SHOE SALE STILL CONTINUES We are offering our Big Bargains all of this week All manner of shoes for all manner of MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN 1 Advertise FACTS ONLY c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony They All come here for SHOES BAETENDEES TOOK TUENS AT TENDING BAE AND ALTAE SEATTLE TO HAVE TEN j FOUND THAT THEY COULD MILES OF SUBWAY NOT BEAR TO LIVE APART YliEKA, Oil., Fell. 0. A peculiar prank of Cupid in t city lias .jnsl conn' to light lifter vnin efforts to keep it nocret. Monday fVi-ninn Wil liam' Tiimisicu, who's at night over the Clarendoli hotel liar, eaine to till! proprietor, Kihvtinl Autotiroitli, and asked him to talie his shift, as he had mi oiiL'aL'ement. Mr. Autenifith told hira it would be impossible, lis he also hnd a very important engagement. Mr. Taniisioti persisted and (inally whispered that he was slated to lie mar ried that evening. Sir. Antenreith slat id his engagement was of the same kind; that ho was to lie married the same evening. The matter was linally nrrnaged liy the men dividing the eve ning into two shifta and taking their ullottod turns at the altar. Edward II. Antenreith was married to Misj Lillian Mereier of Yrekn. William A. Tnmisiet was wedded to Mrs. Min nie Dunlap of Montague. OREGON'S BUILDING READY TO OPEN UP ITS EXHIBIT SKATTLK, Wash., Feb. 0. Seattle, by unanimous recommendation of the corporation eommittee today, on Mou !uy will grant to I.loyd Klliuger & Co., Loudon bankers, through W. L. Vbidley, of Seattle and W. S. Itoody of Phila delphia a (io-year franehise for ten mil i'M of subway, passenger and freight, to eost ts.liilU.nilli. The rity is to be piMd 2 per cent, and thereafter II per eent. In l'.lXI, the expiration of all Seattle f ra n.hises, the rity may pur- ehaso the subway at an appraised valu ation, or if it elects may wail iiniii il vi.ii-. i i, ,,i of the ti'i veins, when the entire subway plant shall revert to the eitv. Quito an unusual thing look place at the county sent Saturday, when tic-urge I R-iiley applied for 1 license to innrry Margari't lingm:iu. The court had just granted the lady u divorce on January 1 30, from Mr. Henley, but they have seemingly made up their trouble. Chicago will erect a building nt the Alaska Vukon-I'aeific exposition at Se attle in Willi. The building will con tain a big hall in which there will be daily lectures illustrated by moving pictures showing how Chicago goods are made. The merchants of the big west ern city have raised $C.H.m to assure participation at Seattle. Prepaid Railroad Orders. Something which is of considerable i interest to the public generally and ' which is perhaps not generally knowt ' is the system of prepaid orders uow in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection wttn these tickets may also be forwarded at the same tlms." tf LIVE GAME DEPARTMENT AT THE SEATTLE FAIR One of the big utlractioiiH on the Pay Streak nt thtt Alaska-Yukou-l'acific exposition will be the Washington State Live (iame exhibit. Five acres of virgin forest have been ( set aside for Ihis purpose where the patl s of the exposition will havo the : r o 1... ,.,-,.-l n.illee. eppin iiiiiii -i .... . lion of game animals ever exhibited in the I'niled Slates. Every animal will be catalogued with the owner's name and address, giving those who wish to dispose of their ani mals an opportunity to place them with an exhibit that will bo seen by thou sands of visitors from all parts of the world, who will daily throng the expo sit ion grounds. Arthur I'exter, the assistant director of this department, states that a large number of aniltilils trom Alasaa, incnui ing two cub bears from Kudiuk island, were brought down on the late bonis last fall and are waiting to no insinueo with this exhibit. .SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. II. Oregon was the first of all the state to "open up" its exhibit at the Alaska l ukoii Pacific, exposition. i It is the habit of the exposition di -i rectors when they are showing notables through the gruuuiln. to point out tlnj Oregon building as the rst of the state' buildings to be completed und one of tho handsomest of any kind on the grounds. A few days ago they were entertain ing the newspaper men of the state of Washington, und ns usual led them up to the Oregon building to brag a bit. They were invited inside and. t.i the surprise of everyone, found big red apples by tho ton. great jars of fruits and grapes and other things that Ore gon produces, already to go to the ta bios and shelves, which were being rang ed around the building. Before they got out of the building (hoy were taken down into Hie. Imse mcnt, where a cold storage plant is in operation, and there every one of the '200 writers present was given un apple the size of a inm-hnieloii und invited to come again. Yakima county, in the state of Wash ington, will make a fine exhibit of ap ples at the Alaska Yukon Pacific, ex position in Seattle ill limn. The apples the same variety that .lames ,T. Mil Isends to the king and qu of Hug land every year. RESOLUTION. HOLDING CONVENTION TO PUT FLORIDA IN DRAY RANKS JACKSONVILLE, Fla Feb. !'. Plans for placing Florida in the ranks of the "dry" states of Dixie, which now include Georgia, North Carolina, Alnhama, Mississippi and Tennessee, will be made by the delegnten who are arriving in Jacksonville today to take part in the State anti-Saloon league's convention. The opening session will bo held this evening, and three ses sions are slated for tomorrow. Dr. I'. A. Baker of Ohio, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of America, and the Hon. Seaborn Wright. the O- orgia legislator who was largely re sponsible for making fieorgia a "dry" state, nre among the speakers on the program. As a result of the convention, it i? likely that a fight for statewide pro hibition will be made in the Florida legislature. Such a measure will not be passed without a struggle, however ... ika linunr dealers of Honda are wealthy and influential, and carry an extensive shipping business to floor gia. ns well as having a big local trade. IRI8H HOLDING NATIONAL CONVENTION IN DUBLIN DUBLIN, Feb. 9. Following the re eent preliminary conference, a general national convention of the Irish party was convened today at the Mans house and will continue through turner row. The representation is practically the same as in past years, including delegates from all branches of the I'nit ed Irish league, the Foresters, the An cient Order of Hibernians and agri cultural associatioai nnd county an municipal bodies. The future p..lio on the Irish land bill and other imp.. tant questions will be decided, (treat difference of opinion exisis as io in merits of the government measure, a hot debate is expected.- YOU CAN'T SAVE On your rmlroiul fare. Tbe law of tie common carrier co-'ipela equal rates on nl! railroad Uupb YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Tatigue by insisting on the shortest route, faste.t trains and best service. Simply sea that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short line and Union Pacific Every facility for the Bafety and accommoda tion of th? passenger is provided. Iv-, change of cars is necessary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are for all oth er points cast and south A. S. ItoSENIiAKM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, Oeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. lie it Resolved, Bv tho city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, the mayor approving, that the regular meet ings of the city council be hold at the eitv hall twice in each month; that is to say. on the first Tuesday and the I bird Tuesday in each calendar month. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the city council February . I WW; i.'.r,.rt voiimt avc. Merrick absent. Wortinnn uvo, Einerick aye, Welch nvo. Detainer aye. Approved Februarv !S, infill. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Atlest: liF.SM. M. COLLI NS, ltecorder. E. J. Skewit C. E. ItlUiniter A. C. Randall .' L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. r?. FRUIT LANDS j, Sub-Dividers and Dovelopors Rogue River Valley Or chard Lands. Choice fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tiae.ta, for salo. We plant and enro for orchnrds and gnarantoo proporty to tie as ri presented. Experience Not Necessary tor those who purchase through us. They Bocure ths advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for sovoral yens ImB exoeled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue Uivor valley, record clops, record packs, record prices. in North 1) Street, Medford, Oregon My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor HOME PHONES See Something Real Compare it with the Pacific Telephone junk in your home and business. Our phones can be seen at Ritter's cigar store on Main street. Citizens' Telephone Co'y -v rv w YOU OUGHT TO KNOW I lie excellence of th meals that arc conked at the Kmorick Cafe if you havcu't already regalvl yourself with some of the delicious dirhcs that are served here. If you hiven't partaken ..f them, there is a roat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A meal at the Emerick is an experience that will make you c.y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open Ail Jfigbi SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to he the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. Tf you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. -A FEW OF OUR- MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE West Seventh street, ...... is i fflnnAA lot 10Jx4UU; a very good buy at spovuv 9-ROOM BUNGALOW Complete in every detail; one square from West sehoolhouse $3000 7 ACRES GOOD LAND Close to Central Point; all under plow; half laid out in fruit; a snap. $800 30-ACRE ORCHARD All in 6-year-old Newtown apples; three and one-half miles from Medford; good house, barn, wagon, stock and implements. This is an exceutionallv good buy. a imnn PAYTNO BUSINESS On East Seventh. street; long lease; small rent and one of the beat locations in the city. This is a fine money-making proposition. Sickness reason ot selling. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY BANK BLDfll We will Furnish All Information Medford, Or., Feb. 5, 1909. Any person desiring any information concerning either the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company or the Home Coinpanay will please call on us or let us know, and we will Ik; pleased to call on them, as it is our purpose to see that both interests are put to the people as they are. If there are any points that are not clear in any one's mind, or have not as yet, heard our side, they surely cannot fix an opinion without the actual facts in the case. NO ONE BARRED. CITIZENS' TELEPHONE COMPANY Hotel Moore, Medford. By K. A. Marsh, Gen. Mgr. F. OSENBRUGGE Aent for THE 8TUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Sol, agent .u Jackson county for tho STL'DKBAKEB LINE OF AUTO MOBILES The new E. M. P. Studel.aker, 30 horse powei, fonr-eyllnim medium price Touring Cur hue won tho recognition and admiration ft H maehini.t. and ha, proven it.elf to he a rrmarknl,'. vehicle for ,pccd ami durability. New good, in all 1m" will arrive ,n the dour,, .f next month at the StudCnker warehouse. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR. COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frame., Oak Veneered Door., with Bevel Pl.'te, e.rrled i"""'',P' Office Flitr. and all kind, of Planing Mill Work, ineluding Torn Wort and Kancjr drill.. r STREET, BETWKRNBtXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS. ...