Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 12, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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If you don't hurry it will be GONE The big CHINA SALE still continues
Don't Miss this Great Opportunity
Medford Oregon
215 West 7th. St'
Medford Tea andCoffee House
Social find Personal
Mf. W. U Ut,;U-y i.t Ifiri... In.. "
pitying li'-r iUr, Mtt I,, I.. ,l;i..l.., ,-i
1'ht.ti yuit tifl'-rn ti.t i:w-'-t ttikiti i.t
It'ittt-rtrntk lo tl.e i-tii.n.i-ty. '
11. II. I'.ri,,! ..I V.f.nti-I.i.t: -
in f - ! I"-..! 7 ii..l .
(Hfl'-m tut BWit. tt'itm i,t butt'-mii!!
WM,,ty f;l.. I't.'.n" II.' i ti-imi-ty, '
:. a. .".;,.;!; ,r y,,..r,..-:
in M..f'.fl fii-.f-l.i- ..ft I......"..
Mr. ami Mr. ' . II i:-." II I... v.- .-r.
.r .. r l,..if.- .i. Ai..-r, ' so. 'I
my f'-t'ifn f'l l'.-;i". re fi ; f f. a n'-r
f UI.Ll.ui. m .' tt'.rti :., I: ':'!. f..i
tilf'S, Hi Molf-.fl -i,.;rif,:iv. 2"'
'A . If. V. :.M ,;,, . f. f..f fl ...: ,(,
l'i in. yl '. an iii,
I liiirln T'-rrill .7 (!., i,..',f. was -i
rf.-lii vmit'r in Mi
Auk l'i ' trin fnovif.g pot. iris :i'
M"lf'.rl I'l.ariuii. v. 'I''1)
tii-i.tyi- Il'illi.l.r of l-orll.-n.-l i. .i.
Miilfiif'l mi tiimiii'-.,
Krinsl Ki.Iiii..'.ii, .1 . I'uil.-i'.- n ml
I. .1. 'lirm-v liiivi- .-f fi.f Port In ml I.,
remain iii'li-finiii-lv.
H..I. Hi'. f.vir.t( l.ii'.in- :' II.'- M'-'l
furil Pli.'illi.ll'-V.
('i-ti r A..l' yule l.i riliirri"! ii
I I, ,, In Hil.rn.
Mr. ' I. Tf. ....... i. I.ii.l f ...... ;,
VlSlt III IlH Al.JlllH
A I'lirli.H'l i.f liin'r ji!l iiri.iv.l ill
barrels. Mi . If.,.. I l!.n I I '..inpiiiiy. L'-'i
f' W. H lnv.ntf i-i in M-.1
l.lll ruling In liis hi'l'i- lin.l.'f Imlil
P. A. Parrar i.t li l I II;. v in
Mulfonl Tl,.n..l;. '.(. I. ..-in. .. II.
r.-ii r. ..".nil .nil. r '. I 'II,. 'I ril.-ii..
Tr.e f..r ' .m-I smr.mer in
The Merchant of Venice." , ,..,..1 1..,,. , ,,.. ,,,. ,., ,
r.'-.i... I a '-;!!; stf-v t,,,., .,. .1 b. - b--n. says
- ut Ii' t. ifvf .lt.j,i fl-iri.1. -r...... nt .11,1.. anon. ff
' ' ''"'" ''-'"I'l.-it tl.-f. Kill I... .. I inf. n f.f l,ui
"- '-il' : f .'lli'-l '..'j.,,., .-in.) I,,,."... . ,t.r(,rnn
! I; II..1 I....I. Imif I..- j. , , ,,(. ,,, ,,,,Z 1;... , .i.ii.-ir
.,.,.,.(... -i.l --- i ..'...' '' .. ";'-' j,.. ,, ,r..;,.,,r,l,'v ,:,r.. t ,r.-i-t
. M. l' ..'l ''!-''" I'" '"- . r j..-,t ii..r.- ,!i I.'- 'i...n m.Ut.ntial
'i 'il ' l,,,,!,!.,,., .., m,,,.. ...... 11,; l,i,.,nr-M r-n
j n-r,ri..- Iri :i,.Im , W.tlnii tlii- ii'-xt Hi x
i, I. :.i,v IJ or L'I rnr,tU
l.r.'.rv. Tl;- f;il',ralil.-
..f Mr II . ' 'I -i .-!;.
-I , .. ' l.Z:ilf-li.Tit I ., ,,., ,,. .
.... , ,r, .- ,1 hr.l-f. Ml. tt,. v .if.- Ill
.... -I.; .- lini.iMt.
Mr. Il;,i,f..f l mij..v f-.lli,Kiri .ir-l.
.4 f . j,.;...r. i.'.ii I.'.. 'i.t, M.rii;.'..' .1 a.
, , I, . .,:.. i.f I.., ... tl..
I, -.-.r ;.. u i.t .;.;.. r-i'.n
1, .1 i.f (.-. ,:i- nr.'. ;i.. !-.f.t.-l ti. tl.i
. i,.,....- ..i,. .- I.v In- ;;" .i;.n-'- u,a ,.r i(.v ar. . i, .,.,!? . ,i,. 1 r-rt ly. ti.
ti. ..f ,l,.t..ii'.-I ai,. i x) ,).;, ,.y,. n i Vntr.-il I'.iint for
hi,; r. in.-... t., I,- .,ff. fi -I. Mr. linn ,, ,;, , .... , ... , ,.wn
f.,-1 Li. . 11,;.. I- i, '-' "? !...( a f.r.t rla.n .., .,i, l......lf.
f .-, II. ti.- f; I .
,. .;.l- I.- ,l;.v
,.iti,..,V, f..r tt,i- iii.f.illa
-itt'-r V'tw.'
.iinifi.i-. , :
!I,I.V : - .I.-
1 ' tit ra : I ' .
t Kill i. - ; - .1'-.'
i. i.f a (f".rfl
ar.'l tn i.l
:;,i-r B'l
.- i.rtiil to
' tun.- nn'l
-. . .. In-Ill
Sl'l. V.;.-l... I'-li. 12 Ten
li'.tm.'i : ' tariii.-r. I mil rnil . iil' ft lrrai n
I,"r""r'" '..iitl.iil 111 Hi.- Inlan.l I:,,,!,:..- . lim.-il.-.
l.a.a.t.r- f..n. fl.a -. ';." n;.-.'- ,,t ,., oi, 'miiiiiiii ),,Mh..l i.t KrI,i"
, Ki,.. I
j.- in tin- ,art :t I'.. it, a. TI,'
.ti a-i'l '.r in '-il. 1,, i'l'
j,-r.,,i..,t;,.i,. w ,t), a lii. tu- infi-r
it I,!, I, fa-, mat, 1 1 .- .-ti..- an, I I'
l,,.l,l tin- Hit" n Mi.i lin.fnali
... I
i-r nun ;.Hi',r i ,ili-rii- i.t
l ... In I,,,.- a.lMin
..,ilii,K n. in pa ir; i, .in It l'i
-.'arlv. fi, ntifl a liai.l aii.l fant .'inn
l.iliatii,!! yi-.ti-nla- t'ir,,iis;li Hi'- i-xw-il-1
1 i m .,,iii nf tin f'arini r ' K'liu-a
tmiial an. I I'o 'ij.i-rntin. niii.ui, wli'-n it
Mr ll;,i,f,,, l ,lil- an a-l in ,ra 1,1, ,, .,,lr)r t,:,t tl.
.t f,,f tl,,. ,l
ill,,,..- la.i.-tv i.t
.liiftniK ,i;.v ..I
,.,,iiii ,l v anil i I n tfi ,ly l,i; in.-nl'. il '.m'
tin. in..,t vv i.l. 1 4 -t u. I . . -J an, I in,,.' ,'..n
I:, I ,,f all "l,al i ).' an .Iran, a.. I in
tain at " l'i.
ri.i .. ri nl .-ti ll i,l I', I' Hm llh i.t III- ( ...
V, ,,t,l ., I,, .l, in l,, i'v .,.an,. mi , ,;,lli;v , c. Il,,.lv,. ami Mr.
..-rilil. ml i I.f II,' .i ll.'.-i.l '.f II.'- I'll'' v, , r,,,.r ,, .,, t, ..f .;,-a,. l,a.
III.,',' In II," IHW Iml'.l.lii,' llal, IH..I ..itinr ..iil-" ' "
l'!i;-ili II, Ha' Iriui" i- i..i.lnl In m. .ri i.f Hi" liii'ral I'ninl Hlali
I . turn Hnttii.lnv iih.ii.iih. fr.,ni ld.i- i,anl:, win , n Inrtti Tn.-ula v. :iv. tin
InirK. Iliialil, Willi II viiw In Iniiilinir in
A riirl'.lnl nf limn iml rn-niviil in tl... .lai,ii.i!. I.'.x ami mi1i .-iml ilmir Inn r r" I n M..f..r.l I'.ri. I. I'iim.aiiv. W ini - nml il wan nilli llial iinlii.lrv in rU fV II. .In i!. ' I i.-r I K in n .air :,i w II, at lli'-.v ' vi-il'T.lav.
luH nml ri-liiiililiii' Himiuu iiiarliiin-n, will : 'I'll y i .h-h,,,1 1 1 im l i';; an wi ll ili ai
ri iiinln n fnw .In vii liniifiT, nffiirilliiK i-il ivilli tin- ii ii'-nil iiiillmik in Hi !
fll iififnirlillilly fur in.l nml iirriifflli- nml it in innm llitn Jirnlia liln llial
mirviri.. I'Ik.iii. T,IM. I...nim nt llr. 1 1 liny will .l-i iiln In iimlnll n iiiinlnrli
Hliifili'-naiiii ', fur. V. Ninlli nml II J w IwnrkinK ,lnnl Inn' in lln- "prinK
Hfrii'.li. , M,.r iiMliiMtiii-i ami muni- liiml i.f ft fniv
nil In h what tin- Imvii tiii... nml t Ii.t.-
II.... ..... YL',.l,,. ,. ,.Ti., ri, I,,,.. I .1
Iriiini, f I'l.rllaii.l', fri,,.-rlv ,,f Mar.l, i '!' I'"' "" l!-nll".n.-H will
(,.,. i ,. ,-ilv i ',,lii,t. will, l,i ni..i-1 will, i-yrv i-tn .... n. ir.-n. n I rrnn.
I.r,,ll,.r I,, law I. I ' U',,,!. Hi- "a- ""I I'il'i".' '" I n 1 1 ii- li i ii if llii-ir ih'W til
I'.irtlatiil l.nil.liiiif i,t,iralii.i, iiri- mif
fnriliif ft t.i;l.' M I rn j . . lln inlrli'U In
Ini-al'i III lln' Vlllli v.
,lnl IV.
1)1111). I M;W VIiIIK. I'. Ii. I.!. Hinly Iiii
I ,: 1 1 fa,t,,inH 1 1, t nnl.n ill tin' t'Kiinlrv.
I,l, i,,nn, ilv i n.,l,,v,l lial
at win- . ....t.-,l In ,,,,n 1,,'lny
. m . I, mil, ,11 .,,,,,. 'f'il,.v'n ii-i,,i-iiiiiu
4 wa-i II,,' t,-,il i,l' III I
, t-, ,,,.-ir.ti. II ..In, Will I
in. I, III I'. Ill II a la. lniv n-
I fn-ii-la an ! (ll.,t. , II mi n lia-l In, ii tnuaii'l win'"
1 1 ,,l II. in 1 1 il," in. inn ill il wi'ii' i'tli,l,,Vfil.
II M.I, lii l:iii,..i, r,,i,i,ia, I', i,i
ITV I'tnl Hull, tl," I". Il nf Ml" I,
Hull an, I I, mil, it ..f Mm. Allmila Hall
'Ilin riinaiiiH will ami'. I ,,in,,t inw at Mi 1 1 . - f
III V.ll a. iii Hi I t i,a 1,1 i-iai i. in I ' I J.,.. , ,M
II. I'. I- till'. All Kl.,,.1,1 nf 'l
II., a- Hull lai.iili.
Illlnl In lltll-llil.
You Are Going to Build
l, mi' li'iirr Willi yi ti. No cunt niit
t.i hit'i' nf tun inn i'l'. HjiI mfiu'l Inti
L. IE. bi:an
Mttilfnnl, On null.
utiv- h'i;ir he -tn.owTt'i ' rnploy
itiif or iiifiri et-Hr:t n-lln: :icnt"i tn
r".r-H'iit tin- union in (In- c-'iHt or l
other rif " Hn;ir tm4.
Thin mi'-.iim Ihfit tli' itiro output of
t ht-ir yt ;i i jj i hi ,t tii t i rft , fining
:iw;iv wiOi thf fiii'l'II.Miinn fi" ! tiix prof
itfl, find putting t lie t'.iroii-rt I tint linii'h
WHTI'T til' rollWIIPM'T.
It U H;it hv (!. o'lir.T- ! whilt-
no uttt jiipt will In- iniolf t I t iin nr
Lit rary prii-c. tlio nt-l 1 u -.t j- niH wit)
hoi out for 1 1n- liirhiit mii-' ' 1 prii-fH.
V. A. Dunli.i. ..f mi ft M,.,l
f'-ri( viNitor TIhii I .
II. II. II d mi it nml tviiit down to
I'll Ml' tin Tlnir-d;! V t I'M iny In ftt t'lld
til.- I li Mux . lit'lt.lillliieiil.
I.ilfijii v 'I'll, us hi v i veiling wns well
fttteiidMl niid fi Ii fl v lino- wnn had.
Ilanofi, llo- I 'In. i nit loittloT, nnt in
our town an i Thnr.idny iiftiTiiuou.
11. l-'nrrv of I'lioiMiix wnn in our
liiWn Mnhii'l;ty on lnt-iiicst.
.lolin r-1 1 1 1 1 r niid wit'r ;nmI tlifir
dnunhl- i. M Oia, v.i rr down to I'hor
nn I'ril;tv
Mt-li an- at wmU Urn- jijjnin nn the
"li'diii- lijlil woiliH, and the company
i-xpi-ftM tlo ii inailiiiHiv Iuti' in n ftw
'Iii vm, v J m 1 1 the hk'htH will lie turned
on, after l. nt,' m.imi-v. htit delayed.
Mint; li.ttliii IHinlap of Talent, who
halt liei ii ;it il.l ind li.l -everal innntllK
atfemliiiK I lo- mo noil hi'IionI, ri'tlirni'd
to her home llo ;mt of th werlf.
Wt'llioMI I ire Hi I II, our p I o 1 1 1 i I II-II ) DUT-
Hervmnn. -ayn thm utorn.v weather
nuiken On- orh ot i!i.'it'tiiiij vnriK treen
llllllHHt illipoHriilile.
Two waumi luinl o! 'ij.r.iv uiateriiil
were htoiilit up to the (tear t.reek or-1
iliaid last Tnemhiv. hut the rain will
hkely ilelav the work of Hpniymif, n
llo- ground in no noft that H in alninnt
itiiptifetilde to e;,t nnlo il with ti-auiw.
Long and Hearty
-' -
'V. Will Kepi oUin'. Hit! Scioiiinlnii
- i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1
"A Turkish Bath"
...vt'i - V- i- i -' f .
Olio rcrlmiiiiiiHC Only
s: 1 5 p. in.
(ioncrdl Admission . . Zfo
Clilldrcn .... 15c
The Voiini,' Man.
A yiomi; iiiiiti it er f.. In- truly
ir.ojine -t-M-ial relation
-I'M-. tl- ,,,,! alone ol.lia
IN. lis In oil, ... . I ,;.',( Mf ...
' "'it to o, I I, ,, f i I,,. ,:. thill'M
to roiiHolei in ,, ;, U'ln i: i .an, note
the foil., VMM- le!,,tio,..(p:
I he . in.i i, :i ,, ;,
The )imii u i , i .. oi ol her.
1 he v . ." i man i ii Hoi-M'ty,
The "o . y mini an a lover.
The yi'iiiie; iii.-i m as a hiithand.
The nuni; man as a eliuieh memlier.
I'he iini ma it as a lie ie;hhol ,
The oun man ;iinl Ihh money.
The i.unjj man :ih a t-itteii.
Tin- vohiiii mail at hiniHelf.
The net 1,-i'm at tli" I alieriia.'le next
Sunday tiiejit Will he ery i h t e rent i II j;
i.nd piofital.le to all. enprriatlv to t he
v tin 1 1 jf men and oiuie; omen. 1 1 ov
hit out a i dl v iiiii'oiii'ermd a pt iihoii
m i v he. On-1 e are n l a vi tome otn
'in, 1 1 1 1 ii t, Ihai On1 many nod an
tuns hv V,n,,t ladies Sunday lliht
.'t tul.t ina. I.-.
I'iiW l- l.l, hi Metltoid. r. lnnai v lit.
lo (he wife of A Tl. Powell, a toil
Mr. Charles B. Hanford
Accompanied by Miss Marie Drofnah
In a Brilliant
Production of
The Merchant of Venice
Prices $1.50 $1.00 75c 50c
A complete line of
these can be seen at
ViewPost Cards
We have just re
ceived another
big shipment of
these including
many new ones
lc each
1000 Cakes of Fancy
Toilet Soap. Sale price
3 Cakes for 10c
Post cards
Largest and Fi
nest selection in
the city, all at
one price
lc each
Great Bed Spread Special
UR HKST VALUES offered in Med
fnrd fur many d;iys in plain and fringed
edire lied Quilts. Prices as lliey last, as-
fill lows:
Plain edtfe lied Spreads that sell regularly
Co r 1 ..-, at .fl.l!) each.
Plain edn'e, good, heavy I!cd Spreads, guaran
teed in size, that sell for l.'.OO, at 1.f0 each. Ex
ra good value. Same priced spread with fringes
and cut edges.
Fringed Med Spreads with cut edges, extra
wide and full; a regular 2.25 va'i.e. at $1.85
Plain edge Marseilles fine finished extra large
Spread, regular :i.00 value, at 2.4.").
See the Window Display
Van Dyke's
rir.a SpUzenburg apples. Apply of M.
Stewart, at tbe Nanb.
mlvani-e in value anon. AiMro.s P O
Moiifonl, Or. o9'0
I! .
KOK SALK A small Iuislim'ms; cxim-I-
lent location; jjood reasons for selling,
Address V. O. Box S03. 2S6
v . i .Al.K -l no, fit :i uiin h t
loose. Address T, enre Tribune. 2s)i
V S l i "l'i t, r,0 1:' M;ip. ien
' i il ln nil 1 .mI.iv r. Ii.-m-.I from
liii in tln .it :ih UHtiiiit I'lnef of
st ill :imI Will no t. ;iinl: to ;(.Ulltr
Hid ..f the UMitv in i lio I Mi lift
mi, ,i" Hi.- i.luf of lii i:i.1h-i (Jen
.'.111 T. II Ulim, Hit.) Will .ouo- tlO!,.
t.. I., .m. a-sisfint , ( of sluff
Tl.e .ht.ic" ' il .ountnd nt t:unl:
ill t iW . t . . M:iy I.
L.tirinl In nil w '11 -mil ft out .-
Vo-k r.l.tuarv IV 11,- mil W iu-vom
l-.un. .1 l.v Iti iiidier lietienU Artlnu
Miui;tv, rltii'f of r.att iirliHorv, who
will ihHvt fottifi.:tli..tii in to Phil
Trepald Railroad Orders.
' ' Snntethintj which i of consiilerabls
intoredt to thf jttiblic gfenr11y unH
nhieb it pt'rliH3 not (ji'uerallv kuowi
if tli? nytttcni of prrpaitJ orilers now in
pffeet betwern otntionB of the Sonlhern
I'iU'ifu' i'oiiihbv anil itll poititB in tll
I'nitcil States, y means of this system
tiekcti limy be purchased at MeilforJ
from any place tn the Tnitwl Statfi aal
mailetl or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to cnu here. Slefper
accotuiuotlatwmH and smalt anumntt of
eash in connection wito these ttcketH
nay alto be forwartlej at the tame
tlraa, ' tf
" free speech. " K.'jrulntions in S;m
I'Vancisco were particularly assailed, ami
a collection was taken up to further
(lie free speech propaganda in that city.
Alexander iVrkinuii, a companion of
Kmnia Goldman, presided nt the meet
iiij. and protested ni'ainst her recent
arrest in the west. President Koose
volt. John D. Rockefeller. J. P. Mor
gan and others were the brunt of viru
lent outbursts by the shakers.
KOI! SAI.K Ono 11 yonr olil luirae; fain,
ily liorst sitiiili' or iloulile; price, .S0.
In-iuir,- nl Xash bar.
l'OR SALK Or tra.lo, the best room
nig house in Mod font, clraring $100
per month. Aililress C, eare of thin
1'OK SAI.K Voo,l for nalo. 200 tiers of
ilry fir wooil. Iuquire at the enii nf
A ami Pine street. Alei. Duff. 281
I'ol! SAI.K Grape mttings, Tokay.
M:ilai:a an.l Melvois'. Write or call on
W. 0. fluff p. rcntrai Toint, Or. 2S3
1'oH SAI.K Four iliauioml rings left,
ir filing three quarter earat, at a
great bargain. M.illonl Ixian Of-
'KV YOI!K. Keli. 10 .
by the polii-e, a galliering of anarch
itn mri 111 a hall in K.nit Hroa.hvay
veitorilay'i anil itultilgod in
I0II1T altai'Ks on rstal'ii-lio,l institution
111 tins country aul the curliing of
aw n ,.mJ-l-l,r' ' "b
j JBriJlifTEB
' WAN 1K1 To or 1 rOoaV'Oo'
close 111. ImiuO' U. c:iO Tribune. -Jvl
jWANTKI) Private lioar.lcrs. lntjuirc
at ol- . Baillctt street.
W ANTKL Fifty boiei of Newtowus
l'i R ff.?Ll? ranil new safe, weighs
"ooo poti.di. :0 vdja- !o'v fiire; on in
41ioot. Inquire Tribune office. 22
l""8 SAI.K (.rain h.iy. balej. Inquire
of Phone Sl.
1'OK SAI.K Two a.-res. just west of
Meilt'oril. near new station of I.ozier,
on R. K. V. H. U.. price J.'iiO for the
two jures. This acreage is certain to
FOR SALE Relinquishment claim 120
acres, 8 miles Medford, 40 ncrM fene
e.l, IL acres cleared, 5 acres 2 .year-Did
commercial fruit, cabin. For price call
on W. Nr. French, room 7, Jaokson
1 oiiuty Bank hldg.
FOR SALE RelinquithmeTt,Toacres,
Ii miles east Medford; 50 practically
level, balance easy grade and covered
with good fuel timber; 2 springs; very
cheap, w. M. French, room 7, Jack
son County Bank bldg.
FOR SALE Good resilience lots, close
in; also good 5 acre orchard; deal with
owner; save commission. Address .1
catv of Tribune officii. '
FOR RALE Housei, loti and land In
Phoenix., or in tracts to suit from one
acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe
nix, Or.
FoK KENT Nice furnished room, two
blocks from postoffice. ground floor,
separate entrance, with or without
housekeeping. 117 S. Central ave. -JH4
Tf you are looking for some good land
heap. I have it, for 410 and i20 ner
acre, near good railroad town.
Room 7, Jaclicon Bank Bldg.