TUB MBDFOItU DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOON. MONDAY, FEBRUARYS 1909. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of II:.! ' ".;.v of Atedf rd. L'nlilisln'.l uvi'vv t'vcuiiiL' except Suml.iy. M K D KIIR1I I' U B L I S II I NU . CO M ' A X Y Ukorok Putnam. I'MitoraiKl Miumgcr. Ailiii!ltedaSi'i-(iM(l Cln M.-.ltcr in the IWnffW at Medfnrd Oietru. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. (lliu nwiiif h. nii: 'it Mtrivr..tO.M Onv yinr, h.v uihiI KKEPlSa THE HOY OS THE FAHM. "A farmer vlmso son is also a farmer,' is wriliiitf liis autobiography for the World's Work. The editor has asked him to tell particularly how his sou came to enjoy farm life and uot hanker attwr tlie aiiuremems 01 uic tim.i uFrom tlie very first," says this rural philosopher,' "my partner and I set out to make life enjoyable for our children," his "partner" being his wife. There follow tales of porterhouse steaks which "would have appetized the jaded palate of a dyspeptic president' and of huge bowis of strawberries and cream "which Queen Victoria might have envied." For playfellows the fortunate young folk of this farm had calves, colts, horses, pigs, pigeons. Angora rabbits, dogs, birds, guinea pigs, "and even a white rat!" Moreover, a savings bank account was open ed for the children on the five cents an hour which they received for performing various outdoor tasks. The New York World, in commenting on the article, says that it may not be possible always to instil thus a eareer-fixiug joy of life either on a profitable farm or in a well-provided home elsewhere. And if all sons were to follow in the footsteps of the fathers the world would somewhere presently experience a dearth of men. The strength of this autobiographer s charming tale of expe rience is in its pointing to a degree of regard for the chil dren. , ' Hoys and girls do not enter this world of their own desire The eommandnient winch bids them honor their fathers and mothers has an unwritten corollary. Parents must honor and comfort their children. The fanner m the magazine did this in setting forth the best he had in thought and food. It is likely that m:.uy a son has gone further astrav than "of the farm" for lack of such a keen sense of loving responsibility at the head of the home. Anywav, the hoy is not kept to the acres by the selling of the" best joints to the city markets while tlie chiwk steak is served to the family. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY MEASURE TO BE RUSHED WAHIIINUTON", Kcl. S. I-Vllnwiiiu i-limi'lv I In iiilnidiu-tinn of n hill by llcpn'scNtJitivi1 I liinri Uuik of IVniisyhiHiifi to rvi(tiili' ocean kih!mi gcr VcnhpIh to In' ripiippi'd wit li wire It'MM tt'lcumpliy, tin1 limiw mmittee on mcrr limit murine a ml fisheries I twisty li:k it tip tor foiiHiili-nitton. An im initiate report is It. iiitf nri-d, ttti Unit the hill may heroine v, law at this Men bio n. At'i'onliiiK to Mr. Hm'le. it niniihn measure i now pending ho fore the French asMemlily. The eosi of equip I ii ii (1 Hhip id nhoiir $liHMI. ni'mnliiig to hit estimate. HAYS UNCLE SAM LOSES MUCH BY BIRD SLAUGHTER STANI'oliO I'M VKIiNlTV. IVb. "Tlie Ameriran p-oplt' nre hming iHH),fHii) a year as a result of the shuih ter of bird life which allows inscct-i to f Umrish ami ileal my i-rnpx, " ' saiil (I. O. Shield, explorer ami writer, in an tuMit'K delivered to a meeting of student a today. Shield; ttaiil careful scieat int m hud calculated tliese fijjuie:i ami that le Ntriclitoi of the uliiuglitcr of hinln wan an economic necessity. Wholesale tie si ruction of the hmli. he declared, wn iHiisititf uliiioft irrenarahle damage t" fanning ititen'HtH in I lie Tinted Slates "I make mi appeal also," said Mr Shields, "especially to young women, ii. t to w. sir hinN un vour hats, hut to tlltstilule ethiT orii.lUH'iils. Mticli :i Ihnis. ur iisirich plinnt'o. nl BIG DUST STORM HURTS UMATILLA WHEAT CROP riA'IM.ITo.N. or.. IVh. -v-ln the i. puiion ef many farmers much damngt wts di'iie to (jruH'M.j, grain hy the dust s o oi v i-sterday ant) laM night. Ke j...it-t fimn the serrnindiii country in diriiie that the Morm was much worse tl.au was at first Mipp.tsed. the shelter id l.-.ation of the city pi e eiit ing the full force of the M.rni being felt here 111 ehls wheie the s.m! was J..oh(. 1 lie dirt was hle-wn away from the roots nf the grain, leaving them unprotected anil causing the gram to fall oer. In oth. r places the s-'ll as made to drift like snew, luirvinn some of the wheat s. il.ep it will never he.M again. OLD SOAPY SMITH MAN MAKING TROUBLE AGAIN .U'NKAl, Alaska. Keh. v I'at t '.mi iielh', farmer niemhe- ..f .ap Smith' iiutorioiis hand ot onllriw which caused H retail of tenor at Skaway iu tin diivs of the hiir cold rush m the north it ii amuck at Kenaktc Springs yester tlay. lie Hltempted le kill otic ..f t reni.lentH of that pli. hut was t.vci HiwertHl. There is no p.lt.c uffu-ei lit Tettnkce Springs add nunei-. Keh) u meeting and appointed tl man t . act n jurrd oer him while he i Item taken to Se-ittle .n the fir h..:it. A 11 w it ii esses in t $ lny trial, in the Kestoiie ctinyoii railroad ease, are in Juneau, .ttule Moral tlunnisen hait drawn a special venire of n names mid the trial will begin Monday. EDITOR PAYS TRIBUTE TO ENTERPRISE OF OREGON An iinexf lei) tribute to Oregon uud videiiee of I he widespread ennd 1 lull the piihlit-itv eaiupilioil lieinjf eatlii-l on in advertise this stale throughout I he oust has come to M a uaircr Tom Uicluirdsoii of I he Commercial elut fieiii (ieeie -!. Vickers, editor ami pro prielor of the I "litlndel j.hia M vt-ii i tij Merahl. The letter was written hy Mi Viel.erM to Huiy I. Ihtsent, manager l the puhlieity work a! Albany, w Im i an old friend of the Philadelphia edi tor. Kind relereiices were made in it to M r. Itii hardsnn mid his work here iml I he letter w as I'm w aided to him. r. V ickers ha vn: "If ever printers' ink were put to ;iod use, it in nt this lime by ym folks honiuiny Orenn. Mill she is uot he nil hoomi d a hit more t hau she de -ei es. I mi w her products at t he . i Id s fair at l hit iio. Such fruit. -uch apples, 1 have been reading about her enterprise in developing water pow er, about her magnificent (trains, plants ami flowers, about her wonderful tlai ries mot sheep ami jjoat ranehes and her alfalfa fields ami the enterprisiuu' people who have tlie credit of hrinj;inn about all this wond-'rful tlevelopmenl . and I how in Inyh lespeet ami reei eace and say: ' I-'ellow Americans, I am proud of you. pioml I live in a land with such urand. jjreal hearted, hiyh aspiring people. ( liemi st a ads t he lest nf t lie most thorough uispet tioit, She speaks for herself in the woiid-rfnl things she is doiiij; in the wy f fiuii culture, sto. k laisini. dairying and ovcivihuitf else in the Hill i.f aMcllltuial productive aess. I have been reading much about her in t he manji.iues and evi-ry .ine wnriiis my heart toward her j-raml. help ful, industrious, intelligent and fear loss people." Mr. Yiekers say he is Hoing to write m article for his paper soon telling ot the womlerful development of this state, tor he wivn that while Oregon has been slow iu developing its soil resources, now the whole world is waking up to her won, b-ts in this respeet SMALL HATS AND RIG PINS THE COMING STYLE i'llh AtJO. Keh. s, - Small hats ami enorf iitous hatpins are edcnllv to he the eiiiuinn stile. Heth appeared upon the hea,N of ;iu ivotucn who met last ei eninn t.. fniui what the men miht all h millmei-i' unmn The president, tioweier. deelilled the mcelmj; to be one f the Natinih .si,eiat ion of K'etail Milliners. We believe the ihuit v of milliiierv mtints shoidd bo upheld hi an or naiual ion. " v;n.l Mine. Maere. Most UHl!iueis w;illt ..' to loo a week and epennes I hit a Miners started t he inoi emcnt . t mining ihJ I iii mm L 0 () -SEE THE LATEST- swims for Mucw IN TflS OY ATLANTIC! l V VoliV. Keh . -W. S. Uavid j s oi. ;i ii at hiaan. v aile a new record for mi I w - titer si.rf hat hmn vestertlav be r'lMj'innin for mimites hi the icy' AlhfiO.- . U Ct.rev Island. He suf f-nd u dl e'fec'f. from his plnnne . Pa os..n si that he was fonuerly J npivous wt-t't lt and that hi icy J swims, winch he tt.' es frequently, have j i - ei him renr wt d hea'th. Does not do its work and serve the public on paper COLLAR PIN SETS MARTIN J. REDDY'S THE JEWELER WIIKUH TIIH QUALITY IS ALWAYS RIGHT Veal P stof f ice. Fine Watcli .Mid .Icwcln; Ri'iKiirinK .i Specialty. More Light tor Less Money Sixt v-thrce per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Walts per hour and would use in 1000 Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 KilOWatt8 which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 N'et Saving in 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Sii'-i-cssors to Condor Water & Power Co. 1 MTici', -JO!) West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite tlie Big Electric Sign. APPLES ana .taks ana au sinus 01 Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. Not, ln the coinhine. Covipetes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proptu-tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Euc-ives, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, n.;;.'e)f. and Machinery. Agents in S'.-vtlrn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. " MEDfOBD, OREGON M. Slate Depositary KHtakiiolied 18S8. i'opital an! Surplus $125,000;? j Ilcsourros $700,000 Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking Service The Jackson County Bank respoctfull.Y uulicits your account, subject to your cbfck, with the strongest guarantee of safety ami efficiency. We offer the ITigliest attainment in pyatematic bunking service, which as sures the greatest care in every finan cial transaction, with this obliging institution. W. I. VAWTER, Prudent. G, R. IJNDLKV, Oabhier. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. Mt'DFORD OREGON Office in JacksonJCounty Bank Upstairs EVERY ONE HAS THE IB OWN TROUBLES Especially the man who buyB a suit of clothing or overcoat uade to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who has his garments made to order by an up-to-date tailor nevr has any trouble with the fit, finish or general "get up" of bis clothing. It n:t only fits per fectly, but gives you a stylo and indi viduality acquired ii uo other way when made at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTaikit PALM BUHDQfQ, MEDFOBD, OB. A Farm for $10 in the Sunny San Luis Valley OF COLORADO FREE TRIP TO EXAMINE LAND W K IIA V M DIVIDKD A ." 1.000-ACK F TK. T INTO TKl'CK KAKMK COXTALX- ixn 10 TO 1000 ACRES IM'.K FA KM AT 'JO0 KACll $10 Cash and $1 Per Month! NO 1NTKWKST! XOTAXKK! Kl'.l''KKM'.N('lv Any Hank or r.aiikcr in St. Louis. Kansas City or Di'iivor. We want a n-liahlf and pncrnot i(- man in every town to form eluhs of 1) )ros)eetivt pmvhasors. We will furnish round trip railroad tickets VUVM to one lnoiuher of eacli dull to inspect land. We pay liberal ininissioii. Full particulars upon request. SAN LUIS VALLEY LAND AND IRRIGATION C6. Sank of ConniHMve P-M-. KANSAS ClTV. MO. E. J. Skewii G. E. Hilsfnger A. C. RHnJuU Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS , Bub-Dividera and Developers Rogue Biver Valley Or chard Lands. - h.ire fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and l.irn tiarta, or sale. e plant and care for ore hards and guarantee property to he is ft presented. Experience Xot Accessary for those who purchase through us. They secure the advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yens has excelod in the growiig and shipping of fruit in the Uogue River valley, record crops, record packs, record prices. iii North D Street, Medford, Oregon yUrs, Hrenc llfampton Usaacs Instructor of "piano. TLlset 3ftetl)o6 SluJlo ill 3iia.c. 5!orlb Orn Strict K. KN'YAKT I'n'si.li ut. .1. A. I'KliRY, irr Prrwdi'nt. JOHN S. ORTH. eashier. V. B JACKSON. Ain't ('nhitr. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFOBD, OR. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeueralPank iu Bus. ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Compare the Quality II is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end e arc 'way mMing duality to our line. The ;ffit!ition of "p-efernNl stock" makes our line of tit jjrnde Tanned Goedi most complete. Our serrice always th b-st and erery accom given our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed 1 r