THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON'. MONDAY. FKI.RPARY 1, 100!). Humor mz Philosophy n . DUNCAN M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. V b e d people Uou't take the trouble to flatter you, you at leant have the couso laciou that they bave do luiutetll ate uor proapec tive use for you. A good guess Is tUlte as effi cient and as suf ficient as accu rate knowledge us Ion if as It keeps lis Identi ty bidden. It makes a wouiau Just as wail to he ier new bat act up and get un becoming as It does ber busliaud to have H cost real mouey. Avoid entrance to a quarrel. Many there be who are crowdlUK to It, and It 1 much mora entertalnlui; to sit on the fence and see discomfited contestants and , participators, come dying hack through the door. You never can tell by the dimension ol a woman's sleeve bow bin a thliif he may bave up it. lilesseil are the pure- In benrr. for they can Ken-,, efnlly see the till bill of their ene mies. It Is almost Im possible to en dure the disap proval of a com muulty unless a very high fee Is attached. .SIT The woman who m.-i tries u mini to reform, him may. he depended upon to We to It that he yeis his anyway. It really seems llml the wniM. has to be amused, whether It Is fed imil clothed or not. Don't l.l.-llue your relations In-law if they don'; IlUe you. They are not re sponsible, lor you. Sccrchod Milk. When milk has Imniid pour 11 at ouce Into u plti-lior and stand it In a haslu of cold water mull It Is cool, when It will he found to be quite free from the hurned smell mill ntste: also wheii nn.etliluir has burned In the dou ble boiler instead of rflilcnl-dilni; the steamer : rt with hot water, use cold for the sa::ie effect. Oatmeal Lotion For the Skin. All excellent oatmeal loiion for the skru Is made as follows: Itoil two ta- blespoonfuls of line oatmeal and their strain. Wbeu cold add one dessetl spoonful of wine and the Juli e of one lemon. Fluff over tint fin e before Ini: lo lied, not wiping ii nil away. This lotion Is especially guud for sal low complexions. Urease Spots on Wall Paper, To .remove grease-spnis from wall paper sprinkle baking soda over blot ting paper, place over (he spot and press a moderately warm Iron niralnst It for a few minutes. The blotting pa per will uUorh the grease and the pa per on the wall be free from spots. About Brittle Icing. A teaspoonful of vinccur beaten Into boiled-frosting when the flavoring Is being added will keep It from belnit brittle and breaking when the cake is cut. It will be as moist aud nice In a week as the day It was made. Oranga 8trawu. After removing all the white mem bfaue from orange skins cut Into nar row strips. Soak In cold water for two hours, theu wipe dry. Boll two cops of Bngnr with one of water uutll the sirup threads, dip the straws lu this and lay ou an oiled paper In tbe warming oven until quite dry. London Fagots. One pound of liver, one-bulf pomnl of suet and oue oulou, nil ehopptHt Hue, ome quart of Btnle bread mimli. out? tMspoonful uf puuttry drcssiuj;,. salt and pepper to suit tuste. uuo cg or a little ml lie to moist. .-n it. MoM wltii flour Into cakes or balls and fry In deep fat. Carrot Marmalade. Take three pounds of carrots, steam until tender, add four pounds of sugar, the (Tinted rind nnd Juke of six lem ons and 10 rents worth of shelled al monds, chopped flue. Cook from thir ty to furry minute. This will make a delicious preserve. equal to orange marmalade. The native arts of the Indian and the methods and results of training them in government schools will be shown hy pictures, specimens and other exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon Pacific expjositino next year. This exhibit was collected bv the bureau of Indian affairs. fll DON T LIKE Tne J 6 HATS I TH6ATBST - Bah) FOR THE CHILDREN I Suspeet A Card Game. Tbls game la played by any uum-let- with oue or more full packs of ards, according to the milliner playing. 'i'be cards are dealt oue by oue, so as to be as evenly distributed as pos sible. The first player leads a card, face downward, calling out at the same time the uuiubcr or uame of a card, wbicU may or may not be tho oue be laid down. The licit player on the left uow plays lu like maimer aud must call the name of the card next higher tbau the oue uauied by the lirst player. The others In turu do the same. Thug If A leads, calllug "six," the others lu turn as they play suy aeveu," -eight," ulue," "ten, "knave," etc. When the king is reach ed the next player begins ut "oue' again. This goes ou till sumo oue sus pecta that tbe card played is not true to the uame called, when he must say "I suspect." Tbe suspected person tben shows the card he played. If tbe suspicion la correct the offender must take Into bis baud aU the cards on the table. If It was uufvuuded the accuser must take the cards. He who first geta rid of all bis cards is tbe winner. Tbe last card should always be sus pected, since there Is only oue chauce In thirteen ot its being right. If a player has all four cards of the same number In bis band be Is sure to sus pect rlghtiy any oue whose turn it is to play oue of those cards. A skillful player rarely plays the right card un less be thinks some oue Is wutchluK btui and saves as many kinds of cards as he cau. gettlug rid of duplicates. These are the rules of the game: 1. 2o player cau be "suspected" aft er tbe uvxt lu order has played. 2. A player may couceal his hand as he pleases to hide I be fact that it Is mall, but must always show it on de maud of any iu the company. S. The game uiny be continued after one player's cards are goue till all the cards are In oue baud. In this case any one out of tbe game may suspect and if he suspects wrongly must take tbe cards ou the table and enter the game again. Think of a Number. Tell some oue to think of any num oer ue pleases, out not to toll you woat it is. ten him then to double it. When he bus douo that let him add to tbe result an even number which you yourself must give him. After doing this he must halve the whole, then from what Is left take away the num ber he first thought of. When he shall arrive this far, if his calculations bave all been uuido correctly, you enn give blm the exuet remainder, which will simply be tbe half of tho even number you told hlui to add to his own. For Uistance: Number thouKht of 25 Doubled so Even number added u Halved gj to Subtract original number.... & Leaves half of even'nuniber 3 Caterpillar Lace. It is said 1 hat a man lu .Munich lias devised an Ingenious plan by which caterpillars arc made to spin lace veils from the leaves of plants, lie makes a paste of the plunt that is the usunl food" of tbe caterpillar and spreads It thinly over a stone or other flat surface. Then with a camel's hair pencil dipped In olive oil be draws on the coating of paste the pattern that he wishes llio caterpillar to leave opeu. The stone being placed In an Inclined position, the cuterplllnrs are put at tho bottom, and they eat and spin their way to the top, carefully avoiding every part touched by the oil, but dovourimr tbe rest of tho plant. The result Is a lace pattern of rare beauty. The Vision of City Children. A well known English surgeon called attention some time ago to the inabil ity of city children to see well nt n great distance, caused, he said, by their restricted line of vision. The other side of the street Is about as Tin as they have an opportunity of using their Bight. It Is different wltii coun try children, who have an expanse of landscape .to. look at and can practice Uielr sight on a great variety of ob jects at a distance. He suggests tlmt city cblldreu should be given every possible chanco to do the sumo anil thus train the sight aud strengthen the eyes at tbo same time. Chicago News. Conundrums. Which Is the heavier, a full or half moon? The half inoou Is (he heavier, for a full moon Is as light npaln. When is u lady's riu not a lady's arm? When It Is half bare (bear). Why are ripe potatoes In the Kruuud like thieves'.' Ueenuse they ouirht to be taken Aip. Why is the north pole like uu Illicit whisky uiHtiufnrtory? Becousu it Is t secret still. J11 what ways do women rulu their niisbnuds? In buy ways. Why Is n short negro like n white man? liecuuse he Is not a tall fat all Mrick. Christmas Morning. Just look In thre and see my tree! It's blnaln' with lljfht candles And covered with bljr shiny things. Ma fluyn, that no one bundles. I'm mighty Rlad I ain't a Klrl, A -Bruin" dolls and braKKln That theirs Is best of all (he things. Why, I not u red uuk'mi! I got a hor.e that rock a like this And hen a tall and Siit on. I'm gl&d 1 Kot a bits on-. Vauiie It's that I'll ride just loin on. I'm happier en 1 ever nan; Old Santa brought me gladness. 'Cause after all the talk 1 got He quite forgot my hadnens. ALBANY WILL HAVE NEW tr,0,000 SCHOOL BUILDING ALBANY, nr., K.b. 1. The seh1 board at a iw-tinjf thi ii eided to vr-ct a -"o.oom hiyh school. The new lutildin,' ""ill a-(-Mitiniol:tt-about 500 students and will occupy tin grounds located at Third and Jafkmn streets, owned by Peter Itib-y. Th block was just pitrchnst-d nt a prii-e uf 4 7. )). I WIDOW AND LITTLE DAUGHTER OF EX-PRESIDilNT iiArihiSCM. M1k Elizabeth Hiu'rlHon, the little dtiughter of tlie lute Heiijnuitn Hiu'rWoii, Is now eleven years of ngo, Iho youngest living daughter nu Anu'rl.-an ex president. It was In 181KJ that' General Ilarrlson married Mrs. Mary Soctt Lord Dlmmtek. a nleen of his Hist wife. The marriage for a lime enused an estrangement between the ex-presldent and his smi and daughter. Little HIlz abetli was about four years old wheu her illustrious father died. GARFIELD IS' TO BXTURN TO OHIO; PRACTICE LAW WANIIINUTOX, Feb. I. The deli mte stitteinciit ean be made that union l(. Garileld, secretary of the intcr'uir, will not be a member of the cabinet of I he next administration. Neither will he ie an ambassador to a foreign coun try. Me will return to his home in Ohio and take up the practice of law. 1 here is utmost as good authority for saying that there will be it clean sweep f the present cabinet members unless I should be Secretary of Agriculturo Wilson and Postmaster General Meyer. There is said to bo much doubt as to Mr. Wilson. Mr. Garfield admitted to- lay that he would not be in the next nbinet. TAFT SAYS HE WANTS THE NICEST INAUGURATION WASHINGTON', Feb. I , ' ' I want the very nicest hinnn,unition . iu Ms torv! " - - ; . That's what W. If. Taft said to half t dozen hftidliners iu thq house of rep resentatives on llie occasion of his last visit to Washington, and it tfoes to hIiow that folks don 't know what they are! talking about when they say that t lie president elect is trvinir to (ode all the frills and fuss and featu re attrndiu his induelion into office. -A FEW MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS G-(OM.MOmOUX HOUSK West Seventh si reel,, lot 100x400; a very good Imv tit $3000 9-liOOM H UNCI ALOAV ( Jomjilete in every detail; olio square from West selioolhoiise . .$3000 7 ACRES 0001) LAND Close to C-ntral .Point; all under plow; half laid out in fruit ; a snap. $800 30-ACliE ORCHARD All in (i-yeau-old Newtown apples; three and one-half' miles from Medford; . good house, barn, wagon, stock and implements. This is an exceptionally good buy. A OOOI) PAY.INO BUSINESS On Kast Seventh street; long lease; small rent and one of: the lies! loeations in the city. This is a fine money-making proposition. Sickness reason of: selling. MEDFORD COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY I5ANK ULIXi J. E. ENYART. Srosidi-nt. .7. A. PERRY, Vice-President. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralF auk in Bus. ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. BERKELEY' STJDENTS ATTACK I AND BEAT UP JAPANESE i JiFKKKLK. .(:!.. IVh. I. Following tie rmuowil of upiiation for anti-.lap-nuesr letrishfioM by I'm state Uyislal ul e Keaji Kanelin, a t-ia.Inate of the lm I ptral universii : :! 'h.Mo and a studeni ar in. i niveiMiiv i ( iil.ionna. was at t n-lud by i-il.t vl. ii- stndeiitx this aft orinn.h and tiifi olf the tiniviTsitv cl upii:;. .'s a ivsiil; tf the incideip. llio l'.i-ilieioy .'.irriiH-s .i-,sociat ion. num-l.'--j:.i; itbouj V-iu n.t-' bers, has declar ed its inhul: a i f d iii:indinj; Unit the .rapanese comhuI yi-ac-iil at Saa Francis t-o make iMpicsealalinns to the Ameii can pin rami nt I hi'oa;'li A m bass i-!u TakaliiiM u i -Id- iton. WILL PROVIDE $10,000 FOR STATE ARMORIES SALEM, Or., Feb. 1. Forty tlom hand dollars will be provided by Ihe stale for the construction uf annorios for Ihe use of the Oregon national iuard if a bill passed by the senate Saturday becomes a law. As tin1 bill re quires that localities when' armories are built shall si a ml half t In- expanse of buildings and grounds, Iho purpose of the bill is to make S'i.inln available for armories. The locations are placed mi dT direct ion of the Mato tnilitjiry board by the provisions of the measure. OF OUR- JOHN S. OIITII, Cashier. W. B. .1ACKSON, A't Canliier. O B . $50,000 10,000 YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the oxcelli'tH'ft "f tlrj DiValu t tiro i j(i;f-d nt tli Kmoric), it f u if yim liiivPii 't nlrt'inly rr;il- 1 yourHnlf wil !i nnmu of the dfiicioii.s dif liert that ttr frv linn-. If ymi l.'ivrn 't nrtakrn uf thpni, tliTe is a tri'at awuiting ynu tlinl vitii will want to rfp':it oftn. A ini-al l!if V.uu't'wU : fin o TfriTK f that will tunk' ytin i.,y, like Oliver TwiMt, for morr. The Emerick Cafe Opon All Mht REALTY U l Iho MISSION FDENITURE WOIIKS inilko tliat pit'i-e'tj1 iriiitnre. Any di'sipn, any color, any .inish dull, waxi'j or polishuil. Shop on nor. ot 8th anil H streets. W. M. Colvlg. O. L. Realties. , . . COLVIO & EEAME8 Lawyers. Office: Mod ford Bank Uldg. Ground floor. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91 MORDORFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built aud newly furniahsd AH modern conveniences. D. O. Karnes, Prop. 20 8. Q St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will '.e prepared Feb ruary 1," to furnish cement brick. Het i er 1 ban pressed brick aad just as clr-ap. hi osliato before coatractiiip. P. O. Hot Jlfi. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists iu Teas. Cof fees, Extracts, Bakiup; Powder and Spices. We curry all kinds of dinner waro and fnne dishes. 210 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DE. GOBLE Tho duly oxeltifliro Opticintt b twi'cii eortlnui! and Hiuirnmentn. Offiro on SiiTonth Stro.-t. Wlicil itthora fail, cull on DR. E. J. BONNES Eyo SpecinilBt Offico in Gnglo Pliarmnr.v Mnin iX. Scvculli mid Aliiin TUB HOTEL EMERICK Ronnm from !i0 conn to $l..rn pi'i (lay. All modern .I'onronieiict'H. We solicit your pHtronugu, VALLEY AUTO 00. Imvi' oponcd Ihi-ir urn- arago and ropair Hliop l-a. lt of I In- Monro hoti-l. Motor I'nra Htorod and taken enro of. All work Kimranteed. Phono No. 31li:i Will now find me lo cated North of 7th. on D street. Here 1 am able to give MY PATRONS BETTER SERVICE than ever before. Drop in and see a few of those SPRIN0 PATTERNS EIFERT The City Tailor Prepaid Railroad Ordern. " W'lrrn-t li i u t5 wliu-h in of eonai-lcralilo ii'ton-st lo Hie public jiniTallv 111, ivIiH-h in p'Thaiis not j;i-nerally knttur tl.o HVfit'iii of prepaid order now in (feet le-tiveen Htalioos of the Monl Iii i n I'ai'ifie eonipar.v and all pointfl in the I'nil-d Statin, liy ineaim of tliii HVHleiii ticket may lie porclia?f'l at Medfonl frotn any plai-e in the I'nited Staten and mailed or teletraphed direi-t to lie partv wiidiinK to eoioe here. Hle-pi-r ai-i-oininodutionii mid fit-all amounts of 1-anh in connection wite thede ticket" nay a!o lie forwarded at the nain 'itne. " tf ATTENTION. IVi-im l-'ehrua-y 1 l. M;iv I I ,vili Uv ! the I I n.kC ill .til ell .hi i-oniily freto .'i to 10 yiern old. fl" in trold. I'irtori i taken nil vv.-. k an-l So rio-'. from 1 to I p oi. I'niir prooii t en. h-.'.i.-e I f Med .1 to he; -s of ).i;Mi:is'n:ifs (sai.i.iikv. :.'7:( Uii-r Allen i If-'iiaoV My Friends siness THE R. R. V. LUNOH ROOM Pinost cup of cnffi'8 on the lJacifio Coast. II. H. Lorimer Prop. ABTHUB H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 w. Seventh St., Mxdford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. THE ELEOTRIO AND FBENOH DBY OLEANINO AND PRE 88 INQ WORKS W. E. Lane ft Son, Props. Opposito Hotol Moore, Medford Oregon WAS0HATJ ft BROWN wili to Hiinounc-e to their patrons that tlioy are located in their new quarters iu the Young ft Hall building. Hi 1 1 i b rile. Cigars and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, to 4. Mile's Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. JOB PRINTING by The Tribune. For good bargains in Watchos nnd Jewelry, Pistols, Mntdcal In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN 0FFI0B C Stroot. MEDFORD FUBNITUBE 00. Undertakers Day Phono .'153 Night Phones V. W. Conklin 3S J. H. Butlor 148 DB. R. J. CONROY HueeoHsor to Dr.J Jones. Office in the 8tewurt Building. MUD FORI) SASH & DOOR COMPANY ) PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Vouoered Doors, with lie Tel Plate, carried la iteaalMieV Office, Kiituros nnd nil kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned WseV and Fancy Qrllls. F STBKBT, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTS STREETS. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs W H Y? Does the TrSbyne Office do PRINTING than all n others So the city QUALITY Directory 1 ,i SAVOY THEATER North d'Aajoa btreet. Latest motion pieturO( and lllua trated songs. Entira. change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 eenta.- BIJOU THEATER, W. 7XH R4 t'ontinuoug performane titty evening of motion picture! and il-; luatrated balladi. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Adminion 10 centa. WM. H. AITXBN Dumbing, Steam and Hot Water 2D. 210 W. Serenrh St., Medford, Or. EDEN Y ALLEY NmUDttT N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell . tree that grow anad fruit true te label VERNB T. CANON Billposter and distributer. All orders promptly filled. Room T Jaeksou Co., Bask Bldf. Medford, Or. o. r. cook Sells that grew. Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box S41. Phoa S8. Medford, Or. MBA BD. ANDBBW8 Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Besideaee. East Medford. Paene 285 8. B. SBBLT, If. B. Physician and Surgeea Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-19, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackeon Co. Bis. bldg JACK FBBDBNBUBO Scarenger. Oiirbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTER B. STOKES, Dentist. Hiiecesser to Dr. J. M. Keene. more