I We Make a Specialty of CARPENTERS' EDGE TOOLS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED MEDFORD HARDWARE GO. Social and Personal P. W. Htr.'t.'t g : i I u ImniiicMN cull mi Ashland recently. It. L. Trnvy it visiting in Albany. Or. Mr. and Mrs. i. X. Pink lire hw iii(f a few 1 ay h iu Ashland. HvV, L. K (irccne Will Hc:tl( lit I In' B street M. K. rlmn-li Tuesday evi' ning. I'ulonel JI. .'. Washburn .f Table .!. rrinn-ii "f M "ill a a vi. tim if n very ilintn-MHinn accident at the ltriidi-ii initM- lait Saturday ruing. snya the News. While working in the I,!. loin nf the abaft a piece of ateel flew from Die drill ami Mtuvk him in the eve. badly eutling the eyeball. Il wan tnken to (InmtM where il wan found iiKrcHNnry to remove the eye. Pr tho short time wt are here yon have an opportunity of having expert work in robuilding am! repairing new n.g machine. As a nile you have oniy I n able, to have 'he nervice or in CHICAGO DETERMINES TO HAVE ONLY PURE MILK ( llli'ACO, Feb. I. Ah a result of j Hie pure milk crusade iiiuiigurilted in ihiK fit y, plant to form an organiza tion uf the milk producer nnd dairymen nf llliimi, Imliiina am Win -.iih'hi who nhip milk to the Chicago , market, with the purpoMc of asking tin legislature of Illinois ami Indiana tor t at tiles requiring the applieation j..f (he tubi rcnlili test t all mili h ei.ws. ICek Hp.ent Snmlay in Medford. ; eompetent workmen. P. ople living .n ; ;( H. A. Thieroff, malinger of the liig ! the country and surrounding towns need 1,111 Pirn Lumber company, recently visit j ly to bring bead of machines Koun.j Ujl ()f ; tmt ad Gold Hill on . Or. HtfheHon s corner Ninth and .Mr. ami Mm. I. II. KII.m.. are ... - II s.ree... ,'hone 50,. n.b.rculiu test ami the refimal of the Central I'o.nt vis.fn- fm-mU. ; T tM 77" !te antlmritieH to allow the sale of City itet'onier i oniuh speni i nAnno v,iv ... - mfwleil entile would do GOOD FOR FRUIT TLli ' ... , i more toward seeuriug pure milk tor r.l with hia brother iu Hams Valley K. A. II i4kn made a hintim trip to Ashland Saturday. IMmnp your orders for tweet e renin or butlermilk to the creamery. " I'. l Hall of Urownshoro paid Med ford a visit recently. He is the popu i! r merchant of that citv. - Mr. and Mr. J. M. Leslie of Port ia ml are visiting friends in Med ford. Bent men In nt bunt prices nt the Km riek f'afe open nil i.ighl. I). W. Murphy of Klamath Tails re eently paid a busiip'ss call on Med ford. .1. Merriman of ( Viitrnl Point was a recent visitor in Med ford. Kmc rick t'afe open all night. J. H. Miller of Untie Palls was in Medford rem-ntly un business. V. I. Melnlyre of .laeksonville (tans acted business iu Medford recently. Orders for sweet cream or buttermilk promptly filled. Phone the creamery. Mifls tinier, Henry of Jacksonville has returned from a few days ' visit with her mother iu Ashland. A. Hough of (Jrants Pass ami War nn King of Hutte. Mont., spent n few hours in Medford Saturday. Ir. W. T. Hester .f Jacksoin ille left titr t'hicago. III., one day last week, be hig summoned by tin' serious illness of Lis mother. ,ast mouth Isaac Householder ship , . 1 1 -IS KMi'i-pinu nt nii-iii i-i in............ ped ft carload of nmo from Ins kiln on Kancs cre. k to I! 1 Itiver. where il was used for fruit spraying purposes, says the Cold Hill News. firing an cxpeiimenl. the .purchasers were relue taut to pav the price asked tiy M r. ASKS JUDGE TO EXPLORE HIS SUBCONSCIOUS MIND STOCKTON, (al.. Feb. I. "Judge. Householder, but aft er 1 he lime reached wish you could h.-ve uie hypnoti.ed iis destination and was given Hie prop- i ( ,,lt 1, Hatisfy both my own er tests, another cu"lontl was onlereii at the same price. 11 1 Itiver fruit i growera claim that the O.ild Hill lime, is the best that thcV have ever I n nble to secure for Thus i ert true tin- prophecy made by this paper some uioiilhr. ago thai in the near future the lime produced from tin mountains around 'ld Hill would bi found the best for these purposes. OREGON HOTEL, ASHLAND, PURCHASED BY BURDICK K. T. Staples of Aihtaud has sold the l)nKr,,ii hotel to 1(. I,, Hurdiek, his for mer partner, who act) litres the ftirni tore and the lease mi the bntldiu, Mr. Staples retaining Ih1 ownership of the structure. Mr. Hnrdii-k is well known and pupil lar wherever known, and the "Oregon " loiiscieiice and von as to whether or not I stole that watch." said I'M Phil lips to Superior .Indue W. H. Nutter as he iv us n bunt to be sentenced for rob .ryinK ...r,.-:iliiii(! n miii,r ff (,mii() wh, u i iit Iu sleep on the courthouse lawn. "I know," said Phillips, "it looks bad for me to have the watch and chain in my possession, ;:ml that's why I pleaded jtuilty, but if I could have my '.tibronscious mind in operation you roiild Si tell Whether I robbed that man or not. I don't remember of hav ing committed the crime. CONDUCTOR REGAINS DAMAGES FROM RAILROAD COMPANY Mr. aud Mrs. M. M. Taylor, Miss; I as made an euviald - reputation since I.eila Prim and Donald Cameron of Jack it reopened last siiinmi r under his man ttonvillo were recent visitors iu Med - agemeiit. He will continue to improve fnTtt i the service and leave nothing undone to Minn Marion White of this city spent j make the "Oregon" the leading hotel Katurdav and Snndav with Mrs. Maryl"f southern Oregon. Peter of Jacksonville. 1 Mr- Hlapb-H retains control of the Marlon Lanec, one of Gold II ill 's 1 Ashland hotel and will devote his eiier prominent men. spent Saturday nt the j K'''m to his numerous business- enter pfmnty seat and in Medford. ; prises. Wilt Hanua spent tew days with n father, Judge II. K. Hauna, of Jack sonvillo -last week. Mr. Hauna is a trav fling nalesmau between San Francisco nnd Portland. 10 iu gold fur thfl bent looking baby at Gregory's studio. Mrs. W. Campbell came iu from Hie Blue Ledge one day last week to re tfeive medical attention in Jacksonville Miss Fay Sears of Jacksonville spent GRANT 8TONE TO WED MISS TAYLOR TUESDAY firnnt Stone, the popular manager of the llnrrell orchard, will be married at 1:110 o'clock Tuesday afternoon to Miss Myrtlo Taylor, the iharming daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. George W. Taylor, at their residence two miles south of Med t ..id. The couple leav e ou t he Sunday with lor mother iu Medford. ;l(Miir wj. n A,l(inv s.tUm s,llk.lIh. Kmerick Cafe is open nil night now ,,, M innenpolis. They will make iheir that prosperity has come to stay. ! home at Salt Lake City, where the best .John Wilkinson of this city cpent a r'ishc of a host of friends follow them. ! PAYS FOR BROKEN LAMP I TO EASE CONSCIENCE CHICAGO, Feb. 1. Hecause he fell ar conscience was worth more I.ON ANGKI.KS. Cal.. Feb. J . lly giving M. H. Humble, a Southern Pa i ifie conductor, u verdict for lit ,000 damages against the San la Fe for in juries sustained in an accident while opi-rating a train over a track used jointly by the two railroads, a jury in the I'nited States court today reversed a longstanding practice and establish i d a precedent of far reaching impor tance to railways and employes. It had seemingly becoiii" a settled fact ih.it trainmen injure-) tn accidents on jointly used tracks uld not collect damages from eitlie1 load, aud fully ."it Mi cases of similar chai.tcter have been io le-uiled in this com. try within At Van Dyke's A Special Value in Men's Hats A Lot of Men's Hats Sell Regularly for $2.50 to $3.50 each Special $1.75 each Just a few of each kind at $1.75 while they Latt Van Dykes New Spring Styles in Men's Conqueror Hats at $3.00 & $3.50 GOVERNMENT WILL . OPEN LARGE TRACTS SUIT FILED TO DETERMINE HEIRS TO HUGE ESTATE SANTA HOSA, C:il., Feb. L In a eesational petition filed today the sir peib. r court is linked to determine the heirs of the estate of the late Henry S. Gtrd, a pioneer of A I xander valley, v.ho left an e-tale of f.'tit.iHnl. The pe titioners are William Stephen Hennett, l' vents old, am' Ins sister. Nellie Florence Henuelt, 111, who allege lliey are children of Gird and are entitled to tie estate. They allege Gird nnd their mother, M is. Alt, Hennett, lived to few hours in Jacksonville Sua. lay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sexton of Min neapolis, Knu., who lone been spend ing the winter wit It t heir sons. Jay and Ilav Sexton, of the Hank of Jack son v ille, left for southern California to thai spend thu remaining winter months. Mr. i than L'. cents, Itussidl It. Snow, aged I get her as man and v.ife for years ami Mrs. Jay SeTt.m m . onipanied tl i ' It! years, has inail-d a ipiarter to the ; :iml that they were bom of the contract and will remain about three weeks, vis commissioner of public works in pay j rentage that existed. They say Gird iting in LoH Augcbs and Han Hiego. meat for n broken street lamp. Last ! nhvays publicly nek .n-wledged them a" The. Jacksonville n , -bib met at the young Itus.ell hurled a stone n.-M-h Idn it. and they have been known home of Miss Anna W.-ndt last Sutur through a gla-s and ever 'nn then he iu-,. to llo ir fronds. day evening nnd spent a very pleastnl ' '"''' irmn'.i w.tn a strong sense. evening, t'anls took up th part of the o cuing, followed by re freshinents of ices and cake. The club will meet with the Misses Prim ni two weeks. Tom Wyatt of Midford ha just pur chased ten acres of b:nd iu Sams Val ley from C F. Neninger. paving $1"o I er acre for the nam . Lonm Smnh. suiervisor of this road district, has also I ore based an eqnal amount at the same figure. The price f l;ind in Sains Val ley is ndvam-ing rapidly and will in a few years will cprtl that of Medford and otherr fasi growing xe.-t i.-ns. ;.v the Gold Hill News. i'f retuurie. He finallv revealnl to his mother the whole secret and was told th. t he must make amends. FOR SALE. If you are looking for seine good laud cheap, I have it, for $10 and -0 per acre, near good railroad town. W. M. FKFNCH, CROSSED WIRES KILL ONE; FATALLY INJURE A SECOND TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. I, Arthur W. t harlson. a blacksmith in the employ of t lie West t 'oast Wagon company, was :iliuost iustaatlv killed and John K. johstrom. aged ". a shipping clerk of Ittie Yount!love Groerv company, was b'ootn 7. JacHvon Hank Hldg. you Are Going to Build t':.l:illv iiiiunNl tlii ni.TiiniK wht'n U'1 j ..lts of U'.-trtcity tlirouch Ci.'ir Tin- ..i-t..ffi.'i- ,l.',:ii!niiit al W.'IhIi : i.,.,li.-s. rnwiiii! ul lifiivy ...v.'r uir ini;t.-ii li;. aiithoii.i-.l :i I'l-r.-f of :ti iiumi with a I'ily U'i- win- in t"tit 'f tli t'.T il ... 1 1 p.,l.iffu v to In. oi.Tal j II:iiiiioii Iniil.lnit' a n s...io.ililo. I'ii'i'i'i ul on tin- cr.iiiii.U of tin. Mask.i Yukon of liiiiiln-r falliiig fiom tho liuil.liiia I'.i. ifi. I'xpoiil ion hum yoar. -i.iturila iiii;lit caiiwi' a iliort I'iri'llit. s,. ml ug llio Iioavy voltai!o tlirouuh mi I j,, ir, (,llv j,,n wito. Wlu'ii tin' two I moil nltoini'toil to tll' ll on tin' lights tin I ..' o. U liiilli-.l tlioni to tlio floor. SI'DKANK, Wash. Foil. 1. Fred lli'iinott', ciiiiimisMionor of tho jjonoral hunt nffit'O, atiiHiutuM'l ill ailvipos just rwiMvi'il here tlinl tho Spoknno rosopva lion, l.-i:i.tioll aoros, ami tho Yakima rosorvntinti. I,l l"i.l"ll aoros, tuith in tho stato of Washington, ami tho Coour il'Aloiio rosorvation, 3IH.CHX1 aoros, iu uorthotii Iilalio. will proliably lio oponoii to -toltlon t this yoar; also that tho loinhi rosorvation. Ol.fiOO aoros, in Ida ho. may lio roudy in timo to lio inolud oil in tho U'lHl drawing. REPORT THAT YARMOUTH AND COUNTESS ARE RECONCILED LONDON, r'oli. I. 'I'horo is rumor of tho rooiinriliatiiill of tho countoss of Yarmouth ami tho i-ouiit. Tho oountoss is the sistor of Hary Thaw. Tho rr port is uuoffioially doniwl. Tho rumor has asinnoj oonsidora l.li i lit horo. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound Xu. ltilOrogon EipreM 5:24 p. m. No. 14'1'ortlanil EipreM 1 9:411 . m. Southbound No. 15U'alifornia F.ipresl.. .(10:35 a m. No. 13'San Franciaoo Exp.. .1 S:20p-ni. No. ii5From Orantl PaM.... 9:15 p.m. No. 225For A.iland 10:15p.m. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY Let uit figure with iu. No contract 1 no large or too sulci' Hutisf act ion ' uarantced. ' L. E. BEAN CONTH.HTOK AM lUMLDKR, Mod ford, Oregon. CHINA DECLINES OFFER OF HONORABLE JAPS PKK1V Feb. I. The Japanese i;ov eminent ha- piop..s.d to China to per not her to r o 11- 1 1 iu1 t he lNininintun Kakumen railr.'ad on condition that all future (Mentions of this line be built ' bv the South Manchurian railway. Tins was in Micxtance that the Chinese rail t. ad svstcni be Japanese from Fakmnen inward. China has ilecline! Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED Holp, nt tho Medford Do niostio Laundry; two bright girls. 270 WANTED Fifty boxes of Newtowns and HpitEOiliburg apples. Apply of M. Stewart, at the Nash. WANTED Private boarders. :it 312 X. Bartlott stree t Inquire 271 r (WELLS. I'OH SALE Four diamond rings loft, woighing throo-qunrter carat, at a groat bargain. Modford Loan Of fico. 2S2 FOH SALE Brand new safo, woighs oilOO pounds, at vory low figure; on in slalmonts. Inquire Tribune office. 22 FOR SALE Grain hay, baled. Inquire of Phone 581. tf FOR SALE Relinquishment claim, 120 aoros, 8 miles Medfonl, 40 ae.res fenc ed, 12 nores cleared, 5 acres 2-year-old commercial fruit, cabin. For price call on V. M. French, room 7, Jackson I'uuuty Hank bldg. FOR SALE KolinquiLhment, 80 acres, d miles oast Medford; 50 practically level, balance easy grade and eovered with good fuel timber; 2 springs; very chonp. W. M. French, room 7, Jack son County Bank bldg. FOR SALE Two lots iu Medford, 10" xllHl, with 20 6 year-old pear trees. Inquire Woodbury Magie, Fhoouix. Oregon. 272 No. ilLemvos No. 4,Leaves Motor Leaves MotorlLeaves No. lLcaves No. 3LaTes MotorlLeavea MotorlLeaves Medford Medford. Medford. Mail ford Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Jacksonville .10;45a.m. , 6:35 p.m. . 2:00 p. m. .j 9:00p.m. , 9:00 a.m. . 3:30 p. m. , 1:30 p. m. . 7:30 p.m. FOR SALE Two gasoline wood sawing machines in good condition, and a work horae. M. M. Mnine, Modford. Or. 271 MAIL CL08B8 " A.M.P.M. Nnnhbonnd I 9:191 4:54 Southbound 110:051 8:50 Eagls Poiat T:20 i:0 JacksaavUlt 0:O 5:U FOR SALE Good residence lots, close in; also good 5-acre orcl-ard; deal with owner; save commissiob. Address J, care of Tribune office. FCTR SALE Houses, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from oue acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhonn, Phoe nix, Or. BROWN VASES Regular $1.50 & $2.10 Values TOMORROW $1.00 EACH 20 Dozen mens' Can tin Flannel Gloves, Ribbed Wrist, Plain or Leather Tips at 10 5 15c Pair 10 Dozen Ladies' Heavy Fleece Lined Seamless, and Fast Black Hose 20 and 25c Qualities 2 Pair for 25 els. 5000 yardsofTor chan & Valencenne Laces & Insertions A new swell line Just in at 5 - 10 - 15c yd. 5000 Post Cards Southern Oregon Views Ic each The most complete line of Tinware Enamelware&Cook ing Utensels in the city can be seen here and you pro bably know our pri ces are about 1-4 less than others ask We are closing out our Fancy & Have land China at 1-3 off the regular price This Sale will last but a few days more FREE with every 25c purchase a chance on that Beautiful Blue Enam el Range that we are going to give away April 1st. 1909 HUSSEY'S Bijou Theater Extra Big Attraction FAIRY TALES A Burlesque Musical Comedy Presented By Mr. F. W. WALTERS AND HELEN CLARMONT A Most Laughable Production SPECIAL FEATURES OF MOVING PICTURES ADMISSION 10 and 20 FOB BENT. KOK RKNT Xew fl room dwelling; all ou ground floor; sidewalk to houi; .laokion street, between U and H. 20 Luther Hurtmnk, plant wizard, will nuike an rxhibit of uphicless cactus at the Alaska Yukon-Pacific exposition in 1001). Ihirbank sav that the cactus fruit can be produce I for ten cents per acre. Kecontly at Seattle there was a banquet at which every dish served was made from spineless cactus. In tho Hnvernmetit building at the Alaska-Yukon-Paeifie exposition will be an extensive panorama of the Grand valley in olorado, showing the vast irrigation pr .jtcU now under construc ts n. NOTICcI. Is horeby given that tho undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on February 2, 19ofl, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in les quantities than oue gallon for six months at lot 13, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months.. 271 H. O. WILKINSON. Dated .Tanuary 21, 1H09. Now Thought Society, Miss Berth: Meets Monday evening at 7:30 o'eloik. J AH invited.