UUAmmD DAILY- 'jfffHUNJS. MEUFOJtU, ORKOOX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1909. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of (In: "-y of Medford. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of - .Fruit Trees !r IyAKIMAI VAILEY NURSERY Largest 'Comneicial Nursery in tiie Pacific Northwest. No', in :le coinljinc. Coi-ipctes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent 1 ; MEDFORD, OI1EG ON . -SEE THE LATEST COLLAR PIN SETS MARTIN 1 REDDY'S THE JEWELER WIIKHH TI1K QIWLITY TS ALWAYS l.TGUT Near I'ostoffu-p. Kiim Watdi iind Jewelry Repuii-iiig .1 Specialty.':" I'lililisluid every cvcninb t'X'.'ept SuihIiv. M EDKORD IMJ IJMMII I NO ..CO M 1' A N Y OBoitfiR Putnam. Kililr ami Manager Admitted S(.''(md ('lnss Mutter in the Postofi'iee ut Medford. Oieiron. SUHSOIMI'TIOX ItATKS. l-nu monlll, h nml! "ri r. .0 Rl) Oim vir, l.y mail... .tkl.OU WHAT r.t.v vor DOI g The Medford spirit the spirit that l.uilds cities and makes them famous Iiiik onee aain made good. Over fifty of our Imsiest mereliaiits and professional men, at the time when trade is rapidly piekinj?'"!'. ml durinK the husiest season of the month, found time to lay aside private matters, pack their grips, and take the train for Salem there to lahor for the eoi n good. And it is well. Medford, with citizens like these, will "continue to grow, and each day will see her further along the paths of progress. . Medford has the name of wauling the hig things, and of getting what she goes after. Legislators say this; rad road officials say it, and it is echoed hy the hig theatrical men who have found that Medford wants nothing hut the hcst. Medford is famed now as the city' of live ones a city with all the local pride thusiasm. sacrifice and energy that makes leaders among cities. But as in every city, there are those who must remain when the others go. AVe couldn't all go, hut we can all do our share to huild up the city. And therein liesjlie true, secret of Med ford's progress. Everybody is telling everyhody else what to do for the little old hurg, and that is tile best way for people to he feeling, and a splendid way to wake them up to doing hig things that are good, and little things, that, help, too. One of the little things that would count a good deal is for everyhody who has an office in an office huilding to hnvoji gold sign lettered on his window. There are of fice huildings in town that are so crowded that a mom could not he rented at any price, yet a stronger passing them would think they are not half rented, hccansc ahout half the windows' carry no signs, ( let the idea ( Then, leaving the offices, we reach the streets. Here is one id' the hig things. The paving should he extended and the other streets macadamized. Let us work foi st reels next winter that will withstand whatever old .lu piter Pluvius sends us without resulting in a sea of mud, too thick for navigation hy hoal, too thin for travel ing in a carriage. Then, we leave the streets home we are. Now how ahout. all that ruhhishf And the hackyard well, how cleaning them up would help the city! Yes, there is plenty for us little fellows to do. Things could he named hy the tens. So let us get l.nsy. Kali in line with the things that are waking Medford up, and let's start her on the Marathon race to prosperity. The "liiir ones" are alreadv in the field for a course, the Crater lake road let us "little ones" see that when the word to start comes that everything will he ready! TALENT TA1E8 TERSELY TOLD. II. K. H.diison of Wiiriiit Cri'i'k w:i u 'I'uli'iil visitor Sulu -tiny. .),,) ik Hopi'liim! of llii- 1'ounly ir f.-vrln wi-nt tn Miiiriml Siihinlny. Voter .1. Hind wan ti from Midford Siitimliiv nml took luii'k piniio from .liunes Allen's of North Tul.nl. One of thi irin'iinl lieing talk i'it tibtmt ii Tuli'iit now is Unit of im-or Hirutiiitf. Almost owry rt'sident in in I'i'vor of the move. l-'ml lt:ii win il Mt'ilforil luiHitiefW visitor the l"l of week. Mr. K owns ono of tlio inttMt vnhmtilo fiinus in the v:illev. It join our fity on tin smith. .Iff f Hill snys TrIi'mI is 11 great plnee fur ruling. Wliyf." snys Mr. Hell, "wo linvo fivo i-:iting lionuios in thin little town, nml :ill of tl i "' doing a good tnisilio.s. " ( Ctiroy of North Tnlrnt hat .init received a Irttor ami n lioiklot from Wititi rsot, la. In III" dew -ritlvo look li t there arc- hundreds of farms, all well iniirninl. good, fertile, well watered and fenced, anil tho prior. ro from -H to $100 per nrro nono nhore HHV What iv tin- mnttor with Tmva tlint lnl rliMin, nml no many farms fur Jali't Wolilon Hartley of North Talent down to M.-aforil last Saturday ami lirolilit out some finiiliiin: lumber. Mr Hartley is iiuny these nit day finish iuK u his fine new dwelling house. Mr Hartley 1ms a fine traet of fertile land, ami ho intend to 1'lant a portion of it to orchard. The new lodo of vld Fellow at Till vnl ma.lo iii nliont tW at a ro.-ent meet in with which to buy the neeess.iry natnpliornali. for their team. The boys lire taking a lively interest ami intern! to net in gooil working ortler at once. SERVANT IN ONE FAMILY TOR OVER 7 YEARS HKI.KAST. Keb. The ilea Ih ha oceiirriHl at Lisbon, near llell'ast. of Susan O'llagan. who hail served one family for an ui'.lir iken (torio.l of 1IT ears. Sbo hail nnrsi'il thlei- sllreessive gen ilations of the Hall family, having en leml the service of the i;reat yratiil father nf the present gelierniion in Oe lober. 1SII. The ileeeaseil. who was in her liKth year, pussesiusl her faeitlties up o the enil, betii(f able to sew ami reail with out speetarles. She hml never been a ilay absent from w irk, ami her last illness was only of three ilays ilurjt tiun. GIVEN OUN OF GOLD AFTER THIRTY LEARS HAD PASSED I-OXSTA.NTIXOI'I.H. l'eb. 2. This piaint story about the sultan, a pasha alnt a Kol'len Ki'11 lu iiiK told here. Abdul llamid, who in Ilia younger days was a fine riflo shot, usfsl to go li uitt iiiK with Itiafat Pnahn, who oue lay won the sultan's athuiratiuu by a wonderful shot nt a bear. Th sultan llleu and therv promised to )(iv the pn- ha a iolden nun. Xevt day Itiafat beri'mo a '-suspeel " and hml to leave (he country. He re maims) in exile for ;u years, returning hero after the revolution. He was gra i-iouslv receiied by tl-e sultan, who ask oil ivliether he still did yood shooting. "Sire," roplitsl th" wily pasha, "the last time 1 shut I was told bv your majesty that in fu.uie I must always use a golden nun. 1 h:;o been too Jioor to buy one; therefore I have never shot sineo. " Then the sultan remembenid his promise ami the next day Ititfat Tasha reeeiviiil a gun beautifully embossed in gold. FOR FIRST TIME IN 31 YEARS SHOP ESOAPES niliMlXtlllAM, l'eb. 2. Vor the tiil time in ;il years the dry goods store of William Maegrogor. who as a prom meat football organixer usually had on Ins premises ehanoitge raps and other prizes, has not been robbed bv New Veer's burglars. On New Year's eve Mr. Mnegregor vacate! his old nrem isos for a new ami burglar proof shop. Returning lo his old shop a few hours alter leaving, he found that it had been nt, red. but the burglars hail found nothing but empty boxes. FOREIONTER8 LAUGH AT AMTRICAN SHORTCOMINGS D l.OMmV. Wh. "The Amorirnn nuin proMfui jiurtlei! all." mv Trth." "Tin American niBn t, up parut)y, liiviuu:itir to i ht AnuricAn woman. f.r whru Ih latter i 9tthnent y ruh she jii-nornlly utarrif a Kuro nan. "ThiMinh th nk of Kuropojin men r pit'paretl to ULnrry rirh American w.inifn, (he Knr.tau women ean w ilttin 1m inshit-el lo marry an American. "The ilffieiencies of the American man imint be serious, for ;her appear ti rciidiT him oMeetKtrtaMe atiKe to the i women of hi own rountry an. I of other untrie. ' 1 Does not do its work and serve the public on paper More Light ior less Money Sixtv-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LA MI'S. 32 Candle Power EcHson Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use iu 1000 Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $1 1 32 Candle Power Tungsten l amp uses ' ' 40 Watts perhouv and would use in 1000 j hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt - I 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Of fieri, 2(K West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Rig Electric Sign. Medford Iron Works ;, E. O. TI JO WBRI DO E,3 Pro p 1 h t or . FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Entires, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, ; ; v ,( B,;8.!eisvand Machinery. ( Agents in Srth-rf Oregon for . ; -FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Statu Uoosit:-.ry Established 1S3S. Cr.pital and Surplus $12 Kcsourros $700,000 fflghest Attainment in " Systematic ; Banking ServiGe Tho .l.-u kiiiii' County liink reaped fully : i it k your rtcrontii, subjritt to your i-iti-ck, w ilia (lie stioit'st guantiiti'e of uni'i-ty ntitl cfCicioiu'V. We nf for tin- liitflHsl al tai nnifiit hi iiyri'iii.-itii banking si-i vicn, whiclr na surt'S tlio grentcMt care in ovory fliiiui--i.-tl tnuiHtieliot:, with tliis obliging in-Hiitutiuii. S.OOO ' SZW. I, VAWTER, Pr-cidont. " G. li. L1NDLEV, Caulner. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank'Upstairs Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter Don't imagine for n moment, that our local citizens don't recognize a good thing when it offers. Did von ever trade horses with any of them? Take our advice, ami don't risk it. Good sensj will dictate that it is in order to follow their lead in investing in Medford property, however, for they see the hand writing on the wall. Medford is on the verge of a liooni. Interview us and we'll tell you why this is tlit' right time to lmy Medford city property. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Exhibit Building. Medford, Oregon. ft S mmii EVERY ONE HAS THE IB OWN TROUBLES Ksi'Prmlly the man nho buys a suit ut clothing or overeont luado to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who b:is his garments mado to order by an up to date tailor novor has any troublo with tho fit, finish or y.-nornl "got up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives yon a stylo and indi viduality acquired if no other way wheu made at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andT ail c it? PALM BUILDINQ, MEDFORD, OB. E. J, Skcwia G. E. Hihltiu-iT A. C, Kumlall J L. I. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS :, Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or " chard Lands. Choire fruit lands, bearing and young orchards iu small and 'largo tincts, for Bale. Wo plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to be hs n presented. Experience Not Accessary for those who purchaso through us. They securo tho advise and sorvipes of a consulting horticulturist, nn expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yoiis has eiceled in the growing and shipping of fruit ill the Uogue Tliver valley, record erops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon Ywrr2: ' -vvi i! S'jjJ tr YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tlio exi-ellt'iu-e of th-j meals that art fuokotl at the EmerjVk t'afe if yon havpn't iilroady rogalv.l yoursolf with some of the delicious dishes that are served here. If you haven't partaken of them, there is a treat awaiting you th.it you will want to repeat often. A men! at tho Kmeriek is an experience that will inal;e you c;yt like Oliver 1 wist, for more. The Emerick Cafe ; Open All Night yiXrs. Irene. H'fampton Isaacs instructor of "Piano. "Llsatt 5tttboo StuMc at 3ilnct. 5tocll) Orni Strtl MEDFORD SAS1I & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Office Kiiturei and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Work, iucluding Turned Work and Fancy drills. F STREET. BETWKEN SIXTH AND S KYK.NTH STREKTS. . K. KNY ART, Prwmlcnt. .1. A, PF.RRV. Vice Prvwdent. .lOllX S. OliTH. Cashier. V. B. JACKSON'. Ass't Cajliier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL SURPLUS $50,000 10,000 Safefry Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus. ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Compare the Quality R IRfiHSSiSS-Siistn I It is, and always has been our aim to Bupply our enstomors with goods of the highest quality and to that cud ye are always adding quality to our line. The iliition of 1 ' preferred stock" makes our line of r:uc Cunneil Goods most complete. Our service always the b-"8t and every aecom- given our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed