UEDFOUD DAIW TBliiUNE. MEDFORD, OKKftOV, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 'Mh ' Medford Daily Tribune 'OfficijiU'nixT of Hi-- of Medf rU. Published vvfvv rvfiiiiii.' i-xi-ept Wtunluy. ! M K I) K(IH I) l I! ll !. I M II I X U ..COM J' AX V , Okohor Putn'am. Kdnr and Manager. Ailniilled Jis Ki.'i (iinl Class Mutter in the J 'i.-ZnlTiee at 'mo ifntnili, li '.' ! .M.iicr. .100 (nu veur; by mull ..1.(HI XOW FOIl Till-: TOVItlSTS. I'Yoni Hie press reports received lYniu N-ileiu it seems that tlie legislature is in a' most fa iiialilo frame of mind towards 1 lie bill ajiiiropriatin ii(),()(l(i which to Itnild the Valor lake lioulovnrd. Like the wildest dreams of youth, it seems too jjood lo he tj'iie, Still, when I ho advantnuosof such ii road are remciiiliereil, il is easily to he Been what: nrnuiiicuts are at luid for the const nic t iW of sueli'a road. One i Is hid lo reflect on the extra ordinary movement froiii all over the country to Cali fornia during the jiast ' years, where I hey have tin iillrac lion of one of (he greatest; and most heaiitiful valleys in the world-- (he Vosemife. ' " t ' ' " ' ' This, movement lias hecn for (he greater pari in the shape of, tourists' excursions, similar to llie thrones mi grating yearly to southern I'nrope. However, they dif fer in one respect --visiting Kurope they are tourists, pure and simple; while those who have visited California have sneeiiinhed to I lie climatic, scenic and other charms of the stAte. They have remained to hnild mighty cities, to plant countless orange groves, to j'oree the Rear state to the fore when compared with her sisters id' the coast. With the const ruction of n boulevard to wonderful Crater lake, Oregon will contain a magnet that will at tract a vast army from all portions of the United States yes, from all parts of the civi.ilcd glohe. hi Ihe past there has heen a constant migration to Oregon of those who came to bolter their condition financially thai his evolution has heen, and ever will .be, a slow and painful operation. I!ut (hose who come for aesthetic reasons are cultivated, well-to-do, and often wealthy. They will come to see; seeing, (hey will he charmed: charmed, they will remain. The stump of their virility will be on the hind and will find its expression in mighty cities. Xot alone will the tourist lie charmed vi!i he;mtf;il Crater lake. Aside from this, southern Oregon can tender him the finest trout streams for his fly, Ihe finest game for his gnu, admirable opportunities for investment, mid one of the finest climates on earth. The easterner's complaint has ever been that southern California weather i-; too much of a "sameness." Here we can offer him the Irippy me dium the climate thai is never too hot or too cold. With the construction of the Crater road will dawn a now era .for southern Oregon. Too long has the matter been neglected. .1 ' V.t XIUITY (!' Ol'IXIOX. In most of the states at this time the most concurrent consideration and action is being given direit primary legislation. Although the direct primary is sli'l in the experimental stage, nu-st of the governors of the various states have recommended in their messages to t!io legisla tures now in session the enactment of new lav oi amend ment of those already in force to accomplish this end. And it is significant that not a state official, of tried re sponsibility, has advised a return to the old form the convention system. In Minnesota, where for some time this la lias been in effect, (iovernor Johnson approves the priu iple and urges improvement, lie says: Wlialecir criticism may hart Intii intuit. jis! or ee just, I am more mil ri r con ci net l of tin run: ; . tin s of tin' principle of the Ittir n mleil yinti tin- sy-l, , nut I fit ' this so slrontli that I ctiruestly iirtic upon this Inula "" necrssit ii of iiiiikiny tlir necessary moili ficttt ion ii tin' (.. ns applieil to present conilitioils, inut I ilesir, ! yo i cen Hither than that, and say that in my jiultme'it bettf n it!ts ironit In- obtainnl by e.rtenitiiii) the priiwiry flec tion low so that it iroulit include nil the rlrrtivr of fin it of the state. If the lair is a pronr one a.t aapiial to the lection of contrt ssnn n. district jiitltes. county anil citi officirs. it certainly iroiild In u proper ine as applied to ihe electice offici rs of the state. That there ici'l he Jiffcr incis of opinion in this niatti r. as there hare T v I .en. urn iiri'im. but in the states nhere the primary election laic has been extended n nirersnll y the most ron-plete sat isfaction obtains. In other states the governors have, in tlir majority of cases, urged the matter, t iovernor Hughes of Xew York, (iovernor Vassey of South Dakota, (iovernoi Warner of Michigan, t iovernor Marshall of Indiana, (iovernor Fort of Xew Jei-M-v all of these either press the enactment of new laws along this line or declare the system will lie a success with further extensions. Xot one would take a step backward. J It might have ln-eu that more of Mod ford's citiens would have visited Salem Wednesday had it Ihhmi generally known that the bunch was to have been invited to attend the banquet given by the Salem board of trade to the '2"th legislative assembly tkat was probably worth the trip in itself. (55) tt Does not do its work and serve the public on paper -SEE THE LATEST- COLLAR PIN SETS At MARTIN J. REDDY'S THE JEWELER W1II0RF THH QUALITY" IS ALWAYS RTOUT Xcar I'o.-,loffit-e. Kino Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of ' Fruit Trees v YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tno, -Pacific Northwest. No', in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries 1 L. E. HOOVER, Agent M ED FORD, OREGON. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use iu iooo Ins. 110 Kilowatts which ut'.iocts. a Kilowatt 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses - t 40 Watts ptrhouv and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo- Net Saving iu iockj hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor 'Water & Power Co. Orfice, 20i.). West Seventh Street. Phone No. 3uo. Opjiosito the Rig Electric Sign. Medford Iron Works , E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Propiu'tor. ' FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Endives, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, :. - Rul'ei and Machinery. Agents in Soi'tV.m Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. i j U ((Unttttg, j WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. 11. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County EankTOpstairs ; Highest Attainment In Systematic Banking Service The .lai'ksou ('(unity liuuk respectfully milieus ymi r firi-onnt, Hubji-ct to your I'licck, vith tlie Htroueat gimniuteu of safety niul cffipiciicy. W'f uffrr the hihrHt nllniiiinoitt iu dywtuhiatip hii nking Bcrvico, which as sures the greatest varo in overy fliinu cfal traiiHUctioi:. with this ohlitfin? ill- State lpositr.ry siilutioa. KstaMialied 1888. Capital aad Surplus $125,000 ' J yW. I. V AWT BR, Prulpot. Kesourroa $700,000 ' O. Ji. L1NDLEV, Cuttlitar. Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter Don't imagine for a ninnieiit that our local eitizens don't recognize a jood tiling when it offers. Did you ever Irade horses with any of IhcniY Take our advice, and don't risk it. (food sensj will dictate that it is in order to follow their load in investing in Medford property, however, for they see the hand writing on the wall. Medford is on the verge of a hooiii. Interview us and we'll toll you why this is the right time to liny Medford city property. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Kxhiliit Duilding. Medford. Oregon. j :-'i YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the exi-oUenoe of tie meals that are cool; otl at the Kmeriok Cafe if yon haven't already regal v. 1 yourself with some of the uVHciou dishes that, are served here. If you haven't partaken of them, there is a treat ewaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A meal at the Ktnoriok is an experience that will make you isy, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All KiglH MEDFORD SASU & DOOR COMPANY PHONE '2291. j Window Frame. lk Venfered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in BUek cheap. Office Tikturea and all kinrtt o( Plan ing Mill Work, including Turnad Work I and Fancr Grilla. j F STREET. BETWEEN" SIX TH AXO 3 EVEN i ll STREETS. 1 .'. E. KNYART Preaident. J. A. PERRY. Vice President. .lOHN S. OKTH. Cashier. W. B. JACKSON. Ass"t Cajlner. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OS. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeueralEank in Bus. nese Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. 1 lip!1! EVERY ONE HAS THE IB OWN TROUBLES KspooiaMy the man who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat made to fit any one that wants to buy. Tba man who has his garments mado to order by an up-to-date tailor never has any trouble with the fit, finish or general "get up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives you a style and indi viduality acquired h' no other way when made at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andT ailcis PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. G. E. MiUini;er A. C. R.indnll .1 L. D. Harrla Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard I finds. '-hiire fruit lands, bearing :md young orchards iu small and largo tiarta, for sale. We plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to nc -is r presented. Experience Nat Accessary for those who purchase through us. Thoy secure the advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for sevcrnl yens has exeeled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue River valley, record erops, record packs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon 5ttrs. Krene IHampton Isaacs instructor of "Piano. TLlst 5tttl)0& Stu&io at 3ltftlfrRc, 5lortb Qranqt Stret Compare the Quality i3 I f 2 i Smk ri kUT. 3!. f Tli I , and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end w are always adding amy to our line. The uition of 1 ' preferred etock" makes our line of ii jrrrule Csnned Goods most complete. Our service always the b'St and every accom- givtn oar customers- Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed