c G REAIj ESTATE TRANSFERS. Sehool district No. ." to Joel Hurt lev. property in Ashland ...$2110 Wyra Me.Veili tn 10. V. Uar.l, propertv in Cliitwood trnet, Ashland Caroline I,. Damon te Loron 1,. I1.1111011, property oil Kiverside avenue. Medford ('. V. Palm to J. K. Knyart. property in block 14, Medford Surah A. Hill to William I''. Sunj'or. land ill D I. (' 4t, aee tion township 2!1, range 2 K .Tub n I,. Mclinan to K. V. Carter, property in Ashlnnd Melissa V. Mitrhell to Pocahon t:M Well, lots 7 and S, block I Railroad addititn to Ash land .!. K. Van Sunt to K. A. Slier win half interest in lots 1.1, 15, IT and IX, Idoek P, Railroad ad dition to Ashland I!. .1. Kdwnrds to T. .1. Downing, I acre in Ashland . . . . T. .T. Downing to Frank O. Tie Bolt, property in Ashland .... ('. A. Powell to Maud I. Huwley, propertv in township 30, range 1 K ..' 10 10 in 10 iooo 10 10 1'nited States to Jessie h. Orulili. s:t.20 acres in section IS, town ship 40, rnnjie 4 K patent l'niteil States to William Staf ford. HiO acres i'i section 34. township :t. re?--,"- 1 K patent School district No. " to Joel Hartley, lots 1 and 2. Idoek 14. Ashland Thomas Brown to !. li. Slinger land, lots 9 Mid 10. Idoek S., Railroad addition to Ashlnnd Myra McNeill to K. (i. Card, property iu Ashland Alcr Mel-eod to L. W. Crocker, lot l-1), H. B. Carter addition to Ashland ,T ,hn Cnnieron to V. A. Patrirk. lots 2(1 nn.l 27. block B. Rail road adilition to Ashland . . . MirunM Rumsey to Elirabeth M. Smith, lot 'l8, block 4, amended plat Chowell addition to Medford Cnss'a Thomas to B. ('. Olenson. property in block 60. Mel ford V .' V. .1. Klnc.ick to George W. H. A'bert. lots !1 and 12, bloek 7:.. MedfoM . -I Krm r'c ( t ''. ' Baker lr.' 4. and Mock '.'1, Butt Fills i i Bak.- . . ' ' -or?e V H. A 1, -t. W 1. 1 ' 1' ' 4, ft and ' . li'oek 13. Bnl'e Fa'is . . ? v. U. Bradshaw to .1. D. Buchan an, land! in .la.-koii 's addition to Medforl I'n-.l Mills .lanney t" Edwin Me Beth .lanney. power of attorney Fvn Hoekenyos to P. V. .lanney. ".". acres in township 37. rsnire 2 W 22O0 10 10 10 10 325 "MO 315 (130 jilO (1.-.2 0 M. etaormfwvpcmfwypipnipn.tr1"1" W. It. Coleman to P. J Head, lots 9 and lit, block 4, Park addition to Medford s0" THE mi m mi Have on Exhibition We invite you to call and look this car over. A millionaire's car brought, by mammoth production, down within reach of the many. Looks like the costliest car-does all that the costliest do. Yet so low in price-so economical in un-keep-that fifty times as many people can own a powerful, high grade car Martha Ann Edsall to J. B. Ed sail et al.. land in township 3, range 2 ft W. M. Mitchell to'$liza J. Wool soncroft, K half of N E 4 soe tiofi 4, township -35, range 1 K .1. F. Reildy to O. Sargent, lot S, block 4, Narrcgan Cynthia A. Markcson to Martin Mnrkeson, property in Taleut Sainn na abovo, 20 acrei in town ship 37, rnngn 1,-W T.nlii Perry to Grnee Rajiholt7,. -160 acres in' section 24, town ship 37, range 3 K George V. .'Sperry to Delilah M. Hamniersley, land in section 2i, township 3o, range 3 W (. $ R. J. Ilnnimersley to John B. Hamniersley, SO acrts in section 2il, township 3."i, range 3 V ... A. J. Bradingtn Delilah M. Ham mersley, land? in -section 2i, township 35, range'.'t W t. Harry T. Findlay to J. J. Rey nolds, lil.oO ucj-es in section 6, township 3S, range 1 W ...... Ileddy Sc Hamilton to W. D. Roberts, lots 3 and 6, block 10, Medford . Abroather B. Williams to tho Pull State bank, land in section 0, township 33, range 2 W Inez. Metzger to' William Ilefling lots 3 and 4. block S, Railroad addition to Ashtand Irene Wilson to B. Oildaer, 100 acres in section 8, township 34, range 2 V D. I'. Myler.' to 'J. A. Pecry, lot 2. block 1. Whitney addition to. Medford .'. Sally A. Bissell to Edwin S. ititz ler, land in -section 11, township" 3H. rang 2 W- ' C. C. Beekman to W. (i. Green, property in block 7. Modt'ord T. W. Daily to Charles M. Wol- gamotf. land- in Mipirns snbdivi sion. u. Mary I,. Whitney :n V. n. Pres cort, S E H section 10. town ship 3. - range 2 E .Williiini Hnfling to C. II. fiilletle 10 3l0 2250 500 1500 2400 2.1110 10 ' 10 lots 3 and 4, block, Rail v road addition to Ashlnm! j ('. II. Oillette to J. S. Sawyer, lots 3 and 4, block S. Railroad addiitno to Ashland J. T. Sawyer to H. F Pohland. lots 3 and 4. block S, Railroad addition to Ashlanl B. H. Toft to Michael I.. Sulli viui. lot 2. block . Ross addi ' . t-rni to Medford o.rlTiff W. A. Jonei lo A. .1. Da Iry, '', acres in I. C 4-". town ship 36, range 1 W ......... Myhon E. Hicks to .1 W. Hicks, land in section H2. township 3o rfunge 2 W Q. . . .1 I" 'i6 10 Ask Yourself the Question. Why aot use Chamberlain ' I,iniment whes you hafe rheumatism f We feel sure that the result will be prompt and satisfactory. It has cured others; why not you? Try it. It fasts but a trifle. Price "5 cents; large size 30 cents. For by Baskim' drug store. m MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOOX. I MERS-DETROIT30' YOU CAN'T SAV E On your railroad fare. 'The law of tl e .common currier compels equal v ratei en all railroad liuea ?T0U CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Bx- - enimid Fatigue, by - Insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reade via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & IN. Oregon Short line and Union Pacific Every facility; for th safety and urcommoilu tion of th pnnflnger ii pro Tided, change f ran is oeernimry to Den ver, Omaoa, Kansas City Chicago. Ltirtet connec tions are mr.rte for all oth er points vast and south A. 9. ROSEN EAUM, A Medford. WM. McMUEEAY, Oeneaai Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. OR. Him BIU Oausiyaw, stenography and lyyWTiu(. Rmsi 4, IHlss Meek. nmifii Pinn We demonstrate every day from the If You Want VALENTINES Go to Hussey's Hosiery Go to Hussey's Cooking Utensils Go to Hussey's Notions, Combs Go to Hussey's Glassware, China Go to Hussey Tin Enamelware Go to Hussey's And a chance on that BEAUTIIiUL BLUE ENAMEL RANGE GOTO HUSSEY'S A Free chance with every 25c pur chase and if you want a snap, a sure enough Bargain Look at our windows tomorrow, Saturday HUSSEY' THE MEVH 0RD 'DAILY NEWSSERVICE IN j SATURDAY, FEBRUARY to Buy TRIBUNE HAS THE BESS SOUTHERN OREGON. 8 fi. 1!)0f). Garage in the rear Emm F. OSENBR UGGE Ajfent for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES Solo nKout in .lailison county for tlio HTUDUHAKKH LINE Of AUTO MOIill.KH. The now E. M. I' Stu leliakor, 30 horso powei, four oylinder uieitiuin prieu Touring ('ar has won tho rcL-iignitiou and admiratioa C J1 isaehiiiiiits anil has irovon itself to lie a rnniarkahle rehicle fr streagnk, speed and diiruliility. New goods in all lines will arrire ia Hie cenrse ef next month at Uio Htudtibttkor wareliouse. MEDFORD, OBBOON. i ' 2 " Is MISS CAM1LLE KEARNS :iii-l niiiiaii.v. .re-ei.i inj; ' A 1 1 uh:i n ! on Salary, the f,reate(t eoiiieHy pre iluiltnn of tie- ;ii-. Hue V.inw anil one iii(;ht only at tho BIJOU, Monday, Feb. 8 at Bijou. Admisiion, '25c, 35c and 60c. the of Moore Hotel AND WAGONS e. ,51! V IAI i? vk 1 t , I . ' , ' ' ". . .. 'v. i I t ! ' ' ' k ' V 6 m - v-r' : - A