4 MEDI'ORI DAILY TRIBUNE. OUKGOX. FRIDAY. FKRRUARY. 5, 1909. Social and Personal Dr. J. I. Li-illi Inn left fur it visit in IuUrnliurtf, N, V .Miss llttlcn Watt left Tliurmhty li filter Hi'lioul hi J'oi'tliiiiil, A, IJ. Cornell of (inmtH i'usn in visit iiK iu this oily. Ji. II, Iliirriw in brick f nun a whort hiiHirii.'HS trip to llriintH J. V, Miller Iijim 1 1 ft for tin extend ed eastnrn trip. Hvhh Area it huh nrr'nt 1 tnr bring in a drunken mid tl tttnlTJ v innl it iun Thursday night. ClmrUm Niekrll of Sterling was (r.itiu- iii'tiiitf busiiH'MH in M"iltnni Tlmrmliiy Wiclinnl Vims-nt of Mk ('rock wan in Medf'urd on lninim-HM Tliurmiay. K. S. tilfi-r of I'.aylc I'omt in in CorvnllU, Ho in Hflit'dulnl to ilcliv aa aililn-sM lln-iv M"iulitv on tttrawloT- rii!. Ordcri for HWt'et crcum or buttermilk promptly filled. JMinno llio eroniiipry, 1'. .1. l.iiiiilirit mi'l Otin I'hillipH Iiiivi formed n ih'w roal I'etnti firm under t lio tiarno of rhtllihs & Lambert to mrry on Imihum'Hh in tho loenl field. Lee ( avion of M:i iiih nllev wuh a recent Mfilfonl visitor. I'lmno vonr onlorn for tiweot cream or lull termilk to tlio creinnory. .loo Under wuh in Medfurd on buni inhH on busiiH'HH 'riiurwlny fnnn KhjjIi Point. Mm. Under itccumpiiiiied liiin. HobiTtH & ltnlertti, einerts In repair iiitf uixl rebuilding nwing inurhineo, will remain a few days longer, affording rii opportnnity for jjood and accurate service. I'hoiw .r)0(l, Kooiiih at I. V. StrnlieiiKoii cor. W. Ninth ami II streets. " Mr. and Mrx. Imvid Allen, who were recently mnrried at the home of the bride 'h mother, Mm. .tnlin llut'fer, Sr., left immediately for ( 'nli furnia, where the grnum in employed in fl mine. Mm. .Josephine Itn-.'sell of Jackson ville left fnr Portland the first of the wei'k, where slit v. ill speml the next few in on th visiting with her brut her. Mrs. Km ma Smith has left for lineli nfter a week 'n vUit with her sifter, Mrs I'm oh b'edden f this city. I' l. ('nmpt)ell lias gone to .laoksoii ville to tflke clunge of I he .lack son Connly abstruet work in that place. Mrs. K. .1. Knbli of .bicksiMivilli' hns 'returned from a month's visit with her children in 1'ortlniid. The ladies of the .liieksonville Civic Improvement club are d:iiinifg a m mi en! entertainment, followed by a farce, to be given about .'he middle of this month. The proceeds will be used to clean up the town. The I'nited Artisans of Jacksonville held n social meeting last Tuesday eve niiig, Mr. and Mrs. Krtink lfolinsou i l-ring initiated into the lodge. Mrs. Jesse Applegute and dimglitei are viil ing relat i V in u in A'h land. PULTON PRESENTS PETITION TO DEFEAT PORTER BILL WASHINGTON, Peb. Kulton of Oregon h:i- pn senrte a petition of the his state risking for the Senator scited to the j legislature of : defeat of the Porter bill, which fmoiti a aingle stand nrd for apple boxes, or tli ground that there are now in use "standard" and a "special" box for the shipment of apples from the northwest. The legisla ture H4es in the situation a possibility of federal interference- which it does not i relish. ! You Are Going to Build mm 1; ' ' 'rs 4 1 .. . j ' Hod CAM1LLE KEARNS and Company, present' A Husband en Salary, " the te.itct com civ pro duction of the age, .- :u'w and one niijht onlv at the BIJOU, Monday, Feb. 8 N:ti! now on sale tit liijou Admission, -c, 3-c and CAPTAIN LEAVENWORTH WAS WELL KNOWN IN VALLEY It was u great vbotlt to the cuiuniu liity to hear of the dcii.h of Captaiu ('. K Leavenworth, which ucenrnd sud denly at his residence Tuesday night, Ho retired ia seemingly good lienlth but at II oVIovk his wife was uwak eiud by hiti heavy breahiiiK. "d sum moaed Dr. Huhiusuii. but before the physician arrived the captain hud pass i-d away. ( 'apiain I iii ven worth was a veteian of the civil war, a'.d about "M years, aud did aiucff for the ilcvelopmcnt of the Pacific coast, boiiiji cnterprisiiiK n ud enercjetic. Durinj; his resilience in Jackson cniiaty he wis ciij-aned in una ami hud abutit coasuminate mi riant sale of mini's located in Wis iiupi kivnt count v, t'nlifurmu. He was a cousisteiit Seventh Did Adventist and liii'hlv respected by nil who knew him. A wife nud two children survlvo him. New Cnses. Hester A. (iallowav vh, David '., Mar in- soli to foreclose inni tuiiiiP. Hur- vev n ml Miles, attorneys for jdniii tiff. Probate. tiiiiirdian home. K;cher; order made nppntntiiijr K. A. Hherwin (fiiardiun, Kutate Lucy V. t'bniidler; order made app luting Alice Knglish iidministra t ri x. i -int.. Milton It. Norris: final ac- c. out filetl nnd administrator diBcliarjj cd. Circuit Court News. Mnrj-arot J. Hailry vs. George W. ttailey; suit fir divorce; decrep grnnt- ed. Pearl iMiiieuu vl4. Jesse II. Duncan; suit for divorce; decree grunted. Jennie Head vs. Peter John; suit Tor livorce; dismissed. John llakausou vs. sctate of Oregon; writ of review; taken uimer nnvie ment. Ji.l.n Harrington vs. Frances M. Sny der; writ of review; rtismi;d. Ashland Klectrie Power nnd Light company vs. t ity oi .hiiihiih; uiu i nuide to restrain city from further sale f bonds. ROOUE RIVER FRUIT WORTH $2 IN LONDON W. Dennis A Sons of i'ovent nurden report the Loudon apple market umler diito of January 2o as follows "We regret thrt we are unable to dive, you any upre favoraldb report upon advices contained. Kr some'time past our market lira been very heavily Hupplied with Hood Kiver fruit, which havers have been able to purchase at from 7 to !Mi per box quite freely, and, iu point of quality, it i: the best on the market. Any mibst initial improvement in trade, which we aie hoping for, is mtv slow in showing itself, and whild we should be only too glad to give ship per encouragement, we feci that it is better for them to know the exact stale of affairs as we find them than to be ten optimistic. Prices this week for Rogin liiver fruit ranged from per box. ' ' to H.ll CITIZENS COMPANY GIVEN FRANCHI3E IN GRANTS PASS The t'itieiiH Telephone company was I a fruiichite in (irants Pass on i 14 m oh Thnrsibiy to I. iiing. the vote standing l.et me figure with yen. No contract too largo or too Bin?.)1. Satisfaction ::tiiautced. L. E. BEAN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Med ford, Oregon. -r- I ,V- f. -J mj SPECIAL ATTRACTION I AT BIJOU THEATER For Ous Night Only--r.Ii::s Camilla He us a ad Company in "A Hus band on Salry." Muiiagti Soars of the has mude specinl itr-;,i Bunnell & (iiluet;. uudi tiou and manaeiiti ul Hi.iou theater !g'',:icnts with r whose ilirec Mis t'atnillc Kearim is touring in hi r new plav, "A Iliisbuud on Sauiin," bv which this chnririii: little .'ir i i appear in the I'.i ion l li .ito. lor on nijht ouly. Mo nd iy. i brtinry MiH Keurus ueeds no injnhtuctioir. Her dainty and dev. r :eti'ig has won her w:iv into the hearts of the theater goiut: ptdilic ti.oa tin- A'l.'litic to the Pacific itmt is si'unitty Mipported bv a company ut tauiii plnyein of ability. "A HusliMiid on Salary" is a scream ingly funny comeily vchich never fails tc keep the amlience convulsed with laughter from the beiunin of the first uct to the pilule. Owing to the limited sealing capacity of the theater n well as the extra heavy oxpons such.-t lary npatiy en tails, the mnntif moat has found it nee essary to raise the prices of admission for this one night t i .",, ::c nud 3e. Seats may be reserved a: the box of fire evi rv evening, and during the day at Hussey's cash slore. There will be but mi.' performance nud those ex pec ting to attend should lose no time in reserving seats. It was n ureal feat to be at the Tabor om hiHt nl't nud enjoy the womb i lull, .irti.. ie p.-i to nuance that Miss ("a iiille IV:nm aud company are givuij; or "A lh sband on Salarv. Mt us Teams 'k w;thout d.yibt tho dain tiest coiM.-d en ue that has played in Deliver this season. A splemlidlv well balanced company is in support. Den i ver Star. Never since it has In en built has the Olympic been the scene of so much laughter and mirth as last nilit, the occasion In tut; the appearance of Miss ('ami lie Kcarus. siioiKirted bv an excel- (lent company, in "A Husband on Sal ury." Miss K earns was at all times natural, dainty, and her mirth-giving ways are distinctly original. The piny was without a doubt the best seen lie re t his neat-on. St l.ouis Times. Joseph Murphy's ti.ninits Irish come ly, "The Kerry (iow." is t'ip next at traction ut l he Me Iford Theater. It will be piv-s.-nU'd by a su".rior com pany I hat hns been etipeciutly coached by M r. ' uc hy and that carries his priHluct'on complete. The compr-.y is li. i- '. I I'uiininliain. o!- of the to ica.i baritonen, ;nid is : 'iy Arthur of Amer ;reat coast g ongnge San Freti- favorite because of his melits nl the Tivoli the:i' cisen. Mr. i'uuiiirt:! !! w'H I by Med ford the:i:ei,'.ep work and splendid m..). lust season with 1 ii '-! ra company in "Tl-e T, which occasion he n . priest nnd d:snl:'y-d n:i voices I'Ver hen o'l the membered f' . his fine ivhen here - nciseo Op uaker, " on 1 role of he of the be:it I local stnge. Frisco paper, are ti::;i!itinous in his praise frr the neyv I'm n' work. The drte for "The K.-rrv (ioi:' is Monday, Febnini v . :nd pi ices for the engage ment will be .me. and $1. Prey aid Railroad Orders. " S"ho th'n? which is of considerable interest i h putihe n- uerally and which ik prti:ip not geuerallv knowr it the vtem nf prepaid order now In effect between stutions of the Southern Pacific compaar and ell points in the United Stftte. Ifv means nf this tritem tickets may le pon-hased at Medford from any pluee n th United States and mailed or tcleemphed direct to the party wishing to come her. Sleeper Mcroinmodutiotis stul tni'ill s uounts of cash in connect ion n-it r. tin se tickets nay alio be forwsrdwd a the sami tlms." tf Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANT Kl-- An ev.eri geneisl hiMwft-ork. M en .Vune addition. need girl for . K. K. Kelly. oi N'ewtowns Apply of M. WANTKh -Fifty box ami Spiiv(.()i.Hitr : Wtewiirt. :tl tiu- N. r Of?? ITT FOR M.il.K :-s... .ifs. Tokav. Mnla; 1 - td Melvois. Write or call on Or. (.ii'e, t'entrnl Point, tr. "J7 7 FOR SA1.K A team of mares, w a no 11 and harness. Inquire S. Moris. :il!t West Ninth street. J" FttR SAI.K Four diamond rings left. weighing three quarter carat, at a great barnani. M -dt'ord Loan Of f ice. FOR SAl.K Itrand uew safe, neiirhs 01KK) Htunds. at very low figure; on in stalments. Inijuite Tribune office. Foi: S VI.K -tirain nay, balitl. Impure tf f Phone 'Si. FOR S. EE Rclimpiif hment claim, lit acres. S miles MedtVrd, 40 acres fenc ed, l'.' acres cleared, 5 acres 2 year old commercial fruit, cabin, for price call on W. M. Fiench. room 7, .Inckson t ouni v Hit nk hldg. FOIt SALE Kelmquii hment. So acres, t miles cant Mtslford; .Ml practically level, balance esv grade and covered wili fuel timber; "J springs: very i tirap. V. M. French, room 7, .lack son Co.intv Rink btdif FOR 5AI.E 1cakI r,;dtnce lots, close to; also j(oi-d scr orcl ard; deal with surt; u fi"iinnii'ii, AddrrSS .1. can of Tribune offi. FXTR SALE HouiM, ou sod land in Phoemix. or ia tract to suit frem one ere to 640 acre. Matt Calhoun, Pho ii. Or. FOB RENT. ffOR KENT Ktirntahrd roonia f.r lii(ht houwkecpiiy. 124 X. O trct. " The Foundation 4ENDERSON FASHION FORM CORSETS 1 J ed to give the graceful, rounded, tapering waipt ef fect, the long, smooth, flattened back and snug hip effect that-are so popular with good divssej-s at th.s time. Properly fitted with one of these corsets, you are not only comfortable, but may rest assured that your new gown will be fitted to a stvliah figure. We carry a very complete line of these liirch-.rade cor sets in a varied line of materials at prices ranging from $1.00 to $,"5.00 and we cordially invite you to in spect them. "It is a pleasure to show woods at our store. Van Dyke's fti,.'.v,f.a' ;.. V.: ... .' . ORAM) .UWt'TIOX, Col., Feb. 5. The Mesa county commissioners today awarded the contract for burying the deceased paupers of tho county to a firm of undertakers who will receive one-millionth of a cent for each body) prepared for burial. Competition for ; the contract was exceedingly keen, one j bid being received of one-tenth of a j millionth of a cent for each pauper. One ) firm offered the county 10 cents each for the privilege of buryi.ig the pan j pers. but the county commissioners said ' they could not accept n bounty from an I i.edertaher on the dead paup'Ts. FOR SALE. If you are looking for some good land cheap, I have it, for $10 and $20 per acre, near jjood railroad town. W. M. FRENCH, Room 7, .Tacit son Bank Bldg. ATTENTION. From February 1 U May I I will t;ive to the best looking child in Jnek- i county from U to 10 yer.ra eld, 10 gold. Pictures taken all week and Sunday from 1 to 4 p m. Four promi nent b.-iic i f Medfo-d to be judges nf photo. I,ESM MISTER'S GALLERY, Over Allen & Reagan's. MEDFORD THEATER tiu-: rvMurs makitunk Arthur Cunningham IN .InsriMl Ml KTHY S "The Kerry Gow" A Splendid Company Complete SVenic Protluction prices k-, riv. ?rc. $1.00 of a Perfect Fit The foundation of n perfect fit tin gown is a propf-rty fitteo corscf, therefore you should bt corn:r!y corseted In. fore you liave yoiiv new gown fitted. The 'oi'sc. ! hat will jjh e you ihe mosi. stylish figure is the Henderson and with the st3'le is combined comfort and durability. The new Fash'on Vorni models are design COME TO THE GRAND The CLARK BURROUGHS CO. First Night, tho Farce-Comedv, "A TURKISH BATH" Second Night, "A GOOD FELLOW" with two performances each night. Don't forget tho date Saturday and Sunday Feb. 6 and 7 Admission 10c nnd 20c My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on D street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor If You W ant to Buy VALENTINES Go to Hussey's Hosiery Go to Hussey's Cooking Utensils ;,; Go to Hussey Notions, Combs Go to Hussey's Glassware, China Go to Hussey'o Tin! Enamel ware Go to Hussey And a chance on that BfcAUTIEUL BLUE ENAMEL RANGE GOTOHUSSEY'S A Free chance chase and if you want a snap, a sure enough Bargain Look at our windows tomorrow, Saturday m -A FEW MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE West Seventh street, lot 100x400; a very good buy at $3000 9-ROOM BUNGALOW Complete in every detail; one square from West schoolhouse $3000 7 ACRES GOOD LAND Close to Central Point; all uncler plow; half laid out in fruit; a snap. $800 30-ACRE ORCHARD All iu 6-year-old Newtown apples; three and one-half miles from Medford; good house, barn, wagon, stock and implements. This is an exceptionally good buv. A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS On East Seventh street; long lease; small rent and one of the best locations in the city. This is a fine money-making ' proposition. Sickness reason of selling. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY BANK 15LDG. HOME PHONES See Something Real Compare it with the Pacific Telephone junk in your home and business. Our phones can be seen at Ritter's cigar store on Main street. Citizens' Telephone Co'y THE MEDFORD DAILY NEWS SERVICE L with every 25c pur SSEY'S OF OUR- TRIBUNE HAS THE BESS SOUTHERN OREGON.