WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CARPENTERS' EDGE TQOLS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED MEDFORD HARDWARE GO. imniMHiWi' Social and Personal I'liurlr Iv 1 1 r r in htifk from Siilrni with jjlutvintf rcMtits of tin trip. WilliiiiM li. Si.MH-l ,.f I'mtI ImikI 1m in Mi'tlford mi ii Ini-iinrHM trip. I lurry It. I. tun nf l hi run t It i-minty in Nriilin ti fi-tt tliiH isilinn in Mi'il funl. I'lioiio your onliTH for r.wcH ori itm nr bill lurinilk tu I lie eri'Jiiiii'iy. " 'onMuhlc Inviu ut' Artliliiml wuh in Afi-iH'nnl n iilly mi Ink wny ti .Im-lt Nnlivilln with il primilM'T. V. II. I'Voicli WIIH Dill' vf lilt Imiistoi-h ili'li'ul inn tlinl ii'lur'h i' TlmiHiInv umrn it'K. Dr. K. li. I'i.'KW Ik linrk from a .nv npritt In Snh'in Itin'Nliiin Citr C:;tln' ;tln rum), L. .1. Klhv 1 lint h fl for I'liiro. (VI., Wlll'l-I' III' I'Xpl'ftil tu Itii'lil'1. Mr. iinl Mr. l- W. Htn'i'ti luivi- n lliint'il In WiHxh illi' nl'li'r Hpcn.l i iij mime time in Mi'ill'nnl. 1). I". Myli-r Ii:ih li I'l fur Kuii-m I" tviilfiiii mi iiiJi'finH,' ptriil. .1. It. Conk l'r.ni I li p mf ,ldt milting iliHiricf Iihh rommeil n hi Ikhiii' lifter viniliny mime iIuvm in Mi'ili'onl. .1, ( I tit r ti n in in liiM-U lium u liiiimH trip tn I'mi-iIiiihI. ( V. I-'iju It'.v uf AmIiImihI huh iu Mi'iH'iint ri'i'i'ittlv mi lmini-H. K. A. M.'UmIi, tin r'-pliHiiit:itii' uf tin Oitlr.oim' 'Vli'iliimi cniiipiiny, li'ft VI m-mlay for ll nlutrl visiil in ir;iiils ';ii. H. V. Mimri- of iVntnil Point 1. ft Tu'wlny for Cniuloii, vln"v h will look liftrr liUNMi-tiH iiiii'i'i'Ht- for n U-w llinlllllN, liml will p.olnililv t elm n in tin iivi'tlniiil route ;iiiumh tin1 Cunt-mien by li'iiin, llo cxpri'tfl to r.-linn in Mny. Oiili'i'H for Nwi'fl c rcum or hut ti'itnilK iiniiiptly I'illivl, Pimm I ho orfjuiiory, Itnlii'ilH & KohiTtH, ox port i in repair t ii if iiinl rolniililiii howiii nittrliiiirii, will ri'tniiin n fow ilnys Ion hit, at I'oiilnin I'ii opportunity for pootl uml nivurnte fi'i'ii'i. Phone ft till, lioomit lit IV V. Stopbi'iiKon oor. V. Ninth ntnl II utrt'i'ti. " FOR SALE. If yon nro looking for some yootl lund rlteitp, 1 linvn it. for $10 mul V-'1 per n n nour gooil ntilror.il town. W. M KKKXrH. l!u.m 7, Jnokcoi! Hunk Wg. ATTENTION. Prom J'ol r u dry 1 to M :i y I I will jjivf lo tlio lu-st looking rlnl.l in .liiik roil i-onnty from ft to 10 yonrjt lt , $10 in nohl. Pioturow tHkrn jill wook ninl 'Siruliiya from 1 to p m. Pour promi tl. lli lltllion of MfHlf.Ttl tO I'O jll.li'N of pliotoc. LKSMKIHTKK'H (1A1.1.K1IY. ;; Over Atlon Jt Hoafiiin's Probate. INciir l.nti A. Kib; firrtl inul Hiuil roporl iiiiiilo. In tin uiiittor of t lit Hiuri'iiilor of Amiio Mtiy MinluHoii. Iil:i, Mutihlu MiirUiHi.ti mid Koomi MiirkoNoli; unlor ttuiilo to isNiio win taut for a trout of hiimI uhiioin or li"v ciiuno why HJlill minors hIioiiLI not ho mirroinlon il to t ho ItovH ' unit ivU ' A ill ftooioty of ( troitmi. INttili .loo Kimo; iiivoiitory liml lip pr;:iriiii'iit fili'il Nliouiu ontKli' villliod IMnto llulitiih I'olx or; tuilor iniiilo t'onfiiiiiiuji Milo of Kill properly. INtiito .Iniiiyi Conn, Sr.. onlor mmlo appoiulin L. I.. .laroliM. (ioorun H. I.iiulloy ami .lolin 4rlh. In tlio maltor of tho ooiniuitinoiit of Kclit SumI i; Jiulni' Noil ooiumlt t oil ;lln.M' (il 11111110 nHlulll, !S tt Will tin- st'fo for liiui to lio it Ir.ro. Kstnio I'atriok .1. Kyan; unlor niailo appointing l.uko Itynii, :m1 nti ti int ratur, uiul .lolin I'. Millor, I'imiI Itrilt rin-oiloif I 'a moron 'ippruitforn. 'l'ho JapauoHo Miti'ioty uf Hoattlc bus mkoil itH homo Kovoriimont to Bond two wnrHhipM tn SiMittlc to romniit in tho ' harbor tliiiiiij; tlio pro(jri"K of tho Ainu- k ti i nkoo r. n a io op. ii ion. Classili.d AJvenistments It ml NOTICE. Mrllllx IN litlllt SMVi:!l llllHMU'MS ill I ho hull Siiluriluv i'vniii. 7::lll i. m h'rliniarv IV All nn-inhiTs r'(lni!l ill tn ! .ii'.'iil. c. K. I.KATIIKHMAX. Soori'lur-. WANTBB. WA.NTKI) Au oxporionciMl jirl far Kdii'ml hiiiiicwork . Mrj. K. K. Kully, (Jn. on Anno Hililitiun. WA.NTKU Til iv liuicj ii f Nrwtowm unit SpiliMiluir :iiiti'H. Apply of M. Htnwail, :it the Na.li. ' rcUTBAlJi, l'"(lt MAI.K-(linpn rulliiiKs, Tokay, M:iliii;:i n ml MHwiiH1, Writi ur iMill on llr, (Iriffn, (Vnlriil Point, Or. U77 KOK KAI.K - A totiill of mnri's, wuon inul IniriipQH. Inquire V. H. NforiH, 1310 Wont Ninlli Hln i't. 277 l-'olt SA 1,1' - Four .liuiiiuiiil ring loftj wiihiii; tliroo ipuirtor rurnt, ut ft I yroal liai:tin. MiitforJ I.onn Of- firo. 282 1 S. M .Ii k. i; M Marriag LtcoilMs. llul" V mi. I Lulu TnrniT. M jiKiilton .iu.I Hohli'i'a .' Sunn.. Si.mo nii.l Mvrilf Taylor. Hu.Ih'V jiit.l l.uhl Turnor. I la ill I'. All.ii ami May lliiffiT. Tho l.iiMil l.oiiiiHi w i I ! iiiamtaiii hivol ipiaitor on tho roinulM of tin1 Alaska YilVon Paiifii' ovpoHilion iioxl yoar. MEDFORD THEATER Till-: I'AMOl'S IIAIUI'OSK Arthur Cunningham IN .liisr.l'll Mt lil'llY S "The Kerry Gow" A SphMidtrt Cotnpsny Complota Scenic Production PRICES - '3c. MC, 7.rM7, VOH SAl.K- -lirand now s:iiY, woiha , oiHKt poniuU. ut irv low I ij-ut u; OD in- I KtiilmontH. Imiuiro Tribuno office. DM2 KOK SAl.K- fJ mill bay, halo of Phono flSl. 1U 8 A 1 . 1 : Ifolinuui.l ti t acres. S mile Molt'orl. M od, M aoren i'lt'iirod. 5 aor commoroial fruit, o-ibi:i. To on W. M. Prono!i. r. i -n County lijink bld. I. Impure tf 1 1 lim, 120 . ms fenc '' year old prico cull , .luckHoit KOK SALK--ltoliiniiitlimout1 SO acros, tl mi Us rant Mod foul ; ."i0 practically lovel, balaaoo tiasy rudu and covered with ymid find timber; - 8priii)f(i; very ohoap. W. M. l-'roiub. room 7, Jack Mini County Hank bldjf. " POU SAUK Cood ro;idini'0 lots, vlotic iu; aluo ;oi d "i acre on-l aid; deal with owner; tvu vuuuiiirciiou. Address .1, care of Tribune off no. fTTirXLi: -NimM, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracti to iuit from one acre to N0 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix. Or. You Are Goin to Build M f mjk mm Lot me figure with y u. No contract too lare or too. !. P. Satidfar tion :;ii:ranteo-V L. E. BEAN COXTRMWR ASH Ill'lLHKK. MolforJ. lln-goa. LAUGH Long, Loud and Furious COAUi TO THE GRAND THE CLARK BURROUGHS Co. I'ii-st Nieht. thi' !. nml -- "A TfUKtSU HATH" S. ml .Nielli "A COOP KKl.l.OW." witli two pi'i't'iiruKiiii'i'S .)ih iii;lit li t forget iho il.itc-- " ' Saturday and Sunday Feb 6 and 7 Admission ItV ami -iV. ' FOB IlKNT. I'OH HKN'T Kiirnisiuxl rooms for liht lioimoko' pmi; l-M X. ll Ktroot. My Friends Will now find me lo cited North ef 7th. on 0 street. Here I am able to give AW PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor The Foundation of a Perfect Fit The i'oumlai ion of a perfect fii tint; ffown i a properly fitted corset, therefore you should be corri i I ly corseted in 1'ore you have your new gown lilted.. T!c corse', 'hilt will iv e you 1 lie mosi stylish figure is the Henderson and with the style is continued comfort and dm abildy. The now Fash'oii l-'orni models are desit,'ii- cd to give the graceful, rounded, tapering waist- ef fect, the long, smooth, flattened la-k ai:d snug h'.p effects that are so popular with good .hvssoi at th.s time. Properly fitted with one of those corsets, you are not only comfortable, but, may rest assured that your new gown will be fitted to a sf vli.ih figure. We carry a very complete line of these hiec'i-grado cor sets in a varied line of materials at prices ranging from $1.00 to $5.00 and we cordially invite you to in spect them. It is a pleasure to slmw go.'ds at our store. Van Dyke's Henderson FASHION FORM CORSETS F, OSENBRUGGE Agent tor THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Solo agent in Jackson county for tlio STl'DKBAKKK LINK OF AUTO MOBILKS. Tho new E. M. P. Stu lol:kor, 30 liorsi- powi'i. four -cylinder medium prico Touring Oar lias won tin! recognition and idiuiration of all iiia.-hiuists and ha proven itself to l' .1 remarkable vehicle for strength, speed and durability. N'ow goods in all lines will arrive '.n the course of neit month at ilia Stndibaker warehouse. MEDFORD, OREGON. HOME PHONES See Something Real Compare it with the Pacific Telephone junk in your home and business. Our phones can be seen at Ritter's cigar store on Main street. Citizens' Telephone Co'y VALENTINES 1 to 75c EACH AT HUSSEY'S WE are showing the Largest and Best Assorted Line of Valentines in Med ford also 10,000 Souvenir Postal Cards in Southern Oregon Views the two for a nickle qualities. Your choke lc each Just in Big Line of Enamelware and Cooking Utensils. If you are looking for a Bargain ask to see our Big Bargain Table of Enamelware. Tomorrow at your ClioiGe 25c EACH All Copper Nickle Plated Tea Pots. Tea Kettles. Coffee Pots and French Drip Coffee Bargains OUR QUALITIES THE BEST OUR PRICES THE LOWEST OVER 5000 Articles hereto select from in Fancy China, Glassware, Hosiery Combs, Notions, Kitchen Utensils Etc. No store in Southern Oregon offers the Quality, Assortment and Low Prices to be found here HUSSEY S -A FEW OF OUR- MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS ti-KOOM MODKRX HOUSE West .Seventh street, lot 100x400; a very good buy at $3000 9-KOOM BUNGALOW Complete in every detail; one square from West schoolhouse .' .$3000 7 ACRES GOOD LAN I) Close to Central Point; all under plow; half laid out in fruit; a snap.?S00 30-ACRE ORCHARD All in ti-year-old Newtown apples; throe and one-half miles from Medford; good house, barn, wagon, stock and implements. This is an exceptionally mood buv. A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS On East Seventh street; lmig lease: small rent and one of the best locations in the city. This is a fine money-making proposition. Sickness reason of selling. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY BANK BLIKi. THE MEDFORD DAILY TKIBUSE EhS THE BES7 SEWS SERVICE IS SOUTHE'iiS Oh'SGOS. Take the Tribune for News