Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 30, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    MviH.imnivn inn '-
Social and Personal
E. V. Carter of Ashland was a recent
Medford visitor.
John P. nue of Gold Hill wus iu
Med ford Hut u I'd ay on luminenH.
,T. H. Hickson of Grants Pans visited
Meddford on Friday, lie met u frii-iiml
from Chicago wliilo hnre II. V.
Heather. They pa r ted over tlireo yearn
gn to come west. It wan a jolly re
union.. Dr. Boekstoio of Pitteburg, who re
01 ntly purchased a ranch near Med
ford, is looking after the dental work
of Dr. Phipps during the latter'n ub
John IT. Harvey of Jiig lintte in
spending a few day in Medford.
A prominent barber f AHliland waH
a visitor in Medford Friday, lie h in
Heureh of a locution nnd may loente
Mr. and Mrs. It. 1. Oraham of Port
land wero recent visitotrs in thin eity.
John C. Smith of Table Roelc whh a
Medford visitor on Halnniuy.
Wilbnr JoluiMon of the Applrgiile
was transacting biiHim'HH in Medford
'I'. J. Carney in upending the weelt
cad in Mod ford, coming down from the
quarries of the Oregon (Irani In com
pany. ;
llev. Mr. Hall mid his family ha re
turned from Pendleton, Or.
The Louvre will servo a Hnnday din
i-er at tf o'clock. 7.1 runts. 2(17
M. P. Mi-Cowan in paying a business
vini fc in fllendale. He in accompanied
by A. L. Eiftenhnrr.
Orders for Hweet cream or buttermilk
promptly filled. Phono the creamery.
Minn I'Vfidii llot'koiiyoH expects to
leave shortly for Portland to study
Kiueriek Cafe opeu nil night.
Phone your orders for tiweet c remit or
buttermilk to the creamery.
Isaac Wright of Klamath Falls is in
the- eity renewing old acquaintances.
Rest meals at hvnt prices at the Ki
prick Cafe open ell night.
v. j j. nugn nan sold iiih plaee near
Central" Point to P. A. Ken ni more of
Table Koch. The cnimiderat ion wan
200 nn acre.
KmerJek Cafe In open nil night imw
that prosperity has come to stay.
10 in gold for tho bout looking baby
at Gregory's ntudio.
Satisfaction guaranteed on all work
at Lesmnlslor 'k phonograph gallery.
Open all week and Hnnday from I to 4
p. m.
J. (f. Biglm f the Medford Hard
ware company in in Portland on busi-
Fr the short time we are here yon
have an opportunity of having expert
work in rebuilding and repairing sew
ing machines. Ah a rule you have ouiy
been able to have The nervines of in
conipetont workmen, People, living in
the country and surrounding towns need
only to bring head of machines. Rooms
at Dr. Stephenson 'n, corner Ninth and
H streetH. Phone GOO.
Mr. Nicholson, who has been a suf
ferer from paralyaia for (lie pant yenr,
nays tho Central Point Herald, lias been
removed to the homo of his son, Ar
thur Nieholsou, on the Jacksonville
road, where he can bo more readily
cared for.
,1. h. Campbell, editor of tho (Hen
dale News, and . If. Mort onsen and
Jesse Todd, prominent residents of that
thriving city, weio in Central Point Sat
urday night visiting tho Central Point
Odd Fellow lodge, Thevi reported sev
en inches of snow ti (! lend ale when
I hoy left.
Mr. Hoinsforth, who purchased a tract
of the Neidemicr place on the Jack
sonville road and built a fine bungalow
there, hns finished planting 100,000
strawberry plants 'ind expert lo have
a fair crop of horrici next season.
Sain Murray, the Central Point gro
ceryiuuu, is a hooiiter for this climate,
us everyone who ever heard him knows,
nays tho Herald. The other day Mr.
Murray took it load of groceries out to
P. J. Itean's camp in the Willow Spring
mining district and he nays that until
then he never fully realized the truth
of this climate. Sum thought the bean
a very tender plant, that could flour
ish in winter, but s:ys t hat on that
trip he found a half dozen oh fine young
bean plants as you could wish to see nnd
the cold wave had not hurt them a bit.
John Mnv has moved from Cent nil
Point to the F. M. Hurley farm, where,
lie will look after the place pending
M r. Hurley 'a ret urn from the east,
where himself and family are spending
tho winter. Since going tin Illinois Mr. j
and Mrs. Hurley nnd their mm have
all tteen attacked with smallpox and,'
while not dangerously ill, the expert j
rience detrneled from the enjoyment of,
their visit. ;
Is hereby given that Hie undersigned
will apply lit the regular meeting of the
idly council of Medford, Oregon, nn
February 2, l!io, iW license to sell
malt, vinous nnd spiritous liquors in
less quantities than one gullon for six
months at lot 13, block 20, in Medford,
Oregon, for u period of six month.
271 H. O. ILK1NSON.
Dated January 21, tool.
Shintiinro Ohiihhi, vice chairman of j
Ihe Tokin chamber of commerce, and
one of the leading publishers of Japan,
will exploit tho Alaska Yukon Pacific t
cvposit ion in a large number of Jap i
aneso publications. Japan also pmposes
lo make ii fine display show ing the
progress of the country at the Pacific
you Are Going to Build
Circuit Court News.
Pearl Duucau vo. Jise H. Duncan;
auit for divorce; decree granted.
John l. Olwell vs. City of Medford;
default taken and injunction made per
manent. It. U Hui die vs. Harms Mining com
pany ot al.; judgment by default.
John Harrington vs. Francos M. Sny
der: motion to ipiash writ of review
argued and submitted to Jhe court.
Lillian Hilty Almutt vs. Joseph M.
Almutt; suit lor divorce; decree grant
Uertie M. Olien vs. (He A. Olwn;
suit for divorce; decree granted.;
Lulu Myrtle Hoehford vs. Charles
Hochl'ord; whit for divorce; decree grant
Margaret J. I la i ley vs. Lleorge VV.
liailev; sail for divorce; decree grant
ed. Jennie Head vs. Pier John Head; mo
tion lo make answer more specific con
Kstnte Matilda .lane Keener; first and
final report filed.
Kslulo (icorge S. Marsh; order direct
tug citation to inhiic.
(Iiiardian Floyd Dickey; inventory
and appraisement filed.
Hstato Huldah Colver; order made con
firming sale of real property; report
of sale of real property filed.
Splendid Sermon Promised nt Mothodist
Church Tomorrow.
Are you interested in great, world
inovemculH f Kemember I hat discourse
al the. H street M"tlindist church to
morrow night will be on "That Decisive
Hut t lo of Damascus." The speaker will
show what Marathon, Tours and oilier
great bat I les decided. Ho will show
the parallel between del lysbiirg and
that great battle at Damascus. Ho will
show hotv that battle lit Damascus in
flucnced Kuropcaa and all civilization.
Crone and hear how that butt le at
Damascus is related to those signifi
cant lines of Tciiny.'ion:
"Through nil the ago: one unceasing
purpose runs,
And the thoughts of men are widening
with Hie process of the suns.'
Christian Scionco.
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday morning in the Commer
cial club room at II o'clock. Subject
of the lesson sermon for January it),
' ' Love. ' All are wi Icome. Sunduy
school ut 10 o'clock.
N'KW VOliK, Jan. oU Miss Hessie
Love, a slenograplier, at the risk of
her life, saved her roommate, Minnie
Mrooks, from death last night by dash
ing back into a burning apartment
house in West Fori v -sevent h street nod
dragging her lo the window. Moth were
carried down ladders from t lie Court h
floor, unconscious, by firemen, while
of the crowd of L'Oltl) sent up cliceia
from Hie street, Twenty otuer occupants
of I he building made I heir escape in
safety though many had to renorl lo
the fire escapes. The flames original
ed on the ground floor it in I were cxtiti
guished after doing .tHooi) damage.
TACOMA, Wash., Jan. Fireman
I hiulel Moorau died I his morning as
the result of n collision bet vvocu an
electric hose cart and street, car, while
responding to an ulnrm of fire,
lfelicf Driver .1. F. Taylor was se
riously injured. The car si ruck the
rear wl I of ihe hose cart, throwing
tin- two oecupaiits through the air.
cisco, Ciil., January ;t0, W. K. Johnson
of this eity and Mixs Minnie McCall of
San Frnncisfo.
M r. Johnson recently purchased a
half interest iu th; Hotel N in tin
1IFXKNA. Mont., .Tan. :tO-A sensn
tion was canned In the legislature to
day when Represent at ivc Mall int ro
duced a rcsolu t ion Met I ing fori h t hat
Attorney (ieneral (ialen, wlio is a broth
er in law of Senator Carter, had ille
gaily drawn sMS.ihw fnun the state
treasurer for salarv end expenses, when
lie was not entitled to lal.e the oath
of office hecause he was under o years
of age, the const il ul ionat limit for that
office. The resolution demands the
let ill 0 of Ihe liloliev.
Is hereby given that tho undirsigned
will apply at the regular meeting of the
'tv council of Med foid, Oregon, on
February '2, I'.UIU. fW license to sell
.nalt, vinous and spirttous liipiors iu
hss quantities Ihau one gallon for O
tnoiitlis at lot It, hloel. '-'0, in Medford.
Oregnn. for a period of o months.
Datcsl .laiiunrv 19, liM!.
New Cases.
John llakaason vs. state of Oregon;
wiit of review. ('. It, Watson, alloruey
for plaintiff.
MarrtaKO Licenses.
W O. I.ucl.s and It. -sie W. I'nlghr
Wilbur Milligan and Marv O.tode
Let me figure with y u. So cnutraet
too large or too snial'. SutiHfaetioii
Medford, Oregon.
The party given Tuesday evening by
Mr. and Mr. A. S. Hum nbuuiu in hon
or of Mis Prue bride to bo,
and Mr. H. F. Piatt prospective groom,
whh one of the hois', brilliant and sue
ci ssful social even's of the season.
The house was elabf-rately deeornled.
Tho scheme of decorution included a
;'iofusiun of hearts end cupids, which
ret the eye at every turn. Hears ulsu
.'iorio-d the chief motif of decoration on
lit' score i'urds and table cards.
Tho invitations had bidden the guetls
lo n 1 1 end the coiifcriiiig of the tin de
i;ree and wooden degree on the bride
an i groom elect. Fact guest had with
much forethought selected gifts of
wocd or tin, designed to cheer them on
iheir way. The distribution of these
;iifts by little Miss fieri rude Hntler,
chnrliiiiigly attired ns a pink cupid.
was ticcouiauied by the strains of the
f'nmilinr air. "There Shall He Showers
of MleSKillg. "
During the evening while the guests
enjoyed progressive .100, Sterling Itotli
ermel played selections from 1 ' The
Alaskan" and other popular operas.
Delicious refreshments, consisting of
heart - shaped sandwiches, pieeer with
cupids darts, salad, sherbet, cuke and
coffee, were daintily served. The nap
kins were in keeping with the general
Ji-lo-oie of di c oration, being embellished
tvilh hand tinted hearts.
Judge Crowell acted as toaslmaster
:nd in his characteristically clever man
lier introduced each of the toastmak
ers. giving incidentally much good coun
sel to the prospective bride and groom.
Toasts were responded to as follows:
"(ioo.l Advice," M,-i. L, It. Haskins;
"How He Angled," K. c. Haddis; "The
fiarhelor Hoy That Never Iteturiis,"
Mr. T. F. Daui-ls; " Me fore and After
Taking." Mr. H. ''. Kentner: "The
Hridi- mid tirooia," udge Crowell,
Jndoe Crowell cblVe-t his. HMiiiirb
'with Joe Jefferson's favorite fount to
(lie bride and groom. "Long May Vou
Li vi and Prosper. '
The decorations, also score cards, ta
ble cards, cupid darts, etc., were de
signed by Miss Snedicor, and revealed
i'l every detail her atfisfie originality.
Mrs. It. (I. Maker and Miss Janet
Snedicor assisted Mrs. Itoscnbanm in
The tfosenhnum house is famous for
its hospitality, and Hie guests enjoyed
themselves to the fullest. Those in at
tendance were us follows:
Mr and Mrs tladdis, Mr and Mis fJ
Miller. Mr and Mrs A I ford, Mr and
Mrs Maker, Mr and Mrs Stoddard, Mr
and M is Leon Hash ins, M r and Mrs
Daniels, Mr and Mm Scheniierhorn,
Mr and Mrs Kentner, Dr and Mrs Hnt
ler, Mr and Mrs. Chipman, Mr and
Mrs Dixon, Mr and Mrs lialph Wood
ford, Mr and M is ItoHcuhnum. Miss
Maude Ciaines, M ir.s Merry, M is Jen
uiugs, Miss Fannie Haskins, Miss Her
nice Angle, M iss Iteraieo ( 'amei tui.
Judge Crowell, F (! Snedicor, fieorge
Tniui ii, S J Howard. Horace Howard,
Mrs W Mates, Mr Sterling Hot hemic).
Miss Prue Angle, Hal Platl, Mr An
gle, Jennie Snedicor.
The next d: o of (he (irealcr Med
ford club will be at the Angle opera
house I'ebriiary L'.'i. I'hc committee
n charge being Mrs. P. It. Theiss, Mrs.
L. McCain and Mr-i. l. It. Maker.
Club in embers Iri ving naines for in
vili'titms kindly phone Mrs. H. li. Ha
Uer, chairinau of committee, gefore Feb
ruary "0.
The social evening given bv the Order
of the Kasleru Star on Wednesday eve-1
I'iug was one of the most enjoyable af
fairs of its kind held this season. A
large number attended and many novel
games were inst it uhd. An elaborate
luncheon dosed the evening's fesfivi
t ies.
NOKTII V A K IMA, Wash., Jan. !10,-
That tlie girl's disposition has under
'uiie a complete t ra UHformat ion in the
ten years he has been her fiance, is the
defense entered by .Mm Kdward Jack
s..u to a suit for I nun t'..r breah of
promise filed in Ihe superior court here
hv Kleauorn KI ivn bet li Sidiilling, now
ft' Seattle. I'n 'i a a ipiiet, modest and
unassuming girl of " unexaltcd sl at ion "
he avers she has developed in.o a worhl
ly woman with extravagant taste that
i would til coiupmi witti his mode of
life, lie adniils tli- engagement and
:ivs il ha been so long he has been en
aided lo make a thorough study of her
i and he has concluded their mar
! riage would be unwise.
PAKIS, Jan. :t0. -(iallay, the bank
t ii-ik whii -lole hillidleds nf thousands
of fiaiits from a log Paris tiuancial
"iMilutiou and sailed on a vacht to
South America ( with 1 I. a Moreill, ' '
v hose "An teoir et ineiri " to the
judges who acipiittel her was current
'oidexard slang for a year), has peli
i noted the i li.iinlx'i -f ib-pul ies for a
change of penalt .
It appeals thai att-r his sentence
lie presidi'tit of th repuldie contmut
.J his sciitem-e front dp"rt at ion with
laid latmr to imprisniimeat in a tell
Far from being plea o d with the pi ti
.lent 's I'h aicm y. Ihe on id, writing
fiom Meltm prison, appeals to have th
lommntatioii canceled.
Mis rcaou is that III-.- in Ihe French
y niti'iit ial m'1 tK-nient in New t aide
ma is tar more comfort aide I hatl in
he sei-bodou .f a cell in the proin.e-.
!i. p..i l.-d to iseners en joy a certain
;unoiint nf freedom and. if they yet
unod c.ouloci mailvs, are tiltinmtcly re
'-as!-.! and pi..-nte,l with a plot of
I.F,fVU.I,K. i "id.. .Ian. :t. One of
1 e nil""' ootinnl it an at lo t uis c vei
:iwi-iiibl. .I in 1.r:idilb- glt-rlrd tint
.-itv lodav in finn,nuirat itm of i?1-
'oth a ii mi ervaiy. A;.. pal t f
the program w.n a dinner given in the
heart of a mine looo f0et bihw th.
'tirfa.e .f the earth. j
ALBANY, Or., Ja:i. 3o.-Dr. Albert
W. Ferris, president of the UU com
million iu lunacy, returned today from
conferences with President itoosevtdt
and Presidentelect Taft concerning the
continual landing of aliens with mental
defects iu Saw York under boud, in
violation of the immigration laws. Dr.
Ferris was accompanied by Dr. H. D.
Willgus, chairman of the board nf alien
ists, attached to the commission. It
-vas at the suggestion of President-elect
Tal't that the mutter was laid before
President Ifoogevelt.
"Our interview with Pr'esidoiif Koose
veil," said Dr. Ferris today, "was
very brief, but Secretary Straus of tho
department of commerce and labor was
present to hear the charges that some
one in his department iK responsible for
the improper landing of aliens. About
l"( per cent of the 30,(100 insane people
now iu the hospitals for the insane ore
of foreign birth. Nearly :rt per cent
of the population of this state is of
foreign birth.
"The state of New York certainly
does not intend to open its hosptals to
tho iiisaun of the world. If people with
menial defects are retained in this
country long enough they give birth to
children who urn ipso facto American
tizens. Some immigrant women who
are improperly retained in this coun
try contract marriage, with Americau
citizens and then cannot be deported.
At the present rate 2o nlien insane will
t tho stataen $10,000 if each one
survives the average period and spends
iiine- years in a hospital for the in
sa no. "
FRANCE NETS $15,000,000
PA IMS, .Ian. :i0, Frenchmen have
just been presented with their tobacco
bill for the past ye-ir. It amounts to
luii,0ii0,000, and represents about SO,
(ii hijhio, pounds of the fragrant weed.
The government has a monopoly iu to-
liacco, fixes prices to suit itself and
ictted over 7;1,0uo,0lH) on tlio vear's
Kreiichineu smoko n good deal, yet
are lar from heading the list of smok
ers. The average (lerman costumes
about sven pounds of tobacco every
vcar, an American ubout four pounds
ml a (piarter, a Frenchman only about
two pounds and a uarlor.
During the yenr the (iovernment sold
'.too of its dearest cigars, costing 1
each, but disposed of L'.":i.oni,niil nf the
I cent brand.
PKMU.KTON, Or., Jan. 110. By the
purchasing of 10,000 buslods of wheat
rt So cenls per bushel, the local agenl
i f Ho- Ixerr-tJif ford company today
broke all high records for the present
ten son. ('. f. Campbell, it farmer near
llchjf, wits the seller. The wheat is of
the Dale variety nnd in said to be above
I he average, whil,1 t ho price is two
or Ihreo cents higher than that being
offered generally by local buyers. There
'i:, no bliiesteui wheat remaining iu the
hands of the growers in the vicinity ami
the club left is iu umall lots ami said
by the buyers to not be of the, best
The grounds of the Alaska-Yukon Pa
cifie exposition in Seattle are being
visited by thousands of persons. The
management commenced chnrging ndmis
si tin September 'JO and to November
J." there hud been a lolnl of :H),l)00 paid
Millions of Cactus Dahlia, official
flower of the Alaska Yukon Pacific ex
position, are being planted in Seattle
and when the litoo fair opens the expo
siiion city will be abla.e with tho col
ors of the beautiful flowers.
OvshT C(U'kt:nl lidiivrn Spiral 2.E
l .'li'ry Olivo 111)
i'hivkou Unmbo 10
I'rifil Silver Snti'llH, Tartj'.r Smu'o
Shoo String Potatoes
V.'Cotalilo Salad 20
rhi.'ki'ti FriraHt'o, Soutlifrn Style II
llrocn Pons
Ki'iiliu'ky Em Nog in
It'oant I'rimo Hilis Hi'.'l'. I'a" (Irav.v
l.i H of IN.rk, Apple Sam-C
Potatoes in Creaai
Stewed Tomatoes 10
'oi-oanut Stmt't'le PniMinp;
II,. I Mm.-.- Pie, Chei'se ami I'raeker.
Hoii't iniiiuiiit' t'i'P a iimnit'iit that our local citizons
tloii't ri'i-oniiio a jtotul thing wIumi it offers. Did
you ever trade lim-ses with any of them ? Take our
advice, and don't risk it. Hood sens.- will dictate
that it is in order to follow their in investinji in
Medford property, however, for they see tho hand
writ inu on the wall. Medford is on the verge of a
Ihm. in. Interview us and we'll tell yon why this is
the right time to luiy Med fori I eity property.
Kxhihit Buildim;. Mudford. Oregon.
Th Ocean's Volume.
If vi desired to inenMtire the water
in the PflclhV oceau the figure that
wo should nave m U4v an almost un
readable - i!i).imfUM,lMK gallons.
It has been said that with the falls
uf Niagara running at tln'ir present
stupendous volume ii would tube tli-'
water of the Pacific more luaii a mil
lion yours to pass over tliem If it
were possible to put the Winer nf tlu
Pacific into a hollow sphere Ii would
ie necessary to provide uiie with a
,11iiiniir of 7lti miles. The Atlantic
oeean, ad all doubtless know, is muvh
smaller than the Piultle. having mui
;:;AKH.i.(HMj.(H'.fHHI gallons, so that till'
Atlantic uilgbl be contalnwl iu the
Pacific three times lr ft weie put lnt.
a sphere the diumcier of the spbeiv
would have to bo ubout WA miles.
Chicago News.
A Busy Lit 'Jo Chap.
It has h. a as. eri.i toed that th
mouse when lie is lie i" ra ii! H
sleeps only two hour.i lo the twenty
four, or ! Hutu any oMar animal
kiiuwn. liurlng tho rest of the time
be Id ou the bustle uul pri t-ifbly cov
ers tlvo uilU-s Iu hU Tho
honeybee leeM from dark to ditwu,
aud that chl Having "as busy us, u
bed" should bo cUaiigvd ti ":is busy to
a mouse." in four days and nights
a mouse will either eat or convey
away u pound of oheei lie i-ah al
ways got bis appetite v. lib him.
Why Is a dirty chi d ll! ttuiiiiel?
Because In shrinks fro:,i wasblug.
. What la the differeueu bei ween a girl
of seven and a woman of seventy?
One Is careless and happy. The other
Is hairless and cuppy.
Why are pianos noble diameters'
Because they are grand, squure and
When is u chicken's neck like u bell?
When It Is wrung for dinner.
Why Is a ennv n brave bird? Ho
cause It never shows the white feather.
PuzzUi With Letters.
What word outaluiu ihrc, leti:'i-
(an be exjiressed by one? For In
stuuee: 1. A river V Answer -Dee (D).
'1. An Insect V
3. A bird ?
4. A garden vegetable?
ft. A hltieve bevernu'e?
U. A tree?
Answers -li. Pee (Mi; :i, .lay (.Ii;
pen iPi; Tk tea (Ti: H. y -'.v M't.
It Can Be Dene, So Scotes of Medford
Citizens Say
To euro an aching back.
The pains of rheumut iiin,
The tired-out fcolitigt,
Tou muet reach the spit get at the
Ia moet oasei 'tis the kidneyi. -Doan'a.
Kidney Pills ore for tho kid
neys. 0. L. Boone, corner Ninth aud C
streets, Medford, Or., says: "I was
troublod with rheumatism when I first
began usiug Doan 'jj Kidney Pills. I
did not. think tliey. ouM do me nny
good, but t'iuaily p retired a box at
iTfkins' drug store. They proved to be
the remedy I required. My kidneys
wore restored to their normal condition,
and the pains and achos in my back
were removed. DoauV Kidney Pills
lived up to their representations in my
For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents.
Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
lt.)inomber the nam-.' Joan's and
take no other. 4fl
Medford Time Table
No. 3flOregon Exprosa 6:24 p.m.
No. 14Portlancl Express. . .. 9:49 a. ni.
No. l!jCalifornia Express.. .10:3S a m.
No. 13San Francisco Exp.. . j 3:20 p. m.
No. 225From Grants Pass.... 9:15p.m.
No. 225Por Asaland 10:15p.m.
No. 2Leaves Medford jl0:45 a. m.
No. 4Leaves Medford 5:35 p.m.
MotorLeaves Medford j 2:00 p. m.
MotorLoaves Medford j 9:00 p.m.
No. lLeaves Jacksonville..! 9:00a.m.
No. 3LeaTes JacksonTllle... 8:30p.m.
MotorLeares Jacksonville.. . 1:30 p.m.
MotorLeavea Jacksonville. . Tt30p.m.
Southbound .
Eaf 1 Point .
9:19j 4:54
10:05 2:50
j 7:20 2:40
10:20 5:20
Induces citizens of Medford
to grab many of the Best
Things on the market this
At Van Dyke's
A Special
Value i n
Men's Hats
A Lot of Men's Hats
Sell Regularly for
$2.50 to $3.50 each
Special $1.75 each
Just a few of each
kind at $1.75 while
they Last
Van Dykes
New Spring Styles in Men's
Conqueror Hats at $3.00 & $3.50
-R0OM MOJUORX IIOUH10 West Seventh street,
lot 100x400; a very good buy at $3000
9-liOOM BUXGALOW Complete in every detail;
one square from West schoolhouse $3000
7.AC1M0S GOOD LAND Close to Central Point;
all under plow; half laidVmt in fruit; a snap. $800
30-ACRK ORCHARD All in 6-year-old Newtown
apples; three and one-half miles from 'Medford;
good house, I a I'll, wagon, stock and implements.
This is an exceptionally good buy.
street; long lease; small rent and one of the best
locations in the city. This is a fine money-making
proposition. Sickness reason of selling.
Sole ugont in Jackson county for the STUDKUAKEU LIA'K OF AUTO
MOIilLKS. The new K. M. F. SU'lcbaker, SO -horse powei, fonr cylinjer
medium j'rieo Tearing Car has won thj recognition ami admiration of all
machinists ami lias jirovcu itself to le a remarkable vehicle fir strength,
soied an.l durability. New goods ill all lines will arrive In the course of
next month at the Sl ml, baker warehouse.
If viol ale looking for some j;ood laml
eheaii. 1 have it. for 10 and -i l'er
acre, no.l railroad town.
W. M. l'KKN'CII.
II.h.iu 7. .Tackcon Hank Itldu.
I'rom Vebrua-y 1 lo May I 1 will
(jive to the In st lonkinir child in Jack
son county from o to U yc-rs old. $10
iu noli!, ricturu taken all week and
Sii ulavi li.iin 1 to -I p m. Four premi
um; i f to be jinlgwi of
o;S Over Allen Reagan's.
Classified Advertisements
WAN TKI fifty Iwxp 'f Nowtnwii!
nii.l Sit.Mihnrir nppU-. Apply of M.
St'w;irt. ni tho Na-h.
Y A X T K 1 - V r i a 1 1 h A r.U-i .
al :tl. X. Uirtl. tt sUee.i
KOR"SAT. V. - i rTi i n"l i - . I tl . -1
of Vhono SSI.
FOR SALK Kelinquif hnit'ut i-luira, 10
ncrcs, S m ilcn Mftifitrd, 40 nuros feur
vi, 12 aiTPs cloarod, .1 acres 2-year -oM
u!nmt,icial fruit, enbiii. For price cull
on V. M. Fretu-h, room 7, Jackson
Comity lliiuk thg.
I'OK SA LK lit'liiHjui! htiH'iit, SO non.
li inilfs 'ut Mi'tlfonl; "i prni-ticallv
l'Vtl, Imlaiu'c easy grade ami coven'tl
wiih go. fiu'l timber; - springs; very
i-)n;ip. V. M. Freiieh, room 7, Jack
"nn County Hank bMtf.
I OH SALK Two lots in MiMftml, 100
with 2n (i year old pear trees.
I;i(iiire Wootlluiry Magie, t'hoeni.
Olefin. 272
FOli SA1.K Two gasoline wood sawing
iiKu hines in good condition, nnd ft wort
horse. M. M. Maine. Medford. Or. 271
FnR SALK-liood residence lots, clos.
in; also good 5 acre ord'ard; dual witli
owner; ive commission. Address .1.
eare of Tribune office.
FOli SALE House, lots and land in
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one
nere to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe
nix. Or.
FnK KKXT Xew G mom dwelling; all
.ii grniind floor; sidewalk ts hou4;
.laikaon sirrvt, between U and U. 270
. i