O RKfiOX, W El )X KS I )AY. FEBRUARY 10. liKW. II E D FOUL) DAILY THTiifTNE, MEI)F(nf-. POSTCARD VALENTINES ONE CENT EACH The swellesl li f I'ost Card Valentines ever shown in Medford. m eoinic, trade, floral, heart and live series, new, swell, up-to-date, highly finished 1 r i . ..i i...: ...i. V FANCY CHINA Fancy Glassware, Enamel ware, Hardware Specialties, Cooking Utensils. Go to HUSSEY'S and vou will save money. 200 GLASS LAMPS Complete with burner, chimney and wick, while thev last, choice, 2000 Pieces of Enamelware Xcw pidds just hi. ("i odd liii''c siz( pieces id; tlie iiidiicy-saviiifj price of 25o each uosin.'Y AVOI.'l-Hil OVER COM US I'll USES uursiiEs notions, i-rrc. I C vim want to spend your money where yen net ,M(; most for the IcmsI money , try HUSSEY'S (ill l , all (Jul ( inni i", cai:ji ALSO A swell linn of Southern Oregon Sou VALENTINES To suit most any purse or any taste; nil qualities from 1 cent to 75 cents venir I'ost Cards, new line just in, and they are the best; choice, 50c each 1 Cent Each Social and Personal 1 1 own id William of Tiihiit wan trans nHintf IniKini'HH in Medford V Iim k-Iiiv. Ordors for HWn-t cmtin nr hiittermillf promptly filled, Pliomt the creamery. II, Ij. Voniif,', I lie expert mill liiylih ellicierit liimlypit operator, in Nprndini,' lii is spun m Mtir n (h in H'M inn "n' "" orchard of KTinjliMh walnuti: u hi lioinestojol mar ltroviiHloro. l'hotiii your orders for tuvcet m am or lnitterinilk to (ho creamery. lirr.innii II. Tdii'iii.-iii of I'r1l:uil i in Mi'dlonl on n l.usini'SH trip. Si-o the moving pirlun nt t In- Mi-d fonl Phiirnitn-v. 1U Dr. .(. 1'. LYddy h: planning a trip north. He will pn.lKihly leave WV.Irien day evening. ( 'out in ii on h per forma nee, iiiov inn pic tiircrt, at Mcdfonl I'liuiinaey. il-M) AHwrcHor VY, T, (irievc in in N.ikm on hllHilM'HH. Am1 to wo llio moving pirturi'M at M.-df'ord I'lnirma.y. L'HO ('. K, Crater lian ret iinn-i from a trip to Itiiriin in northern ( 'alifitrnia. I. M. Kershaw is makiiij; a Inisini'ss trip t lirmin'o'iit SIi;ih1: amid Siskiyou counties, California. lieiijutiiiu It. Wilson of (irnnlK I 'ass is in Med ford on Intsinesa. MrM. Charlen lelin ih had; from an extended i h i ( in I'iirlland. .1. li. Hamiiieridey was in Medford from (lold Hill on Tuesday. Mr. ami Mih. Kdyar I la for liavo ro lurried from n trip norlliwar. I. W, Marl in of Kiiem is upending n few ihtyH in Mrdford. Mrs. Martin iK-companioH him. II. I. WilliaaiH of Seattle spout a few hourti in Mod ford 'I'lM'sdny while on roil I soiit hwurd. Ifotiortft & KoliortH, exports in repair hi and rehiiildiiijr Hewing nmrhincn, will remain a few duyH hmer, af fording mi opportunity for good and accurate Horviee. l'hoiio .rIUi. Iiooins at lr. Ntephcimou n, cor. W. Ninth and II hI rootfl. a Miss Kvolyii Moslor tins returned from an extended vitiil in Itoselinrg. W. A. .lohnsini of Loh AnyeloH, Cal., hi a recent, arrival. Mo in interested In u piece of proper y in-ar liable Point. CONGRESS NAMES (Continued from page I.) cast Imd I u (s;; tt;,t ,,f ln L I'J constituted a iiia.joi it y ; lint William Howard Tii ft and .1;iiirs S. Sherman had received :tLM ; and William .leuiiine, liryan and John W. Kern had r ived Hlli. The vice president In n repeated thin hlatenieat of lint, declaring 1 hat it would he doe I snllie iont notification of thn election of Tat'l 1 1 1 1 1 Sherman, and dirootitig that the rosull he spread upon tlie journals of hot li house and senate. This terminated (he ceremony. The duty imposod hy the Const it ul ion had been performed. The senators filed out to return to their unit chamber, the gal lories emptied, and the h.-nse rcnn I iln discussion of pi-uding legislation. Vou Are Goin to Build 9 tlMr tVtUSJ 3T,T iiiiiiiniitim fTWfiWlf llllllllllllllll i l.-H niiliiii.liUfllljl AMUSEMENTS. . Mr. ( harlos H. ManfordV prosoiit imir hii heeji made the ocoaMioa of III osl hi ill inn t series of productions with which In- has ever hocn associated. This is haying much, for Mr. Hauford is reo ogui.od today as :i loader ia hix pro fession; one who prc-erves its most wor thy tradition and yet who lndiovoH in providing every accovory that modern r.tagoeraft can devis". Only the host p'la s that have graced tlie Knglish language engage Mr. Il.-nford 'h inter ost. This seas.. a he will present a so ries of resplendent product ions of "The Morchiint of Venice. H hello, The Taming of the Shrew." "Much Ado Ahout olhiug" mid " 'lihe Wilttor'n Tale." Not only docs this tour prosoiit in Mr. Hauford n ular whose popularity might unaided ho relied upon to win public approbation, hut the supporting company presentH a most d ist i ngnislied list of players, including that now cole hinted poll ray or of classic feminine roles. .Miss Marie Drofiiah. The stage set ting and costumes have been de signed ami are exoeutod on a scale coin moiisiiiate with t ho determination to inalio thin season a pre eminent one in Mr. Ilanford's career. Neither scholar ship, art istry nor expense has been spa roil in securing historic accuracy, beauty ami richness. The date of Mr. Hauford 's engagement at the Medford Opera House is Saturday, l-Vhrunry I'l, on which occasion he will present "The Mcivhaul of Venice." Curtain at "Tho Wostcnicr" at tho Bijou. The return of III- Clark Ituirougbs company to (lie ltij.ui theater Tlinrsday lliylit lull been the e:ni-.e of a good deal of I'av.u.-iblo colonic nf . When Ihe com pany appeared al tlie Clan. I theater si-vein I days ago more people were luine.l I'r the .1 s than were admit tel. It was most evident to the man agement of the lli.j'.u that a return eiiageiueiit of this company would be in. oe than weleom d. On Thursday night I lie celiipiiii v v. ill put on I heir Nlrougest prniliicl ion entitled "The Westerner." Tlie pl-iy is oi f Henry V. Fsiuoii.l 's best and most popular and is especially suited lo the com pany's personnel. The .itory is one of stirring interest iml with lots of good u hole some c.one.lv in it. The lug heart ed westerner as pi.i.'rave.l by Mr. Uur loughs is a fine study in western grit end loyally. The exciting battle of the ' to. k exchange . allies all before it and holds the onlooker breathless as the locks rise and fall in quick succession. This big production is to be put on Thursday night with but one perfor oiaiice only. Curlaia at S:l.". Seats may be reserved at tin- Bijou tonight between 7.:iU I ! . Ill . FOB SALE. If yon are looking for some good laud cheap. 1 have it, for $lll and 2l) per o-re. near good railroad town. W. M. FHKNC1I, " liooin 7, Jackion Bank Bl.lg. I. el me figure with yen. No contract too large or too smel'. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. E. BEAN cnNTH.UTOlI AND 1UHMKK, Meilfunl, ir( jj,m. DFORD HARDWARE J A Classified Advertisements WANTED. tVANTKIl Tii n-n(, n (i ur 7 in house cliisc in. Imiiin- I), cure Tribune. iix:t rolf HAI.K -(Jim. (l yi-nr old liiirsc; fam ily Ikiim.-. i.iiiul.- ..r . I. mill.-; iri.-i, $NU. Iiiilliri ul .Nusli l.er. L'S3 W A N't Kf i'rivnlo li.Vii i-.lv i s. " ' r.i.iiire lit H12 X. li.-iillelt Hlreet. I WANTKII I'.riy lief Nrwtowm ."hi Siiitzeul.urjf a..l.-ii. Apply of M. Stewart. :.; "..t- Sanh. ' TOP K I.B FOR HAI.i: int; Iiuumi. per llli.ntll, office. (ir li-. 111. I.est. r.Htm. M.-ifnnl, iKuuii( 100 A.litreN (', euro nf this K)l SAI.K Wi.,,,1 fr Hale, '.'III) tiers of ilry fir wnml. In.piire at the on.l of A anil Pino Ktreet. Alex. Duff. 281 FOIt KAI.K -rirapc cul tiiij:, Toltay, MuliiK.'i .'"I M.-l-.. is-. Write or call on V. (I. C.lle. Cu.lrri; l'..int, Or. 28.1 l-'Olt MAI. 10 Four tlialli.iliil rin..n left. weiytnn tlireo (jiiartor i-arnt at (;re:it l.ai'U'iin. M.'ilfer.l fieo. l.n.in Of- 282 FOU HA I.F. Hran.l new mife, weighs ."iilOO pi.iiii.ls. at very low figure; on in HtalinenlM. Iii.iiire Triliune nffieo. 2S2 Great Bed Spread Special Tip.; i'i-:;'T VAr.UKS offciTd iii Mod I". i-' I' r '. uiy (lays in plain and fringed (!.. ' 'guilts. Prices as they last, as follows : I'lain cilc I led S)i'('ads that, sell regularly I'd' -t I. ". at . 1.1!) each. I 'lain ciluc i.'ii(itl, heavy Med Spreads, guaran ( . ' in size, licit sell for $2.00, at $ each. K ra k... .! v.ili'.r. Same priced spread with fringes and ri;l edges. I " j 5 : t I lied Spreads with cut; edges, extra wide and full: a regular .r'l.2" va'ue. at $1.85 cadi. Plain edge Marseilles fine finished extra large Spread, regular :'..0 value, at $'2A). See the Window Display Van Dyke's IS THE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I J6f funiimiwii I'OU BALK Grain hay, baleil. Inquire of Phone 881. it r'OU HAI.K Two m-res, just went of Meilfonl, near new Btatioll of l.ozier, n H. 1(. V. K. It., prii-p ."iild for tlie two aereH. This aerea(re in e.-rtain to nilvaiiee in valuo soon. Aildrews P. O. Ilnx f71, Medford, Or. 2!I0 FOR BALE Relinquiehinent claim, 120 aeruH, 8 luileu Medford, 40 acres fenc ed, I'i ucres cleared, S acres 2 year-old commercial fruit, cabin. For price call on W. M. French, room 7, Jackson ( "onnty Bank bldg. l-'OK HAI.K Kelinqiiitiiment, 80-acres, li miles east Medford; '0 practically level, balance easy grade and covered with good fuel timber; 2 springs; very cheap. W. M. French, room 7, Jack sou t'oiiuty Rank blilg. FOIt HALK Clood residence lots, close in; also good 5-acro orcl-ard; deal with owner; save commission. Address J, caro of Tribune office. FOTt 8ALK Housei, lots and land In Phoenix, or in tracts to Huit from one acre to (140 acros. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOB BENT. Foli ItKXT Nice furnished room, two blocks from poslol'tice, ground floor, separate entrance, with or without housekeeping. 117 S. Central live. 2S1 PLACE DiiMiimiiiiiii fi I umiiimmi NATUBE TELLS YOU. As Many Medford Beaders Know Too Well. VI the kidneys nre sick, Nature tells you all about it. The urine is nature's calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action; Any urinary troubles tells of kidney ills. Dean's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills. - Medford people testify to this. j A. W. Countryman, comer F and Tenth streets, Medfold, Or., says: "1 had kidney trouble for a long time, and lured a great deal of Buffering. I ; wes very irritable and discouraged. The kidney secretions were very irregular and annoyed me geatly. T doctored, bbt did not find any relief until I nt least heard of Iloan's Kidney Pills and procured a box at Haskins' drug store. In a short time they proved to bo the reine.lv I needed. My system was toned up. the pains and itches relieved and my health was restored. I am glad to recommend )onu's Kidney Pills to oth ers. ' ' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milbura Co.. Buffalo, . Y., sole ng nts fo rthe United States. lieiuember the name Dunn's and take no other. 48 SHOOTS HIMSELF TBYINO TO KILL ANOTHER MAN 1 IWWTrcKF.T, It. 1.. I'Vh. in. Pr. J. Hurry rurbcrs last Friday niyht entoreil tin' off uc uf M .1. CavanaiiKli, mid uftor u dispntr over a hill placed a re volver at Cnvmnui(iir lireast and pulled the trifjer. (.'.'ivunauffli pushed liis us Nailant'H arm aside and the bullet en N TO BUY 1 FINE PRIN TIN (H tered the physician'" arm. I)r. Forbes was taken to a hospital, where his injury was regarded lightly. He suffered little loss of blood, but soon sank into a coma from which lie could not be uroused. llo died today. Medi cal Kxaminer French when asked the cause of death, said: "I do not know." Asked whether blood poisoning had set in, Dr. French said " Xo." We wish toGall the attention of ourmany patrons to the fact that we have been fortunate enough to secure the services of the best to be had among the higher grade workmen and can guaran tee our customers the most per fect workmanship in every respect on all Job Printing The Tribune IIIIHMIUIlUt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lUllltlllUlU iiiiiuiuiinu DIAZ WILL BE ASKED TO STAY AT THE HELM MKXK'O CITV, Feb. 111. An organ ization has been started in this city for tho purpose of enlisting delegates from every state of the republic to cull on tieneral l'orfiro Diaz, April 2, and ask li i in to remain at tie? head of the na tion for another term. BIJOU THEATER Return Engagement of the most popular CLARK BURROUGHS CO. IN THE COMEDY DRAMA "The Westerner" THURSDAY NIGHT CO Miiiiiiiiniir iiuunuiiiib -"itinffcirrtf i E