THTi METYFrtRT) DATLY TRTBUNR MTCPFORP. OPEGON, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 2 inoft lit Commencing February 4 Ending February 13 '11 J' -V. v. 1 f To make room for the large line of Men's, Women's and Children's Spring and Summer Shoes that I have ordered am instituting one ol the GREAT STS SALES MEDFORD HAS EVER SEEN , Owing to1 ;the conditions under which I have ordered this New Stock I am able to offer you the following bargain! MEN'S HIGH TOPS $11.00 Putnam, 16-inch' , . . " . A $SCOO Putiiani, 14-inch ............. .$6.75 $9.00 Stiwig-atid- (affield,M4-indi ';. .$7.00 $8.50 Strong and GarfieldriS-inch" . . .$6.95' $8.00 Strong and Garfield',"' 14-iiK-li" . ?. $6.25' $7.50 Jomo, .16-ineli .....$5.95 $6.50 Jomo, 14-inch .$4.75 $7.50 !Tan, MMnctf .'; . , , i ..';;".. .' I". .$5.75": $7.00 'Tan, 1 l-inch '." . . . . . .-. . .$5.25" $6.00 Tan, 14-inch ..,'." $4.50 $5.00 Tan, 12-inch .;, . . , .$3.95 $5.00 Selz Hlwk, 12-inch .. .$3.95 $7.00 A. A. Cutter .......... $5.93 $6.50 A. A! Cutter .$5.50 $5.50 A. A. Cutter $4.50 Misses Shoes- $2.50 Patent lint ton for .$1.75 $2.00 Kid Ulii-N-r for .$1.60 $2.25 Kid I ! for :. . '.,... .$1.70 $2.00 Kid !? cor' : . ... .$1-50 $2.25' P; : 'li for'-. . i ... . $1-70 $2.00 V - )ol Shoes for ; . . . . .$1.60 $2.25 ' -91-83 Men's Heavy Work $3.0; ..! ,t I .iil..h: Sole Outside Coun ter bargain ' $2.15 $3.50 Keids for $2.80 $3.50 Tan for . . ; '. .$2.60 $3.70 Sewed .Sole for '. $2.95 $3.00 Adamant, lot $2.15 $4,00 Stilson and Kellogg fur $2.95 i'.X Black for $3-60 i 5.50 Uncle Sam's Army Shoe . : . . . . . .$2.60 " .75 Adamant . . : .1 .... . .$1.95, OXFORDS $1.50 Kid Pump for'.. $3.00 Pat. Opera for $3.00 Plain Toe 'Kid for ..... $3.50 Patent Welt for ........ $3.00 Patent Wei'; f-T $3.50 Kid Welt or ., $3.00 Kid Wo1: Uu- $3.50 Pat . ,n $1.75 r-' .idal for $1.75 Three-.-' unp Sandal for $2.00 Patent French ITeel for $5.00 Patent French ITeel for .... .$1.05 $2.00 ... . ,$2.0O .....$2.50 ...;.$2.oo $2.50 $2.00 $2.25 $1.15 $1.20 $1.50 $3.25 I Advertise FACTS ONLY LADIES' HIGH TOPS f5.00 Tan, 10-inch, for- .$3.90' $5.00'Moose Tan, 14-uioh, for $3.90 $7.00 Tan, 14-inch, for $5.25 $5.00 Black, 12-ineh, for .$3.95 MEN'S CRAWFORDS $6.00 Nettloton's for $5.50Nett1e.ton's for . $5.00 Crawfords for $4.00 Crawfords for . ..$4.95 ..$4.25 ..$3.95 . .$2.95 H O E H O E OUR PRICES TALK Our Shoes speak for themselves. In quality, durability and stylo our Shoes have proven good investments to the purchaser at regular prices. At our cut-rate sale they are big bargains. We are offering as Jf Painty Shoes for fine Slmcs as man ifT-H ftm' dainty feet or Prac ever ,-iepped I ''Jf 1 ' c' hoss'for in. I j Si 1 SFal practical feet The largest shoe BO 'Only high-grade stock in '- nthern Snj Shoes of tested Oregon io select Sl8yA t&t$W flua earried in NOT IN MANY YEkRS Has such an opportunity been offered to outfit yourself in Foot wear of the highest grade at prices usually paid for low grade stock. Mod ford has never scoji a bigger sale and better bargains.' H O E H O E . Ladies' Patent $6.00 Pat. I'ndressed. Kid To), 8-inch . .$4.50 $5.00 Bill ton for $4.25 $5.00 Cloth Top Lace $3.25 $4.00 Lace Turn' $3.25 $4.00 Button Welt '. $3.25 $4.00 Blucher Welt $3.25 $3.50 Blucher Welt .$2.75 $3.50 Blucher, McKay Welt $2.75 Ladies' Felt Slippers $1.75 Brown for $1.15 $1.25 Red for 95 $1.75 Grav for . . '. $1-20 $1.75 Blue for $1-20 Misses Felt Slippers $1.25 Grav for 85? $1.00 Grav for 75 Men and Boys' Boots $8.00 Tan Fancy Boot .'.$6.25 $5.50 Black Riding Boot , ,. .$3.95 $3.50 Kip Boot ,.. $2.75 $4.00 Kip Boot ,. . . .,. $3.25 $3.50 Boys Riding Bot ,.$2.75 For Boys $2i25 A. A. Cutter .,.$1.50 $2.25 Heavy , $1.75 $2.50 Tan , .$1.95 $3.75 High Top, with Bucldes ,. . . .,.$2.75 $3.50 High Top, with Buckles ,$2.50 $3.25 Youtlis' High Top with Buckles .".$2.50 $3.00 Youths' High Top with Bufkles. .$2.25 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SPECIALS $1:75 Budd's Viei, 8 to 11 1-2, for $1.25 Box Calf, 8 to 11 1-2, for $L75 Viei, 8 to 111-2, for "$1.25 Viei, 5 to 8, for $1.50 Budd's Viei, 5 to 8, for' $L50 Fancy, 5 to 8, for $1.50 Blue Kid, 5 to 8, for ...... . . . . $1.75 Fancy Fawn and Patent; Button, 5 to 8, for , $1.50 Fancy Fawn and Patent Buttou, 2 to 5, for $1.25 Viei, 2 to 5, for . ., $1.00 Viei, 2 to 5, for 65c Viei, 2 to 5, for ........... All Children's 50o Soft Sole Shoes at . $1.35 ..95V .$1.40 ...5.' .$1.10 .$1.10 $1.10 $ii5 .$1.00 . . .95 . . .75 ...45 ...35? Ladies' Kid! Shoes ,...$2.95 . ...$2".95' . . . .$2.35 ....$2.15' 4...$1.90 $3.50 Kid Blucher Welt $3.50 Gumnetiil, Blucher Welt . $11.00 aunmetal,- Blucher Velt $3.00 Kid, Blucher Welt ....... $2.50 Kangaroo Welt . $3.25 Patent Low Heel". . .. Meu's Shoes $5.00 Gotzian Tan for .t .$3.95 $4.00 Veloiir Calf ,. . $4.00 aunmetal . .$3.15 $3.50 Pctei-s' Viei ,.v.?.2.60 $5.00 Viei $3.95 $3.50 Box Calf a ?2-90. $5.00 Commonwealth Patent . . .t '.$4.15 $4.00 Patent, v. $3.15 $4.00 Harlow Patent , ,. .v. ..$2.95 $5.00 Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole $4.00 King Bunion Last $4.00 No Kol-n Calf $4.00 No Korn Viei $4.50 Ootzian Cushion Sole $3.75 Pilgrim's No Korn $3.50 Velour Calf $3.50 Viei , $3.00 French Calf $2.50 Congress : $3.00 Colt . . .$4.15 .,..$2,95 .,..$2.95 .,. .$2.95 .,. .$3.60 . .,.$2.85 . .,.$2.60 ..,.$2.75 . . .$2.30 . . $195 ...$2.15 w W fl DOT Successor to Smith & Molony ALD They All come1 here for SHOES