Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, February 08, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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We are offering our Big Bargains
all of this week
All manner of shoes for all manner of
I Advertise
facts only
Social and Personal,:
IfobnrlK & KobertH, experts in repair
ing uml rebuilding sowing machinou, will
i-i'Tiiii in a few duys lunger, a f f nnl i ng
mi opportunity for good and acrurat
service. I'honn ."ufi. Itnom nl Dr.
Stephenson 's, cor. V. Ninth uml II
Orders for sweet cream or buttermilk
promptly filled. J'hono the creamery.
Phono your orders for nweet cream or
buttermilk to the creamery.
Hee the great Intermit iminl ntitmuo
lili nice lit (lie Savoy tonight. Intense,
real, thrilling, hair-mining dash for
ch'tmpiniisliip of the unrlil. Vim cnu
, not afford to miss h. "7(1
Hull. It. F. Mulkey has ri'tiinif-il from
11 Iiuhiuhh trip to Salem.
M isscs Nellie inul Fmiuu Wulf h ft
for Weed, Cal., recently, where t hey
will lake charge of a lodging house ami
confectionery store.
Henry V. Smith was brought before
.Inline. Neil hint Saturday, being charged
wit li insanity, but was ) i kmi ihki'iI .
('. I.. Pennies eoiitempluteH nil early
business trip imrt h.
Louis Smith nf Sjiiiih Valley wan a
business visitor in Med I'm d Sat unlay.
.Mrs. Walter Kentner of Medford
spent Friday ami Saturday at the home
of lier mot her, M rs, T. J. Kenny in
.Inekson villo.
.lolin A. Wright ami .lolin F. Huberts
were recent Talent visitors in Med
ford. '
The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth
i-diHt episcopal church will give a re
rcptioti to the now lady incmbcrK of
the church nt the home of Mrs. Oshorn,
."oil Onlabile nxenue, on Tuesday aft
i moon, February it. All niembcrs of
the society lire expected to be present
and an it'vilntiou if extended to all the
new li'dic of tin' church.
Now Cases.
Ida M. Nelson vs. Frank Nelson;
,1. A. Lcmery, attorney for plaintiff.
LF.XINCTON, K, Feb. K.-lnforma
t ion was recciveil here today from
.Indue A. Floyd Huff at Hot Springs.
Ark., that hi fatuous foxhound Semi
Hile, which participated in the animal
meet of the National Fox Hunters' as
sociation at 'rnb Orchard, Ky.. in
November, and which w.-h lost in one
of the Held trials, had reached h
almost starved and with her feet bleed
ing uad so sure that she could hardly
put them on the ground.
The 1 rip from Crab Orchard to II. d
Springs would lead the dog aboot (Wl
miles and she vvonbl have bien coin
polled to wini both the Mississippi and
Arkansas rivcix.
The hound had been whipped by Judge
llut'f to Massachusetts to lake pari in a
1 ii n I and was shipped f mm there to
Kentucky and had not covered (lie dis
tnnee bet ween- Kent itchy and Hot
Springs even by express.
If you nrc looking for some good I mid
cheap, I have it, for $10 nnd '2d per
acre, near good railroad town.
Itoom 7, Jackron Hank Hldg.
Club Skate on Tues
day, February 9th.
You Are Going to Build
PI I ONE 12291.
Window Fnonei, Oak eueered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in atork cheap.
Office Fl ft urc and all kindi of Plan iog Mill Work, including Turned Work
and FancV Grills.
g. w. Mcdonald
Disappointment for Theatergoers.
The management of the Hijitu re
grots being obliged to announce the
cancelling of the engagement with the
('ainille Kenriis company for tonight.
Miss Kearns was taken ill last Friday
night just before the lerforniaucn in
Cottar;e (iruve and since that time has
taken it turn for the worse. It had been
Imped that Miss Kcnrus would milli
cteatly improve in time to fulfill her
engagements, but unfortunately such is
not I ho ease. This is the first instance
in which the Itijou has been oo, libel
to disappiiinl its patrons. For next
Thursday night the inanau'eiuent of the
Bijou has Hecnrcd n turn engagement
of the most popular Clark lliirroughs
company, which was appearing nt the
f J rand theater in this city last night.
Owing (o the courtesy of Mr. Kd wards,
who has closed the (iraud theater, this
return engagement 'has been secured.
The inability of Miss Kearns lo appear
at the Hijou tonight is to be regretted,
as she was a most popular actress, but
tin' appeal a n f Arthur Cunningham
in "The Kerry tiow' at the Medfonl
theater tonight will afford the public
entertaiinueiil of the highest, order.
"Kerry Gow" nt Moil ford Tonight.
A n ability to linger here below :ill
years is considered evidence that it
man will last 'Ml more provided ho is
in Kn"(t Hhape and tiouud of wind and
limb at the end of his third decade.
It is much the same with a play, " Ker
ry (iow " has si nnd t he test of much
more than a quarter of a century's ex
otence. and still its sweetness and
naive innocence remains nnd its senti
ment is its spirited and hearty as on
the day or night this little Irish play
was e null I'd by Joseph Murphy, who
had mothered, or father fathered it.
' ' Kerry (iow, ' ' which in ( 'ell ic for
i lingo blacksmith, is so well known
I tint it is needless to repeat it here.
Cunningham has the necessary phy
opi 1 ami the presence and spirit ami
teiiiparameiit to make a great success
in the laud of these sentimental Irish
plays. He throws himself into the role
if Man O'Hura with a lustiness nnd sin
cerity that convinces in even the most
flowery and metaphorical of his
speeches that he means it, every word.
Mr. Cunningham will be supported
by an ecelb lit company, and the seen
ic production will be complete in everv
Advnnco Sale for Chas. B. Itnnford.
The sale of seats for the fortheom
Miff engagement of Mr, Charles It. Han
ford in "The Merchant of Venice" at
I he Med ford Opera House on Saturday,
February will open M Haskins to
morrow ( Tuesday ) morning at 10
o 'clock. Mr. II an for. I will appear as
Shyhtck and Miss Marie hrofuah as
Fort ia. The engagement promises to
lie a notable one. as both these artists
are exceptionally popular in this city.
II is promised that the play will !
elaborately mounted, both in respect
'n scenery ami costuming.
Ask Younwlf the Question.
Why not use Chamberlain's Liniment
when yon have rheumatism t We feel
-'lire that the result will br prompt and
satisfactory. It has cured other, why
not yuf Try it. It cost but a trifle.
Frice cents; laijje sie oil cents. For
sale by Haskins' drug store. in
Let mc figure with yi u. No contract
Ion largi or too tunel'. Satisfaction
Medfonl. Ofrtfon.
Successor to Smith &
SAI.FM, O... Feb. . The stale
board of eipiali7ati(i) and I he various
county assessors nf the slate will meet
in the slate limine Tuesday afternoon
In ascir.iiu at .jteil whal ratio the
county assessors have assessed the vain
at ion of proper! i.-s.
The state law is explicit on the point
of assessing lo lull valuation ami it is
said in some counties this rule has been
neglected. A few count ie-s have been
assessed u per ce'il, I ml in snine in
stances Ihis is claimed to be md true.
It is said there is a possibility of oust
ing from office tin ii who lone been
rankly disobedient to the law, and
while noihiiig has been given nut as lo
the purpuric nf the meeting, it is nn
derstond from yood ontsif'e ailhirity
that usseHKinenl worh will be eaiuiiied
carefully and some of tin loamy offi
cials may be called to an act .uniting.
NF.W VOI.'K. Feb. T-.. e ,re dep.
osit ions taken mi I !.:( It o ' I toward
(iould in the suit I . j ' a f' ast htm
by his wife. Kathe'i i I .ir, (Jonld.
for searalion were I'll., I lotiiuht, They
were those nf .1: s (J, Clark, a belb
boy, and Clarence Fallen, a waiter em
ployed at tin llolel ('.-. troll, in Lvm-h
burg. Va.
Moth men testified th::l I'atuiiin vis
ited Mrs. Could at the apartments at
her request.
"Did vou si-e any impropriety of any
kind b'-l v M s. I imild and Fa run m
while in t he hotel f ' ' asked t 'larence
I. Steaie -.-i.el for lt. Could.
" Xo, si! ' reolied Fallen. "They
conducted themselves as gelitlemtHl and
h.dv, ns f;ir a-1 in v nb-ten at ions went."
A Lit V. or.. F- b. s. tv the birth
of a daughter at his home last week.
It. S. Martin, an aMornev of Mrowns
ille. has a sy uiutei i it-a I fa mm I v. lie
now has eiehl child.'cn. All of i lie four
oldest are boys bui l,;s is .-..u nt erbal
auci'd by the fact that the four young
est are all girl-. Of tin In..- three are
blontle and one brunette. The b:ibv
girl has brow u e ei so will probably
be a brunette, and 'his will make three
girls bruuet tes an I one blonde, ex
actly eonntei'balanci'"' the Imvi in coin
SAI.F.M, Or.. Feb. v large dele
gation of I'oMliei ... recently
:ipeared li.-f.-n- :i m i i :; nf the
senate and house uame commi::.-e w hen
the lull piopos, I l.s 5.- i . ;oii Fish
and (!ame a-s,.,- :r :,. ' codifying
the game b'-vs of tie- sti.te was consul
eretl. T: e e wtis some criticism of the
icstnctinns imposed on thick and pheas
ant hunting, but it is understood t'.wit
a inajoiity of the viinnittee favots t!ie
lull as prest nled. with I l.e exception of
a few slight ihang.s as to the season
for hunting some of t lie game birds
p-ot.'dcd t hereiiude:-.
Some of the sjiovt .ine'i opposed that
prevision of the bill liull clo-es fol
two years absolut-iv the seastui for
hunting Chinese pheasants and provides
th;-i thereafter oul made biids shall
he killed and otlo from October 1 to
l ceitib.-r I b'epieseutative Hiautlon.
a. Finn counts farmer, hoeer. veil
t tired the informatioti tltat this protec
tion was positively necessary if this
game was not to b e l m inina t ed Ofh
.is opposed that feature of the bill
hlch .'Stellds UI.Ml ;,T. h I tile si:(on
for hunting din ks. This i . t he only
chage in the piesent h" and merely
extends the season one month longei.
Save Money by Buying Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
You "ill pay just as much for a bot
tl of Chamhei lain s Cough Kemedy as
for any of the other cough mediiMtics.
t'lit vou ave money hi bu nig it. The
Living is in )t.l! en get. not what you
p.iy. The mr- l.. cure v on o,nalit is
in ccm bottle of Ons letncd. ami ou
get good results when ,.u take it. eg
Iccteil colds often detlop S.IIOUS COll
ditioiis, ami hcn you bin a cough met!
iciuc you want to b- sure voh are get
in one that will cure v.nir cold Chum
brrlain' Cough Kemedy alwav cures.
Price and "h1 cents a bot He, For
ule by llusktu' trig terc. ui
SANTA lioSA. Cal., Feb. S. A "tes
(anient a ry paper " found in the desk
of (lie late Madam Preston, head of the
Free Pilgrims' Covenant church and
founder of I lie I'rest'Hi colony, was filed
1'i.r probate in the superior court to
day. It decrees that her lo,oill) cs
tiiie at Preston shrill go to the church.
She names Mr. and Mrs. Parley Ft men
and Mrs. F. Kludge at trustees. Sim
decrees t hat if any of (he numerous
heirs of her family, t he Lath raps, or
of her dead husband 's family, claim
anything from her property they shall
Hit a dollar each. She prescribes the
form of worship sh" wishes followed
in the church at Preston ami urges that
only devout uiembera of the church
be permitted to speak at the services.
She advises against "hiring preacher.
a thai is a bad thing."
Fred lowiiing passed through town
with Frii- A mlersoii Thursday on his
way lo Ihe Mine Ledge.
II. M. Ilalluck, tax- rdjuster of Smith
t in Pacific I i ties in Oregon, was in
town Thursday looking over the tax
Mrs. W. T. Campbell, who has been
spending the last two weeks in town,
has returned to her home at P.ilccn,
M i s. N'ernnll of Applegate was a
Jacksonville visitor Thursday.
lieorg,. Henry has been appointed
janitor of the schonlhouse. Mr. Van
Wegeti has resigned i.i devote his time
to fanning.
C. A. Horn to S. p. Kalph, land
in township :ti, range 1 F
Carter Land company to .Tohn K.
N'ess. lots I nnd 'J, block 4P,
Summit addition to Ashland ..
Chad II. Hncoii et at., to Isaac
'. Moore, L'M acre in section
1 I, township lid. -ange 1 K. .
Mary F. Cobal to S. i '. Corbett.
lots I I and 11', Kail
road addition to Ashland
W. C. Cneu to C. . Frost, lots
! nnd UK block 7.',. Medfotd. .
Cniteil Slates to Henrietta C.
la s, l."S.:ii acres in section
I. township :U. range 1 K ...patent
T. V. Faily t.i .lame.: Harring
lou. lot s. block I. Snnnyside
i-ddition to Medfoi.l 10
Marry Tut I le to Km My Louise
Johnson, lots t mi I block I,
Tattle's addition to Mclford 1
Cnited States to Menrietta C.
.lambes, (",. m acres in section
I. township HI. range 1 K ...patent
1'iiite.l States to Lnt to H. Fl
rich, so acres in section 'J,
tow uvhip :t:t. ra age K patent
An ordinance providing for the so
i -tiring of rights of wr.y for the grav
ity pipeline of the city of Medford.
and authorizing the t xecution of the
e. e-sary a ot eemeti's therefor.
Whereas, In securing the necessary
i ' e h t s of w ay for the gravity water
topelin for the citv ..f Medford it is
ne,essary in some instances to furnish
an agreement for compensation for dam
ages to crops and other similar dam
ages, now therefore.
The city of Medfoid doth ordain as
i'.. Hows:
That the special gravity water coin
nsittee heretofore app outed by the may
or be and thev are I emby empowered
and d irected to secure the necssary
i gh's ot" wa for the eravtty water pipe-l-ue
of the ,-ity of Mtdford. upon the
most advantageous terms possible, and
the mavor and recorder are hereby an
Tliori-ed and instructed to execute, on
behalf of the city of Medford. such
agre.-nient a- may b necessary to car
tv tins ordinance tll'o effect.
The foregoing otdi nance was passed
b the citv February ltoj: oMng aye. Merrick absent.
W oilman a e. Fmenck aye, Welch aye.
I 'cmtner aye.
Vi procd February ?. l!iM.
W. H. CVXOX. Mayor.
Attest: j
Recorder, j
MFTTK, Mont., Feb. S. Richard
Hocking, aged 'JO, unmarried, clerk in
the money order department of the
post office, was arrested last night, a
shortage of $1X00 having been discover
ed by the auditors in Washington. The
local postoffice had failed to discover
the thefts which Hocking, in n con
fession printed in the I utermonntain
today, says extend over a period of 1H
months. The boy gave the money to
Ihe poolrooms and (he race -track poo
pie. Classified Advertisements
WANTKt) To purchase a spun of good
heavy work horses, also span of mures
for work on ranch, also span of good
mules ami two Jersey cows or other
high grade cows. Send full particu
lars and best price in first letter. Ad
dress P. O. Mox 4 IS, Medford, Or. ti77
WANTKl) All kinda of plain sewing
and mending for Indies and gent le
mon. Mrs. X. M. (Hadwin, 50S Central
avenue. 27b
V A X T K I ) A n e x po r i e n c ed girl f o r
general hons-work. Mrs. K. K. Kelly,
On, en Anne addition. 274
WANT HI) Fifty boxes of Newtowns
and Spitzenburg apples. Apply of M.
Stewart, at the XubU.
1 oil SALK Or trade, the best room
ing hutiso iu Medford, clearing $luO
per month. Address (', earn of this
Ft lit SALK Wood for sale, 200 tiers of
dry fir womb Inquire nt the end of
A and Pine street. Alex. Duff. 2S1
FOli SALK The best rooming house in
Medford, clearing $100 per month. Ad
dress C, care of this office.
FOH SALK ft rape cuttings, Tokay.
Malaga and Melvois?. Write or call on
W. (i. (loffe. Central Point, Or. 23
FOll SALK A team of wares, wagou
and harness. Inquire tT. S. Moris, LHS
West Ninth street. 277
FOH SALK Four diamond rings left,
weighing three quarter carat, at a
great bargain. Medford Loun Of
fice. 282
FOll SALK Brand new safe, weighs
oOOO pounds, at very tow figure; on in
stalments. Inquire Tribune office. 282
FOll SALK Grain bay, baled. Inquire
nf Phone fSL ' tf
FOH SALK Relinquishment claim, 120!
acres. S miles Medford. 40 acres fenc j
ed. 12 acres cleared, 5 acres 2 year-old :
commercial fruit, cabiu. For price call
on W. M. French, room 7, Jackson
County Hank bldg.
Foil SALK hVlinqimhmeut. SO acres.
u" ni'lo ea-it Medfonl; ."0 practically!
level, balance easy grade and covered j
with good fuel timber; 2 springs; very j
cheap. W. M. French, room 7, Jack- (
son County Hank bldg.
FOH SALK Good residence lots, close
in; also good 5 aero orchard; deal with
owner; save com m Ajhiwss
care of Tribune off wo.
KOli SALK Houses, lots and land in
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit frem one
acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Pboe
nit. Or.
FOH KKNT Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. 124 V 0 street.
Fl H 11 KNT S'ewiy furnished room.
$t per month, four blocks north of
Hotel Nash. 277 ,
The Foundation
Sender sonm
ed to give the graceful, rounded, tapering waist ef
fect, the long, smooth, flattened lm-k and snug hip
effects that are so popular with good dressers at th.s
time. Properly fitted with one of these corsets, you
are not only comfortable, but may rest assured that
your new gown will be fitted to a stv'ish figure. We
carry a very complete line of these hiuh-grade cor
sets in a varied line of materials at prices ranging
from $1.00 to $5.00 and we cordially invite you to in
spect them. It is a pleasure to show ;o.-ds at our
Van Dyke's
Don't imagine for a moment that our local citizens
don t recognize a good thing when it offers. Did
you ever trade horses with anv of them? Take our
advice, and don't risk it. Good ensj will dictate
Uuii rt m ordfr to follow their lead in investing in
3J4fr.rd property, however, for thev see the hand
writing on the wall. Medfonl is on' the verge of a
loom. Interview us and we'll tell vou whv this is
the right time to lmy Medford city property'.
ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Hnilding. Medford. Oregon.
They All come
here for SHOES
of a
Perfect Fit
The foundation of a perfect fit
ting gown is a proper'y fitteci
corset, theicfore you sliould ln-cori-ij'
corseted In. fore you
have your new gown fitted. The
eorse', that will gie yen ihe niosi,
stylish figure is the Henderson
and with the style is combined
comfort and durability. The now
Fashion Vorni models are design
the excellence of thi meals that are
cooked at tbe Emeriek Cafe if you
haven't already regalvJ yourself with
some of the delicious diehes that are
served here. If you h-iven't partaken
f them, there is a iroat awaiting you
that you will want lo repeat often. A
meal at the Emeriek :a an experience
that will make you t;y, like Oliver
Twist, for more.
The Emeriek Cafe
Open All Night
Induces citizens of Medford
to grab many of the Best
Things on the market this
f 1
- :.