THE M ED.FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OlfFiOX, FRIDAY. FERRITARY 12. 100!)- Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City ..f Medford. I'ulilislicd everv evening except Sunday. MEDFORD I'U lil, I S II I COMPANY Oeouck 1'i txam, Kditnr and Manaycr. Admitted as Semiid-C 'lass Matter in the Poto fii c at Moilfurd. ( retroii. Sl'DSClMl'TlOX RATES: One month Itv mail or :irruT. .. $0.50 One v-:.r h m:iil. A Ji l,' A H AM Ll.( LX. Eloquent with inspiration is the simple Moiy of Alra ham LiiH'oln. The story of his life is a wonder tale for vouth: and from its strnifitles. its triumph its pathos. the wisest of mankind has garnered new wisdom. It was lmt fifty years a'o that l.ineoln i-anie into lofty pnmi itenee. hut since that time he has stood out in the pact's of history more variously than has any other eharaetei save, perhaps, Napoleon. Lincoln was a man of marked individuality he nave a sense of novelty and distinctness. He was what writers of the Seventeenth eeiitury would have railed "original." There is no precedent in history for such a man. A life eloquent with all that is lt and ureal is Lin coln's iiift to posterity. His life is one of the u'reatc-t precepts for the youth of the land. It hows what pluck, perseverance and hard work ran do in this uic-'i land ol ours. We see him amid privation and hardship: we sec him rising as steadily as the sun; we see him struck down at the summit of his powers. Hut. through the dim vista of years, his kindly lin e has grown more dear to his peo ple. M t " letuit it Mil of me In thosi irlm nunc tin best that J til ten y ilttekttl n thitlt mitl iihiutal n flmete telnet I thought a flou t r leoidtl teoie." Those are his words, and such a man was Ahraham Lincoln unschooled hoy of the rude frontier, railsplitter, flathoatman, storekeeper, sur veyor, lawyer, legislator, orator and .'chair-. .miMru tive statesman, president, martyr. TlIK CITY TJIAT'-IS," OT"WAS." The good news eoiues from San Francisco that a laic issue oi municipal hoiids hae U-eii marketed upon a tour percent hasis. showing that the city which three years auo suffered a disaster so appalling that Will I ruin in writ ing of his hoy hood home found it luvrssarv l i!"ignat" it as "the city that was.' has established the tinancial measure of its rehabilitation. The San Francisco Call in commenting on the fact says : "At a time when demands on capital are heavy at high rates of interest a market lor tour per cent bonds is es jK'cially gratifying and encouraging. There a.e phut, of gilt-edged securities on .-ale today that pay five per cent, and safe investments at .-ix per cent are not uin-oni-nion. A city, therefore, which has a ho.-t of hidders clam oring for it- bonds at niUih lower rati-- than those qiioteil may he regarded as tiuatieiallv sound. "The moneyed men having looked over the ground and valued the remarkable results accomplished in rc-tora-tion of a city ravaged hy fire and almost completely laid in ruins, now say to San Francisco: 'Your credit is go.1. nay, even it stand- among the highest." The price paid for the lH'iids is eloquent testimony to the e.-timatc of the city's future made hy experts of the tinancial world, hy men whose special business it is to take account of munic ipal stock in every part of the world. "Half a dozen years ago the hids made for local mu nicipal securities would have heen matter of coui-se. not calling for remark, hut a great many things haw happened in San Francisco since that period, and. although the con fidence of our own people in the Suture of the city has never for a moment wau-red. et it i- uratifyit. to iH assured that the w . rk we hac doi.e sin. e the fire has .jus tified that faith in the eye- of tin- ,.ut-idc w rid. I' i.r.i;: that San Francisco is herself anain and the h"ic w..rld concedes the fact." AMBASSADOR BKYCE IS MUCH INTERESTED i nrvKNNK. r, 1 .- Hr.wc. r..UH lor ..f lir.u: Ur.t. c t. tee l"t;.t,rt Six:,.. r., f :r.i-.-. n ;:: -r. . ? .ir f:.rvi.r.fc Ti:. : n-. - i.m:c.. n r. v !t- rv; r. v. .1 ih. .Sires. r :- Vie tir : hxss i . - z i ;,v.r I' o r II-,.. W of W ;m;,s, ,,,. "l tjO..- :r. T. . f ,1- r. v. ii'.k- it.v i.xr. j:r.v ;-!:(-. :n t!-r ..!,V.. .ft .l , r T : . V l. n l..r.i ?.v ,U v. ... - ..-.1 ,.f '- r-- n-.:o r.s:. x: '. A r -u-r r . ..... I. v FRAZIL SENDS MAN TO DRY FARMING CONGRESS nrvr.vr. u.. y. i. i . . . n i i ii i mmmJ V.AV. rOCND IN KED WHEN AGED VETERAN DIES AFSVRD TO OrrER WINE AT LINCOLN BANVrT !. Kl 'KT. N . !' . Ilsr . . . n.l ... .!! Iry.rr.: :lr r, i. i ;, r. Mi. ' i ..j -e y r - -r m ft ir.,li ft i : i - - Itr f Sr i i-; - ,r.t - ? r H h:. i ! . M s a r .w i drsi '. t i. .ra li t ItT ft .ft.v - sri Does not do its work and "serve the public on paper JUST RECEIVED A New Line of M4ML Mantel and ft&SWall CLOCKS IN UP-TO- !JATE STYLES madtim i ornnv the JEWELER More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved hy using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt n 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving iu 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Offieo. 20.1 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 3."5. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs A Farm for $10 in the Sunny San Luis Valley OF COLORADO FREE TRIP TO EXAMINE LAND WE HAVE DlVIliED A ."4.000-A 'RE TRACT INTO TRl'CK FARMS CONTAIN ING 10 TO 1000 ACRES PER FARM AT "2iX EACH $10 Cash and $19 Per Month! NO INTEREST! NO TAXES! REFERENCE Any Rank r Ranker in St. l."iiis. Kansas Citv ..r iVnver. We want a rtliahle and energetic man in every town to form elnhs of lo prospective purchasers. We will furnish round trip railroad tickets EREE to one nieinU-r of each eluh to inspect land. We pay liberal ' ;i mission. Full particulars upn request. SAN LUIS VALLEY LAND AND IRRIGATION CO. F.a. f Cmmer.-e Rid-. KANSAS CITV. MO. .' r FN Y AST Tr. .c:. .' A. Pi KSV. V:-rn-.4st. .'ohx S. OSTH. Cisi:-r. W. 1 JA'. KSON. Asi'i Ci.f- THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD. OB. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent A GeneralEack in Bus.ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of jjtuh Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. No', in the combine. Ci,vipetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Propth-tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Eiiich'fs, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, n.r.'ci and Machinery. Agents in S"rt!.ern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. jS County S::it ...sitr.ry EstalilislieJ 1SSS. ital al Surplus $125,000 Kosuurr?s $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking ServlGe Th Jack soo fouuty Bunk respect full r solicits your aceoum, subject to vtur flvkf witb the strongest guarantee of saiVty anil effiviecer. We offer the highest ettainment in ?tr-nmtie baoking gervica, wbich m-sur,-8 the greatest care io every finan cial transaction, with this obliging in si iiutiun. W. I. VAWTER, Prcidfnt. 0. R. LINDLEY", Cashier. mm WHEN wtj:r wjkvs doth BLOW tlie mau with a warm, comfortable an. stvlish overcoat maye by Kre.jrer 4 Co. rongratulates himself. A Chesterfield or a double breatsti-d overcoat, msde from warm anj stylish fabrics, such si cheviots and Oxford Twills, and ffisda to fit and suit your individual style, i a r.imfort and a luxury to the wearer i;on made by J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailore PALM BUIIiDENO, MEDFORD, OR. . i a-J' J -V, r r- c 1!l . 5l - m-i z f.; ... Local Confidence Induces Gitizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter !,,,! t imagine lor a moment that our local citizens 1. n t uv-to a ,r i thinff when it offers D.(1 .hV V i1' ,.'"'s with a"y "f themt Take our tl' - t ir",:'" iUt n:k,it Go,,a sos' will dictate tlM it i ,n r,ler to follow their lead in investing in 1 ' ' l"';;l'-'ty. however, for they see the hand ; the WalL Me,lford is 011 the verge of a ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Ivxhihit Huil.linjr. Medford. Oregon. 3Hrs. "3rcnc Kampton Isaacs instructor of "TJlano. "llst ytttob Stu.t al Itk Or.., Strt Compare the Quality yifiSiEiifiillSfiiiroG Il is. and always has ben our aim to supply r eustorasrs witi of the highest quality aud to that end are alwars addinr uality to our line. The iition of "praf erred stock" makes our lias ft gn&, Cained 0dt most eomplets. Our tarrie always ths bat aad every aeeorn ffiven our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed UU.t X M N STKVrV" r.jrt n-:.s-i w. c. r.