Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By tu tht largest and beat Dm report of any paper in Southern Oregon. tTQecfllfordl Daily The Weather Increasing coudincss. HiiiU western portion. Wanner. THIRD YEAB. MFDFOt.D, ORIXiOX, W IQDXhJ.SDA V, KKMIU' Al? V :!. 1 !()). No. 272. STERS BUSY BOULEVARD BOO BOOSTING CAPTURE CAPITAL CITY CREATING MUCH COMMENT TO EVANGELIZE Meeting Being Held fn Minneapolis to Bring All Countries to Christianity MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., P.'b. 3.To bring nil tho jiooplo of Iho entire world to n knowlcdgdo of tho saving grace of Christianity, and thnt within tho pros ont generation, is the tremendous pro ject undertaken by the Laymen 's Mis sionary movement of North America, under whose auspices will bo held in Minneapolis this week tho most notable foreign missionary conference in the re ligious hiHtory of the northwest. Scores of distinguished delates from all parts ff the world nro in tho city today and t lie) number will be largely -augmented before the conference, is formally open ed tomorrow evening. It is a new lino of effort that has been inaugurated by the Laymen's Mis sionary Movement, as it is called, which sprang into existence without previous arrangement or planning. It grew out of a commemoration held at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church, New York, November 1.1 and 14, 19011, of the "Hay Stack" prayer meeting in Williams town a century ago. OPIUM COMMISSION IS IN SESSION IN CHINA SHANGHAI, China. Feb. 3. With influential delegates from several na tions in attendance, tho meeting of the international opium commission was opened today. Tho session was orig inally called for January I, when many of the foreign delegates assembled, but the Chinese officials, who were in mourning for tho emperor nnd emgpress dowager, were unable to attend dandd a postponement was taken until today. Tho object of the conference is to stamp out I he opium traffic in China and eventually throughout the world. For years a determined crusade against opium has been carried on by the Chi nese, and with tho co-operation of Eng land nnd tho United States, it is be lieved that it can bo rendered effec tive nnd the people of tho empire res cued from the greatest corse that has ever afflicted the country. Dr. Hamil ton Wright ;.t.l T"jlup Brent of the Philippines ere toe ni(lirur leproscn tntivos nt the mooting Dr Wright re cully croihd .1 ensil-m fc declaring tint prohibit, or. e. (lie liquor traffic in s ue pnr,s of :h-' I nil el States war icMionsihlo to! great giowth of the demand for opium in the sections af fected. bob rrrzsiMMONs in THE HOLE OP CRITIC LONDON. Feb. X Mob Fitzsimmona has made his debut as n London dra matic critic. The pugilist witnessed Ber nnrd Shaw's new play "The Admirable Pashville," the hero of which, like Cashel Byron, is a pugilist. There were severnl boxing bouts in the play and Fitr.siminnns discovered that the actors knew little of boxing. "They're loo soft," he said. "They ought to slam each other harder. They burlesque the art of boxing. They ooght t,. smash with the open hand. That would make a noise and eonrmoo the audience that a real fight was going ""One thing amused mo. One of the a-tors said: "Now 111 give you an up-p.-reut.' Then he swung his right hand across and delivered anything but an npporrnt. "I enjoyed the whole performance, though, because, although it is a bur lesque, T can thoroughly appreciate the beauty and seriousness of some of the lines Shaw gives his characters." Tpr.TKT.ATTJRE POSTPONED; GOVERNOR IS GONE ST. JOHNS. N. F . Feb. 3. New foundland ' legislative session, sum moned bv Governor McGregor to begin tomorrow, will be postponed. Attorney General Kent is now busy with the fMierie, question, which recently took him to Washington. As he holds a seat in the legislature, and without him tho j nn,an would be in a minor- noon i;ii'i'". . it v. it became necessary to postpone tne ENTIRE WORLD gathering of the legislators. BIG DELEGATION FROM PORTLAND ALSO ATTENDING MiUer, Purdin, and Mulit Have Dona Oood Work in Past Taw Days Del egation Beeefred by Governor Cham berlainSteal Is on Hand. STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Feb. :!. Tho Crutor Luko road delegation, rein forced from Portland, numbering over 10(1 boosters, have taken the capital city by storm, Everywhere is seen tho bluo ribbons bearing the words "Crater Luke" and many have been transferred to members of both houses of tho leg isluture. Lobbying is confined today to the matter of securing an appropria tion for tho construction of the road to Crater lake. Those membera of he del egations acquainted with members of tho legislature spent the morning lob bying in behalf of the measure. Train Was Late. Tho train carrying the Medford boost era did not arrive in this city until 9:30 o'clock. The delegation went in n body to the hotel and from thcusc to the cnpitol, whore they woro informally rocoicod by Governor Chamberlain and other state officials. The delegation will appear before the joint ways iunI means commtitec of both houses at -1 o'clock this afternoon. Steele Is on Hand. Will 0. Steele has errived in this city from Washington und reports tho com ploto success of his mission, bringing bnck with him tho assurance that Secre tary Garfield will spend as much or morn in tho national park ill the reserve us is spent on road construction out side Tho work on ihe government re servo will bo commenced this summer. Many From Portland. Among those who are helping Ihe bill are Judge Henry McGinn, C. S. Jack sou, W. W. Cotton, W. D. Pent. .n. Judges Scott and Webster nnd n score of other prominent personages. A large delegation of Portlnud business men are helping along the good work.- Some of the delegatea spent tho noon inter mission visiting the state penitentiary, nsyhnn and other places of interest. The Fish Boosters. Medford anglers will go before Ihe game eommitteo this afternoon. The bill regulating tho trout fiBhing in the ltoguo will bo favorably reported to the house by the committee. Doing Oood Work. Tee booster delegation found Hint Senator Mulit had dona good work in the senate for the Crater road bill, as Miller and Turdin had in the house. If a favorable report is received from the committees, the bill has splendid pros pects of passing. TboBo attending from Aieironi ore: W H Canon, J Neff, F J Newman, Dr E R Seeley, V C Emeriek, W F Isaacs, W M French, II C Onrnett, J C Hall, J A Asbton, 8 Brown, Ed Van Dyke, J H Carkin, D T Lewton, E N Warner, T H Moore, W J Roberts, F Osonhnigge. J C Rogers, J E Knynrt, Charles Gay, C II Snyder, J F Roddy, II Withington, Wee Green. J Olmstend, F W Mollis, Jeeee Houck, Bam Sundry, A S Bennett. Charles King, Thomas Howard, Leon Haskius, W D Allen, A C Allen, Frank Kane, W I Vawter, Wm Colvig. A b Kennies, A S Bliton, G Putnnm, Edgar Huf.r, J T Olwell, John Bellinger, B BF Mulkey, J D Heard, Frank Hull, F L Tou Velle, Dr E B Pickcl, Dr .1 M Keene. B O Smith. Colonel Frank Ray, Dr C R Ray, H Lumsdcn, C S Jack-win. IOWA CONGRESSMAN WILL BAVB FIGHT FOR SEAT DES MOINE8, la., Feb. 3. Notice was todav served on Congressman Elret Jamison, elected from the Eighth die trict, by Congressman W. P. Hepburn thnt his election would e contested. The contest will begin in Centervillc tomorrow. It includes three counties. ATTRACTIVE BILL THIS WBEK AT THE BIJOU The bill presented this week at the Bijou theater is especially attract ire. Aside from the headliners, tho house is presenting a stroong minor attraction. The Bijou eontlnue to give its pitr..ns tha best. I Marriaga Licenses. , Chester C. Oault aod Marr Vcues Bice. W. O. Loueka and Bessie XV. Kill i , i gfcan. SQUIRES LASTS II Bill Lang Puts Him Out Alter Fast and Furious Battle in Australia SVDXEV, Australia, Feb. 3. Bill Lang today defeated Mill Squires al'ler a fast and furious bi.ttle in the 17th round. Lang won l.y a clean cut right hook to the jaw. putting his iniin out for 15 seconds. Lang by his victory recovered much of his prestige with Australian fans, who have never golt'-n over their faith in Squires. Though Lung was recently whipped by Hums, I e may now get a return go. The fight was clean throughout. A large crowd witnessed the fight. MUCH ANXIETY TELT AS TO ALEXANDRA'S HEALTH LONDON. Feb. 3. Some anxiety has been caused throughout Kngland by the prolonged indisposition of (ucen Alex andra. Her health as a rule is good, and she is rarely ill. Fr.iii-is l.aking is at tending the queen a! Sandriltghtim. Members of her majesty's household are much worried about her illness, which is said lo lie a severe cold. I'll less the queeo makoi :i speedy recov ery she may be unable lo visit Merlin or attend the oponii.g of parliament ill state. Ouoon Alexandra has been much wor ried by Princes Vioti. lie's '.icallli. She is the quoon.'s favorite .hill, and her health has always been precarious. If she recovers soon tl. - prin. ess will go to Christiania to visit her sister, Ihe queen of Norway. CRACK RIFLE SHOTS TO GATHER IN OHIO WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. Crack shots with rifle and revolver will again have opportunity this year to display their prowess at a nali il liuiinniiient to be held nt the camp range owned by the state of Ohio. Filial announcements of the meet and ill" governing coiidi tions were made today by the national hoard for the promotion of rill.- prac tice. August has liet-n selected as the opening date. Preliminary practice will lake place during Ihe hrsl two Mays. to be followed by Ihe reg r program. which will be much Hie same as last year. I lie onio staie saooi m.h blv be held ttie week lu lore ine uaiioo al tournament. BRYAN WILL AGAIN GET INTO THE BREACH SlIREVEI'lHIT. Feb. 3. -William leanings I'.rvan declared her.- yesterday that if Irs party wished n lie wmilil iiake one niore eftort ntnin tne democratic nomination for president of the United States. Should he tail to I I tod Mr. Dry an said he would retire troiii poiim-.ti life and devote himself to the ministry. "I am sure I would make a better preacher than a polit icinn, " said Mr. Itrvan "I like to come south and ill .,;'.. hmui in the democratic breast. because sometimes I believe it won.1 in fjouisiann." PRINTERS WILL HOLD BANQUET IN 1011 XRW YORK. Feb. S. Typographical Vo. fi. known as "Big Six abandon".! its plan" for K-,...i tonieht in loonr of its first ,.r,...i. Horace i.reeie. i. ..nil until 1911. when flreelcy's ...ntrnnial anniveranrv will be eelebrnt ,j hv all the nrinte.s of Clrcntcr New York in a manner tru'v imposing. Every ...:!' in the citv has s warm place i:.. I... r- "Old Horace." and in ins ...-. . . ..I... fnr a nrooer observance of 111! innth birthdav arc already heiiii; eonsid ered. TAFT WILL LEAVE FOR HOME ON NEXT SUNDAY (Tt.r.MiA. Panama, l'cb. X Presi .1 ,.i,.i Toft announced today that ,e would sail for N"W Orleans o Aav instead of Mondnv. The Sun rani'l M-oitr".. of the inve-.;,;:r.tion h- ing made thert tnablei him to loar so n. 17 ROUNDS IN L Torrents From Northern California Shatter All Repords-Southern Pa cific Bridge Totters People Escape in Boats SACK AM KN'TO, '!., p,.l,. ' X-Tim highest wiit cm ever known in the Sac niini'iitu river lire recorded a I. Tehama, Si. .tiiliti mill other points on the upper Hnernnicnto. A groat area of lirli lands is flooded. The damage amounts tu hundreds of tlniusnnds of - St. John, in (Hem iml y, is cov ered four feet by the flood. The town stands at present in the midst of a grout sea. 'elliirs are flooded. Klec trie plants are out of commission, and the town will be in darkness tonight. Rout hern Pacific, and enmity bridges are tottering nnd are expected momen tarily to fall. All traffic is tied )regou ar delayed. lip. Trains for So far no casualties have been re ported. In several instances jieoplo es ciped in boats. The levees at Ihe IMiolnit ranch in Itulte eonnty are about to lron). In lhat event ti thousand head of cattle ill be lost. Reports from Shasta and Siskiyou unties are to the effeel that the great I n nn continues. At several points laud lides are reported and the (racks have i earned awav. MISSING SALOON MAN ACCUSED OF PERJURY KLAMATH l-lLS, Or., -YI. M. Determined efforts Me being made to p the deliberations of the grand jury ret. but it is currently reported lhat in indict inenl has lieeu f ootid against Ike Wright on a perjury charge. Wright wiih recently tried for a vio latiou of Ihe local option limmr law. ind during the trial he took the stand ind swore point Idauk that he had not hi any intoxicating bipior since pro. hibrtiori weal into effect. The advo cates of local option took up the per jury charge and fm two days inlro- liiced witnesses before the grand jury to secure an indictment. Wright has been i-wnv for the past three weeks, having left tho city nil- nediatelv after his trial, which result - I in a hunt,' jury, there being 11 for conviction and one for ncipnttal. If the grand jury rt turned u true bill L'aiiM him it will not be made public until al'ler lie is taken into custody, which luav be several days, as his where bouts are not known. Wright has cou idcrnble property in this city and white ngaged in the saloon business bore the re put at ion of conduct "ig an orderly house. AMERICAN SHIPS TO RACE ACROSS ATLANTIC WASHINGTON", Feb. :i.-Final lers for the grooming and coaling of the ships of the A'lnntic fleet hnv been sent to Neiro llav. on the north ist of Africa, where all the war ships rendezvous today to begin prep irations for the final lap of the world lour, which will tie mai'keii ty races of ship agaiu-t. ship nnd sfpiadron frjiiiist souadrcn. "and mav the best boat win. Never before in the hi torv of the world's navies has then been such ft free for all struggle be t ween men a ' war. A nd t he fame a m' L'iorv of it will altarh t. the admin istration of President Roosevelt, who levised this spectacular finish for tin great journey. DIED. LK WKVWORTFT- Tn Jrn Usonville Kebrntiry 1, 1000, Contain C. F. Leav enworMi. a veteran nf the eivil war and a resident nf ihe valley for 1 lii prist four vears. He leave a wife nnd I wo children. Captain Lcnvenwnr'h wa nppnrenlly 1m good health in the afternoon, dying from paralvsis of the brain. He was n former resident of Washington, the town I a-a ven worth being named after him. HIGH WATER SACRAMENTO THREATENS IVES LANDSLIDES AND WASHOUTS TIE UP TRAFFIC FROM SOUTH INTE N ,1 Formed on R.R.V.R.R. Near Gider Factory- Will be Known as Lozier Station Yes, Arnbclla, the lioguo Kiver "valley will soon have its first iuternrhaii rail road station. Talk about your metro politan airs! Medford is putting them on in fast order. Iiiteruibnu station No. 1 will bo li nowu as Lozier si. it ion and will be along the lino of tho Rogue Rivnr Val ley railroad company nnd will stand where tho eider factory is situatedd. The rapidly inert-using population in t his seel ion is t'esponvible for the in novat ion. ' '. . - President Itanium nt the railroad mpany lias agreed to furnish the luni r for a substnuliul waiting room and the progressive pili.-.-ns nf that tieigh- lorhood have agreed to-erect the limiti ng, tegular stops will Ixvtuade. It will prnvo a grout convenience for the lenis of thai section, allowing them o lake the iulerurlrin express for the ily. Chore is some talk nf having a sub- iDstol'fti'o established in that iiidghlior- ood also. First thing Medford knows he will have a Ihriviug suloirb at her s elamoring for electric lightn, sew- r.-iye. water mains, etc. And then the mother wing will have' to be extended over her fast growing children. HOARD OF EDUCATION PUTS BAN ON OIGARETTTES AND BA8E SWAINsriOlit). Fh. 3. At. the reg l;ir meeting of Ihe county board of I neat ion tint following in forma I ion :is sent in circular form to tlte pal ous. Iruslees and ten client nf Ktuauuel ounl v: ' We condemn and hero - enter our test against bnsehatl playing and igarette smoking being practiced or irt icipated in by the pupils id the ommon schools in or about, school. We pure, all "teachers of the common school to suppress these evils lo the xtent of their ability as teachers. We ilso kindly ask all patrons to assist in this matter. We disapprove of the extensive use f pencil tablets and lead pencils in our hoids, as thev are at. present used. ind we recommend u return to the for- practico of using slates and slide ils instead." GOVERNMENT TO DECIDE WHAT CONSTITUTES WHISKY WASHINGTON. Feb. .1. "Distillers d rectifiers of whisky throughout the onnlrv are interested in n pivotal case which will be tried this wnek in the su preme ourt of the District of Colnm- 1 The case hinges on the definition f what constitutes whisky and was nought bv 'be government against the lames Clark !ist ilbng company o! Ial- iinore. II irrows out of the seizure by the government about nine months flE(o in this citv of about r.O barrels nf whm- ;v on the ground that it was misbranfj d under the def iuit ion f whisky an .i,unci:de. bv Attorney Oeucrnl Bonn parte. Nunierous case?, in H!iereilT. sec- 4l i,f the country nwntt the decisjon this sail. Whiciiever side wins.:n ... . . . . 1 1... it..:., i ippt-af will ie t n u vti in no- States vuprerue court on tne ipie-non .in to wlfd constitute ft'hiskv. AMUSEMENTS. Tim n.-nl allrnclio I al Hi'' MniUnrd Tliealer will be Arthur Cmininghiiin in . d.-iidid r.-vii-il .-f "The K.-rry finw." Mr. v.-r 1 1 be i.'iii.-inb.-r.-.l -.s the lending l.riloae o'f the 8:11. Fr.'li.-isro llp'Tli l.'.y. when It lip I li rril - Ikt- lust i" '"I'll" Ti.v ...a Iter. ' ' Silo-'- Hi. a Mr. ( u-.i iliiiha III li:. play ed for six months at llio I'rin.-.-ss tin- r.ler. .atl Krrio.-isro. in re ivals ot well liiiowiu Irish plays. ai.'I so socvoavfiil I :is he be. -li ill this line that it r, .In soph Min-phy yavo him ' his i-ompl.-li-.r..lit.'ti..ii of "Th.- K.'rry C.w" f.o a i.oi.l l.'.-r and i-..'n-h''.l I lie .-oiiipnny liimsclt' in Hie l.iiH.ii.. ..f tie piece, fnis on sale I'ridcy al Hiiski'ts. STATION NO TUESDAY'S TRAINS WILL 00 THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON At Sims Track Is Gone for 200 Feet Dozen Laudslidos This Side of Duns muir Snow Succeeds Rnlu in Norht oru California. t Some time this pfternoon three trains f?uiu the south arn due to pans through Medford. They nro tho two sections of train ltl due here at 5:24 p. in. Tues tiay, and train 14, da? hero tit 0:W a. m. Wednesday. With their passage will go the last of the trains from tho south for rtn indefinite period, an washout and landslides prnrail in grrnt num ber south of tho Oregon line along the Hacks of the Southern Pacific. Ouusmuir in the heaviest sufferer from the heavy storm which has held sway in northern California during the past few days. A portion of thn city is under water. Tho he:.vy wind has died down, but u blinding snowstorm has succeeded tho rain and gale and is Jurying the railroad tracks nnd serious ly impairing traffic. Telegraph wires art; down nnd, while tho storm contin iien, it is almost iutponf.iblo to repair the lines. Soction of Track Out, . .Last night over Hon feet of track was Affiled away at Sims, west nf Duns tpulr. Other .washouts nnd several land slides a' ro' reported- from other places along the lines. ' It is probable that the railroad com pany will run a stub train out of Ash land tonight on train lit time for Port In nd. The tracks between this city and I'nrilniul aie again in normal con dition. Thoo in no way of ascertaining whn the northbound trains will be through. They may get in late tonight nnd it may be two or three tlr.vs. Fifty-Four Inches in Janunry. The rainfall in Kennell, Shnslii conn ty, for Janunry, during the month of January was over 51 inches, Prior to' January 1 thn procipitntion for t he season was LI. -VI inches, and diring .l:nuary the fall was .Vt.OM, mak ing a total for the season of fl",li2. Nenr lv an inch and thr:MWur.rtors of ruin fell daily last month. an average during the ROOUES' GALLERY DF FRENZIED CHAUFFEURS CHIOAOO. Feb. 9. "Yvo expect to t'ccomplish much good with our rogues' gullory of frenzied ehnuffeurs who race, maim and kill," commented Detective chief P. n. O'ltrien. We are taking photographs nf every chauffeur who is convicted and fined in the courts and we already have a good buueh. Home we nro tnking with their goggleH on and vome without them. The photographs are for the purpose of identification by injured persons and by employers. The gallery will also serve to guide the courts in the mutter of punishment. If the same fellow be comes an habitiuil violator of the law ho will get the limit. "F.mplnyers can inspect the gallery after engaging questionable drivers. In this way we propnso to drivo reckless chauffeurs out of the business. Today llarrv Stokes, one of that Kino, was . dd for uittrder'in killing Emma Win kelui.'in. a poor irl dressmaker, Sun lav night. Two other women were run lown yesterday." JOINED BY HEART TROUBLE, YOUNO COUPLE ARE WED ST. I.OHIS, Feb. S. Tho engagement f Miss Mnria I.itla Sadler, daughter ,t Mi. and Mrs. M. B. Sadler of n.'lmar boulevard, to Dr. Kidney l(. iiannennom of Han Krniicisco was announced today. The ninrriagn will lake pinen in me au tumn. The bride r.nd bridegroom elect met two summers ago in Bad Nauheim, rmanv. I. place that is especially roc ..m.nenilod for heart trouble, and ii: .I..;. ..-,..,, nerniatl"nt rlires were el feeteil. r.KMOCHATIC EDITOP.S HOLD BIO BANQUET IvmAN'Al'OI.IS. lid.. Feb. 3. Item ,'i! e.lilnrs of Indiana will hold ii ineelllltf nil. Illlllf oei -' -- I, rat" the success of the party in tne last election. Governor Mnrshnll. Hn nnw .1 .... oc r.i 1 1 e chief executive, ami ..her democrats of state and national reputation will nddress the "ipiill push ers. " TEDDY TALKS OF JAP TROUBLE Calls Western Senators Into Conference -May Rebuke Nevada WASIIINCITOX, Peli. 3. President. ItooHcvcIt todiiy culled ii number of western senators tn nttend ft conference over the .lapanCHC situation in western l gitdnturcft. Among IIiohc attending were Sentnors XowIiiiiiIk and Nixon of Nevndft, Henntor Ttornli of Idnho and Senator l'erkitis of Nevndn. Senator florali declared that tliero wn but little or nn chance of Jdnlio taking a HitniliTr action to Die Xevndii legisln tliro relative to tlio r'nli-diipanese Inw. Presiilent Koosevelt it is nnnounced from nn iiiitlioritnlivo source is think ing seriotmly of relinking tho Nevndn legislature for urgintr (!alifornia to. pro ceed ngtiiiutt the wi:ilion of the federnl government. The senators each declared thnt they thought the situation was iiuieh over drawn. !KM74,440 CATHOLICS UNDER AMERICAN FLAG Mtl.WAUKKK, Veil. 3. There nro l l.2:ii.l".l llonian Cntholica in the Unit led Nlntes, according to advaaco sheets of Hie 111119 Willziiii official Onlholic direclory. The stnlislicM nre furnished hy the urchliishopH and bishops of the Toiled Hlntes after Ihe taking of n ceiiHiis in all dioceses. Adding to the 1 l.'JM.Iol Hie number of ltouian Catholics in the I'hilippines, Porlo Uico and the. Hawaiian islands brings the grand tolal of Calholics un der Ihe I'niled Slates flag to 22,171. Mil. as compared with 12.0M.0H0 Cath olic subjects under Hie British flag. Tho Halholic population of the 20 lending diocoHi'K in the United States is us follows: New York 1,210,020, Chi cago l,l"n,fl00, Boston sno.ono, Brook lyn "011,1100. New Orleans 52"i,0llll, Phil ndelphin o25.000, Pittsburg 425.000, St. I .nil is :t"."..000, Hartford .Hio.floO. Spring Held, .Mass., 3211,121, Detroit 207,0110. Scrniiton 2lW,000, St. 1'iiul 200,000, Bnl tinioro 25.1,000, San Francisco 2S0.0OO, Buffalo 214,730, Milwaukee 235,000, nnd Procidcnce 222,000. LATE LOCAL NEWS. Onirics V. Tnrpill was n visitor in Medford from his ranch on Tuesday. John S. Williams of Klnmnlh Palls was visiting friends la Medford Wed nesday. going from here to Jackson ville, where he w ill r. main some dnys on hiisincHS. Onirics 11. Ilnzelrigg returned Tnes- lav from a trip to Hoseburg. Ko is plnnning to leave for lhat city agnm We.lnes.lny night. Klmer Crater. Medford s biggest 35 pounds) newspaper man, left on Tuesday for a visit, in Dorris with Billy llohaiinnn, who believes that "ui.ii hales it knocker," and who spends his time writing pertinent facts for his creditable paper The Horris Booster. WOULD PREVENT REMOVAL OF RAILROAD OFFICES DENVKIt. Col.. Feb. 3. To prevent the removal of tho general offices of the Colorado Southern railroad, dis tinrtivcly a Colorado institution, is the purpose of a bill introduced in the sen ate today by Senator li-by. The Colorado Southern was recently acquired by the lames J. Hill interests, nnd rumors have been current that headquarters were to he removed from Colorado and con soli.lated with the general office of tho Burlington road., which is pari of the Hill svsteni. TWO-YEAR RESIDENCE TO ACQUIRE DIVOKUE CARSON' CITY. Nov.. Feb. 3. The state assembly today passed a bill pro viding Hint applicants for divorce in Nevada must be residents of the stnte for two years, instead of six months, as heretofore. MASSACHUSETTS BANK CLOSED BY EXAMINER flRKFNFIKI.n. Mass.. Feb. 3. State Bank Kiainincr Jay today closed Ihe Oreenflcld Savings hank. The deposits total over n million. No ronnnn is glv ea for ths closing of the bank.