THE MWT)FOPTT)ATTiYTRTBUNFi.MRD FORD. PRECOX. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. li)0!). U3 Commencing February 4 Ending February 13 To make room fcr the large line of Men's, Women's and Children's ; Spring and Summer Shoes Mi I have ordered am instituting' one of the E SALES ME A. .. ' i'.'' ''-'4 GREAT DFORD HAS EVER SEEN A...: i it . mi i .Li.t i l J T... o,.l, I - ui cc &,r'v MT'r'.zr uwiu", io tuiiuinuus iUiuei-wiiiui i nave uruereu wis iicw jiuik i urn duiciu unci you the following bargains MEN'S HIGH TOPS $11.00 Putnam, 16-inch $8.25" $9.00 Putnam, 14-inch $6.75 $9.00 Strong and Garfield, 14-inch ...$7.00 $8.50 Strong and Garfield, 15-inch ...$6.95 $8.00 Strong- and Garfield, 14-inch ...$6.25 $7.50 Jonio, 10-inch $5.95 $15.50 Jonio, 14-inch $4.75 $7.50 Tan, 1G inch $5.75 $7.00 Tan, 11 inch $5.25 $6.00 Tan, 14-inch $4.50 $5.00 Tan, 12-inch $3.95 $5.00 Selx. Black, 12-inch $3.95 $7.00 A. A. Cutter $5.95 $6.50 A. A. Clutter $5.50 $5.50 A. A. (3uHor ,.$4.50 Misses Shoes $2.00 Kid Blucher fur $1.60 $2.25 Kid P.luchcr for $1.70 $2.50 Patent Button $1.75 $2.01) Kid Button for ...$1.50 $2.25 .Patent Mutton for $1.70 $2.00 Webster School Shoes for $1.60 $2.25 ('Uinnietal for . .$1.S5 Men's Heavy Work $3.00 Extra Double Sole Outside Coin ter a bargain $2.15 $3.50 Keids for $2.80 $3.50 Tan for $2.60 $3.75 Sewed Sole fur $2.95 $3.00 Adamant for $2.15 $100 Stilson and Kellogg for $2.95 $3.50 Black for $2.60 $3.50 Unde Sam's Army Shoe .$2.60 $2.75 Adamant $1.95 LADIES' HIGH TOPS (5.00 Tan, 10-inch, for . $3.90 $5.00 Moose Tan, U-inch, for $3.90 $7.00 Tan, 14-ii:ch, for $5.25 $5.00 Black, 12-inch, for $3.95 MEN'S CRAWEORDS $6.00 Nottloton's for $5.50 Xettleton's for . $5.00 Craw fords for $4.00 Craw fords for . $4.95 .$4.25 .$3.95 $2.95 Is H E LADIES' OXFORDS H O E . OUR PRICES TALK Our speak for themselves. In quality, durability and siyle our Shoes Irive proven good investments to "the purchasers at regular prices. At our cut-rate salo they arc big bargains. We are offering as m Dainty Shoes for fine fir es as man M., v.. Bjm dainty feet or I'rac ever . -.lopped , g' I""""'8 Tlie larg-st shoe i&P&SfMil '1 nl-v lliR'1-S'l"'l' stock in ;:; .ithern ImM WWM E tw,wl Oregon io select qualify carried in from. ft 1 s'(M'k. NOT IN MANY YEARS lias such an opportunity been offered to out fit, yoursel f in Footwear' of the highest grade at prices usually paid for low grade stock. Med ford has never seen a bigger sale and belter bargains. s H O E s XT AT O E S CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SPECIALS $1.75 Budd's Yici, 8 to 11 1-2, for $1.35 $1.25 Box Calf, 8 to 11 1-2, for .95? $1.75 Yici, 8 Io 111-2, for $1-40 $1.25 Yici, 5 to 8, for 95(t $1.50 .1 Sudd's Yici, 5 to 8, for $1.10 $1.50 Fancy, 5 to 8, for .$1.10. $1.50 Blue Kid, 5 to 8, for :, .$1.10 $1.75 Fancy Pawn and Patent Button, 5 to 8, for-. $1.15 $1.50 Pancy Pawn and Patent Button, 2 to 5, for $1-00 $1.25 Vici, 2 to 5, for ,5 $1.00 Yici, 2 to 5, for : .75 05c Vici, 2 to 5, for 45 All Children's 50c Soft Sole Shoes at . . . . 35 Ladies' Kid Shoes $:t.f0 Kid Blucher Welt ; $3.50 (iiuunetal, Blucher Welt $3.00 Ounnielal, Blucher Well; . . $3.00 Kid, P.lncher 'Welt . $2.50 Kangaroo Welt $3.25 Patent Low Heel . . ..,$2.95 ...$2.95 ... .$2.35 . ...$2.15 . . .$1.90 . .. .$2.00 Men's Shoes $5.00 (lol.ian Tan for i $3.95 $1.00 Velour Calf , v .-.$3.15 $1.00 (iunmelal i i- .$3-15 $3.50 Peters' Yici , ,.$2.60 $5.00 Yici i $3.95 $3.50 Pox Calf I- $2.90 .f.'i.OO ( !oninionwealfli Patent :. . .,.$-l5 $1.00 Patent i- r'1, $1.00 Harlow Palent v .$2.9o $1.50 Kid Pump for $1.05 $3.00 Pat. Opera for $2.00 $3.00 Plain Toe Kid for $2.00 $3.50 Patent Welt for .' $2.50 $3.00 Patent WeP fcr $2.00 $1.75 One-Strap Sandal for $1.15 $3.50 Patent Turn for $2.25 $3.00 Kid Welt for $2.00 $3.50 Kid Welt for $2.50 $1.75 Three-;.-U-ap Sandal for $1.20 $2.00 Patent French Heel for $1.50 $5.00 Patent French Heel for .$3.25 Ladies' Patent $6.00 Pat. l-ndressed. Kid To), S-inch . .$4.50 $5.00 .Button for $4.25 $5.00 Cloth Top Lace $3.25 $4.00 Lace Turn $3.25 $4.00 Button Welt : $3.25 $-1.00 Blucher Welt $3.25 $3.50 Blucher Welt $2.75 $3.50 Blucher, McKay Welt $2.75 Ladies' Felt Slippers $1.75 Brown for $1.15 $1.25 Red for , 5 $1.75 Grav for $1-20 $1.75 Blue for , ,.$1.20 Misses Felt Slippers $1.25 Grav for , 85? $1.00 Grav for 75? Men and Boys' Boots $8.00 Tan Fancy Hoot $6.25 $5.50 Black Biding Bool, '". ... . i . . . $3.95 $3.50 Kip Boot $2.75 $4.00 Kip Boot ,...$3.25 $3.50 Boys' Hiding Hoot . . $2.75 For Boys $2.25 A. A. Cutter . . $2.25 Heavy $2.50 Tan ,. . $3.75 High Top, with ISuckles . . . $3.50 High Top. with ISuckles . . . $3.25 Youths' High Top with P.u $3.00 Youths' High Top with Bu ..$1.50 . . .'. ...$1.75 ...... .$1.95 $2.75 $2.50 Ides .,.$2.50 Ides. ,.$2.25 MEN'S PLAIN TOE i - V $5.00 Dr. I'ccd's Cusliion Sole ,.$4.15 S4.00 King JSunion Last .$2.95 $4.00 No Koi n Calf ,.$2.95 $1.00 No Koin Yici ,.$2.95 $1.50 Cot'iau Cushion Sole , ,.$3.60 $3.75 Pilgrim's No Korn ,.$2.85 .5.50 Yelour Calf '. ,....,.$2.60 :S.50 Yici ,.$2.75 ttS.OO French 'ill f ,.$2.30 $2.50 Congress $1.95 $3.00 Coif' t ...$2.15 I Advertise FACTS ONLY C w Successor to Smith& Molony They All come here for SHOES turn