MEnFORb DAILY TK1B17NR.ORKOOX. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, WOO. ACME CEMENT PLASTER Does not lose its strength and will not crumble. To have a roof that will not leak use RUBBEROID ROOFING First and if you want BRICK or LUMBER in any Grade or Dimension call on us for Prompt Service and Satisfaction BIG PINES LUMBER C Bedford Daily Tribune Official Paper of Hie ry f M,;,lf td. SWT IOSS DISCI' SS lOA I) III: I LI) IXC. I'iiIiMmIiciI everv eveninu except Sunday. t !! I) I' O R I) P U H I, I H M J N 0 . .O O M P A N Y Okoiuik Putnam. Kditor unci Manager. ' Ailiniltc'il as .Second OlasH Mutter in the Pos'offiee at i . . ... Med ford. Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ,On" month, h ittHt! or onrirr. .10.50 One rr, by until " CALIFOlXIA LKADS TIIK WAY. ; l'.'or several years California has hcen the only state on the Pacific coast thai conducts its own fish hatcheries, .the propagation of fish in Oregon and Washington hcing 'in charge of the federal htircau of fisheries, which con ' fines its attention lo the commercially valuable species , aiid (Iocs not maintain hatcheries for trout, says a bulletin , of the federal government. California, having its own hatcheries, has been able lo supply not only other states of the Union, but even for eign count ries, as Germany, New Zealand and Japan, with ..I fish eggs. The total output of young trout in California ''"will amount this year to eleven millions, there being three "millions each of rainbow, cutthroat and steelhead, the rest being Loch heven and eastern brook trout. Of the eleven millions, six are produced by Uie Sissons hatchery, while the rest come from the trout stations at Tahoe City, (lien Alpine and Tallac on Lake Tahoe, the hatcheries at Brook " dale in' Santa Cruz county, at Ukiah in Mendocino county , -and on the Eel river. "... ..'-The fish commissioners of California follow the prac tice recommended by the best authorities, of liberating the voting fish as soon as the umbilical sac is absorbed and the search for natural food begins. The fish thus retain their, native wildncss and develop the instinct of self preservation, which is weakened if they remain too long in captivity and arc nourished on artificial food, such as they do not find when they arc in the wild state. At the last session of the legislature of California sev eral bills for the establishment of small fish hatcheries were presented, but the fish commissioners contended that the hatcheries ought to be situated in places whence the young fish could be conveyed quickly to the streams to be stocked, and urged that the desired results could be at tained better by building a special fish-distributing ear than by establishing small hatcheries. The legislators, taking this view, appropriated $7."t0 to build a ear for the distribution of fish. Hitherto the practice has been to transport young fish in baggage or express cars. The new car is sixty feet long and has vestibuled end. so that it i'au be attached to a passenger train It is paint ed orange and bears the inscription. "Fish Pistrihuting Car." It contains large tanks, which are filled with fresh mountain water at starting. The car holds one hundred and twenty-five slrpptug cans or six hundred thousand fish, which arrive at their destination in inu.-li better con dition than when shipped by the old method. 'Hie car also contains accouunod.itiotis for four men and an office for the superintendent. Every part of the state can be reached by the car, anil by its facilities the commissioners ate able to fill a dozen or more applications tor young tisii on each trip. An i At this time of the year, when the roads of the county are almost bottomless, rutty, sticky and horse-breaking to use for business requirements, and realizing that the. more impassable the highways the greater the indifference on the part of those who use them to haul produce to market, it will be surprising to the public generally to learn that an international congress with the sole object of discussing and forwarding country road making was recently held in Paris. The official and district delegates in attendance represented twenty-three nations, and included military and civil engineers, highway superintendents from state and local governments, officers of road associations and other progressive men who are interested in road improve ment as an essential measure of public policy. They rep resented countries with varying local conditions, spoke in many languages, and related widely dillercnt experiences and opinions, but they were unanimous in declaring the question of highway construction and maintenance to be one of the trust urgent and important subjects now press ing upon their respective governments. In reporting the meeting, Farm and Home stated that every phase of road construction was considered, and maintenance and traffic were given attention. It may naturally be utpposed that a subject which would bring together representatives from widely separated countries would cnlis! the most serious discussion and effort to ar rive at practicable conclusions for the betterment of high ways and for the improvement of social and business con ditions. Such was the case. The delegates were earnest and intelligent advocates of world-improvements in pub lic highways. A permanent organization was effected to be known as the International Road Congress associa tion. If work of such semi-national character shall, even in a small way, lead people who use country roads to want better conditions, results of large benefit will in time fol low. Next to good ranches and favorable climatic condi tions, good roads are profit makers. They are, like mar kets, side partners of success. BELIEVE THAT FIRE WAS OF INCENDIARY ORIGIN Kl'OKNK. ,.. IVb. Ihi' f.rt Miuli J. -St rov.s.1 tin' I'luler wo.hI ikating rink in Kucem' on the niht of January J;t wa of inoeudiary origin, anil obtaining "ovoral ilu.'S of tbo iti!tr pcr,on.. K. .1. Krasior, owu- r 01 ilit- luiM!i!. ha t'niployoil a ?p -- ;ll .i.-li-t 1 1. iin.l hop,1: to h alilo to mako arrests within a few .lays. The !.s to Kta-ii r over :.VilH with no i.Miiance. The .-v;ee of tho luiiklinR. . : A M. IVnaM k4 their ukat.-i ! insur.s.1 for tloOii. Ctiri-tuu Same. ...-0 s.-r u-.-s morning are hoIJ tho .'..miner eial elub room at 11 oYUvk. Sulveet .f the lessen .i-rmoi for lYt-niary 7. ' Spirit." All are welcome. Sun lay v hoot at 10 o 'ctoek. WHEN HEB BACK ACHES A Woman Finds All Her Energy and Ambitian Slipping Avar. Mtslferl women know how the aohes and pain that eonie when the kwine.s fail make life a bunion. RaeVa.-he. hip ilirrv spell. iitre! iPi? ur:r.arv rrvnhlea. all tell of s;.k Iki.tne, ,eJ wrn , .... k ...'1-y pli.'ant for fish to U- used in stivking puhli. waters sun- i .r-pr-vuh of a.abetej. dropsy and plv makes his application, meets the tram at a specified 1 -- Kt-ev p-.i:, I ,f rniiaf ni ty cur ai i aeno .r.orier. tmio an.i jl;u t nvtuv. t t:h and mM'.iTo thoiu in a'- with the ristrutioi smnlitl bv th FEARS FELT FOR SAFETY OF TRANSPORT BUFFALO SAN FK AWlSt'O, C:., rYh. 4. Kent- arc 1YH for t lit suffty of the cnnvcrttHl transport Buffalo, whiob is four ias ow'riluo from Hawaii. The wmli'- report were last hard from the boat when sh was two days at sa. Thero was an umte rtant..n that ilit- Mut't'alo woitiil r.'inatu within wiro ltss communication excepting two days of the present voyaije en route to Ban Francisco. My Friends Will now find me lo cated North ef 7th. on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor KIT. EN K. Or.. Feb. 4. The safe in Paul Itettleheim 's general merchandise store at Springfield was Mown open some time Saturday n;ifht an.t over $00 in cah wa taken. The robbery waa not discovered until Sunday morninif, when Mr. IVttlcheim cpenel the store. The safe door was badly shattered, but the explosion was not heard during the nil'.t, as far a can be learned. There s i:o clue to the robbers. MEDFORD THEATER THE FAMOl'S BA1UT0.VE Arthur Cunningham IX .lOSKI'H Ml'KPUV'3 "The Kerry Gow" A Splendid Company Complete Scenic Production PRICES 25c, fOc, 7Sc, $1.00 ATTENTION. Prom Pehruarr 1 to May 1 I will give to the beet looking child in Jack son county from 5 to 10 Tecrj eld, $10 in gold. Picture taken all week and HiiTidaya from 1 to 4 p tn. Four promi nent la.iie of Medford to be judges of photos. l.KSMEISTER'8 GALLERY. -"3 Over Allen St Reagan 'a. i-oniuns t trip of t!if rar was m.uU' oarly in SoptotuWr stonors. Tho fir to various points on tho Sarrau.otito vivor from tho ISih i-rossim: to 'hi. o. Tho ,-oiumiionors woit lmuh ploasod with tho results, as tho fish wort' .lelivoroil v. as cvl eoii dition as when thev loft tlo hat. hory ; atiil. U'itig pl;u:tol in shallows or rifflos. fouiul snitahlo foivl a:ul avoi.loxl attack ly larco fish Tho new mothisl of (Ustrihutiov. oiiahlos tho .minissioiioi to coivontrato tho hatohorns at ptMuts that a iv of easy noooss. to transport fish fivni tho Ir-t 'a rii's to tho stroaius aiul lakes which aro to K stoekol at ."0 per evnt sinallor oost than un.ior tlio formor svstoin. a'l th.'so l,st:,T.i :erniaaeatlv cure Here prsf of it : in w.'nl. M -s l.,niMin W, Aid ti. s:mv:. is!ford. Or. ' Por a long tune 1 tr-.-t;.l :.lniv complaint. There wcro shary .-a.ii. tliri-ngh my Kici al mm I a.-hevl a'.! over. I w also ar.noy.l ,reat!v by the frequency of the ksiney ..vret.ons 1 triisl a gr,'at n-.acy rf'Tr.e ! i.. h-.-.t f'r.rd nc rv'.ief v.r.::l at 'at th t attention was cA'.e-i to TVsn " ! Kidney P-.ila and 1 prwr-red a K-t at hi:vO drdi'-5 store. Tr.ev at once ciir me re'iof. 1 continued and grad- na'.!v improved int.! 1 was curesl 1 tHiak very li-gIy of TVar s K;.!ncy Pii;." For a!e by a'.l da'era Prire 5"i cata. P.ter M-.lbnm Co. Fnffa:.v S". Y. .' aasnts for tke Ie:ted tate Reaescber the aa ad ..We ao otk.r : jT 'V COME TO THE 5 GRAND r -5 , v. T - s k ft m The CLARK BURROUGHS CO. Plrv N tbt Ore Parc-'iV-nedr "A nr&KISH bath Second N;ivt. "A GOOD FELLOW tw.i l-rforrr.aaces .a.;, n-'ght l n t f.rg-t tie Ja:e Saturday and Sunday Feb. 6 and 7 dTV;. i ; -v a, j -y HOME PHONES See Something Real Compare it with the Pacific Telephone junk in your home and business. Our phones can be seen at Ritter's cigar store on Main street. Citizens' Telephone Co'y NIA HOTEL eP??Ss. U PORTLAND OREGCN Modern Comfort Moijbkatb Pricks ONLY liOOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND Tlie Tourist Headquarters or Columbiu Valley ENGAGE ROOMS EARLY I'OK THK ALASKA YUKON KX POSITION A. S. XORTHN. Manager -A FEW OF OUR- MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS 6-KOOM MODKRX 1 It H'SK Wost Sovontli street. lot 100x400; a very roo,l huv at $3000 9-KOOM BUXOALOW-ron.j.lete in everv detail: one square from West srliMolhoiise .' S3000 7 ACHES G OOI ) LAXD-Close to (Vntral Point; all under plow; half laid out in fruit: a snap ?S00 30-ACKK OKCIIAHD-All in ti-year-,!d Newtown apples; three and one-half miles fn.m Medford: pwd house, barn, wairoii. stork and inipleiiients. This is an exceptionally -ood lmv. A OOOO PAYING BrsiNKSN-lon K.St Seventh street: Ions lease: small rent ;:i f the best locations in the city. This is a fine monev-makiiiL' proposition. Sickness reason of selling'. ' MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM io JACKsox c H'NTY BANK Kl.lMi. 8ALBAI RFFF? SAI KM ls the most popular 1-oer in Northern 1 ?h,ornu avA s'-'Utuerii Ore-on. lr is aekn-wl- u' 1,(1 tht '-n:al of the verv best eastern A;1 - -1. 1-r.t -me beers are -ked letter t:::in ,.xi,,v T!i0 r,,f f ,. thU .... s.n-t!,,.; Ir:;;.. S.!,.,,, , f yon .jh V- be cnvir-ed. nk f..r S.,!em beer an-l'drir.k it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Me.if.-rd let'ot: M"edford L-e A at.-rase Go. ft