TTIE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD OR KGOX. SATURDAY. FKBRUARV 0. IMP. WL Commencing February 4 Ending February 13 v) fTo make room for the large line of Men's, Women's and Children's Spring and Summer Shoes that 1 have ordered am instituting one of the GREATEST SHOE SALES MEDFORD HAS EVER SEEN v . . . i A J iL!. II Ci..!. I . l.t. 4 aMa uwine to tne conamons unaer wnicn i nave oraereu mis new -muik irm ame iu unci you the iollowing bargains 'S HIGH TOPS 16-inch $8.25 14-inch $6.75 d Gariicld, 14-inch ...$7.00 d Garfield, 15-inch ...$6.95 d Garfield, 14-inch ...$6.25 i it'll $5.95 nch $4.75 h $5.75 :h $5.25 li $4.50 $3.95 1 12-inch .: $3.95 $5.95 " $5.50 $4.50 ;es Shoes for $1.60 W $1-70 I $1.75 . .$1.50 n lor $1-70 1 Shoes for $1.60 ..$1.S5 eavy Work ole Outside Com f $2.15 $2.80 $2.60 V $2.95 ' ,.$2.15 ogg for $2.9 $2.60 livShoo ..$2.60 $1.95 LADIES' OXFORDS ; $1.05 $2.00 $2.00 $2.50 $2.00 'or $1.15 ; $2.25 ; $2.00 $2.50 for $1.20 for S1.50 for $3.25 LADIES' HIGH TOPS MEN'S CRAW FORDS !5.00 Tan, 10-inch, for $5.00 Moose Tan, 14-inch, for $7.00 Tail, 14-inch, for : . . . . $5.00 Black, 12-inch, for .$3.90 .$3.90 .$5.25 $3.95 $0.00 Ncttlcton 'a for $5.50 Nettleton's for . $5.00 Crawfords for i $4.00 Crawfords for . .$4.95 .$4.25 .$3.95 .$2.95 H O E H O E OUR PRICES TALK Our Shoes speak for themselves. In quality, durability and style our Slioes have proven good investments to the purchasers at regular prices. At, our cut-rate sale they are dig bargains. . We are offering as Jt 1);,ill,.v Shoes for fine Slioes as man If 1 dainty feet or Prae ever stepped & J tical Shoes for i. Hd A fttrfA practical feet The largest shoe J1 CVV Only high-grade stock in Southern y lM Vfc-y 4 jj Shoes of tested Oregon to select Vi quality carried in from. -"" stock. NOT IN MANY YEARS lias such an opportunity been offered to outfit yourself in Footwear of the highest grade at prices usually paid for low grade stock. Med ford has never seen a bigger sale and better bargains. H O E H O E CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SPECIALS $1.75 Budd's Vici, 8 to 11 1-2, for $1-35 $1.25 Box Calf, 8 to 11 1-2, for 5 $1.75 Vici, 8 to I t 1-2, for $1-40 $1.25 Vici, 5 to 8, for 5? $1.50 Budd's Vici, 5 to 8, for $1-10 $1.50 Fancy, 5 to 8. for $1-10 $1.50 Blue Kid, 5 to 8, for $1-10 $1.75 Fancy Fawn and Patent Button, 5 to 8, for ' $115 $1.50 Fancy Fawn and Patent Button, 2 to 5, for $1.00 $1.25 Vici, 2 to 5, for 95 $1.00 Vici, 2 to 5, for f,5; Vici, 2 to 5, for " 45 All Child mil's 50c Soft Sole Shoes at . . . .35 Ladies' Kid Shoes ...$2.95 ...$2.95 ...$2.35 .'. .$2.15 ...$1.90 . . .$2.00 $3.50 Kid Blucher Welt $3.50 (lumnetal, Blucher Welt .. $:(.()() Gumnetal, Blucher Welt $:,.0() Kid, Blucher Welt. $2.50 Kangaroo Welt $3.25 Patent 1 ow Heel Men's Shoes J $5.00 (lotzian Tan for $4.00 Velour Calf $4.00 Gumnetal $3.50 Peters' Vici $5.00 Vici $3.50 Box Calf $5.00 Commonwealth Patent $4.00 Patent $4.00 Harlow Patent .$3.95 .$3.15 .$3.15 .$2.60 $3.95 , .$2.90 ,.$4.15 $3.15 ..$2.95 Ladies' Patent $b00 Pat, Undressed, Kid Top, S-inch . .$4.50 $5.00 Button for $4.25 $5.00 Cloth Top Lace $3.25 $4.00 Lace Turn $3-25 $4.00 Button Welt $3.25 $4.00 Blucher Welt' $3.25 $3.50 Blucher Welt ." $2.75 $3.50 Blucher, McKay Welt $2.75 1 Ladies' Felt Slippers $1.75 Brown for $1.15 $1.25 Bed for $1.75 Grav for $1-20 $1.75 Blue for $1-20 Misses Felt Slippers $1.25 Grav for Sotf $1.00 Grav for 7- Men and Boys' Boots $8.00 Tan Fancy Boot ,. . ... .$6.25 $5.50 Black Biding Boot ............ . .$3.95 $3.50 Kip Boot ....$2.75 $4.00 Kip Boot ,....$3.25 $3.50 Boys' Riding Boot ..... ., ...... .$2.75 For Boys $2.25 A. A. Cutter (. .$1.50 $2.25 Heavy .$1.75 $2.50 Tan .$1.95 $3.75 High Top, with Buckles . . ... . . .,. .$2.75 $3.50 High Top, with Buckles $2.50 3.25 Youlhs' High Top with Buckles. .$2.50 $3.00 Youths' High Top with Buckles. .$2.25 MEN'S PLAIN TOE $5.00 )r. Heed's Cushion fcole . $1.00 King Bunion Last $4.00 No Korn Calf $4.00 No Korn Vici $4.50 Gotzian Cushion Sole $3.75 Pilgrim's No Korn $3.50 Velour Calf $3.50 Vici $3.00 French Calf . .. $2.50 Congress . $3.00 (Jolt .$4.15 $2.95 $2.95 $2.95 $3.60 .$2.85 $2.60 .$2.75 $2.30 $1.95 .$2.15 G W Mcdonald Successor to S mith& Molony They All come here for SHOES