8 SHOE SALE STILL CONTINUES MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OUEOON, THURSDAY. FEP.1UTARY 11. 1f)0). We are off ering our Big Bargains all of this week All manner of shoes for all manner of MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN 1 Advertise FACTS ONLY c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony They All come here for SHOES DORR S TO BE FRUIT CENTER JACKSONVILLE AND VICINTY. Butte Valley 1b Siskiyou County Claims all Con ditions Fine for Apples It hcctiis tliut the lint In valley in Siskiyou county is to l-econu a fruit tenter of some, consequence, if the fol lowing article from the Dorris Rooster, the creditable little paper of Dorris, to any criterion. Kditor Bohanan in known to ho u booster of the deepest dye, but he asserts that over boosting is as bail :is no boosting at all, for the reaetioii hurts. Therefore, when he wrote the following it was in evident good faith. Te. Hi-ribbles tlmsly: "Several thousand fruit treeH will be p'anted in the vieinnity of Dorris this spring. At Macdoel it is understood that nearly WW a-ro will be planted to fruit trees during the eoming sea son. ' IIow well apples thrive in this sec tion is best demonstrated by the fiitmuH orchards in the northern part of the town limits of Dorris. TI109? who have seen the big, healthy trees in these or chords weighted down with luscious fruit will not hesitnte to sound the praises of Butte valley as a coming fruit country and one whose develop ment will be as marvelous as it is bound tn bo rapid. !onditioiis for planting trees bid fair to bo better this year than they have for Bevernl years pint. The abundance of moisture which has gone into the soil has had u decidedly beneficial effect and the ground will be in fine shape." liev. Ureeno lectured nt the M. E. church last Sunday morning and eve ning to a large and appreciative audi- leiice. In the evening the church was (crowded and u large number stood in I front of the open door, listening to the eloquent and earnest words of the learn ed gentleman. .r. II. Bellinger returned Thursday night from Salem, where ho went as a booster delegate. Mr, Hiekey of Portland, who is in troducing a patent belt attachment for cowing machines, has been stopping at the Abbott house for some tinio nnd is canvassing the nurroundiug . country very thoroughly and meeting with mark ed success. Miss Mabel Scolt nnd n friend of Iters frfom Sains Vail y are spending u few days with their friend, Miss Grace Rnypholtz, nnd togetheer with the lat ter are taking the teachers' examin ation. Mrs. .T. It. Bell. ngor nnd sou Ralph returned home Sunday after n few days visit with friends in Gran's Pass. Presiding Elder Buulap will be in Jacksonville the latter prirt of tho week and will preach in the M. h. church next Sunday, February 1-1. Mis. Lulu Perry spent a couple itf days last week with her sister, Mrs. : Ellis Gall of Black Land. I James Blaisdell of Lake county, who has been spending the winter with rein fives north of Medford, is now spend ing n few days with friends in this vicinity. L. (). Van Wegon has purchased 40 acres of timber land front 1. V. Thorn us of Medford ami has men busily at work cutting wood. Mr. Neidormeyer of North Jackson ville is also clearing his land nnd get ting wood for market. Mrs. 1. It. Daily and Miss May Big ham arc attending the teachers' exam i nut iou from Medford, t he former as one of the examiuerj and the latter try ing for a first grade. Rev. U. A. Gray preached at Griffin Creeek last Sunday, February 7. Mrs. P. II. Daily nnd children spent Sunday recently nt the homo of Mr. und Mrs. Burch. Mrs. Daily, who is one of the popular educators in the Medford school, is u sister of Mrs. Burcch. F. V. Knowleea was a Medford vis itor last Monday. Professor George Henry, who was principal of the Eaglo Point school dur ing the fall nnd winter, is the new jiin itor at the schoolhouse. EDNA CLARK AT HER HOME AGAIN 'IN DUTCH.' Penr Linotyper. be it far From tin thy perfect peace to mar, But this is Dutch for motor ear: Suelpaardezloonderspnorwegpet rooly ting." And thou, proof-reader, though we much Dislike to bother thee with such Things, this is motor car .in Dutch: ' ' Suidpnarde.loonilersponrwegpetrnoly-ting." BOULDER ALMOST WRECKS A TRAIN BELLTXOHAM. Wash., Feb. U. 1 Passengers on the smithbonnd Great i Northern passenger train which left hero at noon yesterday had n narrow escape from death when a rocksltde crashed into the train near the Sehome dock yesterday. The only person in jured was the express messenger, P. E. Perine, - who was painfully cut nbout the head. At the scene of the accident is a steep embankment, the right of way being cut through the solid rnrk. A huge boulder, weighing several tons, rolled and struck thj rear of the com bination mail and express car. smashing a great hole in the car. Fortunately for Perine. he was seated on the oppo site side of th" car. The engine was not derailed, but the firt four ears left the rails. The smoker buckled and nar rowly escaped plunging into the waters of the bay. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which is of considerable interest to the public generally sod which is perhaps not generally knewt is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Paeifie company and all points in the United States. By means of this Tit em tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place In the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper aeeommodations and small anftnnts of rash in connection witn these tickets stay also be forwarded at the same time." YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fart. The law of tie common carrier compels equal rates on all railroad lines YOU CAIN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by Insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC 0. R. & N. Oregon Short line and Union Pacific ETsry facility for the safety and accommoda tion of ths passenger is provided. ( change ef cars ts nect-ssary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. ' Direct connec tions are mr.de. for all oth er points east and south A. 8. ROSENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Feb. 11. Refusing to discuss fhe rensons for her leaving home four months, ago Edna Clark, tho Alameda art student, whose disappearaiico caused anxiety and ap prehension, is nt the home of her moth "th iiist, Taylor was crazed over the Chicago a few days ago, explaining that she had been visiting friends anil relatives in tho enst. Miss Clark is believed to have left her home been use of differences between herself nnd her mother. Mrs. Anita M-u'k, on questions of religion. Miss Claik has become a Roman Catholic and yesterday attended mass at a church near her home. My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor BIJOU THEATER 7 . X V : A - , 4 ..: ! Return Engagement of the most popular CLARK BURROUGHS CO. IN THE COMEDY DRAMA "The Westerner" THURSDAY NIGHT G. K. HilNinucr A. C. HuM.UII 1. a. Hurrla Rogue River investment Co. FRUIT LANDS y, Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valloy Or chard Lands. ;:h.iico fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tiaeta, for sale. Wo plant nnd euro for orchards and gunranteo properly to he -in n presented. Experience Mot Necessary for those who purchase through us. Tin y secure tho advise and services of a consulting horl icultuript, an export on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for snvurul yeas has exceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in tho Uogue River valloy, record ciops, record packs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon HOM Pli ONES See Something Real Compare it with the Pacific Telephone junk in your home and business. Our phones can be seen at Ritter's cigar store on Alain street. Citizens' Telephone Co'y SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to he the equal of the very best eastern prodin t. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford lee k Storage Co. 1 QTTTT TTC If you are looking OlH, IJQ for a good busi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm aess, choice buiild ing lots, city property, farm or orchard We have some SNAPS MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY BANK MLDGI. We will Furnish All Information Medford, Or., Feb. 5, 1909. Any person desiring any information concerning cither the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company or the Home Conipanuy will please call on ns or let us know, and we will be pleased to call on tliein, as it is our purpose to see (hat both interests arc put to the people as they are. If there are any points that are not clear in any one's mind, or have not as yet heard our side, they surely cannot fix an opinion without the actual facts in the case. XO ONE BARRED. CITIZENS' TELEPHONE COMPANY I Intel Moore, Medford. I5y K. A. Marsh, Gen. Mgr. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. " Window Frames, Oak Venesrad Doors, with Berel Plats, oarried in stosk cheap. Offiee Fixtures and all kinds of Flan tog Mill Work, including Turntd Work and Fancy Grills. V STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVENTH STREETS. F. OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STUDEBAKER. BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Sol aiftint in .larUson county for Uio STUDKUAKKR LINE OF AUfO MOHILrW. Tub now K. M. F. StwIMuikiir, 30 hnrso powoi, four-cylinder tiiHiliuin priro Touring Car ban won ttto rri'oguitiou anil admirntiol ( all inurkiuinlK ami Iihr provnn iUelf to bo a remarkable vehicle for alrsngtfl, ipr-i'il unl durability. kw goods in :iH linns will nrrive n the ceune ef iii'xt month at Ihb HlinUhnker warehouse. MEDFORD, ORBOON. YOU OUOHT TO KNOW the exeeltenee of the meals that are conked at the Emerick Cafe if you haven 't already regain yourself with some of the delieious diehes that are nerved here. If you haven't partaken of them, there ie a treat awaiting yen that you W4II want to repeat often. A mixil at the Hmeriok ie an experience that will make you t;y, like Ollrer Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Of en All MlgM I