Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet . : " , i Znbum. The Weather UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By far the largest and beat newi report of iDJ papal in Southern Oregon. DIMM Kaii weather is premised for tonight and Sunday, wit h temperature higher. Kastorlv winds. No. 281. CRATER ROAD BILL IN SENATE NEXT WEEK mm THIRD YEAR. . ww ' " : BOOSTERS HOUSE OPPOSITION WAS NOT STRONG Expect Senate Committee to Make Unani mous Report in Favor of Passage of Bill -Vote in House Was 42 to 17 and Not 45 to 14 as First Announced Crater lako road boosters returned from Salora Saturday and report chances for the bill passing tlio senate excellent. The bill is now in the hands of the senate .oads and high ways committee and a unanimous re port in favor of the bill is expected. Unless unforeseen complications arise, there is good prospects of the measure passing the upper house before the end of the week. NAI.KM. Or., Fob. Kl. Hy a vote ..f 1L' to 17. house loll 221, apprnprint- ine; $l(IO,nKl to aiil in 11 (instruction of a wujjoii mad from Medford to Klam ath Kails via Crater Luke passed tlio house of represenlntives yesterday. Many s lies were mode liotli for ami jijrainst the measure, the opposition coiu ing from the valley counties principal ly. Most of the speakers ftivorinK the bill emphasized the faet Hint the pro ject was an all Orooon one anil bene- ficial to the entire stale. 1 he voles lor the measure came from all parts of I ho slate. Tlio ball, ilcbalo, vh Arthur foi inp; followed an interesting h was led by Speaker Mr the bill. Others speaking for the ne-asure l'urdin ami Mill. ,vere Hcprosentntives of .larkson. I'nrroll. Urady and Mahone of Mnltuoinali. P.rnoks of Ontario. MeKinney of Ba ker. Calkil s of Kuyene. MeC f As toria. Carter "f II 1 Kiver. Conch of St. Johns, llarrett of I'matilla. .Iiioiot Mid .McDonald of Multnomah and Mini cy of Curry. SpeeeheF r-.n,ainst the bill vere made by Jones anil l.iu.'oln of l'olk, who had promised to support the lueasnre; Camiliell and Uimi.'k of Ore (jon City. Cnnyers of Columbia. Hryalit of Multnomah and llnindna of I. inn. Opposition Led by Jones. The oonnsition to the measure was l,.d l,v Jones, who declared that the bill was an unfair dis.-rimiiiation against (he people of his district and that a road should be built to the sen side to Devil's Lake, end to other scenic spots that he knew of. liiniini. k made B vehement speeeh against the measure, i-laiming that there was no piarniitoo that either llarrimau or the 1 niti'd States (toveniment wonhl assist in the of the 1 1. Campbell do flared the measure unconstitutional and threatened the referendum: ltryant of Multnomah said thai it would tfive liar :... f,.,.r ,lollors for everv one dollar that was returned to the pi ......... It,-.,. ..Ion of l.inll stated ,. of the that it ,-,,'l,i be a sinful wa-to of the taxpay ers' money to build roa.b was notliiiic but scenery tl..,t it would be much b where there and air and Iter to take the money and ennst-uct hiolnvay f.,rm,.r to haul wheat ever. II for II llglie f Salem objected to the appropriation priati. unless definite pl-l2es were rereix. from llarriman and the "ov.rnmei.t. Debate over the bill lasted an nor .,Vr for the measure rtweliinn ui the benefits that vrnnld I ire gon from making it' '"ost scenic accessible. The eol.l.'n nan nnnuallv bv California ihr.oi st reapi rough the V c,.,,,ite the ..root advertisement it be to OreL'nn to have tens of thousands f people yearly traversini: the state all j.. ...,.;,, dollars a!,, ne their path, and the beauties of Crater Lake, the only . ;. kind !n the World, were in se - ..-;-ta Mcirlv broueht out r.v t lie spent The bill will now come up in the srn ate and be reported PacK nv uie roan and high nvs committee and will prot ,,lv he made special order f-.r Mon.lav T i,. nf 6 t1 week. S. n'im. nt in .'i .,t .reins favorable to the inea ure. Chances of its passing are ,.,.i;m, Vote of the Home. The following wa the vote of th .u.e on the lull: ..,.. U.bott. Altni.m. ltn'rrett. Reals. Bean. Il' dilben. n-'lknap ..,F-,Ve Bowman. Hones. Tlra-ly nr..l.. Buchanan. naioi. , , r. Carter, Ommfos, Corrida, Couch, Da BACK WITH SPLENDID NEWS REGARDING ITS PROSPECTS f vis, Doilds. Kiiton, Hnwloy, II mi's, .lac hit, Malinno, Mahnii"y, Mann, Mariner, Medio, McDonald. Mi' Kinney, Miller. Miiusoy, Ortnu. I'alton. I'urclin, Rel ii.iI.Im, Ifichnrdson, Husk, Smith, M, Speaker. Total, 42. Noes llranilim cif llnlsi'.v, llryillit (if Portland, Cntuplicll if Orc'tton City, Con of Clntskaiiie, Dimick of Orejon Citv. I'arrell of Portland, (ireer of Hills- boro. Ilatlenlieru of Silverton, Huehe .,(' Salem. Jackson of Morrow, Jones ,,f Lincoln and Polk Jones of Oreejon Citv. linnenweber of Astoria, Libli of Jefferson, Meek of (lleneoe, Mnn kers of Albany. I'liilpot of iliirrisburg. Total. IT. Absent, Jones of DangliM. The bll for three normal schools pass ed the house by a vole rightly differ in,; from the above. The same element nii.l the same leaders that opposed the Crater Lake bill led the opposition to the normal school bill. Campbell anil liiniinick beinir the principal speakers against I he Ashland normal. They threatened the referendum and both l-i-'ved themselves In be enemies of southern Oregon and of progress! veness. GENTLE WIFE OF GYPSY FIDDLER DIES IN CAMP VIKNN'A. Feb. n. Countess lima l-Ystotirs. daughter of Count Paul l'Vs-telii-s. who two years ago married lludi N'varv. a gvpsy fiddler, died near here vesterday. Three days ago she gave birth to a child and tiie gypsies among whom she slu' lived failed to summon iwilienl as- child livcl only stance lor lier. u few hours. Count Paul I'estetics is a member of .e of the proudest families in Aus- ho tiinr- na. iweniv-uve .-.ns .1-- ..:..,i wil o-onna l-ireti womiin nt eat beauty, but humble position. ne ,.l n InrL'e fortune. Austrian society fused to receive her and nil and went to live in mV h'fl ('mint DIRECT PRIMARY BILL IN COLORADO HOUSE iF.NYF.U. Col.. Feb. H. The first rtiou of the Hieki direct primary .ill. which provides tor the nominam-n f state, county and city offices by fli er! vote, vest-rday pad the house ,v a vote of ,t7 to 2o, The senate nc .'pted the report of the committee on j.idieinrv on the toll, wlncn win come fore the sfna to today. A desperate ;ht on the bill if expected in the sen ate. $100,000 FOR A NEW MARINE HOSPITAL W SHIN0ToN, Feb. Lt. The sen .,.,,;ttne on commerce today or I red fner;.ble renort mi a bill ap ..r..,.n!ll I HI' mi 000 for the construe- t-oii of a new marine nospmn tn. -.'.. I'raneiseo. The eommittee reported an :,.nen.lnient to the sundry eivil serviee loll to provide for the rotKtnietion of a lioht tali"ti on Klia I'land. Belling 1 on Lay. Va-h(Si.'ion. . BATTLE LABORERS PLEDGE MONSlf SKATTi.K. Wah.. V.h. 13. A thou ami dollar n -ai.d ore.miz.d lel.or here to f:Clit th" :.oaint lioniper". Mitehell ami Morrison, who yere senteneed to prison for e.mtempt ..f court. At a lueetioi! la-t iHL'ht Ih" labor leaders condainned the itntence. FISH BILL IS SOREJ PASS Delegation Brings Glad Tidings to Local Sportsmen-Will Benefit Stream Mayor Canon, V. M. French, (1. Put nam and C. L. lleames returned Satur lay from Salem, where tlley have beel vvorkfiug in the interest of the Crater Lake road bill. Tliev feel confident hat the measure will pass the senate lhi week. Mayor Cuuon states that the chances of the bill's receiving it favorabl port from the senate committee on roads and highways are excellent anil that its consideration will be minle n special order of busiuss by the senate early III the week. The bill of the Rogue Hiver Fish Pro tective association closing the Rogue and its tributaries to trout fishing cept with hook and line, has passed the house and been favorably reported to tin- senate and will be passed today or Monday. It was amenileil slightly in title by the senate committee and su will have to be passed on again by the house but its passage is assured. The bill places the stream under jurisdic tion of the master fish warden, instead of the game warden, as other streams are, which is regarded as a great advan tage for law enforcement. The compromise bill, introduced by the Josephine county deelgation, clos ing the Hogue 1o salmon fishers from August la to May lo. leaving but three months' seining in the stream and clos ing the Illinois to seiners, has passed the house and been favorably reported (o the senate. It will pass the senate today or Monday. The new game code passed by the sen ate and which will probably be passed bv the house, provides an open season throughout Hie year for hook .and line fishing on the Rogue ni'.l ils tributaries. The Rogue River Fish Protective asso ciation bill providing an anglers' li cense of one dollar has been in eorpo rated in the game code, bill will be I'ouglil in the house, because it gives the license monev to the game warden instead of to the master fish warden as Hie bill originally provided. Mayor Canon was one of the princi nal witnesses before the house commit lee considering thn local option bill and told of the workings of th charter. Medford STOCKTON SUICIDE WAS FROM KENNETT STOCKTON', Call Feb, Kl. The man who committed suicide on the street last night by shooting himself wan iden tified today as Tom McCarthy, former ly of San Francisco, lie had been min ing recently at Kennelt, Shasta county. He stated to friends recently that he had lost $:i0 in Nevada ami that lie proposed to end his troubles. APPRAISERS TO DECIDE THE CAVIAR QUESTION CHICAGO, Feb. Kl. (Jovernment np-I praisers are to no rosponsmie mi (u-- interpretation of the meaning of car iar whether it is fivh or eggs. If appraisers comprising the New York board decide caviar should be consid ered eggn, n duty of 3 cents a pound T-ill be, exacted. Importers of the deli caey are trying to impress upon the r.ppraisers that caviar ought to enrne under the fifth "not specially provided lor" in the tariff laws. 1 i MONSIONOK htiwwtui mi OET CLEVELAND ruT - HOME. Feb. 13. A consintory of the - congregation of cardinals was held this - 1 ihorninif under ' ardina lie i,ai It in re ported tnal Uie vaeanev in i lie .o-....oo ot Cleveland, O.. wan disniHsed and that it wan derided to propone that the pope Hppnint Mon.ignor Kennedy, roc. tor of the Ameriean eollege here, to thin pot. The rumor, however, i, im possible of yerifieation. NO TUNDS TO MARK OLD OREOON TRAIL I.IS'I UI.N. N.l... r-. l.'l The hon ;e ,,f t'-pre.entati' e of the N'. l.ra.ha ley i-ir-tiire today indefinitely postponed a l.i'l nppropriatinir fund lo itinrh the rirofon trail in Velir.ikn. Memher, nf ..1.,. limorhler. of the Aineroun Itevolu ij,,n chivini'ione.l the hill. RAILROAD 50 YEARS OLD Burlington Officials Cele brating Opening of First Road West lllfooKI'IKLD, Mr., Feb. III. Fifty of in r were St. Jo nillddv years ago ,i,lav several liarrels from the Mississippi rive transported from llulliiilial to ph and emptied into the si n:im of tin1 M ihhuiii'i. 1 lua was dm I'Ybnmrv IS.'d), ami thn w;itcr was f:irriti .'uthsm t ho I arri'n wastrs nf nortlit'rn Missouri hy tin first railroad train thai had rvi'r tni'tlt' tin1 cutiiiU'ti trip over thai Htrrlrh of ti-rritory. The railway was tlio lluniiihal and St. Jo seph, now a pari of tin- Hurlinton sys tem, and il was t lie first to unite the two urea test rivers of the cont inent. Today the off irinta of 1lie lturlin(jton j system are meeting hore to eoinniemo rate the road's half century of life. Although tin1 road was only n lillle ; over iHi miles long, its const met ion was looked upon as the greatest engi neering feat of the century. When completed in lvi!, Mnmtilinl was a vil lage of the character described at "St. Petersburg" in "Tom Sawyer." Ten veers before St. Joseph had been known to river men as only a lauding. The towns between were smalt. There were whole counties that could be entered at $.2t an acre, (ioveruor How Stewart was the Colonel Sellers who saw millions in it and he managed to associate himself with eiuMigh men of kindred spirit to make the project of butlding the road a success. Some .pieer notions were promulgat ed by those who opposed the road. Some s:;id it would furnish an easy avenue of escape for fugitive slaves. One man uho had been a representative said they couldn't run the steam cars in muddy weather because their weight would bread down the roadbed and that ox teams were surer for freight. Another man said the fire from the engine stacks would burn all the farm ers orchards and meadows. An officer nf the claim department recently ob served that judging from the bills filed the last man was th- best prophet. When tin- pi "i- was pacified th" bushwhacker of the civil war ti s took : hand and for four years he made it a hard guess wlictlu r :i train would get through or not. finally blockhouses garris. d with soldiers were placed at all large bridges and a degree of pence followed, but an immense jiumiinl prop. rtv had been destroyed. WOMAN WHO WOULD WED CHINESE IS DEPORTED NKW, l'- -;; ,niv Mon is, who came here 1 ly from San Fra nciw-M with I he tinn of marrving t.e- Harker. a c no-reliaut t..dny by citizen. ot" rliri:i, was- deported the p as an nude abl The c bride se eauie l'i te pert' lestial am iind a he this city rm Ho- c I his intended white in etoria and a minister secure ninny, in ma 11 wa inn with tool; her Jt waswtuie fl,r iMT tlVer t I ., tii:i, the 1 j tn(jv J ' 1 th. lit Nig ergy- TAFT WANTS KNOX AT HEAD OF HIS CABINET WASMIN'liT'lN'. F'li. l.'l. -- Senator Male todav rorio.l the fallowing tel eL.rani from I',.- doM .'leet 'I'll'': I hop Ihat nr.. "ill pav.n a lull to re ve any doiild of Knnx'K eliU'iliillly. No doill'l a loll lo repeal the loll inereniini.' the wiltiry " tho ,.-.-retary "f Male will eflV-t the purpose. I .ili.enly hope that it will p:,v. I -hould i.o:,id thn lo-- "f Sen- r Kno duet a the fir-l at pol.lie PAIR Or NUMBER EIOIIT8 FITTED FOR PRESIDENT W ASIIIM. T" ,'ooev,-ll ' I Ill . an trip w r-- tit' l'i. r lo Tio -o. , . A I'ri p.. -i .1 I. -I:, dent I .1 I., V shoe. The an t'n nni' l I au4 lioloiail.d. Tl.-v are I, . Tie v .1 will. -.kin and Ilea waterproof. The president ' hi ..f them walerpiool. a n.l " no, moll lion and tents are r ady to I." pol " boar dthe stenmer the last of March. WE WOULD AID VALLEY Suggests That German Girls be Met With Good Looking Committee and Brought to Medford Some days ago th.1 Tribune publish nil mi article telling nf some too (ier maii girls win had arrived in New York mi t heir way to Oregon to find has bands. Now, it so happened that J, A. Westerlund of the Weslern Oregon Or chards company, who is in Chicago, no ticed the article in the laily Chicago Journal, and ever with an eve open to the development of southern tregon, clipped the article and sent the fol lowing letter forward. The art iclc reads: "New York, Fob. (J. Four hundred girls from Wurtemburg arrived on their way to iregon to look for husband Mrs. Freida Walberg, wife of an Ore gou Rhccpherdcr, is said to bo rcsponsi hie for the (rip. She raine to America a few year's ago and went to Oregon. Sli found a husband an I became so pros porous Hint she made a visit to h former home in Wurtemburg. She paint ed the virtues ot America so well tli (oil girls of Wurtemburg returned with her to seek husbands." Mr. Westerlund 's suggestions are: "Chicago, Feb. S. To the I'M it The enclosed clipping from I lie I hi Chicago Journal, Sntnrdav, Fehrunrv li will no doubt be int "i ist i ng to you certainlv ought to make everv bachelor and lonely young mini in Medford and Jackson county happy and joyful wnouglit to jump out of his boots. believe it Would be well lor Vour ex cellent Commercial club (which, by Ih way, is the most wideawake ami up In dateanad get t here club in the Cnit States) to see that a well selected ai good look ing committee would go a meet these heailHe-i and self sacrific ing lassies at smite point near the t mental divide. This committor- cotil easily induce a) ten 4) 'J'lit of them t enme to M ed 1 1 ltd a ml .lack son county Think what great value and benefit this would be In Medford and vicinil ten years from now. At our orchar east nf town 'J" bachelors wmiht with ; open anus and heartc welcome these 'blushing lassies, and be of everlasting obligations to your club for reiueml ing them with such precious gifts, "Yours tiulv. "J. A. WKKTKUU'M).' SEVEN PERISH IN DESERT NEAR SAN BERNARDINO I SAN UKltNAIthlNo, Cal., Feb. l.'l. Seven persons, three men, two wnnu and two children, are Inst in the d ert north of I'aggett and all may b-ad. A tinte fnund in an empty mato can nftived In the Inp of a stale (old .1. N. Wester, a lonely prosper that one of -till' ttinsl Hppallillg of the great desert tragedies was 11111111 U'lit. 1 1. Melrose. Ilowarl I.ane. Mrs. T. Ceurge Irish and M is. IrKh ami h two children left southern Nevada prospect through the is. da ted de. r.tinitry In haggetf iii this county. They evidently got off lie- main r m.'ir I Ma id; ranynii. MORE TROOPS TO OO OUT TO PHILIPPINES W AMIIMiTilN. I'.l Li final nr war de :iiioeiiienlt were made at the -;ii'tiio Nl today for the sailini; iaii-:noil Is ilpal 1 ieh from N'ei f the Vorl, 0:11 Iv iiexl ueel lioinul for Manila, l.y wav ot tin- Sue eanal, i eoatt ami held arlillerv ti 111B .1 to new fortifieatioiis :i liay. (ieneral l)m of taff of I lie am Kilpnllieh lo relie in I'lonmaiid of lh The Kilpnllieh nil all. oil April lo. Manila ami ill. litHiwIaul e, will sail 1 ul.i II the e fl.11.1al Weslo I'hilippine foree. inrive in Mani! BOY ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH MURDER IHiIM'i l.'l I. 11,'L'r.. I. i'. Mi-s. I'.l,. I;:. I. ..r Itol. Is v. ;t rs old. W!l' lharu"' "f mind I'.asl. in. Jirlesle.l rino the . I.odv a pond 11 I'r. W T. Mod-oil. li d Saturday nitfl.t ii ston- There U:iS or. ;,t ( I , I .-1 ,. 1 1 1 .it tune. I01I llepolv Sheriff Wilhi it.:, I.. .-1 Ihv pti-ou.-r to inil It is feared an ntletiipl t" I. the neoro will 'et be made. tin WARRANT ISSUED FOR ARREST OF GORKY ii ST. I'F.TKIiSltrttU, Feb. i:t. A warrant wits issued t inlay for the arrest of Maxim tb.rky, the celebrated writer ami tho leader of the revolutionary movo ment in Russia. This is believ ed to be 1 ho result of political agitation directed toward (!or kv. AS THE Bill rovides $25,000 Available Eadi Year for Four Years -From Idaho to PacWlG The text of the Crater road bill as ssed by the house in as follows: Fur nu acl appropriating $100,000 to id in the construction of a state road rum the Pacific ocean via I 'niter Lake he Idaho bounda'y, and to provide ' the appointment of 11 commission supervise I he expend i I ure of such ouiev and to superintend I lie construe mi id' such road. Me it enacted by the people of the ate of Oregon: lie it enacted by the legislative as I'liibly of the slate of Oregon: Sect inn I. There is hereby appro ri'iled out of ti 11 v moneys in the hands f the treasurer of the state of Oregon, ml imt ot herwUe appropriated, t he sum nl $Mlll, (Mil) tn to expended fur tlie pnrposo nf aiding in the construction of state mad from I h 1 Pacific ocean tn the Idaho hniMidnn' viu Craler Lake; he firs! sect ion of t ho road to be onstiucted to he from Medford, Jack mi count y, begun, In I he city of K la mat h Falls, K la mat h count v, I he- oil. Appoint a Commission. Seriioii l!. Whenever the governor f 'his state hndd be advise.) ihat Jack 11" count v lias appropriated the sum I ."n,(HiH d nid the construction of n I'.id in said cuiiuty I'rmii Medford, .lack sou cutintv, tn a pinn' na tlie west 1 1 ih f t he ( ascade forest reserve, on I hi mite tn Crater Lake, he shall appoint cuininissiun to be known as the Crater La ko road commission, I o consist nl u 1 nbers, two nf whom shall hi lents nf Jackson county, Oregon. nf Klamath count v, Oregon, ami 1 hereupon .10,01111 nf t he su mhcrchv appi'npriateil shall b" available for iisi .larks., Mintv. lL,.r.(lii the first ar ami jflL',. Kid ea'di succeeding vent r three years; 'led ilpnii Klaiualli untv aiuirupriating ,10,000 to aid lln 1. si 1 net ion nf a mad from Klamath ills to the east j f I lie Cascad rest reserve on the route to Crater the. .10,000 of tiie sum herewith ap propria led slin 11 he p vanatoe tor use a Klaiiiath ci ly. l'J,.loo (he first ce.-T and l'J,.Uil each su edmg year ('ii!' three years, Work for Lovo Only. St. r I inn :. That. ;-".id commission shall .eceie no cninpeiisat inn for their nc1-, except their actual expenses when engaged in I he biiinesit nf such :ne .tun. I he business ef said columis -non shall be to co operate wil Ii th enmity con Ms ef the several count lliiouoli which said road pasyep, and I h I 1 npe 1 federal authotiliev in the Mei tiou of a proncr and feasible route lot . mad that may be roimi met ed by th I d) ;t I mute t Ii rough 1 he government re rvi h surrounding rater Lake, ami te siii.erise tin- expenditure of sail! ,,,,, ,,1' tinu.oi.n ;ippmpi iated by Ih t.tte, the .flu. no appropriated by Jack -..ii count v, .h ' .".nnuu :.ppion-irit .1 bv Kl'i nail. id d nit. ol all other money! the oir I rile! ion ot nan oimhirie.- of j.iv i I eominiteioti sha III of cole.: 1 net ion I. Thai "I"" ahli'lied. :i noiiev shall 1 p-ii a 1 1 unity road I part shall I I01 1 .:i. 1 111; riu-l, of w: el CotllllllKKiOll'S on :,. That pr.-id.oit. who Duties. I'Dtumissio!! shall shall preside at oil IMO ' . ..p : and a secretary, who shall a 1.-...1.I of all proceed ili;s of the i-sioii, and accounts of all moil i.eie. .-lll'l expended I'V t 111' C-Otl 111. and shntl noil,.- a ipiarlerty re of all lianso.-.toiis of the com on lo l.e Iil-.l .11 the oftice of tile el:tl of e.-t mil I'.. Thai ill oo.tiev applopi lal lietentider shall !" paid out l.y the 1 of llo si.-ie upon the orders ton. In Is of the commission, siniie. tin- .ies..eiit and secretary. . . lion 7- Tio-e.oiitiiisii. ui shall tnak ne.dltil Miles or teoulat ions for th nsii.lioii of liusiiic-s. 1111. 1 ils place meetiiiK nh.'ill Medford, Jsokmn WAS PASSED LUMBERMEN M TARIFF Lumber Magnates Flock ing to Washington From All Sections of Country to Protest WASNINliToX, Feb. III. Tho un- l",ii"''" t made yesierday by the oou- gn ssiunal cmuiiiittco (,u ways and means that they were determined to recommend the ahnlilinn of the tariff on nil grades of lumber, hmiighi to this city today a large number of lumber men to lobby against the parage of such a proviso by congress. The lumber interests will uso tho nr- guineut that if congress adopts tho rec ommendations (he lumber industry will lean ti blow from which it may nrv recover. The lumbermen tiro par- icularl anxious to havo tho tariff pro- rved on I lie low grades. They sav h; l if it is ndiniltcd free the ( unudinn luinbermeii will flood the American mar ket. MAIL EMPLOYES GIVEN TIME TO MAKE DEFENSE WASHINGTON, i:,A(,u, upon ehaiui'B inude lieailmt three nffi- era of I lie orKanix.alions of poHlal ein loyes, rostmastei' (,'euenil Mover to- lay served noliee thai ho would ll.o. hem leu days in whieli to defend lliem. selves of the lilleL'llt ions of l.,l,l.ei 'fore eoiiKiess in the interest of log lation nll'eeliii,. postal emnloves. Tim oniplainls were made aeaiiml i'rank T. Iloners of Chieniro, iiresiilent of l, 1 Assoi'iation of Postal Uerka: NV i II in in I:. Kelly of Urooklvn nre.l. lit of I lie N' Assoeiiition of Iter rarriers, ami K. II. Itoherts of represenlini; the railway pin lerhs. SILVER BULLION SHOWS INCREASE IN PRICE NKW VllliK. I'eh. I.I. AeeordiiiK to slalements ley len.liii; dealers in silver II1011 in Ihis eily, I hero r 'lilly has en a decided improvement in the ilis- lositiou of Hie whil tnl. The pried ha advni d alioilt o eenls from tllil low level 11 ded early in the winter. I'M- hllKely, it is lielieyed. tn ilierense.1 oiisiiniplion of ineial in China and In- I'm. REVIVES RUMORS ABOUT PATRICIA AND TURIN NAI'I.KM, I'.l,. lil.Tho rumors of Hie euyanel I hetueen l'rilleess Pu- llieill of CounilllL'ht and the Conn! .if I'uriii. I.rolher of the Duke of the Aliriz 'i. are revived today l.y the Mnttino. This lielrolhal was opposed, it. is said . hy Kiiic Kdward. who was not ineline.1 to look with favor iition the efforts of the I in lie of the Aliru..i lo Miss Kalherine IMkins. MONTANA SOLONS MAY REGULATE SALOONS IIKI.KNA. Mont., hV,. l:i.Thi fen lure of todny's session of the house was the daptiou of a renort reeom. 11 n.l I II LT passaoe u lull whiih, if naeted inlo law. will close ilnmediate- ly all plnees where li.piors are s.d.t from 'he I rs of iiii.luiirM until 1; n. 11. An hotel, I'I'ort lo exempt. ,-ul,s and ailed. REPOR1 OF COLLISION OF WARSHIPS NOT CONFIRMED (IIIIIIAI.TAH. I'el.. III. liep.trts (hat the lieoiKia was in collision with an other liullleship of the Ainerienn flnet white en r.uile to America circulnteil here are no confirmed. Tho reports were orioinully published by Spaniah newspapers. CAPTAIN OF CZAR'S STAFF TO HANO FOR SEDITION OIM'SSA, I'eh. Kl.-Captain Nikctini of the oeiiernl staff has been condemned l.v a curl martial to death hy hunting, after li.-l vine; been found ejuilly of eon .Incline; revolutionary agitation liniolifcT the men of the army. coiinlv. tlrei;on. or Klamath Fnlls, Klnnl- :ltt Iv. Orej;ioi. l''our member, of tli,. I id shall cousritnte II rplorurn for the transaction of business. Section s. If a vacancy occurs in said commission I he ;oyeriior shall fill the saint) by appointment.