THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OHEOOX, Til UKSDAY. FEBUFARV 11. Med ford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Med ford. Published everv eveninu except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COM I' A XV GeowiE Pltxam, Editor and Maunder. Admitted as Second-Class Mattel- in the I'ostolTire at Medfoi'd, Oregon. S U HSCR 1 1 'T I ( X RAT ES : One month by maij or carrier $0.50 One year by mail. $.r.00 APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of JUST RECEIVED A New Line of Mantel and Wall CLOCKS YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in trie Pacific Northwest. Xo'. m tLe combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. IN UP-TO-DATE STYLES MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER A DEC ADR IX THE I'll I LI I'l'IX ES. J38 "NV. Cameron Forlies, Philippine commissioner siw-e 1904, has written a very aide article for the Atlantic Monthly, in which he sums up the results of American occupancy of the islands. In ten years, says Mr. Forties, public order has been placed upon a sound basis, the church has been separated from the state, finances have been improved, fjood roads are being constructed ami over a half million children are attending school. Mr. Forbes deals with the school issue fairly, for Eng lish administrators say that the roads should have re ceived greater attention and the schools less, lie sums it up in the terse statement: "We have been criticized for letting the Filipino think that lie is as good as anybody else, "However," continues Mr. Forties, "the commission is definitely committed to the policy of schools, of rais ing wages, introducing labor-saving machinery and, in 11 word nhii-tintr the islands ill the track of Japan. With v., . r - health lietter guarded and industry thriving, they should presently support TJ.V)00,(MM) people. It industry doe not thrive, the educated young Filipino for whom no u portunitv is opened to make a living may become a greater problem than the educated Halm of British India. "Encouraged to think himself 'as good as anybody, the Filipino has elected a native assembly, committed by a four-fifths majority to a program of immediate inde pendence. The children are learning to read the Declara tion." . "(IOODOLD TIMES." Professor William T. Sedgwick has been lecturing 1 Columbia students on the dirt and discomfort of "the good old times," according to the N'ew York Addition. Iteyond doubt those elements existed. It was to the disadvantage rif tli( p.nrlv nineteenth centurv. too. that sixteen hours made a day's work in the mills and that whisky was only 20 cents a quart, while tea was .$." a pound. Yet "the good old times" were present. They always are present. The days when men's health and hearts and hopes are at their best; the days when men see most in life and get the best out of it; the days when sunshine and rain are nat ural incidents and not complaints these are "the good old times." They do not depend on the appoint nient of health officers, the application of steam heat, the inven tion of telegraphs, telephones, electric lights and automo biles. Our fathers had "good old times" and so had our grandfathers. Otherwise it would be so much the worse for us and most modern contrivances still would be nnin vented. These are our "good did times," which we enjoy today. We can appreciate them without being sorry for the people who were born ahead of them. They, too, were happy in their way. The men and women of a later gen eration will esteem their times lietter than ours. It is the pleasure and privilege of every age to exult over its pred ecessors. "When "the good old times" stop, the world may as well drop out of its orbit. It still may go round, but it will no longer go ahead. PAPER TRUST ACCUSED OF MISREPRESENTATION WASHINGTON, Fell. 1 1 . .lolin Nor ris nf the AtiM-riciin Nt'Wfii:iprr Puli linlu-ra' uHtmciutiun sent lodiiv to tit TUVH llUl! Illrltll r,HII III 1 1 1 '. u Ictt nlii'ri'in lie chained that the I iitKrnn llonm rnper company, ill pn-st-nt nig it argument for tho retention nf the tar iff ud paper, hml delilienitelv m tnrenro dented to the committee the amount paid by tho paper company na whcs to paper makers. Ho charged that in making compari aon with Canadian mills to show the relative, pay for lahor the Internationa! under-stated the amount paid by Cnu adian mills. Mr. Norris charged that 1:18 rates out of HH cited by the In leruational purporting to cover it own payrolls were over statements. The paper couipanay made it contmr Iftons on the claim that it paid oil cent per hour to machine tender. Mr. Nor ris furuihed the company' payroll schedule to fortify his statement that the highest price now paid th that coin pauy to machine tenders is 4 cent, and that this rate applies only to six of the 4 machines which the company oper Ittes; that some of the tna.-lnne tenders are paid St! cent, and that the average rate is 4- cents per hour, or lit per cent less than the amount claimed bv the paper company. JAP APPEALS TOR ALMS IN THE WINDY CITY CIIICAOO. Feb. II K. U. Saitow. said to be the first Japanese to appenl for alms in the liistorv of the police de partntent here, arrived at a poh.-c sta tion last night an. I asked f..r shelter from th rain. "I arrived in th ty only tdsv. and 1 am tired looking for work,"' he said. " It is unusual for one of mv rnee to ask for assistance of any kind in this land." SHOOTS. THINKING TO AVENOE DEAD SISTER II. IIKI.I.lNlill AM. Wash.. I'M liert Tayb.r. ri nllv n-turucd t'r.oii N'oino. is in ,ail lore foil. .wing an at tempt on th,. hie of W. K. Wilde, in the lobby of th.. Ilik.r hotel ,, il 7th inst. Taylor wu-j crazed oer the death of his si , it i, elaimed. and lie blames Wilde in som .-inner for her death. When T-ivl. r encountered Wible in l:e hotel he drew -i revolver and fir. si live shots nt him. None took effect. 1'he shooting was preceded by a healed iigumrnl r-gnnling a trunk that had b -hinged to the girl Wible refusing i rr lor it. Taylor declansl he fired in self defense. Although a warrant charging Taylor vvith intent to commit murder has been snuod and he is held in the county iml. is aunouncfsl tin- charge will not h. I ssed and Taylor will probably be I iveu hi liberty undir a bond to keep I peace. 1 lie Wil.le brothels have t resse.l a desire not to prosecute Tav r for attempting murder, but ihey fear - will again seek their lives and have iked that some steps ho taken by t he "Ms.vut nig attorney to at'fotd them iroteotion. CD G2 a tea More Light for less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt Si I 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in iooo hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp .'. $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Of fire, 200 West Seventh Street. Phone Xo. 35"). Opposite the Big Eleetrie Sign. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to 5. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs TO TEST TOWERS OF STATE COMMISSION "l.r.Mlirs. it., K.h. M.-Mu.-li in ' r st it ni:initYl. l in th,. oiitriin nt' I t); in jinn tion uit of Ohio nuItm.-i.L wim-ii c.nnn for tn;tl t.-lav. Ttn J it' is rtrii-il :i of in iii-li 1 in j.or ; tni-r t I'otli shi''T an.) carritT-. Th.- two riniip:il iwt mni invnj cl in th. relit 1 1 ti tin' innli.tion of ill. tnt cornmiion ovor iritTt:t' tnt'tit'i in th nmttiT of c;tr !-'rM .har an. I tin- ri':iHtnall'ri.!i of the! ru's proimiltfHti-.l by tli ruilron-l com I tuiiisiou. I Does not do its work and serve the public on paper A Farm for $10 in the Sunny San Luis!: Valley OF COLORADO FREE TRIP TO EXAMINE LAND Y K II A V1- UIVIDl') A 5-I.000-ACR1' TRACT INTO TRUCK FARMS COXTATX IXG 10 TO 1000 ACRES I'KR FARM AT $200 EACH $10 Cash and $10 Per Month! XO INTFRF.ST! XOTAXF.S! RKl'FRKNCK Any Hank or Hanker in St. Louis. Kansas Citv or Denver. AVe want a reliable and energetic man in every town to form chilis of 15 prospective purchasers. Wo will furnish round trip railroad tickets FRF1' to one member of each club to inspect land. We pay liberal commission. Full particulars upon request. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Propiu tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Enures, Spraying Outfits, Pumpa, n..;ei.-. and Machinery. Agents in S'H't'.vra Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 4 MEDI-OBD, OEEOOK , S'ate llth3ilry Kstalwuhed 1SSS. r.pltal aail Surplus $125,000 Resources $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service ,Thc .lacksun County Bonk respcctfullr tolicila jciur accuuul, nubjtict to your rlirck, v;itli tlio stroogest guaraute of safely aail efficiency. Wi- offtr (he ljigbcst attuiDmeot in syiti-matic banking service, which as sures the greatest caro in evarj finan ci:il trauaactinn, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTER, Prjoideat. O. K. LINDLEV, Canhior. Miry. ffl 1M V ;-Ki7 mm C07VRIGHT AAtC MIDWINTER IS THE TIME when your wardrobe needs replenish ing, uuil when you need a new dreai suit fur social functions or a new busi ness suit or overcoat. You can hav one made, from the most popular fab ric! that in a perfect fit and artistically tailored nt a reasonable price at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andT ailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFOBD, OB. Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Tilings on the market this winter Dun t imagine for a inmnent that our local citizens don t re.-og.iizo a good thing when it offers. Did on ever trade horses with any of them? Take our a.lvi,;e. and don't risk it. Good sense will dictate that it is in onlo,- to follow their lead in investing in -Med lord property, however, for tliev see the hand writing on the wall. Medford is on the verge of a boom. Interview us and we'll tell vou why this is the right tune to buy Medforil citv property". ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Exhibit Building, Medford, Oregon. SAN LUIS VALLEY LAND AND IRRIGATION CO. Hank of ( Vinmoivo Hldg. KANSAS CITY. MO. Sttrs. Ifampton Isaacs instructor of "fllaito. "Llt 5ttet,o6 Stulo at tt.tuWt. Jlorlb Or.nj. Stre.t Compare the Quality .!. E. KXYART President. .!. A. PKRRY, Vice-President. .10HX S. ORTH. Cashier. W. B. JACKSON. Ass t Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK H 3 rffSfrrSJw MEDFOBD, OB. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEank in Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. It is, and always has Iwen our aim to supply our customers with goods of tte highest quality and to that end Bfe are si ways adding A (quality to our line. The J daemon or " preferred Stuck " mnl-M nnr lin of itiyli jTade Cecnell Goods most complete. Our serriee alwys rte b-st and erery teem eivnn our customer. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and ted