MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON, AVEDNESDAV, FEBRUARY 10, 190!i. OE SALE STILL CONTI NUES We are offering our Big Bargains all of this week All manner of shoes for all manner of MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN I Advertise FACTS ONLY C. W. McDONA Successor to Smith & Molony They All come here for SHOES GOAIS TO All 1CLESA1EL Will Construct Many Miles of Fire Fighting Lines Trial Will be in Galifornia WANTS CHICAGO POLICE USING EADIUM ON CONTROLLED BY THE STATE , ENGLAND'S RULER Three thousand minora oo;Ms herded out on the liush covered liills of Cali fornia lire p'itio to ilo some hard work for I'lh'Ii.1 Sam (luriicf the coinino 1 wo yearn Iteiriniiino; IliU spring. The ex periment will lie uuiijiie liotli ns a stnclt rnisino; proposition n ml an nil enyiiieer iiitl jhhI tree culture prolilein. The little white animals whose lone; wool is o!' siii'li jjivnt vahio :ire jjoinj; : to o (Hit lo no Ir-w :i t:il ton stnirtint; mile after mile nf fire line j throtioh the l.nshy t-li;i rni I growth in the national f oriels, sain imirli la lmr !iy tin' fiiiied States I'mrM s. rv ! ire eiiu'iiuers nnd making way for for ' est f-t.'ltioi.s hy mcivlin lit aMe tie. X..t ' ttio le:ist important feature ..f the ex p-riinent, which for the liit two years; will e confine.! f the L;isc n forest. ! id the fuel that the task will he per ! formed il ir ri !i i- the riynhir or;i .i ug hy tiie noats. which will hot even realize they are loini valuable wmti. Trial in California. Plans for currying on the work Jire entlineil in ;i eo ope ml ive agreement drawn up hy I he foreoj service ami the owner of n ha ml of angora pints gniz i tip; on the 1 ,:isswii n:i t iona I forest of alifornia. The s.heiiie is to run fire lines parallel with 'he coiiioiir of the slopes hy fulfill; Irnih'. ahont n.-ls apart, These trails are to serve a Hiiiih'!; for the :uioor;in. They will' yrazp hi eaeh direction from the trails, killing, it is estimated, a strip of hrttsh ahout .'t"i yards wide. The wide lnnep cut nut and L'ruzed hy the oats will serve ns ideal fire lines in protecting the forest covered hi nds lying beyond ami around the chaparral areas, and also make a place fur reproduction of luerehnntahle trees. Largo Benefit Expected. For the past two years the govern ment has heen carrying on permanent improvements in the national forests on an extensive scale, and the construction of fire lanes and trails has heen one of the most important features of the work. The tak nf clearing the ground Mid providing land for good forest trees is, however, perhaps the most important , henefit expected to come out nf the ex- j perimeat. The proposed work of the angora , goats may finally solve the charral prob ' lorn, which has been troublesome in the state of ('alifornia for many years. The huphy chaparral growth chokes out seed lings of valuable coin mere in 1 t rees, : which may get a sl.irt and when dry is j one of the worst kinds of fire risks.1 ()f;en a small blaze which starts in it gains such headway in a few minutes .as to travel hundreds of yards and lick into valuable stands of merchantable timber. The protection to he afforded by the goat built fire lanes, therefore, may at last bring relief to the ate. which in the past ha had its full j-hare of tim ber os through deslim tive fon-t fire-. A t the same t inie. a largi- a no -nut of chaparral will be killed out t nink room for the growth of trees that produce lumber. If proven sii'.-ef M at the end of two year; the wrk will he carried to natio-ml for.sts in sections where chaparral h:i choked out tood f.-re-t tto. and created dangerous fire rik. rlllt'Aliil, Fob. Ki. Demand for a state police rmimimmnii is made by the llev,. .M. P. Hoynton. ' The, moral tone of Chicago, ' ' he Mini, "is tower than that for the state at large, nt least that part which is left in the politics of the city. We need, therefore, the higher power of the state and the use of state r.nthorily in con trol of the police of Chicago, "In the slates where the governor h::s control of (he cities, police depart meals thereof have ad :. table ndvaaee in solving grave problems. "I feel certain that Denoen would have a great name In this republic if he had power to appoint the police head of this citv." ROOSEVELT TAKES RIDE IN HEAVY SNOWSTORM DOQ TELL DISTANCE OF 300 FEET AND LIVES l.nXImV. F-b. !. A !),.viT resi dent took In- dog for a run ..' Shakes ptare cliff. Tin- animal ht its fading at the edge ,.f the cliff ami fell n dis tanee ,, 'Mm feet. It was -uppnse.i that the dog had l"n kil'.d. but three day later a boatman d'oend it wedged between two r-'.'k. -tdl alive, though exhausted. WASH IXCTOX, Feb. 10. liraving a snowstorm, President Roosevelt led two secret service men a merry chase on horseback through Pock ( 'reek Park yesterday afternoon. When he returned to the White House ahout dusk he was coated from top of his hat to the toes ef his riding boots with a white man lie, and somewhat resembled a "snow man." Tie president finished the ride in fine shape, hut his body guards were saddle -ore and wet through. J LO.VDOX, Fob. 10. llehind the en dowment by Sir Ernest Cassell and Lord jlveagli of the new institute for curing (disease by the means of radium is the interesting story of how the king him self will be restored t" health by the ! properties of this wonderful mineral. The king s recent illness, although ascribed by court officials to a severe cold, was a recurrence of his old troll hie, perityphlitis which nearly cost the king his life during the coronation period. A stubborn inflammation had set in which the king's physicians found im possible to subdue hy all known med ical methods and the king suffered ter rible pain, both physical and mental. Ijike ordinary mortals, the king has a horror of deat h. It was Ihought an operation was im perative, but Sir Frederick Treves, who had been meeting with remarkable re sults in experimenting with radium, de termined to try the effects of the min eral up his majesty. Within a short time the inflamma tion had completely subsided and the king made an astonishing recovery to health. YOU CAN'T SAV E On your railroad fare. Tho law of t o common carrier compels equal rates on all railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Tinveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC 0. R. & N. Oregon Short line and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and occommoda tion of tho passenger is provided. change of cars is necessary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are for all oth er points t-rt and tnnstb A. S. ItOKENBAUM, Agent, Med ford. WM, McMUBBAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. KKSOLPTlnX. lie il bYsolved, liv the city council of the city of Medtord, Oregon, the mayor approving, that the regular meet ings of the citv council he held at the jeitv hall twice in each month; that is to say, on the first Tuesday and the t li ii'.l Tii ifbi v in ouch calendar in out h. J The foregoing resolution was adopted by the city council February o. I!M; Kifert voting aye, Merrick absent. Wort man aye, Kmcrick aye, Welch aye. Detainer aye. Approved February 100i. W. If. CAXOX, Mayor. At lest: p.kxj. M. roujxs. Recorder. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William M. Abbott to .1. .1. My ers, lot :il. Miners' addition to Ashland $ 10 Tinted States to Flizabeth Y. Mix, X W 'i section 2S, town ship -10, range 1 W patent 1'nited Slates to Williem O. Ilix, Ulit acres in section ISO, town ship 10, range 1 W patent .1 l. Fvnns to George Mart in llciiwood.'lM acres in township S, range 1 V 1000 Sophroma J. Mays to W. T. II-ling-worth, lot I, block :t, Ken dall addition lo Med ford . . . LN10 I'nited States to Clarcuce If. dos ser, 1H0 acres in sect ion 2, township :i,H range -I K patent Patrick McCormicU to F. M. Cen ters, A'2 acre in West's addi tion to Moil ford 000 United States to Xora Montgom ery, lfrown patent lnitd States to Frank ,T. Ker- by, so acres in section 4, town ship :t!, range 1 W patent United States to Henry Kerhy, PJ0 acres in seel inn I, town ship :ilt. range 1 W patent W. I-. White lo .1. G. Nhively, property in Ashland 1 HOLDS MAD BULLDOG UNTIL POLICE ARRIVE CHICAGO, Feb. 10. A bulldog he- , longing to William Carter last night went mad and attacked one of his chil dren. Carter grappled with the ani , mat, seized it. by the throat and held : it to the floor. Meanwhile a member! of his family telephoned to the police ; and while the patrol wagon was on the ; wav 'arter clung to the canine. The : police shot the dog while Carter held Prepaid Railroad Orders. 'Something wbirh ia of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally knowc is the system of prepaid orders now in effect betweeu stutions of the Southern Pacific company and nil points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from nny place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to couio hero. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection witn these tickets nay also be forwarded at the sanu Urn:1 it My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor K. J. Skewii G. E. HiUinttrr A. C. ; L. D. lluiTfi Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS r, Sub-Dividers and Dovelopcrs Rogue Eiver Valley Or chard Lands. Thnire fruit lamia, bearing and young orchards iu small nnd larjii tiafta, for Balo. Wo plant and caro for orchards and Z""r'"ll' properly to he 'is i presented. Experience JVot Xccessary for those who purchase through us. They socuro tho advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul turo in nil its branches, who for Boveral yens has oxcoled in the growing nnd shipping of fruit in tho liogue Hirer valley, record ciops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon HOME PHONES See Something Real Compare it with the Pacific Telephone junk in your home and business. Our phones can be seen at Ritter's cigar store on Main street. Citizens' Telephone Co'y ' J YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tho excellence of tin meals that are cooked at tho Kinerick ufe if you havn 't already real- 1 yourself with some of the delicious difhes that are wrvod here. If you (riven 't partaken of them, thre is a treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A meal nt the Kinorick is an experience that will make you t.y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All N'ljbt -A FEW OF OUR- MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS (i-KOOM lUODKKX 1 IOUSH West Seventh street, lot 100x400; a very tfood liny at $3000 9-ROOM IHJN(lAl)V Complete in every detail; one square from West sclioolhonse $3000 7 ACHES GOOD LAND (Hose to Central Point; all under plow; half laid out in fruit; a snap. $800 liO-ACKU ORCHARD All in (i-year-old Newtown apples; three anil one-hall: miles from Medford; good house, barn, wagon, stock and implements. 'J'li is is an exceptionally good buy. A GOOD PAYING lUIKINUSS On East Seventh street; long lease; small rent and one of the best locations in the city. This is a fine money-making proposition. Sickness reason of selling. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 .JACKSON COUNTY DANK IiLDG. in llie case. NO ON K P.ARRED. CITIZENS TELEPHONE COMPANY Hold Moore, Mcdfnrd. My M. A. Marsh, Gen. Mgr. We will Furnish All Information Medford, Or., Feb. .", 1f)09. Any person desiring any information concerning either the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company or the Home Companay will please call on us or let us know, and wc will be pleased to call on I hem, as it is our purpose to see that bolh interests are put to the people as they are. If there are any points that are not, clear in any one's mind, or have not as 'yet heard our side, they surely cannot fix an opinion without the actual facts M F-DKORI) SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 22'J. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doom, with Herel flute, carried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and nil kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy (Irilli, K STKKKT, BKTWKKN HIXTIl AND fl F.VKNTH STREETS. 0TEL M0M0NIAM ilipi ife ! mmmWt oC Uo"""""1 Vu sryairg1(.i .? '.vis'? kxoaok rooms 1 11 i T3 r PORTLAND OREGON Modkhm Comfort MoMKHATK PlUCKS ONLY ROOF (jiAIM)FN IN PORTLAND lq iiurt era KA.RJ.T ASKA- YUKON KXP08ITION A. 8. NORTON, Uiuia