the Tungsten Laxnp Rogue River Electric Co. S,.:sK-rs to Cop ier Witer i Power Co Office 2..V, Ysi Srvoiiti Street. Phone Xo. ?.5. Or-txs:: the B EI-tr Stcs. Medford Iron Works E G TUOWBRIDGE, Proputtor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Fi;2"i , Spraying Outfit", Pumps, n :V-! and Machinery. .iPi u ;i vthem Oregon for " YaIRBAN K. MORSE & CO. Hig&est Atiainnient ia Systematic Baskisg Sn1 t.-u-fx-: . i. tiJ xg is- Ah . : ': f Vl l i.i ' ri.' -. n Kith ;n to. A .-rct o.. ;.S WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON OfSce in Jackson County Bank Upstairs -ii .-.1. -i -la : li " -I -I.. t. ' II l.:i - t.l. hen Vou Think 0: Shoes Think of McDonald y.-v; '.. t "i.oi -o-f 4.v.k'; W hen ou w ant to know any thing special h;.ut SHOES A Farm for S10 Sunny San Luis YaIIe OF COLORADO FREE TRIP TO EXAMINE LAND vr y; havi ::v::'h:r a '4iku TK A "T IX To THl X FaT: NTaIX 1XG 10 TO 1000 ACRES rrhs fat:.: at -o xaoh $10 C-ash and $11 Per Month! No ixt :?. 7: xotaXF.: h : f.n vx t J. ?"r-.Ji.'vr tt.'. vot-rir-'.j: "i-. ih .. ..' i-vts " 1 .o.'r To-C- SAN LUIS VALLEY LAND AND IRRIGATION CO. C. W. McLXW'ALD .. . ; i.i.i 3 T.i. i T T,- ...-vi.-. v i ; . rs ... TBI MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK inrrn t capital - - s-sc. :o: Icifi Frr Ef-v A Gf rf -lII Lrl- lih BLOW i-.'iT1'' i-iiiJH-lf. A Ctrtritid i TLf -r: liii k ;Li:.rji : :irt .Tr J. A. Kreazer 6 Co. Importers andTailore ) h- ;-1 r r - Local Confidence o f t l I i iVtb EcIT (if tfce Btsl Tints n tbf narltt tkis niihtr lit ;c: 1c;-a1 eiTisei-s hez :t cffcTS. Did of ihirz f Tike gur r ihrv s,re tie hDa is o- -the Terge i:f a tell -srhv this ii ROGUE RIIR LAND COMPANY -- --- : ; hi.: llr-if. ri. O-con. TLn. "3rcnc "Kantf ten Isaacs Its.'n.c'-r "Vnt: tiitl XIcrtoi Compare the Quality a.: it t aur la;. Tm 'XI BALfW OCT l.T V k & rrr Allen & Reagan Oroceriis. Chinaware, Fruit and Feed ii !