4 MEDFORD DAILY TKIBUNE, ORKOOX. WEDNESDAY. KEHRI'AUY 3 1900. What you want is what we want to give you, and in addition to a Complete Stock of LUMBER, ACME CEMENT PLASTER and PORTLAND CEMENT, we can now give you any number of FIRST-CLASS BRICK We appreciate your patronage B3lG Pines (Supany Social and Personal hil ttwiixlen wan a recent visitor in Hold Hill. Pntfi-MHi-r Miller of KimnV ('reek wan h remit Medl'md vmiior. Mm. H '. tli f Ashland re.-enllv vitoted fiiemlH in tliift city. Phone your orders for mveot errata or Imtlprtnilk tit the creamery. V. K. Merrill ol' Portland is in Mel fort on Itiittiiicss coiiticcli-il with tho I'h cifif Telephone & TWi't;nili eonimny. Kent imciiIk at IicmI prices at I lie Km prick rf open I'll ni'lit. K. (looiliiiy, the siii(riiiti'iiftciil of the Kcntacr Hopkins on-hard, whh in Med ford Tuewlay on hiiHiiicss. lOuicrick Cafn open all iiifflit. I hoiniiK Pnnliey w:m n visit in Med foril on Tuesday from Ihh ranch in HaiiiH Valley. M i'h. I 'a n key accoinpa tiled In in to do Home (railing. Orders for nweot cnain nr buttermilk promptly filled. Plume the creamery. Philip Uatehew wiih tiiken to Die in miw imylum at Hnlem Tuesday hy H. A. Fnrkf, an attendant, who came to Med ford for that purpose. ltoherlH & IfohertH, experts in repair ing mid rebuilding sewing niacliinen, will remain u few days longer, affording r it opportunity fur pood and accurate nervica. Phono 5Hh. Konnm at l. V. HteplieiiBon 'h, cor. V. Ts'iut h a ltd 11 HtreetH. The city council will hold their re tllar HCHsioli on l'riduy evening, iik many nf tho couiicitinen mid the mayor a re in Salem huoNlhij for the ('niter hike road. On Thuiwlay evening the Maptinl church in this city will hold their an ! nun) roll call. All no'inbem are mjjfil to lie present. ! HiiihlhiU work on the YI Side in taking a ureal boom. Much improve ; inent will he noted with the arrival of! bettor weather. Kmerick Cafe is open r. night now i (hat prosperity h;is coine to slay. WHEN HER BACK ACHES Classified Advertisements A Woman Finds All Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away. Med ford women know how tho aches and pains that come when the kidneys fail make lift n burden. JJnekneho, hip pains, headaches, di,.y spoils, distrestt tig urinary troubled, all tell of sick kidneys mid warn you of the stealthy approach of diaheten, dropsy ami Bright ' disease. Doan 's Kidney Pills permanently euro all these disorders. Here's proof of it in a Med ford wom an 'a words: M I'H, I -omnia Woody, corner Third and O. si reels, Med ford. Or., suvs: Fur a long time I was troubled with kidney complaint. There were sharp pit ins through my back and. at times ached all over. I was otsn annoyed greatly by thn frequency of tho kidney secretions. I tried a great many reme dies, but found no relief until at last my at tent ion was railed to Doan Kidney Pills and 1 procured a hoi at 1 1 auk ins ' drdug store. They at once gave me relief. I contained and grad ually improved until T was cured. 1 think verv highlv of Poau 's Kidney Pills." For sale by nil dealers. Price 50 cent. Poster Milliard Co., Buffalo, N. Y.( sole agents for the United States. Kemeinher the name Dona's and take no other. 47 WANTED. Mr. and Mrs. ltob-rt Iturcli of Sums Vnllev were recent Med ford visitors. FOR SALE, If you hii1 looking for -mme good Imid cheap, I have, it, for $10 mid ifL'u per acre, near good railroad town. W. M. FKKNrll. Hootn 7, .Inchon Bunk Bhlg. ATTENTION. From February 1 to May t I will give to the best looking cl ild in Jack non county from ft to 111 yerrs old, $10 ill gold. Pictures taken nil week mid Sii'tdiivs from I to 4 p m. Four promt mm Indies of M.dlVnl to be judges of photon. IjF.SM KIMTFH S OAM.KItV, "73 Ovur Allen & Iteagau V MEDFORD THEATER TIIK I'AMOI'H IIAUITONU Arthur Cunningham IX .UlSKIMI Ml lil'UVS "The Kerry Gow" A Splendid Company Complcto Roenlc Production PRICES 2rc, r.oc. 7fic, 11.00 "Tv" TiTjitTM'iHM'd" xtr for Ki'iirrul lioiiHowurk. Mrs. I'.. K. Kelly, tiurli Amip nddttiitn. 74 NVTRTkI Fifty" Holes of 'NewloWTTs and Sit;uuburf apple. Apply of M. Ntewurt. nt (he Nub. fob'BaIe. I'Olt HA I.K (iYnpIi riittiiiK Toknyl MmIiikh mid Melvoin?. Wrili- or rnll on Dr. (iriffo, Ontrnl I'oiiu. Or. '277 KOI! HAI.KA ti'iun of iiurfH, wiion unit ImriifHH. Inquir? I'. S. Miirin, :IP Wont Ninth utri'i't. 277 HALF. Four cTiamoud rings left, weighing three qilurtor curat, nt a . greut bargain. Mdford Loan Of firo. 282 FOR NALK Brand new saft!, weighs .100(1 pounds, at very low figure; on in stalments. Inqniro Tribune office. 282 You Are Goin& to Build l.et me figure with y u. No contract too large or too mm'. P. Sutisf action gun rnnteed. L. E. BEAN I'ONTK ACTOR AND BlULDKK, Mod ford, Oregon. LAUGH Long Loud & Furiout COMl- TO THE GRAND THE CLARK BURROUGHS Co. First Ninlit. tin- I'.u-.r 'imiumIv "A 'ITKKINI! I5AT1I" ' Hivi.ii.l N'i-lil "A (iOOl) KKLI.OWi" with two pel Turitiaiires cjn h niijlit Don't forget tlic datp Saturday and Sunday Feb 6 and 7 Admission. 10 ;uid FOR MALKOnin hay. bnled. Iniuira of Phono JiSI. tf 1 FOR HAM: Heliii.iiiMbuiont claim, 120 acres, 8 miles Med lord, 40 ncres fenc j (!, 12 acro cleared, ,1 acres - year-old I commercial fruit, cabin. For price call ; on W. M. French, room 7, .lack sou County Hank bldg. FOR SALK RolinipiiLlimnt, sQ ncres, (S miles east Med To id: ' practically! level, balance easy grade and covered i with good fuel timber; ii springs; very I cheap. V. M. French, room 7, Jack- j sou County Hank bldg. FOirSALK Two loin iiT ModfoTd,""l00 jeIOO, with L'O II vc.tr old pear trees. Inipjire Woodtniry Mngie, Phoenix, Oregon. 272 j FOR HALF, flood -e-.idtuce lota, alose in; also goi.d itcio on l-ard; deal with uwuer; h'n'i coinuiiRHieu. Address J, j care of Tribune uffue. uusch, lots and land in j Phoenix, or in trarM to suit from one acre In 040 acres.. Matt Calhoun, Phoo- ; nix, Or. FOR BENT. FOR RKNT - Furnisncd rooms for light luinsuke ping. !''! . (! street. At Van Dyke's New Styles In the Celebrated Henderson Corsets ORIGINATORS OF THE FRONT LACE CORSET WM HENDERSON Front Laced Corsets This is the corset that certainly has be come the favorite among the fair sex. Its popularity in Med ford is shown by the fact it is nearly impossible to keep in stock-They Sell Themselves Every Good Style in Heavy and Unlit Weinlits. Lonn and Short Models. Front and Reqular Lace Styles on Display PrlGes from $1 to $7.54 Every Pair Guaranteed Van Dyke's My Friends Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on I) street. Here I am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRING PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor Bijou Theater Extra Big Attraction FAIRY TALES A Burlesque Musica Comedy Presented By Mr. F. W. WALTERS AND HELEN CLARMONT A Most Laughable Production FECIAL FEATURES OF NOVNG PICTURES ADMISSION 10 and 20 MORTON! HOTEL OREGON ""W i Nl Mi v-v " MoPEnx Comfort MoI'Kivatr Prices ONLY KOOF tJAKDKN IN PORTLAND Tlic Tourist Heiulquartera .J4K;.GK KOOMS EARI.T MR THE ALASKA YVKOV KXPOSITION A. 8. NUKTOS. MU( Notice to Water Consumers If All Art luTfby notifio.l thnt on lUU "in 111,1 ,1;'v if "i "l,,n, ht'rcut'lcr nil consiuuerH who hi'Vcu't paid tlicir monthly rcntuta as jui'Ki'rihfil hy tin1 ordinances ovoruing i lo nso of water, will ho tin-neci off without not iff and un ndditional ono dollar ($1.00) will h cliured and col leeted heforo servit will aiia ho re named. The reeord'T has had inRtruo tioiiH from tho water cnnimlttno tu close his hooks on Iho evening of tho liith and turn the delinquent Mat ovor to the superintendent of the water plant, who will proceed to turn off all v.ho are delinquent. Hv orders of the Water tf'otnmittee. M. r. f! AlTLT, Superintendent Water Plant. HOME PHONES See Something Real Compare it with the Pacific Telephone junk in your home and business. Our phones can be seen at Ritter's cigar store on Main street. Citizens' Telephone Co'y -A FEW OF OUR- MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS G-ROOM MOD IS EX IIOUSE-Wost Seventh street, lot 100x400; a very good Imv at $3000 9-HOOM HILN-UALOW-C.n.iete in e verv detail ; one S(uare from West sehoollnnise ' $3000 7 AO RES HOOD LAXD-IW to C-iitral' Point: all under plow; half laid out Lu fruit; a snap. $800 30-ACRE ()RCIIARI)A11 in (i-year-old Xewtown apples; three and one-half miles from Hertford gocjd house, barn, wacroii, stoek and implements! Inis is an exeeptionallv ood buv A OOOD TAYIXO liUSIN-HSSOn East Seventh street: loni; lease: small rent and one of the best locations in the city. This is a fine nionev-niaking proposition. Sickness mison of selling. ' MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKKOX COUNTY BANK HEPO.