p vt rpi-vtiniv RT.KRUARA '-' 1!)0!J. I! : T S'T Medford Daily Tribune bfficial laper'of 1' ""' of Medford.: L'uliiislicil every cveniim except Suuday. ;. m ii i f o it i) v i; ! , i s 1 1 i x o . . c o m p a n y ' QK4nfiK Putnam. l-lilitor aud Manager. Admitted as Suwnl Chi. Matter in the iVstoffice at ' - Medford, Oreuoii. On" lllllMlll. kSI;!!SCHIHT10' katks. ,m: ... !..irH-r, .SO.fiQ . One y.nr, by mail... COAL WATEEED TO LAY DUST, FREEZES SOLID .5.00 Vav to ,v. i -;.!. :. . Kvciy i'irnr in Medii.id rdimild liitve ii representative on the fru'iu'sion to Imosl for the ( 'rarer lake road. Every f llie lctiishiHirc in the r-owity should feel called upon to sacrifii-e his tin u fur a day or two for the common good.' Everyone vho knows any member ot tne legislature and can influence, a vote, owes it to the city , 1 l - , "' i. . ' j ,- . . . I ft There is hut one reason given, for refusing to go "business won't permit it." Who; can J here be, wnose "business''-in so iiitfiorlmit tjiat'he cannot s)are a day in helping bring to the county the greatest thing that could be brought to benefit it, and therefore, everyone in it '( A man has,:!li" days in the year. to grub for money. Can't he quit grubbing for even a day for the sake of city, county and state' () . , . ; . Aud if those who refuse to go for "business" only real ized it, the passago of this measure means ten times the "business" in the future that, one day's money-grubbing now can possibly mean to these worshipers of the "Great God Business." li Lumm wm XHSUlTlf COVSTY. ST. LOUIS, Jliu. ). Wbeu a -load of coal was delivered ' at the Kust St. Louis police station vu the coldcttt day lu the year, Sylvestt-r Lee1, the negro porter, true- to the orders be received luat Hummer, turned tbe bode ua it aod gave it good weeting to aettle tbe dust. Tbe water froze aw fust a it fell, aod wbeu Sylvester got through IbeJoiid of eoai was a blaek iceberg.- He ami ilia aide partner tuckled it witb shuvels uud could not make a dent in it. Tbey tried pickaxea and made very little progress. Dynamite waa proponed, but fur tbe wagon 'a aake it wim not used. Reinforcement! were called for. llulf a dozen' negroes, working witli' crow ban aud sledges, finally succeeded in breaking the compact mass into frag ments, and it waa separated from tluj wagon and carried into the cellar. The struggle of the people id' Cottage Grove and ad joining territory to create 1 lie county of Xcsmith out of 'sections of Lane and Douglas counties is another instance of the efforts of a locality to obtain home rule. Of course the balance of the two counties affected are fighting the proposed division, though having little in common with the secessionists, anil may succeed in blocking the division before the legislature, lu this case an appeal will be made to the people of Oregon and the request probably be granted. The following are the reasons advanced b the Xesmith boomers why the new county should be created: Because it contains an area of l!).")(i square miles; has a population of 7!H t people; ail assessed valuation of H 13.15,93:3; has 19IJ1 school. children; has an assessed valua tion of itil ".'') per capita. Because a levy of 15 niills,(the levy in Lane county for 190!))' will-raise the sum of f7l2,7:i8.9!) in (axes. Because the county seals of Lane and Douglas conn lies out of which it is proposed to create said county, are situated To miles apart and cannot and do not serve the needs and demand of the people residing within the ter ritory of the proposed county. Because the people within said territory pay vast sums in taxes into the treasuries of said counties of Lane and Douglas and get no corresponding returns in public im provements. Because if said new county is created, there will remain in- Lane county taxable property of the, assessed value of more than $1. ",(( )(,( and a population of more than l!0, 0U0 and a larger proportion in Douglas county. Because the situation and topography of the country are such that the population of the Hew county as well as the old counties is left in a more concentrated and compact condition. Because the fact that being inure concent rated, the affairs of the several counties can be more economically administered than in their present condition. Because it has been the history of all the new counties in the state that when they had been created the county upon the whole has improved more rapidly and made more progress than before. Because the people of said proposed new county are taxed without representation, not having a representative or county officer residing in or elected from said terri tory. ' 77 A,' TEUJ'IIOSF. FH.WClllSE. An application has been made for a telephone franchise in Medford by the Citizens' Telephone company, a newly organized company, composed of local citizens. Applica tions for franchises have also been made by similar con cerns in Grants l'ass and Ashland, the intention being 1o make the systems uniform and cover the valley with a network of wires. Independent apparatus will be used. The llmnc Telephone compam will probably aid in financ ing the new companies, which will extend the independent service through the Mate. The coining of the new com pany will mean, it is claimed, the expenditure of ijCiO.OOO or so in the citv. -SEE THE LATEST JAPAN HAS ORDERED 6000 OATS FROM CHICAGO WASHINGTON, J-'eb.- 1. Thu- nUt ilfpartiiH'nt it) inftimiid that .lujtau Las ordered floOO common cats from i'liica go. They will go to Tokio from C'hi-fiiK"- Tliey will thr bo turned loone on the Bwnrminif rat dens of that orien tal mt'tropoliH. It U Hiiid that thn ro- i .louts urn eat i tho natives out of house' aud homo, aud are threatening the foretn. Ho feror-lmm hare thr be come, aa it is related here, that they attack infants and ernwl into the dhIh of iiivulidft. Thojr threaten the city Hti no invading foe haa threatened it since the Ruwiaii war. Powerful poison-1 ing powders and paste have had no per eptilde effect. LANE COUNTT TIMBER IS SOLD FOR S2AO.O00 K,(i KNK, Or., Fell. I. Tbe sale of a large tract of timber land along the Si unlaw river in the western end of laue county is being made here by Kred Fisk, a local limber broker and ex sheriff. The names of tbe parties who are milking the purchase aro not eot known bent, but a check for 150, -oito wuh received a couple of days ago ill u local bunk from the Merchants National bank of Portland, as part payment for the timber. The purchase price for the tract is -'.iii.iMKi. This is the rlrttt sale of any importance made in this section of tho state for a long time and m uu indication of the early resumption of activity in tbe timber market. EARTHQUAKE FELT IN MONTR AX AL AND MEXICO i j VANCOUVKK, li. V Feb. 1. A spe-; cial dispatch from Montreal this morn- j ing snys that tbreo distinct quake thocks were felt there last night, first at M:. 'to, second at ll:4fi and but nt ;t:0 this morniug. Many people were awakened by the Hhockn and tho muse if falling dishes, hlasswarc, etc. Ilig cracks were made in many of the build in g.t. Mexico In Shaken; MKXICO CITV, Feb. 1. A slight iaith(uake occurred hero today. Huild ings were slightly damaged. This is the second shock to occur here within the past 4S hours. ATTENTION. Froi February I to May 1 I will ! give to tho bust looking ebild in Jack-J sou county from 5 to 10 yeprs old, $10 in gold. Pictures taken ull week and J Huaduys from 1 to 4 p. m. Four promt- ; ueui ladies of Medford to bo judges of photos. LKSMKISTER'8 GALLERY, VS Over Allen ft Rcugau'i. NOT FOrl. U hereby: given that tbe undersigned ) will al.ly at tbe regubtr meeting of the city council of Medferd, Or egos, on February 2, lOOfl, for license to soil 1 malt, vinous and ipiritous liquors in , test qoantitiea than una gallon for six ' mouths at lot 13, block 80, in Medfotd, Oregon, for a period of six month. ' ;7l t H. O. WILK1NHON. j Dated .lu unary 81, lm9. ! BIG REWARD HOUSE ADOPTED BILL For'anyoa fkadisg a lunrs like THE LOUVRE serves fer 35 cents. KIX1ARD1NG STATEMENT NO. I -Tin h- tl., i It.' SAL KM. Or.. I-Vb. I ninming by a iic ol u'.i t l"J n t'ii'irallt' roll uu ()' llntok bill providing tli.it any tiHilnlate mii ing Stati'iuciit o. I to be guilty it' a iMisdcmcHimr. I'iflrrti members did not Oic'Oi state building at the j Ai.i.ka VnKi'ii i':'oific exposition in 1 i01 is re:l to receive exhibits and the iiHolnv I'inui that state at the exhibi '"P1"1 ! Immi will be oi f tl i ol complete ,.v. r ..-.Nliled. Kurlv thtMi.iiid ciyar innkerH in the vote, being abxent. They iU ndoph-d j I'mled States are to be assessed ten (. joint rertulutioii providing iIihI the ! v,-i, M c:uh and the tnonev derivinl used ipifstion of iiienannf tin- sahirv of I ti make a display of t lo union laln-l at j jVmt street, in rid city. submitted to I lie people. 11 1 . . 11 i NOTU'F. Notice is hereby given that the under signed wilt apply to the city council of the city of MCdford, Oregon, at the meeting to be held on February 2, 190i. for a lieeuse to sell spiritous, vinous nud malt liquors in quantities less thau i gallon, for a period of six ntentns, at his place of business r.t Nos. 113 and llie Alaska -Yukon IMeitie exposition mi i-r(Hi tK- 2ith jav o1 innuarv. lf0H. utie in nmt. a;o joun'iukhington. COLLAR PIN SETS 'At MARTIN J. REDDY'S THE JEWELER WHERE ;TIlFi QUALITY JS ALWAYS RIGHT i N'ear Fostoffice. Fine Wateh uixl . Jewelry Repairing ii Specialty. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of E rULh Xl oca YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest roininereial Nursery in tno Pueific Northwest. No', in the combine. C,.ipetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEPFOED, OREGON1 . More Light for Less Money Sixty-tbree per cent of electric current saved by using ' ' ""' TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo his. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $u 32 Caudle Power TUngsteil Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour aud would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp : $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 206 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Medford Iron Works E. G. TUOWBR1 DGE, Propiktor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of En'vos, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, li-r.iei s and Machinery. Agents in S-n'thcni Oregon for -FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. F. OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Bole agent in Jaclnon county for tho STUDEBAKER LINE OP AUTO MOBILES. The now E. M. P. Btu lobakcr, 30-horaa powi-l, four-cylinder medium prico Touring Car has won tho recognition aud admiration of all maubtuists and hU4 proven itself to ho n remarkable vehicle for strength, spred and durability. New goods in all lines will arrive in the course of next month at the Htmlebuker warehouse. MKDFOBD, OEBOON. Highest Attainment in Systematic Banking Service ! Tho JucliHiui ('oni)ty Hunk respectfully si'lii'iis viMir iicfDiint, subject to your t lu'ck, v.it ti the strougi'Ht guurnutoo of siifciy ;cnl i-ffii'iency. We ut't'iT tin hititst nltainuioiit in fivHtciimtic bunking wrVR'B, which as suits tlu jrrcuteHt cure in every flnan ci;il ti:i!iH;n-t:nr., with this obligiug in-s'.itutitMi. . W. I. VAWTBB, Prqnident. U. R. MNDLKY; Cauher. LwEDTOHD, OEEO0H jg Siatu I)i:tisiturv E3tab;iohed 1S83. Capital afl Burplus $125,000 ltosourr?8 $700,000 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter Don't imagine for a moment that our local citizens don't recognize a good thing when it offers. Did you ever trade horses with any of thorn? Take our advice, and don't risk it. Good sense will dictate that it is in order to follow their lead in investing in Medford property, however, for they see the hand writing on the wall.. Medford is on' the verge of a lioom. Interview us and we'll tell you whv this is the right time to huy Medford city property." ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY . Kxhihit Building, 'Medford, Oregon. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the eicelttute of th mii thot eoked at the Emeriok Cafe if you haven't already regaled yourself with some of the delicious dishes that are served here. If you hiven't partaken f them, there is a treat awaiting you that yu will want to repeat often. A weal at the Kmerick is an experience that will make you i.y, like Oliver1 Twist, fer mors. The Emerick Cafe Opea All NigM . are MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frame, Osk Veneered Doors, with Beve! Plats, serried ia stock cheap. Office Piituret and all kinds of Plaaiag Mill Work, Including Toned WetV aud Fancy Grills. K STREET, BETWEEN SI.XTH AXD S EVENTS STREETS. srx .yi-iS! Mm EVERY ONE HAS THBIB OWN TROUBLES Espeomlly tho man nho buys a suit ' of clothing or overcoat msdo to fit y ouo that wnnts to buy. The man who has his garments mado to order by aa up-to-date tailor never has an troubl with the fit, finish or general '-'get up' of his clothing. It mt only fits pei-! fetly, but giveB you a stylo and' iudi viduality acquird h no other way when made at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andT ailcis PALM BUILDING, MBDFOBO, OB. K. J. Skewis G. E. Hilainscr A. C. Randall J L. D. Hsrrls Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS :, Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard Lands. Choice fruit londa, bearing and young orchards in small and l:irgo tinrta, for sale. Wo plant aud care for orchards and guarantee property to he -is it presented. Experience Not A ccessary for those who purchase through us. They secure tho advise and sorvicoB of a consulting horticulturist, nn oxpert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who fur so vera! yoiia has excelod in the growing nnd skipping of fruit in the Bognc RiVer vatley, record ciops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon instructor of "Piano, TLl5t 5Utbo6 Studio at 3l.3nc. 5tcrtb Oranfli S.rtt Compare the Quality iiiIsa;i;ii twin N.i iq It is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers witb goods of the highest quality and to that end are always adding ualitv to our lino. I he dition of "preferred stock" makes our line of liit;li j;rade Csnnefl Qoodt most complete. Our service always the b-st and every accora given our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed i ! s4