MEDITORD DAILY Xfti fUINJg, MEDFOBD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY l,190iJ. Medford Daily Tribune 'Official Paper of I! o ;ty of Medford. ? Published every fvcninu ttxcept Sunday. M 10 I) 1? O It 1) V U !'. T. I S 1 r i X G . . C O M P A X Y Gkokor Pittnam. Editor and Manager. Admitted as Wwnncl -('lasn Matter in the lWof I'iee at - Mod lord, Oroyon. . 8l!BS0IPTJ0Nr RATES. Oini month, f' n,ii m iptirii-r. .tOfti) One year, ly mail. rOHTLAND TRAIN SERVICE TO EAST MATERIALLY IMPROVED . . ,0.0o CRATE 11 LAKE U(iAl) DILL, The sitriroiiie moment lias arrived in the life of the Cra ,tor lake road appronriatioii hill mm bofor'o the ways and niean.l i-oniniitteo of the. legislature. I f. Medl'md puts forth the proper effort the appropriation can he secured. '; J t is 11 aimed to send a' vohuiteer dclegatioij to appear heforo the committee; in liehalf on" the. hill. Tlui larger delegation the bet tor, and the more likelihood of success. Everyone who can' should go, and everyone who goes makes a sacrifice of his time and money for the common good ; but that is the .Medford spiritthe Hpirit that builds . cities and makes them fa us. Without this spirit, Med ford will cease to grow, and without it, there will he no highway to Crater lake. ... , The little town of Cot I a go Grove sent a delegation of over a huudred to Salom t appear before the committee in behalf of the proposed county of Xesmitb. Surely there should be patriotism and pride enough in Medford to send the biggest delegation to Salem that any city evei sent and such a delegation, backed by convincing argu ments and the justice of the renuest, will have no I rouble in Hoouring what it goes after. Medford has the name of seeking big things and o landing what it goes after. It is known as a c;t of energy, life and hustle. Now is tl e time to Drove that this esti mate is correct. Now is offered the besi opportunity, in the city's history to show 1 ha1: Medford is no longer a town of a few live ones, but. a city of many live ones with all the local pride, out husiasm, sacrifice and energy that, builds up large cities. FISH HILL 'L'OSI'ECTS. I'OHTI.AMJ, Or.. Vb. 1. Aimuuui'v intuit of tlif most U'JvuiK-ed uwl up-lo-llatf railroad pulley tlut has liot'ii mud'1 by any Pacific count railruad liits bei'ii Kivmt out by Octicral Agi-nt Charlton of tin' .N'ortloTii I'ui'ifit. During May the Northom Pacific and North UhiiI; will completely rearrange their train ni-li,-,luli'H aad will c:jtalliili a now liui iltal truin that will make tho time he Iweon I'orlland and Chicago but three j dayti, and will operate three trains daily t from Portland to KniitmH City and St. l.ouiH by way of the Hurlington. The North Coast limited U to bn con verted into an eatirely firMt-clana pas senger train. There are to be no day foiichcM and no tourist Kleepera in the truin. It is to consist of ciprcHt, aud l;aggage cars, a dining ear, parlor lib seri'ution car, and rtaudnrd and com partment sleepers. It is to be run through from Portland to Chicago by way of St. Paul and will malic the trip in a little under 72 hours. It is to be nil electric lighted train, from baggage to observation car. The day coaches mid tourist sleepers aro eliminatod from the train so us not to crowd thn dining car, which will lnj carried for the ea tiro trip. GIRLS AND GRANDPA IN TRIPLE WEDDING A compromise will probably result from the efforts to close the Rogue river to net fishing made by the Rogue River Fish Protective association. The open season will bo limited to three months, May, June and duly. The bal ance of the year the Rogue and its tributaries will be closed except for hook ami lino angling. A. bill has also boon introduced, which has the promise of passage, closing the Rogue river and its tributaries to trout fishing except with hook and line. Steelhead are classed as trout in this measure. i Both bills have the sanction of Grants Pass people, and should have, for if the master fish warden's recom mendations wore carried out, all .Josephine county fish ermen would be put out of business by the closing of the stream above tidewater. That such a measure was not passed was due to the ability of the Grants Pass delegation in landing both on the fish umittoe, on the joint fish committee, as well as on the game committee. As there is not much of a run ol stoolhead during tlie proposed open season, I hero is good prospect of preserving the angling on .the Rogue if these bills pass. A Sunday closed season will also probably be enforced for the pro tection of salmon. Master Fish Warden McAllister's now fish code, which will repeal all existing laws and establish now laws for each stream in Oregon, will be introduced in the legislature this week. K enforces a Sunday closed law and shortens the spring season a month on the Columbia. It will em body the compromise agreed upon for the Rogue, and though it will be fought by the gillnctters, will probably pass both houses. ST AM KOK I), Conn., l'eli. 1. Hinvny ton. Coaa.. had three weddings Inst night which were pretty much all in one family, limoag those making up the pairs being a grandfather and his two tji'anildaiighters, and one of the latter married her brother-in-law. All this took place at the home of Captain John I.'lloiuiuedi It close tricml and neighbor of Charles Klein, the playwright. The captain was mar ried to Mrs. Ilattie (I. Deaiger. it being his sei d marriage, and the fourth for his bride. The grandchildren were Mrs. Clrace Shine, who was married to her brother in law. Kdwnrd (I. Shine, uml Miss Net tie Khinder, who was married to (leorge Minor. LEFT WIFE TO WANDER WITH WIFE'S MAID t'lllt'AtlO. I'Vli. I. A warrant lor ihc niri'iit of Or. Alexini' Thi i on a .'herge of wile abaiidounirut was issued this al'lernoou on complaint of till doc lor'n wife, who told the judge her hns l-'ieacli inaid. Francs l.efore. "It was Inst Wednesday that, my husband left and my maid disappeared at the Milne time," said Mrs. Till U) in. "Since then I have not heurd from either of them, but I have been iu formed from reliable, sources- that both vent direct to New York city.", "Did you suspect that your maid was winning away your husband's lovef" asked the judge. "I had faith iu him," said the wom an, "but the neighbors had told me he was showering the uiuid with his lit -tcutioua," NOT It B. Notice is heroby givijn that the under signed will apply to the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the meeting to be held ou Kebruary 2, 1809, for a license to sell spiriloui, vinous and mult liquors in quantities less tuna a gallon, for a period of six months, ut his pluce of business at Nos. 112 and 114 Front street, Id ru'd city. Dated this 20th day of January, 1009. 270 JOHN HARRINGTON. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VAILEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in taie Pacific: Northwest. No' in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. BIG REWARD ! For anyone fiudiug u lunch like THE LOUVRE en- for 35 ctuta. . -SEE THE LATEST COLLAR PIN SETS At MARTIN J. REDDY'S THE JEWELER WIIKItH Til M (QUALITY IS ALWAYS RIGHT Near Postoffice. Fine Waleh and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Propiktor. a FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Empir es, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Oi.-.'eis and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. State Depositary Established 1888. Capital aid SurpluB $11!; Resources $700,000 Highest Attainment in ' Systematic Banking Service The JucUsou County liiink respectfully f'olii'iU ymix account, subject to your elu-i'k, v.-itli the strongest Liiirnnteo of safety mid efficiency. We offer I In hiyhi Ht altaininent iu HVHtiMiiatii1 ban khig service, which as Hiiren th" jrrfatest eare in every iiiiun cm! transaction, with thin obliging in Hi i 1 ii t ion . 5.000- $ jW. I. VAWTISR, President. u. it. iAwuu&x, uaiiiuer. EVERY ONE HAS THE IB OWN TROUBLES Hflpeoinlly the man who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat made to fit aoy onfl that wants to buy. The man who has liia garments mado to order by an up-to-date, tailor never has any trouble with tho fit, finish or general "get up" of hs clothiug. It mt only fits per feetly, but gives you a style and indi viduallty acquired it! no other way wheu made at J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andT ailoie PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OB. WHAT PAPERS SAY MEDFORD AS A LAWMAKER. Portland Spn'tnlor.) Medfnrd tt gnmiuu no l':t'l tli'tt iaiH'ln'is who gn lo ulrep at niyiit amid the peaci'ful calm of the upon finialry lire aroused in tle tin mirg by I ho eking and rlamur f iiv life, mid find iheiiuolvi'H in n pttpoli'Uh did rirt. Ilfiv i:ig ln''ome tlio no iitpol's of .sunt h.'in Oregon, Medtoid pu.-pusti --..Iding new tirritury to her wide doimiin; her :iih li tituiH embrace Crater hike, imM hoau tiful of wild, rnni-nlic phn-iH en the onit. HiMtrge Put mini, i diLr nf die Medford Tribune, whi.-li is ..i.f ..f 1 1, . very lient piipers in the nt-ite, i :i S:i lem representing the pie of ,l:( Cnlllltv in JlH eff.iri tn i-ldure the leg i-ilnture to iippropriat e iflnotno r,.r tlu euiiHtnietion of :i rojid (nun Medford to Klamath IViIIh i;i ,1m ksoii ami Khun nth count it s a rut ' ot her nourveH " of f .'-n,lll)( eii. li. Thin I ."iOjlMil Iidh been ph'.lged and every dollar of it will br :: aihible within wo veins, (lie t mo ii in estimated that it will hike to huiM the road. It iiui v be i at lied hen that (he "other k.iii.os" in K, II. liar riinan, who mil so delighted utli the ehnrniA of the country ;timit Cratei lake that he will r petid a eon pie of month iu Oregon every hii miner. The gm-ernment agreed to upend Hft iiiurh iu the Cnwcade national foret reserve mid Crater lake national park an ot hern may raior', and if the legia bit ure grant h M-dford 'h prnyer, be gon will be able to-show isitor n mag nifirent park whom beHiily and gland I our will etpuil those of the Yellowstone or N'osemite. (tan Mr. Pnliiaiu of Medfonl ix greatly in lereHted in two other I i Mr-, one of which prohibits fishing in liogue river ex .opting with hook ami line. One can hear a storm burst about that measure. Hut it was drawn by the Ifogue Kiver I'ro'ei't i e association, composed of .VIM sportsmen, and lias the endors nt of ell the Koiithern Oregon counties. The oth r hill pt i.hvi t .r a license fee of j fl to be paid by all anglers, the nnm I ey lii he devoted to he maintenance ()f haieherie-4 for roalocktiig of utieinns. ; iiiob r the direction of the master fish t warden. The bill h.M tl ndoisemeiit i "f every rod and nn club in (he stated indeed, of everybody but the bare , footed, bareheaded boy. who siN in th,-' MUiet sha.l.tws Diet the alder throws the deep pool. an. I hears no sound' -av the splash and da-di of tin big Hunt at the .'ii.l f his fishing wand. Ami the l.i.l, m ,Ml-ws no open oi lo'-e snas.m r,,t trout, wilt not pa anuli attention to ill" license ',.( More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt fn 32 Caudle Power Tungst&n Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour aud would use in iooo hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving iu ooo hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, L'Oii West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Bijj Electric Sign. LANK WILL HOLD BIO FAIR IN FAI,t, i:i'i;i:i'. ( l'l' I. Kiitfi'iii. will' :i imiutv f.'iir nvt full. Sn. li 11 II10 iHi,.n i i.:M. r(,n .,1 .ultmiil ,'ii.iv. A l,iL. ii,.,t. . '' I"'"' M"il:iv i,i,.,. :, i , i, ,i l.;iiii' i'imiiiIv l':,ir ,-,'.'..i,'i:,i t.Mi will -..lUalli.'-.l. tin' ,.l.i'-,-l f n,i,i 1,, liolil tl,t cMinty fair in th,1 fall. The i.'i"iin,(s Iuim' nlri'.'utv ti.'.'u ,r,,vi,l,',l aiul :l first ,'lass rai'i' truck const rui'tfil. In -as,, tlic state fair nt Sal, in is icn up tliis vcar ,111 iici'iMint of the Alaska Vukitn Pacific i'uist'i,iii, all the iiuite interest will l,e taken in ttie e. unity fair licrr. 1 Local Confidence Induces citizens of Medford to grab many of the Best Things on the market this winter Kotft imagine for a iinuuent that our local citizens don't rccogiiio a good thing when it offers. Did you ever trade horses with any of them, Take our advit-e, and don't risk it. (!ood sens.- will dietate that it is in order to follow their lead in investing in Medford property, however, for they see the hand writing mi the wall. Medford is on the verge of a 1 111. Interview us and we'll tell you why this is the right time to huy Medford city property! ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Kxhihit Kiiilding, Medfonl. Oregon. U. E. Hllainiter A. C. Rnmhill Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS !, Sub-Dividers and Dovelopers Rogue Eiver Valley Or chard Iinnds. Chulr.e fruit lands, bearing aad youug orchards in small and lurgo tiBnto, for sale. We plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to he is represented. Experience JVot Necessary for those who purchase through us. Thoy secure the advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for soveral yearB has exceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Hogue River valley, record erops, record packB, record priceB. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon Instructor of "piano. "Llst 5tUtho& Statue at ftultxnct. itortb Orit(t Srrttt Compare the Quality It is. and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality aud to that end y c art- :i 1 way s mid i n g jiinliiy to our lino. The Tuition of " preferri'd stock ' makes our lino of !:h rade Cnr.ned Qoodi most complete. Our service always th b-it and eTory accom givfo our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed When You Think Of Shoes Think of X McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony YOU CANT ' SAVE On your railroad fare. '' Tho law of ti e oomtuoa ., carrier compels equal Total on all railroad lines . YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Tinvoling Ex penses and Fatigue by inalstlng on the shortest route, fasteit trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short L ine Union Pacific Every facility for tht safety and accommoda tion of tho passenger is provided. N-i change ef oars is neccRfary to Den ver. Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are made for all oth er points east and flsuth A. S. R08ENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMTJEBAT, General Passenger Aent, PORTLAND, OR.