'4 MEDFORD QUALITY GUARANTEED Social and Personal ". I.'. ln J I i in Ifiincltuif; uri iMisiiies. .1. C Hall returned .tyihininy ruin u hiisiiM hw I rip to I'url html. . XHI mil I M Iliin Aim strong, Anne May Miirkcmtn. Letiiiuj Mill lit soil it ml Miiiki-HrMi to the I lii.VM mid iirls" Ai'.f MH-iVty of un , ittim. ilhur -l.-iM'H unit Mitriuii ;. Tmvni; taking them iluwti. Hal isfuftiou guaranteed on all work lit Li'MineiMter 'h plw'.ugrnph gallery. Open ull wek ami Hiwday from I to 4 p. lu. KuImtIh & HoIhtIh, eiperls iu repair nig auil rebuilding Hewing m.-u-hineu, will rutniiin u few (lays longer, ufrWding ro o(jurtti(iily for (food ami (nouruto hki-vh'I', I'lionc .tm. I.'.imiiih at Dr. Htcpheiimui 'h, cur. W. Ninth und II Hl-rut'lH. Mrs. .J, F. Ji ut f . I m I J of (I,, ,-ity Hi'iit Saturday it tul Sunday with her husband in .lin'kHotivilh'. Orders for aweet ereum or buttermilk promptly filled. I'lirimi the creninerv. I'Loiie your order for iiweet cream or liiitlioitiilk to tin1 in'oumuiy. It. T. Uiinielt it nil wife of Jui'ltHuti villr left for Ashland Friday to Hpend Saturday and Sunday with frieudti. Why cert a inly! We have our own '. delivery wugi.iiH and i nn rush your or der up mi slioit imtire. She tiro (pry !o. L'7.") Mrs. I. )rr is Itaek from u trip In Central I'olut. .Colonel Frank I.. Ton Wile ha I(. turned from a hIioiI trip to I'ortliitnl. M rs. .lohn Itcltitiger is visit ing in (irniiU I'uhh. A W Thoinan of AhIiIjiihI spent Frt dny iu Mod ford. (luirles Mtillioonf, dislrii't freight agent of the Southern faeifie railroad, is paying a regular lwni liens call In Medl'ord. Sid Hmwii is Itaek f mm I'ortliiml. He went up with the Salem booster. IF. J. Wanor of Central I'oint was a recent visitor in Medl'ord. Telephone us and we will cull at Vnin house and take your roei'iy order. Hex (iroeery Co. 175 Jiiffh IfilltnyH nays: "I :i linire tho rooster for two things: I'itt. tho erow thai is in liiin; second, spurs to hack it up.' We (jive you I in best price on rtcs iu town and ' havo tho cpirslily to back 'it up. I.' . (Iroeery Co, CITY HNGINI:ER (( 'oaliutied from pa I.) year. This not inclu.liiin t he $ li:i7.7."t i pemled by I he Warren ( 'oust rue t ion company in developing the ipiarry h, that rock can bo econoinically ipiatried. Pavoinont Main Htreot. Original coutract Kurfaeo Hqnare yards iri,ri3(l HrniKht eoncreti. curb, liu. ft.. 4,or3 Curved concreto curb. lin. ft. . 4."i7 Concrete in alley crossing, si. ft. M.tfKO Kxcavatiou, cu. yards 1,703 Inlets, drains, oto. '"he completed work under this con tract, except f:nitdiiiiK dotaila 3437 vards pavement (ost to dit- $3(i,0H3.i;0 bt (iinoorini; . fiNti.OO " Total ... KtiyiiieeritiK tut tie nb. t the rato of 1.(1 per cont. Sid r walks. , rt ificial stono Midewulk, constructed, lUl.S'J't lin-al feet rJ.oi!S.I4 Flank sidewalk constructed. 741 lineal feet 'J.'J'-.lMl Total $l4.'J.- 34 Kii(;iueerttiK ,Jt3..ill Total $14.t;.s.st Thtius slinwin a total of approti inately four miles of walk laid. Knyimcrinii on (he aboe at tin rate of 1.4 per cent. Strt Name and Houso Numberi. Four hundred find seventy six sij;n boards bearini; the re-dipeetive street names have be n conlrnch-d under T"t'l You Are Going to Build aiiiiirtiftim jiihhiiiiiiiii nnriimwtn !hnhhum .. jj. I j HUitmiud auHuiiitmi eontraet nod plaeed tit ft reef inter! linns by thin of fin. Neetiiiiial pints of :he eity have I., made and the house numbem arran-.' thereon, Slips hearing aurh numlx l:n. ttccn h-lt at all dueling in original tnsite and in all the r WimI portion of the -it. 1'raeti. 'all Mtii-ti dwi-Uint-v , ,, ti,,. 'iipertive nuinhers pl'ii t-d t lo-n on. 1 This work i uow ht-iny earned on in I the varioim other additiu;it to tin- eitv and is n earing eornplt tion. Swors. 1 hiring tho past year newer heen eon-Urn' tod a fdlown: 0 itii'b newer H itiell Hewwr . . lu ineh newer 12 inch sower M ined Hewer HI iuoh' xrwor. Manholes Lampholes . . , - . 3.tt.".D lineal . - I l.lTHIi lineal te, . :i.ML' lineal I' , . 1,'Jtir, lineal fee . I.tiim lineal fee . 7,211.1 lineal fee A total of L'K.OHH tireal feet, or a I 'J Miili-H of sewers at a font of t'A7 MKl.U'J. Knj;ineeiiiij) on above, S l3.3.rip or at Oio rate of 'J.'J per eent. Wntor. Uadifr the supervision id' Frank c. Kolsoy. C. K., the city installed a east it on wator rlistribut ion Hystom Htii e KtiiU 37,477 lineal feet, or 7.1 mile, at a coat of .flO.IMiHUl. Kntfineorine; on this work, Hi.".'t.:iO, or at the iao of 3 pr eiiut, A miun-p of uiuuieipal water Hiipjily wan located at Little Hut In crook mill -3 inilo jra vity pi pel i no is now in eoiirHii of construction undor the mii pervision or . J. Ifolierts. eonsullintj enf;inewr. Tli npproximato coit of this work i 37"i.fOft. Street ud Road MacliliiBry. Street and road niaehinorv Iiii.h In en purenatieu iy tnn city as loiiows: l mber. isms Austin street sweeper ....... .if Inil.nii I b roight mi Hiimo 'J.l I Total March, 1HUH A ust in rovorsiblo road (,'iader . Fri-ijfht on :nne Total 3 I ' May, liins lii ton Itutfnlo Fitts si cam toad roller $:noJ,i. The city h:is receivid from (lie V reu Const ruut ion conipanv an rent.'. I roller for :W I at 41 per the ii i in of 1 ill1. on. wlr.h ;" int--' on this investment I he rate of i per cent for 1 yat from the .In. pure has.'. Engineer's Office. For the past year ami a h ilf eit v 's i nyiueei i 11 li:t be iiiarter ill the office of 1 is jfood Cuinmius. TI ffioe expens: s. including rent, fuel am) liht, have been paid by them. ( Iff ice furniture, ,noiiueerini inst ru monlH and equipment to the amount of !I'J7 are the property of t hat office, tho city having been given the benefit thereof. The city ha furnished drafting pa pors, peucils, erasers, etc., used in tho cnnipiliug of city records. Also draft ing table and filing cabinets. All of such records, etc.", arc tho property of tho city. Eiiffinoering Expenses. Tho above items show public im proveinents supervised by this office to the amount of $il3,ti'i3.30. with an on gl tutoring chargo against the same of S4S.mT. this being at the rato of 2 per cont for engineering on till con tract work for tho year. Conclusion s. lit summing up at this lime, it will bo seen that for a city of this siv an unusually large amount of work has been accomplished in one year's time. and vot, when compared with what ro mains undone, it amounts to but little more than a good, fair beginning. Tho water and scwei problems in tho city are practically solved, there ro maining but little more than tho usual extension1 to make as conditions re cjinre. Many of our sheets and the drain ago. or lather the lack of such, would be n disgrace in the Fhtlippines. The l.ot me figure wit yi u. No contract too large r tm suit IV Satisf action i;iiarniitnd. L. E. BEAN CONTHAOTOR AN1 BUILDKR. Uedford, Orcjito. MKUFO&D DAILY WHEN YOU ID The Personnel eoml i ( inns i : porsisteul ef I uiols are ;i In any evi reMilts and t impiovemriit; uMl I.. n be remedied olllv :'oits made elfective as :nlable for the work, nt, to obtain tho desired i possess our city of tho to which she is justly ou 'mIi'o a long put strong pull pull !; i..;ethor on tho part of ullicials an I citizens. . . i.ll v nbtnitted. T. W. (tSt.OOP, City Kngineer. eit V (IK1MNAWK (. An ordinance providing for tho so curiug of rights of way for tho grav ity pipeline of the city of Medford. ami authorizing t ho i xocntion of the necessary agreements therefor. Whereas, lu securing tho necessary rights of way for t he gravity watet pipeline for the city of Medford it is necessary in some instances to furnish an agree in out for compensation for dam ages to crops and other similar dam ages, now therefore, Tho citv of Medford doth ordain ns follows: That tho special gravity water com mitteo heietoforo appointed by tho inn;. -or bo ami they are hereby empowered and direetod to secure the ueessary i ghts of way for the gravity water pipe line of tho eity of Medford. upon the most advantageous terms possible, and the mayor ami recorder are hereby an thorm-d and instructed to execute, on behalf of the city of Medford. such agreements as may b1 necessary to car ry tins ordinance ino effect. The foregoing ordinance was passed bv the city council February -J, Until; Kifert voting aye, Merrick absent. Wormian aye, Kmerick aye, Welch aye. (Vintner ave. Appro rd February 2. 1ii!. V. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest: I BKN.T. M. COl.UNS, ' Recorder. - --fy I HI fXfcifiycli .iT 3egS5K 43pfk .jffoifore5W(r I mm AMjwt i .w 1 J; . " ; II I I III . u r I William OTonnell- l..Mgl e I !5!"&iict 71 DSBwtlttxW WKtli , . . . MOIM TRf BUNE, MKDF(;rf, OREGON, fUTTTRTUY, FEBRUARY 6, 3909. IUHHMMMHI Call On HARDWARE CO op the: Chabsss B. Hanfobd Compamv HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blendinf of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life hippier. Our expert decorative ipeculiit will visit your city soon. Without obli gating you he will diieuM tht fur ntihiugi for your new home. Wnit li fvucutaM J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets rot TLA NO. OR ICON Classified Advertisements wuni. V A N'TKI - An ij.onf nrM girl for fifni'ral housework. Mm. E. K. Klly. (miMi Autie adilition. -274 WANTKD FiflT boiei of Nwlif anj Spitif nburg apla. Appl.T of M. Slawart. at the N'aai. rOTaUXJL KOK S.VI.K Or traJe. the b.'it room ilift hou.p in MMfiird, rloariO) $100 WANT The por niunth. office. Addregs C. I'art' of this FOR SALti Tho boat roaHi'iug-houso in Medford, cloanng $100 prr moDtD. Ad' IroHS (7, etira of this office. ' -X . KOK SALK Ompa . euuiaga, Tokar. Malaga aud Molvoin. .Write or call ob it. vtriiro, eoixai rtiDli vrr. hi t F()K r3AI.r;-"A Mam px ares, wacoa and haxneaa. Joquira U..S. aloria, Woat Ninth atraet.' , 77 t)H BALK Foar dlamoad riagi left, weighing three-quarter carat, at groat bargaia. Medford Lou Of fice. 2S FOR SALK Kraai mw -safe, 5000 pounda. at Tory low figure; ea in- ittalaieata. Iaquira Triboae office. Wi FOR SALE Grain haj, baled, of Phone 581. Iaqolre tf FOR SALE Reliaqoiaamant elaiaa, 1S avree, 8 aiilea Medford, 4(1 acre fe fd. 13 aerea eJeared, 5 aarea aareld commercial fruit, eabia. Fr prwa ea.1l oa W. M. Freneh. room 7, Jaosaea CountT Uaak bldf. FOR SALE Relinquishment, 80 6 mili-a east Medford; 50 praatteall.T level, bulanee eaay grado aad aevered with good fuel limber; 2 springe; very cheap. W. M. Preach, room 7, Jack son County Bank hldg. FOR SALK Oood resitleaee Iota, (lois in; also good .1 acre oret-ard; deal with owuer; save oerumissira. Addraea .1, care of Tribune office. ' FtrS SAXK Hcesei, lota aad keasl ia Paeenii, or ia traet to suit faaai eae acre to 4t acres. Matt Caikoaa, Phe aii. Or. FOB BBtTT. YOR RUNT FurniahVd rooms for Ut housekeeping. 184 N. a street. i A "ITu UIIHIIIIIIHH -'i PRICES RIGHT We will Furnish All Information Aiedford, Or., J-Vli. o, 1!f. ' Any pel-son desiring any infonnatinn c(iic('niing eitlier the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company or. the Home Conipanay'will please call mi us or let us know, and we will be pleased to call on them, as it is our purpose to see that both interests are put to the people as they are. , If there are any points that are not clear in any one's mind, .or have not as yet heard our side, they surely cannot fix an opinion without the actual facts in the case. NO ONE BARRED. CITIZENS' TELEPHONE COMPANY Hotel Moore, Medford. By E. A. Marsh, (Jen. Mgr. The Foundation FASHION CORSETS ed to give the -graceful,- rounded, (aperiu.;- ..aift ef fect, the long,-smooth, flattened ha-k ai:d snui; h'.;: effects that are so popular with good dressers at th.s time. Properly fitted with one of Uu-se corsets, you are not only comfortable, but may rest assuved (hat your new gown will be fitted to a stvli.ih I igure. Wo carry a very complete line of these hi'.vh-i-.rade cor sets in a varied line of materials at prices ranging from $1.00 to $5.00 and we cordially invite you to in spect them. It is a pleasure to show givds at our store. Van Dyke's RESOLUTION, fle it Resolved, By the eitv rouneil of th city of Medford, Orojfon, the mayor approving, that the regular meet ing of the ftty council be held at the ity hall twice in each month; that in to say, on the first Tuesday and the third Tuesday in each calendar month. Tho foregoing restitution was adopted bv the eitv council February .", tli!i; Kifert voting aye. Merrick absent. Wort man aye, Kmerick aye. Welch aye. Demuicr ave. Approved Kebruar.v 3, 1 W. H. CANO.N, Mayor. Attt: ;f -r, 11KN.I. M. COLLINS, Recorder. Ym! Out KAlden feeds have arrived. Th sturdy kinds, L. L Mays urd Co.', Mono k Co. t and Fefjv's, verfthmif. The Rei Gnxry Co. (forriefit Miller EHinwmtiir friiiiniiiiril of a Perfect Fit The foundation of a perfect fii tins K"vn is a prop'-r'y fitted corset,- therefore vol. should be coiTK'.-lly eorseted !i. j"---. - you have v out new gown ''iMiil. The cof-Mi-' ' h:,.1 i-ill jj: e y : 'iei!:e-;' t 'ii.sli figure is the 1 ie.idersoii and with tin? style U ei-mhined eoiiifoi't :ui! ! 1 1 1 iii i . 1 1 i .-. 'iT.e new Ku.shon l-'i.i'in inci!e ri desit'ii- FOR SALE. If Ton :te looking for some good lan'l cheap. 1 have ie. for $10 nod $'J0 per are. nvut tod raiitond town. W. M. FRENCH. ' Boom T, Jac'on Bunk Blclg. M