MEDKORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 3909 , . - - II " ' I " T APPLES and PEARS and ell kinds of A Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY Largest Commercial Nursery hi tfle Vwtic Northwest. No', in the combine, (-.ipetes with all fii-st-elass nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEPl'ORD, OREGON. FREAK SUITS TO 1 REAR Diamond Waistcoat Real Thing on Wednesdays Specials Every Day -SEE THE LATEST' COLLAR PIN SETS MARTIN J. REDDY'S THE JEWELER tVllEUK TMK Qi:AblTV IS ALWAYS RIGHT Xcar Postoffice. Fine Wntcli and .lowclry RopairiiiK a Specialty. Issues Statement Regard ing Trimming of Trees' and Tells Latest Methods OF PRUNING CIIIOAIIO, I'd). I -JVg topn, emu cuffs, troimcr cut'lH, box collurn, hIiuuI ilor pads, bitf hilttoiii, flipflupn, slant ing jxicki'ts, annex shirts uiol all other freak feuturea of men's apparel liuvo liutu plarfil under Ilia ban of llio Alcr rkant Tailors' National Protective an toii-iution, ami u conspiracy hits heoii formulated to put them out of viigite at tlio sixth unaoal cnnvontinn, which New Walking Suit. XotwilliHtaniling thu general tahoo 1o lie ifmioil uguinst fn akialinebs, sar torial !!!"! will feature several inno vutipiis. There will bo introduced to the grtitkiiiiiu s wnrdrulio an almolati'l.v ni-w' creation, to la christened the ' Ani'-rit-nn walking suit. " Jt will cor n'Mponil Koinewlinl to the English nrti- "Diamond" Waistcoat Tlit n tho up tu ilnto man niiiHt wear mi Wednesdays a iliaiuonil waistcoat. 'I'll iu ha the i'lapH ti t ilianioml nhapo, ha ilii mil shaped aail diamond-set l.uttmis. Tin' put-krls are diamond patch in style. To lie roiaplete ti iliaiaonil pin should lie worn with a tie of dia mond 8! ripen. There aro other waist coat for every ilay in tho week. Brilliant Tio; Clreon Hat The favorite shirt this spring will lie iji laa ami piair hroail stripes. The lie will he brilliant anil I lie halH will be union. The double-lireasleil frock cat will be pat away wifh tho moth lialfh it the tailors' association lam its way. Jl is to bo Hiipi rsedeil by a sin-gle-liroiileil friieli coat with a dip front. All the last inoiilh the tniloi'H have benii cutting, ripping and Hewing to piepare llieHo model giinncnts, which will In) exhibited during the convention this week. SAOHAMKNTO. Oil., l-'eb. I. The linul vote will lie taken in Ihe senate Ihis afternoon on tho Walker Otis anti race truck bill, when it will be the special order of the day. It is i ceil id that il will be panned by five to one. The opposition will vo lo ri asider, but will only delay ils final adoption fur a few days. PEOPLE OF THE DAY Housu Minority Loador. Champ claili nl' Missouri, successor to -.Mm Wnii'p William nx llnol' lead er nt' the liolli.e minority, is one of Ihe most plt'luroHiiue llguies in cin;ii'iis. Ho Is au nil mound big mail big In size, big In heart, big 'if brain- and lie bus ii li abiding lull li in ihe Heuanla c-y. Neil tu Ills party Mr. i Turk hive MIksoui'I best. A few years ngu he wiih on the lecture pliillolul In Kim sas when lie bei'iline 111 and was told ho bad only an even eluiuee lo live. 'What more .does it niali wiim?" In demanded, ".lusl put ine In a ear and J MM rilAMl C'LAltK. start im burk tu MInmouH. (Joint: bark lionu' Ih t'lmuHh lu muko nny inn n well." Hefuru tho train mu'luHl Kinitum (.ity tie wtiH un the road tu rvruwry. Air. Clark Ih a native uf Kentucky uud will he tlfty-elKht yearn old uext Murch. He has worked au a hired farm hand, elerked In emintry stoiv. edited u country newHimper und pruv tlc"d law. Hefore he moved lo Mis souri lu 1ST5 he was president ol Marshall colne, WeBt VlrglulH, uud for luany yearn held t lie record for being tho youi-nest eollrce preHldeiit. The new minority leuder U MervhiK his seventh term In coukivsh and was re-elected last November, He was Mr ma uen t chairman of the lc niorrutlc national convention of t!H nml chair man uf the commit tee tu notify Jude Farker of hH nouitnatioti. Kipling Mad Taft Smila. VlUlani 11. Taft wasn't born tu hU famous sniHe. lie didn't have It while In eollt'ne. A done friend of his de clnrea H wiih formed from rending KlplhiK, sayM the New York Wurld. Mr. Taft wa very 111 In Jumutry. KV2. when he left Mnntta on the inms lrt tiratd for San l-'ruiieWfo While eontlliHl to hN HtatenHHii he read Kip lint;. "The Naulaklm A Tale of the West find the KuM " pleaeil him 11101. especially thU er-e Now. It In riot fr Uio 'lolnM IifHltti In luisili I'rofYHHur .'. I. l.ewin, profesnor of horticulture at the Oregou njrifulturul 1 college, liaH iNHued him following regard iig praaitig of trees: Many people seeat to think that prim ii.g is a weakening, t devitalizing prac tic, and it may be Hiieti; but only under y uaiiHiial cireuaiKtunces. Nature is u vigorous primer prbably not more 1111 oae I1111I in tei survives iu the ce. Notice the forent trees, how the h-wer braiiches die; or even in oar or chanls liuw many of the branches mic ciimb in the battln of life. I'rHuing v.heii properly done, iiiKtead of devital iing, nhould givft uiore life, muro vigor, to t lie plant. Learn Balance First. The first letmon for us to learn is that Iln-re ix a natural balance between the root and the top. Disturb gently this balance and you give rise to serious re actioim. Deep ptuwing uf nu orelmrd which has not been plowed for year cuts off iniiiiy of the feeding roots. Un lettH the top is pruned buck we find that the t ice makes u feeble growth, the haven being often Irs'i tlinn half their normal size, the fruit small and often worthless. On the, other hand, shoulJ you prune the top very severely ou trees of good vitality, the reliction will he a thick growth of water Hproutn, which will sap the vitality from tho oth er parts of the tree. uly by laborious su minor pruning and overlaying vigi lance for several years can the tree be restored to its normal condition. There are certain canes where heavy pruning ia advisable. Often old penrh trets have lost all the vigorous wood, onpo chilly thai which is found oil Ihe inside :ind lower sections of the tree. Such tie s have outlived their list fulness but oft' 11 have the vitality sulhcient to grow a new top when t hey are very everely cut buck t 1 stubs. Likewise Id cherry treen which have in some kmi'S ten or 1- feet of dead wood in the top can be built i.'.to strong, vigor ous. heavv producing trees by cuttinif back severely, to vigorous wood. 1 11 such cases we are confining tin1 whole 'liergv of the trees lo a much reduced number of buds. Undly fro.en tree me given the Hiilue treatment. Young Trees Hnrdy. Voting trees will stand much more se vere pruning I ha a old ones. The re action can be hnmll 'd much more eus ily, by a combinali.oi of summer and winter pruning. Tli problems of pl us ing, then, d.llVr wiiii the age of the tree. We find the h-tbits of the ymtng tiee to be different fioiu those of tHP oh) done. In the young tree the tel' 'iiiiiiil buds nre the dio-uiaiit ones, while in the old tri e the Intend buds In com the stronger. A pruned tree iilwayn tends to return to it natural habit of growth. Cut the center from a tre nd you will note I hut it striven to de elop 11 new one. Head in a strong rower, it tends to shoot upward again I would not have the reader think that e tan modify by pruning, for it is - ell known that lire heading in of mug trees develops a stronger lateral Mowth. This heading in, if loo severe, 11 s.nne cases serves as a check to the In i' and sei'M's to induce fruit fulness by causing the formation of fruit spurs. The season has an influence on prun ing. Winter lends to produce wood. Summer pruning, if lightly done, proba blv aids in the formation of fruit buds. A combination of th two will probably give the best success. As un example, the thinning out of surplus wood in winter and the light heading in during the mourner. Such phases will b" discussed more in detail i the future. In conclusion, 1 would stnte that the habit and individuality of tho tree must be studied if one prunes intelli gently. Some trees are naturally very fruitful; others nre not. and often in such cases pruning seems to be of little value. GOVERNMENT LETS Bia CONTRACT FOR CANAL KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Feb. 4 Tlio first largo contract for canal ex ton A n under the 00 operative system has been let Ity tho government to W. H. Mason. The contract comprises nil and a half miles of laterals in the lower pro ject. The bid was -2 cent for first grade, 40 cents for second grade and I third grade. Payment will be made in scrip under tho cooperative plan, and this scrip can he applied on payment of water rates. It is rcgotinble so that the contractor himself will not neeessa rily apply it on his own water rates. HERMANN TO CONTINUE HIS WORK IN WASHINCITON - CD CZ5 S2) WASHINGTON. Feb. -V Ki Land Commissioner Hernmen stated last eve ning that he hud no intention of going ahroiid pending his tiial. "1 wish ta go abroad, hut cannot go this year, "I lie jn id. "I intend reinnininir hin nn-! I d utter inauguration, and then x I peet to return to Oregon. I am herw the A i" it 11 t'ioii. ! trying to get impropriation for Ore Kor tuf ChilMian nl and Ihe Atnoii rivers and harbors, and while tht outlook is not bright, based on th ami t-atetii the rtnUtun 1 mile And th end of tha tlKht is n to siona I anion 01 uio nouse eonimmee. 1 nope vtnte und tho inline of t' i de- I whi-11 the emergency rivem and harbors eennctl 'And the epilapli dtear, "I Ilea beta who tried lo hustle 1 . unt." Heshles Kipling, - '. i'rtijl ollwr hobbles. One Is music, 'piu th tilarly Hi. .,. Aitiiril.. I linos "It II fun Uaa- tus Johnson niul "The Ibuid to projects which have been surrsyed Mamlalny.' Uml approved." bill reaches the senate that the appro Ipriatien approved by it will be onlarg led, so that works under progress may be carried on, surveys tnnde which hava I been recommended, ind a start made ou Does not doits work and serve the public on paper More Light for Less Money v-thrcp per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo- ; watt 4 Net Saving iu 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Siicncssnrs to Condor Water & Power Co. OITii-e, 'Ji West Seventh- St reet. Phor Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Phone No. 3."5. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County BankJUpstairs j Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter Don't imagine for a moment that our local citizens don't recognize a good thing when it offers. Did you ever trade horses with any of them? Take our advice, and don't risk it. Good sensi will dictate that it is in order to follow their lead in investing in Medford property, however, for they see the hand writing 011 the wall. Medford is on the verge of a I100111. Interview us and we'll tell" you why this is tho right time to huy Medford city property. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Mhi.lit Building. Medford, Oregon. AM P m "4 Medford Iron Works E. G. TUOWB11ID0 E, Propi i--tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds qf Euglves, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, n.;:.V-is and Machinery. Agents in S'-vthcin Oregon for PAIR BAN' KS. MORSE & CO. Siutu IJtio8iu-.ry Estabiiolied 18SS. .pital asil Surplm $125,000 Rpsourrcs $700,000 Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service Tlic Jarlison Couuly lifink rospccl fully unlii-its your ni'ctMiiir, Buhji-et lu your cIm'cI;, with the at i'mijt't g'i:i ran Ue of KtHVty und I'fficioitcy. V offer tho liili'l ftttiiinniciit in nyHU'inatk' la liking Ht'ivifO, wliirh us suroH (ho (ir('llt,'Ht ''ar' ovi'ry linun cial transarlini:, with tnis obliging in-Mlilutiou. W. I. VAWTER, Pruti-nt. 0. IE. LINDLEY, Cai-lror. II , mm M ! t i EVERY ONE HAS THEIR OWN TROUBLES Especially the mnn who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat mado to fit any- , oiio that wants to buy. Tho man who has lua garments mado to order by an up-to-date tailor never has nny trouble with the fit, finish or general "get up" of his clothing. It nU only fita per fectly, bat gives you a stylo and imli viiluality acquired ii no other way when mad at "f J. A. Kreuzfr b C07 Importers andT aikit PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OB E. J. Skewla G. K. Hllilnirer A. O. Kandull L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS , Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or . chard Lands, t'h.'ire fruit lauds, bearing and young orchurds in small und ' lur;o tiar.ta, for salo. 'e plant and cure fur orchards anil guarunfeo property to b' -ir. prrsentrd. Experience Mot Necessary for those who purchase through us. Thpy secure tho advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yens has excolcd in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Uogue River valley, record clops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon if . . 1 YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Ihe excellence of thd uieals that are cooked at the EinerioK Cafe if you haven't already regnlvd yourself with some of the delicious dirhes that arc served here. If you haven't partaken of them, there is a roat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A meal at tho Einerick is an experience lhat will maks yon c;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All Night MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Berel Plate, oarried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, Including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. STKKET. BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTI1 STREETS. Mtrs. 3rin& Ufampton Usaacs . "3ntructor of "Jllano. "tlszt ttctl)o6 ' StuMo at trltldnc. Mcrtb Orttnflt Street E. EN V ART President. .1. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH. Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralFaDk in Bus. ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Compare the Qualit t l It is, and always lu been our aim to suppl our customers wit goods of the higher quality ami to tlint cu ivc nre always ncMii ojiality to our lino. T frldition of "prefer, stock" makes onr 1 of fHitU-tfrade Csr Goodt most eomple Our service alway b-st and every a given our custom Allen St Reaga; Groceries, Chinaware, Frui and Feed is