MIC UFO UP DAILY TRTWUNK, MEDFOKP, OlWiOX, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 0, 1000. Social and Personal Frank Hull U back from u trip to Balem. Mri. R. F. Andurimu in upending u few daya in Anhlnnd. H. C. Unruott visited Aahltmd on Monday. Mm. J. 11. An a ii in of (J runt J'iihm im visiting fricnda in Med ford. W. M. Howard visited iu AKhiiitid on Monday. J. D. Hoard Una returned from u bind ueiti trip to t ho north. Orditri for Hwoot crcurii or buttermilk promptly f i Mod. Pliotm the creamery, 1 ('. A. Herd an of Atdiland in cmitem plating UQ curly removal to Med ford, M. L. Huruey uf l'terHbt.rg, N, I)., n id thn city for n vitul Willi relative, L. II. flail of IfruiiU i una wan in Mulford recently on burliness. Phone your orders for oweut rrcnm or buttermilk to th creamery. I. McCoriiuu-k and fainilv have left for Ncbraikn. Mitis M. H. Towne of .Tnekson villi liai returned from n nliort visit in I'urt laud. William Hhoffer. advance man for Char lea H. Hanford, wan in Med ford on Monday arranging for Hanford 'h hIiow. Roberta ft KnbrU, eiperti In repair ing and rebuilding no wing tunchinen, will rojiittiu a fow daya longer, affording r.u opportunity for (food and accurate Mrvier, l'lmue BOO. Knouts at Dr. Stephemon'i, cor. W. Ninth and II streets. The Hanford production of "The Merchant uf Venicu" nt the Modford Opera Hoimo on Saturday, Feliruary V., promises to be an ovent of rare inter t. The production in one of (lie mont beautiful that thie player nnd producer haa over nuaembled. I'ortia will be played by Minn Marie Drofnah, whoxo uceraa in delineuliiig the h ighe.it rem uln type of the legitimate drama lias awakened a popular intrreHt arcoml only to that felt in the star hmmeir. 'KERRY OO W PROVES 10 BE DISAPPOINTMENT A number of local theatergoers nt tended I ho Medford Monday evening to ce Arthur CunniuKhnin in the Irish comedy, "Kerry (low. ' For the mo.it part thono who nt tended were ditmp pointed, not only by the lack of mipport received by Mr. ('unniiiKhniu, but by hii lack of the fine points of the actor V art, which count to no great a degree, The one redeeming feature regarding the performance wan the scenery cur ried bv the company. Outside of this there win but little (o please, from rur tain to curtain. CROWDED rROM BERTH IN HER NIGHTIE. SHE SUES NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 0. Awaken ed, it In alleged, in her sleeping car berth by the body uf ii half intoxicat ed man being lifted into the compart ineut by the negro porter is the basis of a damage Buit for 111,000 filed iu tho federal court today by Mrn. Aninn da MhIbiicoIi Pubuurg, formerly t he wifo of John l' Pulmurg, ngniimt the Pullman Palace Car company. Mm. Ibibnurg had taken transporta tion nt Iteming, N. M., to New Orlentm. ibiring the night of .Tauuary J'J it is alleged the i nt runimi occurred. The pe titiouer ndati'B that ?he was greatly hu-, aiibated, the intoxicated man insisting on crowding her out into the aislo in her negligee. YOUNO CORBETT SIONS FOR TEN ROUND BOUT NEW YORK. Vcb. !. Y.mng for bett once tnoro will appenr ut a fighter liefoi-e tho fnu of tlotham. The for raer clmmpiuii nigned articles today to meet Johnny Marto in n ten round con test to be held before the Fairmont Ath tone club on March 1!. The hoy a have pouted forfeits for the match, which will be nt catch weight. September 0, l!0!, will be ('aliform day at the Alnnka Yukon Pacific exp itiou. I tu same day will be observed aa isan h'rrtunvo day. Thijt will be the auuiveranry of the date the ntate was admitted to the I'niou. MuTias Licenses. H. I. Iiehternmuller anil Klihor II Aubrey. Mar:trt't J. lininHii uml (It'orgo V Railry. W. II. Ilildi-rWh nml l.utn V. Pi n kint. MAL ESTATE TRANSTERa Howi.on fnwh to K. M. Xtcln tlw.. propi-rly in HiKhlsml l'rk lititiun to A'hlnii.l iilKI H. J. Kiynolil to T. W. llritt ni, lot 11. Aslilan.l ll.Miii-Kti'.nl Mooixtion hi Charles WVjtli'y to ,tohn 1. Speotl. prowrty in Ail.lsn, rharlM W. ( h.-jtnut to John H. !IhtI, l.iml in t miiship 3'.", rnj; 1 r' A. H. t?rit-n to Kmil Tcil. pnp erty in AhlAiut Uwell H. Kofh to Arrhituilil 11. l.ralir, nropertv in Ashlaml.. SO 10 I'nitM Statii to Lulu I'ortir. 10 ?Tv in weotion , t.-wn.hip 3. range J t patent RuHue River Valloy tr,-li:rvl Co. to Fmil Veil, latul in town. hip S. rantri I K 10 Club Skate on Tues day, February 9th. You Are Going to Build AMUSEMENTS. Hanford at the Medford Theater. No play affonlu better mope for the ttkill and ti'inperaineiit of an ue'itr of rharlitt 11. Hanford b m-lntol limn "The Merihant of Venice," tvhii-h with the uHFOHtanci- of one of the h( n.ngext eom- panieM he haH evi-r aKHeinlded will he presented by that eminent star at the Medford Opera limine on Saturday, Feb ruary I.I. Mr. Hanford in one of the few nr tor-inn lingers t hat Huh country can now IioiimI. II in proNeiihit iiniw are built and cant ubHolutely under liin di roi'tiou and the rirliiiemj of equipment which he provide given prod net mint liigli rank aside from Iiih own extraor dinary popularity :ih h star. Ity retain ing eoinpli le eitntrol of Iiih present a lions, Mr. Hanford hnit avoided that neglect uf detail to which mo many per foruiaiiceH that prewnt a player whose etiiineitee coin inn nd h populur interest iiuiftt plead guilty. The name artistic sense that haH enabled him to reat-h so eminent a place an it tt individual play er preventH him from slight iiik "" l,,,r lion of a performance offered under liix KpoiiHorship. The Hinge il,t lll,n' ly n place where h" may exploit his ijeuiiiH ill a Mingle rle, but it reflects his HtUHte and diiicemiiient in every liclure that the pawing scene untold. In bin presi'iit tour .Mr. Mautoru nguin has the asHiHtance of that eminent ac treHH, .Mane Protniih, wnose ponniyum have won o much popular applause and r it ii'ii I aiproval. M int. lUofiiuh Iium realized I he feminine characters ol me standard drama in a manner which givea Iht an unchallenged position inning the foiemosl ill popular rslet Popular Clnrk BurrouKhn Company Will Return to Bijou. The management of the Itijou lots been fortunate iu securing a return en gageincut of the fle.rk Iturroiigh com uiny for Thursday night of this wock. The company appeared at. the (iraud theater for two nights last week ami the public so clearly evidenced that they wisehd to see more of them that the management of I he Itijou arranged a return engagement. During the two nights t hat t he Clark HuiiougliH com pany appeared in this cily hcoivs of peo ple were turned from the doors, unahle lo find even standing room. It is safe to nay that the return of this company will be appreciated by the public. The ompauy will present an entirely new ml exceptionally ft ronog production, ntillcd "The Westerner." The play m one of Htirnng unrreti aim contains lots of rich wholesome comedy. BIO RAILROAD DEAL IS REPORTED FROM EAST RICHMOND, Va.. 1M. !. A special meeting of the stockholder of the hcHiiponko A Ohio Re. it road emu pany met iu the general offices of the cor poratiou today mid ratified the action of the board of directors in authori. lig ll bond issue of 4:10,000,000 for (he purpose of permanently unucing (he road. .1. 1'. .Morgan i o., ami imiiiii, Loeb & Co. are said to have mihscrih- I for the issue. The road is now un tor new management, and it is stated that it may form an alliance with other Hvstems with the intention of eventually securing a terminus a! both oceans. SATCHEL CARRIED BY LINCOLN PUT IN MUSEUM TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. !.-TIh natch 1 carried by Ato;aham Lincoln during the Douglas debates, and while riding !ind from circuit practice, was today en to the Ferry museum by Fred C. Iteomnu of this city, who secured the relic from his father of Npringtield. 111. The elder Iteeman secured it direct Dion Lincoln. ANTI SALOON WORKERS PLAN FURTHER WORK IN SOUTH NORFOLK. Va.. Feb. U. Jubilant at having rendered a bug' part of thp Old Dominion us dry as the proverbial bone, thJ mil i Saloon league workers ef Virginia are gathering in Norfolk tod a yto consider projects for carrying on the crusade. Ut is pie-posed t or giu-.ic ii campaign to make Norfolk and Portsmouth "dry." In the bitter city it is said the "diys" have a ma jority, but the praei ical men et the prohibition element will not make the iity "dry" as long as Norfolk is "tret." holding that it would be use lena to do so. It is believed the auti aloon eecutie committee will make its hardest fight in Norfolk and. fail mg to carry it. thai it will then toree the issue of statewide prohibition, the oiioly means left to make this a drv citv. if local option fails. The conxeu tiov will last thre. (':is. LOOKS LIKE BIO CROPS THIS YEAR IN OKLAHOMA OKLAHOM A CITV. Okla.. F. b. S IV!nvt of bit; crops ,tvd : ':ir of improcodt'ntcd prosperity in the new ntuli resulted in 'n umi-n:t!l v Is.i;.' stti'tidame when the Tttsil V-ir.'iw;ire and implement deaiers of (kt;ihoTii: p'ne.l tlwir sininsl eo nit ;,mi hi-re (Mayfl. The oion will Kt !hne ds' One of tho I'Npo-trnt suljefls !tl for disen-Mon i "How to cur- tho p.-vti;-' of o,,,,) and pre ve: freak laws." I.! me fiirf with yi u. No eontraot too larj' r tin ?ttif action KuaraDtfsl L. E. BEAN CONTRA CTvlR AN1 BCU.PKR. Medfonl. Orrgxn. BHIDE GIVEN WEDDING PRESENT OF $1,000,000 l'HILli.IJl v, Yb. ii. It t Known that just before Mint France Sniti -ibury, the Ini-t iiniiiurried dnujjh t':. of K. T. -Siuteshury, a p;i-tner of I J 'crpunl lt.r,'.io, n.is ni;iriid two Weeks Hjro to John Kejf-f. V lltchel, ; noted ,ie'i'i. Insist and auihor, her I'll I her pleHenlid her with II check for il.lHlOniM) ;i.t ii tveddinur loeHent. Misn Stuh -Inn v '.. weildiiiL' L'ifti wen- pnibably IiihuIh -nm r :ind uf greater ill 1 1 insic v;ilue t linn I hose received by .inv I'hiladelphiu jfirl, and uIn-ii it lie il in known iluii in atditioii to the splendid ieM 'h, -olr. nil yl:iH and t.ther ;irtiide i.' value site received, I, -r hither had a I, I. .1 1 .Oiio.iiiio ,-hhIi, Philadelphia society wns iimaed. Mr. Siotesbury alo jjave hi iliiuyh it a ilinuiitiid toirt, a diatiKoid neck l'iec and a string of pearls, the three t-iiid to be worth abou! ."imi,imiu. and in it ion to these splendid n1" the nny woman received tienre ,,f other llliudsome j''VeU, ln-intifnl H'tver and ut ",'uss ii ml rare :i int ins. el chinas nid other rare and beautiful things. Jafet l.indt liei j, on- uf I he richest minium ui -n ( Alnskn, will exhibit Kdd from enrli oi' the .leeks mi the Seward peninsula ut 1 lie Alaska Vnk.n Pacific exposit ion. Grea! Bed Spread Special T UK I ! KNT VALUES offered in Med f. p.l I'np many days in plain and fringed e l;;r Med (guilts. I'rices as thev last, as I Ma in edge l!'d Spreads Hint sell reirnlarly fur iH. ."id, al $.) each. lMain cdue. :;niid, heavy Oed Spreads, guaran tee.! in size, that sell for fJ.tH), at tfl.tiO eaeh. Kx ra guild value. S-nne jirieed spread with fringes and i ll! edges. l-'ringeil l!el !-'nreads with cut edges, extra wide and lull; regular .f'-'.'J") vaYe, at $1.8") each. I Main edge Marseilles fine finished extra large Spread, regular if".H) value, at $12.4."). See the Window Display Van Dyke's . - a;- ; y rs -rtr viov . p X W7 TO AMALGAMATE THE MASONS IN OKLAHOMA lU'Timr, OU:.. Feb. 9 Masonic (ed)o from ;i!l over Oklahoma, with 'iu"i pronmient in the fraternity from ;i,r t.ue. are pa't .. ip;it in in the .'ii. !;ie opened today for the purpose of am ilamat iuc the t;rand lodges of Oklahoma and Indian territory into one Tcamration. Tho consolidation of the two territories aa one state renders this -ction mvessary. The convention will en' iuue through ;oitiorrov nnd will iiniMte- fake rank as one of the larg est Masonie meeting! eer held in the -Mjthwi-st. t V ViMIK. Feb 0 -New York jvri :.rr v.'s!luij; that today is the Vth t-iuhU of Jake KUrain, the hero of 1 ."in 'on tt , u.id once tht heavy, weight ohf-u.on of the world. The former gre.t p'ist Las recently made a tour of , "it- Mintry with John L, "niihvan. :th n he fought and gamely lost t Lo -. -- vratl battl it t iMiSS.ppl. MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE AN EVENT OF UNUSUAL Mr. Charles Accompanied by Miss la a brilliant Production PRESENTED WITH HISTORICAL ACCURACY AND WITH AN ELABORATE SCENIC EQUIPMENT. 30 PEOPLE IN THE PRODUCTION 3Q MR. HANFORD AS "SHYLOCK." MISS DROFNAH AS "PORTIA' SEATS ON SALE. BIJOU THEATER Return Engagement of the most popular CLARK BURROUGHS CO. IN THE COMEDY DRAMA "The Westerner" THURSDAY NI6HT FOR SALE. If you are looking for some good land . heap. 1 have it, for $10 and $20 per aere. near good railroad town. W. M. FRENCH. Room 7. .Tackfon Bank Bldg. I ORDINANCE NO. . .. I An ordi nance providing for the se j curing of rights of way for the grav 1 ity pipeline of the city of Medford. ! and anthoriiing the i xecution of the ueeesiary ;riHniens therefor. Whereas, In stvuring the neet-ssary rights of way for the gravity water piji'liue for the city of Medford it is tuvesjiarv in sinie irstances to furnish I an agreement for compensation for dam . age to crops and other similar dam ac'. now therefore. I The citv of Medford doth orvlain as ! follews: j That the special gravity water com . mittee heretofore appointed by the may I or be aad they are hereby empowered and directed to secure the necssarv INTEREST of The Merchant of Venice Citv Business Directory "Let fUe MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece '4 'urniture. Any design, any color, any Jininh dull, waxed or polished. Shop oa cor. of 8th and H streets. W. M. Colvig. 0. L. Reames. OOLVIO St RE AMES Lawyers. Office:Medford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 01 MORDORFF & WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Gads' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. Q. Karnes, Prop. 80 S. G St., Medford, Or. MEDRMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will '-e prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish cement brick. Better thaH pressed brick and just as ch"ap. In estigate bofore contracting. P. O. Box 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Toas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DR. G6BLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Pharmacy Main 23.1. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3163 r-ghts of way for tho gravity water pipe line of the city of Medford, upon the most advantageous terms possible, and the mayor and recorder are herebv au thorired and instructed to execute, on t.ehalf of the city of Medford. such agreements as may be necessary to car ry thin oniinane into effect. The foregoing ordinance was passed bv the city council February 'J. liV; Kifert voting aye. Merrick absent. Wormian aye. Kmerick aye. Wel.-h ave, IVmmer ave. Approved February i, Ui;, W. H. CNON. Mavor. Attest: BEN.T. M. COLLINS, Recorder. Classified Advertisements WAJCTZ9. WASTED To pureh.ie Sp;iu of gol heavy work hor,-. ;iU j,pan ltf r,,":ir,.4 tot work on ranch. alo p;in of good mules and two Jersey eon or other high grade ,'.. S.nd full partial lam and best pmo m first letter. Ad dress P. O. Hoi -ll-i. Medford. Or J 7 7 AMBD--tfty boie, otV.wt?; SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 B. Hanford Marie Drofnah Prices $1.50 THE B. B. V. LUNCH ROOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lo rimer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane it Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medforo Oregon WASOHAU 6s BROWN wish to aunounce to their patrons that they are locatod in their new quarters in the Young & Hall building. Billiards. Cigars and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dntist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. JOB PRINTING bv The Tribune. For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go tu THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones C. W. Conkiin 36" J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. J. OONBOY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. ar.d Spitzeuhurg apples. Apply of M. FOBALE. KOR SALE Or trade, the best" room- uig house in Medford. clearing $100 per month. Address f. care of this office. VOW SALE We dry fir woo.l. Inquire :it tho end of A and rin- strt. Al.x. Duff. ;t KOK SAl.K The b-t rooming hou in Mi'dford. eloaring 100 vr month. Ad dross 0, c.ire of this offioo. IVOR SAI.K Crape cnttincs. Tokav. ! M!,la 1 Mi'lvoin-. Write- or rail on W. C. Goffo. Cntrai Voint. Or. Kllv SAI.K A team of mares, wac.tn acj harness. Inquire f. S. Moris. 131i ' West Ninth street. 277 . KUK SAI.K Feur diamond ring? left. "eigh'i-g three quarter ear.it. at a I great bargam. M.dlord Loan Of I jF'Ui SAI.K Brand I'.ensatV. "weu-h. o i-i.v.a. at very low f-gure; on in ia:nien:. inquire rnl.une office. i FOR SAI.K Oram ii.iy. Inquire of Phone SSI. t( FOR SALE Relmqaiskment claimi;5 $1.00 75c 50c SAVOY THEATER North d'Aojou Street, Latest motion pictures and illus trated songs. Entire change o' program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BUOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Continuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of prugrum Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Beuuott, Medford, Or. Grow trees thut sell, sell treea that grow auad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Modford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 225 S. R. 8EELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10 12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBUBO Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTER R. STOKES, Dentist. Successor to Dr. ,T. M. Keene. ai-res. S miles Medford. 40 aeres fene i d. 12 aeres cleared. 5 aereg 2 vear old fommeroial fruit, cabin. For price call "a W. M. French, room 7. .lackson I 'mint y Rink bldg. . r"iv .A1.K KelinquHhilient, SO acres. mile, east Medford: .W practically level, balance easy grade and covered wuh good fuel timber; 2 springs; very cheap. V. M. French, room 7, Jack son Tounty Bank bldg. I-'OU SAI.K Good .-esidmce lots, close m; also gocd .i acre orcl ard; deal nitli own.r; save commission. Address .1. care of Tribune office. SAf.F HoilSeS lot. an.l lBn in Phoenii. or in tracts to suit from une acre to 640 aeres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nii. Or. FOR BENT. I'll! KKXT Xon-ly furnished rooms, p-r month, four blocks n.irth of Hotel Xash. 27; Ask Yourself the Question. W hy not use I "haniberlai n s I.ininient -h-n you have rhenmatKm f We feel s ire that the r. suit will be prompt and satisfactory. It has cured others, why not y.uf Trv it. It costs but a trifle. Price 2o cents: larjje size .0 cents. For sale by llaskins drug store.